C# Tutorial - Insert Update Delete Search data from local database | FoxLearn

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Welcome to the FoxLearn Today we will learn how to insert, update, delete, search data from local database First, You need to install the package materialskin. The materialskin is a .NET WinForms Themes You need to create a new tab, then add a reference to the materialskin library We will design a simple UI that allows you to insert, update, delete and search telephone diary from local database You need to create a local database, then create a phonebook table to the local database You need to add a bindingsource to your controls The BindingSource component serves two purposes First, it provides a layer of indirection when binding the controls on a form to data This is accomplished by binding the BindingSource component to your data source, and then binding the controls on your form to the BindingSource component All further interaction with the data, including navigating, sorting, filtering, and updating, is accomplished with calls to the BindingSource component Second, the BindingSource component can act as a strongly typed data source Adding a type to the BindingSource component with the Add method creates a list of that type We will use the TableAdapter to insert, update, delete data TableAdapters provide communication between your application and a database More specifically, a TableAdapter connects to a database, executes queries or stored procedures, and either returns a new data table populated with the returned data or fills an existing DataTable with the returned data TableAdapters are also used to send updated data from your application back to the database TableAdapters are created with the Dataset Designer inside of strongly typed datasets You can create TableAdapters during creation of a new dataset with the Data Source Configuration Wizard You can also create TableAdapters in existing datasets with the TableAdapter Configuration Wizard, or by dragging database objects from Server Explorer, onto the Dataset Designer While TableAdapters are designed with the Dataset Designer, the TableAdapter classes generated are not generated as nested classes of the DataSet They are located in a separate namespace specific to each DataSet Thank you for watching this video
Channel: Fox Learn
Views: 108,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learning local database through c# projects, foxlearn, insert update delete search in c#, insert update delete search in c# net, c# database, c# insert update delete and view data from database in .net, insert update delete c#, insert update and delete in database with c#, insert update delete c# sql server, insert update delete database c#, insert update delete database in c#, c# insert update delete, material design c#, material design, c#, google material design, material ui
Id: p2SedMeLQo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2016
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