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hello hi can you introduce yourself name and where you're from I'm Mona from Switzerland I'm Kimmy from Germany Germany nice to meet you my name is D nice to meet you so you have friends and like you came here as a tourists or uh we are classmates at the Japanese language school oh really yeah you're living here yeah for right now yes for right now oh I just arrived one month ago yeah I arrived last week and I'm just St yeah I'm just staying two week so I'm going home uh soon oh okay wow just a short stay I lived in a really small town in Switzerland so now to live in a really big city a huge difference but I like it okay have you like a sushi yet like since you came here or back home um in Switzerland like I had sushi before but it's like different and also way more expensive so I don't have like really often or a lot so how about you Germany is the same it's really expensive and I think it's different from Japanese uh Sushi ah I see yeah I hope you like the authentic real Sushi here yeah okay let's go you I don't know why s shop has beef I was wondering if it's maybe connected to the name or the history of the restaurant I don't know like so possible this is a w drink so please take thank you today the Japanese s pepper the pr and new Ginger hi this is appetizer for Japanese uh we sayi so before we we clear our hands with the towel uh what's the name yeah you know the world looks interesting yeah [Music] oh yeah oy also refreshing the lemon yeah shark F inside it I never had that was like fish but I didn't expect it to be so and also Turtle meat Turtle inside as what is it turtle turtle also never had that is that corn in there too yes like a small [Music] corn it's good I like it it's different it's something actually never sshi restaurants in switzland you only like usually just have this like I don't know typical or usual like just a common Rose different and like meas soup before like that's typical too usually different than here and for some reason like when they gave it to us I didn't expect it to be hot for some reason I don't kind of looked like it was like C soup I see and then it was hot so didn't expect that deer it's a traditional beer from turkey or yeah hot is Japanese beer I only know and the cups are so small in Germany you always get like really I feel like the traditional ger de is stronger yeah stronger I think so like beautiful strange like the yeah you almost don't want to eat it because it looks so pretty uh this Japanese mozarella mozarella cheese Snappers uh dress Rish and not seawe and the last one we say a hold spon it's reminds me of something um it's good but it's like a bit different than we have a to I know what you mean yeah but um it's like really mild you know what I mean it's yeah didn't he mention Wasabi because I can taste wasi but so far it's really mild like not spice me too wait which way do you use it I love to say some dress yes I really like that one I like the the nut flavor it's like a little salad with more like a flavor this is looks like a tomato but f yeah kind of reminds me ofes yeah I F the same but my mother usually eats them dried like you can buy dried FIS and it's also the same color it looks like exactly the same if it fits in your mouth oh yeah it does remind me of mango but I also expect it to be sweeter but I really like it that it's a bit sour after like it mixes well with all the different appetiz really nice closure to the menu this is that our squid our squid but the egg powder it gives it really nice T yeah yeah something is really fresh like I expected it way to be more Che like if you eat Calamar like they're really mhm you almost P your teeth but it it feels like refreshing this like green one is the skin of the uh lemon or lime we I use I use that's really yeah you can eat wasabi well it was just a little bit you still like can taste other flavors because usually if you eat too spicy food you can't taste anything anymore traditional to put always M on Sushi or do you like dip it for yourself because like in Europe I think usually you don't put any Wasabi and sushi so everyone can put Wasabi on by themselves not on top of sushi but in between rice and fish they always sometimes they use like a salt instead of Wasabi or they sometimes use like a mustard it depends on the fishon Bonito fish it looks like a but it's actually different it's different it Bonito fak yeah yeah or Brown flake fles takoyaki are the octopus octopus and like round is like this it looks like a pancake thingy but it's the egg yeah I I never had that so maybe maybe one day why I hear TR what brought you here why you came to Japan Japanese I know but why you Pi Japanese language um well we I think we both grew up with Manga and Anime and so I don't know I always watched anime in Japanese and I always felt like the language sounds so interesting and that's why I wanted to learn what's your favorite anime manga you have way too many um I don't know first ones was uh inha in okay but yeah me so many how about you almost the same um just when I watch anime for example I was had to put subtitles on to understand the anime and I kind of got annoyed because I was like I want to understand them without reading the subtitles it's a little distracting okay and um yeah I really like the sound of the Japanese language and then I thought Japanese so hopefully one day I'll be able to watch my anim subtitles this time you you only stay in Tokyo for month no no just two weeks yeah because I need to go back to work yeah but um maybe I'll or I hope I'll come back soon and extend my my stay here do you guys speak German when you talk each other because you you also speak in German yeah yeah we have children yeah we speak German but I speak my family Swiss usually oh you have your own language yeah well not officially but yeah French and Italian French and Italian okay like yeah part of my family speaks French like they live in the French part and my grandfather's family used to be from Italian part so my family would speak all the languages but really confusing is Japanese Bonito just smoked uh dress with onion soy sauce you can smell the smoke right it just right here smok yeah I was wondering yeah oh so with the Z together yes Z together that's what Chef recommends how do you eat like it's a really big