C# Tutorial - Print Receipt using Report Viewer | FoxLearn

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Welcome to the FoxLearn Today we will learn how to create a receipt report You need to create a simple receipt class We will design a simple UI that allows you to add product and print receipt You need to add a bindingsource to datagridview The BindingSource component serves two purposes First, it provides a layer of indirection when binding the controls on a form to data This is accomplished by binding the BindingSource component to your data source, and then binding the controls on your form to the BindingSource component All further interaction with the data, including navigating, sorting, filtering, and updating, is accomplished with calls to the BindingSource component Second, the BindingSource component can act as a strongly typed data source Adding a type to the BindingSource component with the Add method creates a list of that type You need to add a report viewer control to print form Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 includes report design functionality and ReportViewer controls so that you can add full-featured reports to custom applications Reports may contain tabular, aggregated, and multidimensional data ReportViewer controls are provided so that you can process and display the report in your application We will design a simple receipt report You can add parameters to ReportViewer Report parameters enable you to control report data, connect related reports together, and vary report presentation You can use report parameters in paginated reports you create in Report Builder and Report Designer, and also in mobile reports you create in SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher You need to set datasource and parameter to your report Thank you for watching this video
Channel: Fox Learn
Views: 177,153
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Keywords: print receipt in c#, print receipt c#, c# print receipt printer, visual c# print receipt, how to print receipt c#, print receipt using c#, c# print receipt example, printing a receipt in c#, printing a receipt c#, c# print receipt, print receipt in c# windows application, print receipt printer c#, print receipt code in c#, c# print receipt template, receipt printing demo - c# with windows forms, print invoice c#, report viewer c# tutorial, c#, c# receipt printing, foxlearn, .net
Id: JoiLvAmksco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2016
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