C# Tutorial - Print Orders/Receipt using Crystal Report | FoxLearn

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Welcome to the FoxLearn Today we will learn how to create a crystal report First, We will design a simple UI that allows you to filter records between two dates You need to install dapper from nuget Dapper is a high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, SqLite, SqlCE, Firebird etc Object relational mappers have been in use for a long time to eliminate the impedance mismatch that exists between the object and data models in an application Dapper is an open source, lightweight ORM developed by the Stack Overflow team, that's very fast compared to other ORMs primarily because of its light weight Dapper was built keeping performance and ease of use in mind It provides support for both static and dynamic object binding, using transactions, using stored procedures and also bulk inserts of data Now, we will write query to filter orders between two dates You need to add a connection string to the app.config file We always use Connection String in forms that we design, but when you design a big software you should set the connection string for once and use it in many forms In this method you use the name of the Connection String instead of the connection string text Every time you want to change the connection string just change the main connection string in the App.Config file By this method you don't need to change all of the forms in your project, just change the Connection String in the App.Config You need to create an orders class to mapping data return from sql You need to add a binding source to datagridview The BindingSource component serves two purposes First, it provides a layer of indirection when binding the controls on a form to data This is accomplished by binding the BindingSource component to your data source, and then binding the controls on your form to the BindingSource component All further interaction with the data, including navigating, sorting, filtering, and updating, is accomplished with calls to the BindingSource component Second, the BindingSource component can act as a strongly typed data source Adding a type to the BindingSource component with the Add method creates a list of that type You need to create an orders details class to mapping data return from sql We will get current orders, then get orders details by order ID You need to create a new crystal report, then add a datasource to the crystal report and design a simple orders report You need to add parameters to the crystal report Now, you need to create a print form To run the crystal report you need to Set useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy is true Thank you for watching this video
Channel: Fox Learn
Views: 197,832
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Keywords: crystal reports receipt, C# Crystal Report, print crystal report c# code, crystal report c# tutorial, print invoice c#, print order c#, c# print receipt template, crystal report tutorial c#, crystal report in c# windows application, c# print receipt, c# print receipt printer, create a crystal report in visual studio 2015, foxlearn, c#, crystalreport, sap report, business objects reporting, crystalreportviewer c#, print bill receipt in c# windows application, c# report generator
Id: 079OLMGqZwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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