piece how do you eat it like maybe can buite in the house I was wondering [Music] so this is very premium go with this fisho so that's why Chef recommends us to drink together with his fish where's the s from is from do you know where is it's not in but it's here at the corner of that's yeah oh it's a different cup different cup special cup for S this one is very small cup but we don't sh we just [Music] sit so it's like you you take bite and then you zip and yes first really sweet yeah the flavor is very fruity yeah yeah like pineapple I think hepple too yeah yeah yeah yeah I was thinking like P is actually made of rice because of the yeast and because of the rice in water that makes it different flavor a special kind of yeast and makes this flavor [Music] yeah but it's really tender like wow cuz I thought like smoking it would be more raw like it's really good didn't expect that yeah good yeah goes really well I love that fish I wish I could eat that every day it's so really some you you don't have to chew it all yeah the fish the orange color is a low low she cucumber and use flour so this like a white one is a [Music] t well I'm not sure I don't know what sorry confused okay I this one is but actually a fish it's fish interesting I think it's the very first time I'm eating yeah for me too I can't make it up with the Cucumber cucumber is supposed to dat I see cucumber isn't that off it's not common to eat but sometimes if you go to like a special restaurant like here sorry I really feel honored that we get to Japanese food just drink it yeah just drink it at like a soup we don't use all right that's why you say like you drink soup right not us because we did this in German you say you eat soup okay but here it's like n yeah yes it's different than Mis usually you just get misu soup so it's really nice to have something different so is all of this local food like it's all by Japanese yes that's also probably why Sushi is so different here because swiz doesn't have any SE yes I mean we just have legs but still like that's why the sushi tastes so different because we don't have like this fresh fresh fish and it's so much more expensive in German yeah you didn't expect so much food with sushi sush just like cold dish I mean this I was like oh my God this is even Sushi oh yeah yeah Sushi is next how called Chef like recommend something like a whole course not but like another word yeah oh yeah I think oh yeah yeah that one oh okay it's allak so I don't even know like what's coming next where like the chef does like recommend or like put together a many things the best and also it's good to sit in front of the chef like at the counter you can see he making really interesting to see because usually you just have the the Finish food the process we use finger to eat it oh finger yeah we don't have to use chopsticks if you want you can use chopsticks as well but yeah I didn't know you eat your fingers yeah sna Snapp Snapper sna so there's no wrong way to do it just yeah you can use your finger to eat it in one yeah once once also again so tender like M the rice feels but tastes different they use vinegar vinegar yes sour you notice like the quality it's like yeah yeah tastes really tender and fresh here they gry like this do you put how does it is it like a plant yeah it's a plant are you just you just GR this time he uses soy sauce oh really yeah Japan usually don't like dip if you go to like a compation your de but this this kind of restaurant because he wants to add right amount of soy sauce not the Sal tast soy sauce yeah almost like what say soaked or like because yeah I'm used to dip it very fres I think it add a nice flavor Fri a Fri doesn't look like Sid at all yeah that's what I thought def never had that time SSH before you before you're like like a h it's like a mint of yeah chopped SP first time too me too [Music] yeah it's different tastes yeah but like we had Sid before but it doesn't like tastes similar different but I didn't expect that taste at all I expected something different more like this squid yeah when when you think about squid you know how squid tastes and then eat it and then just different I can't even describe it I thinka goes really well to all those easy to drink mix really well with the fruit baby it's not the same as it's not the same as was scared of letting fall just melts on your tongue yeah yeah I'm surprised it's a really so like tender and soft nice yeah it's soes tickles pickles yeah yeah It looks interesting the little yeah I've never eaten that before yeah everything is new to I Like it Like It's So Different I've never had like sour it's really good but try back after that really nice cuz it's sweet and it goes really well that's ni we drink more that's a good strategy for restaurant to make he tried to get SK SK embarrassing to but also is sushi with baby like the [Music] car it's pretty big but try to eat one by it's really love [Music] sushi good sweet kind of sweet yeah it's a bit sweet yeah that's good a this is so sweet to sauce a re out so please take care you cross I never expected y to be so soft softt yes I know I thought it's more like squishy yeah it's really soft I didn't expect that so this R style andet wow really good yeah it's not chewy or anything yeah I thought e would be really really chewy not like actually reminds me more like fish eating fish I like the SE because of the sushi before there wasn't any seed I usually just a sushi with like yeah there are so many types of yeah V it's also V [Music] oh it's very different to the fish yeah but it's really good and also again it's so [Music] soft beef is really good again it's really I know tender how do you call it tend bye I wish had more more meat in it so delicious Japanese beef is also good yeah of course like raw fish is pretty special but beef I you to try also Japanese beef like one in Switzerland V is really famous but also like really really expensive okay we finish sadly okay thank you so much yeah thank you too for inviting us thank you okay bye bye bye by thank you
Channel: 日本食冒険記Tokyo Food Adventures
Views: 446,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 外国人, 日本食, 外国人の反応, 日本食に感動, 寿司, 鮨, 鮨に感動, 人生初, 和食, 日本が好き, カルチャーショック, 日本食冒険記, 海外の反応
Id: mmM0rMoN8TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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