C# Tutorial - Webcam Face Detection for .NET using EMGU.CV in C# | FoxLearn

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Welcome to FoxLearn In this tutorial, I'll show you how to detect faces from webcam using the Emgu.CV library You should create a new Windows Forms Application project to practice this demo After you finish creating the Windows Forms Application project you need to open your form designer, then drag the Label, Combobox PictureBox and Button controls from the Visual Studio Toolbox to your form designer You can create a simple user interface that allows you to detect faces from your webcam using the Emgu.CV library Right click on your project, then select Nuget Manage Packages Next, You need to search and install the AForge library to your project AForge.NET is an open source c# framework designed for developers and researchers in the fields of Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence image processing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, machine learning, robotics, etc The AForge.Video.DirectShow library contains classes, which allow to access video sources using DirectShow interface. Such as, USB web cameras, capture devices, video files, etc You need to detect the webcam from your computer, then add the webcam name to the Combobox control You need to add a new frame event handler that allows you to detect faces captured from your webcam then we will update the image to the PictureBox control You should close the webcam when closing your application You need to install the Emgu.CV library from the Manage Nuget Packages to your project Emgu.CV is a cross platform .Net wrapper to the OpenCV image processing library Allowing OpenCV functions to be called from .NET compatible languages such as c-sharp, VB, C++, IronPython etc We will load the training data into the CascadeClassifier class The CascadeClassifier class helps you detect objects in the video stream You should download training data from the Github website, then copy training data into your project You should copy the image object captured from the webcam into the Bitmap class After detect face is finished, we will get an array of rectangles Next, You need to draw the rectangle on the Bitmap, and finally display the Bitmap into the PictureBox control Thank you for watching this video and don't forget to subscribe to my channel
Channel: Fox Learn
Views: 49,002
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Keywords: foxlearn, c#, .net, webcam face detection in c# using emgu cv, camera face detection in c# using emgu cv, face detection in c# using emgu cv, face detection emgu cv c#, face recognition using webcam in c#, face recognition in c# using emgu cv, face recognition in c# windows application, c# face matching, c# face detection webcam, face detection project in c#.net, camera face detection in c#, face detection program in c#, c# emgu cv, c# emgucv webcam face detection, face detection
Id: FvUdVYEhvHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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