C8 Z06 v.s. Ferrari 458 - FULL SOUND COMPARISON | REDLINE, Acceleration, Interior revs & more
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Channel: TheCarKraze
Views: 209,598
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Keywords: c8 z06 review, Porsche 992 GT3, carwow, thestradman, thecarkraze, TheCarKraze, c8 zo6, c8 z06, C8 Z06, C8 ZO6, 992 gt2rs, 992 gt3rs, 992 gt2 rs, new porsche cayamn, c8 zr1, c8 zora, corvette z06, corvette zora, zora, c8 corvette zora, joyshift, fh5 sf90, fh5 c8 z06, Doug Demuro, DDE, Tesla Cybertruck, iphone 14, iPhone 14, iPhone 2022, iphone 2022, 2022 iphone, 2023 iphone, iphone 15, apple car, sony car, hydrogen car, Ferrari Purosangue, purosangue, ferrari purosangue
Id: 14-etM8i4XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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