Entity Framework 6 Basics in WPF | Creating Simple Database Application

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in this video we will learn that how we can develop a data-driven WPF application in which we will create service based database which means that a small data base five within our project and we will develop a small crude operation in which we will be adding a doctor into our database we will be loading the doctor from the database and we will also updating the doctor information from that isn't stored inside the database and we will update the doctors and we will also remove the doctor from the database and these operation we will perform and we will see that how we can do this and all these will be done with the help of entity framework 6 and we will be using linked URIs that we have learned in our previous video and we will see that how we can develop a very small database based application in which we will be doing the transaction with the single entity that is a doctor in hospital management system so let's see that how we can do this in WPF to start working with database based application we need to add a database into our project that would be a local database file so I can go in to add a new item so under data I have several options and here you see a service based database so I can rename this database as say for example hospital management system or hospital management DB I will add this MDF file and we have stands for Microsoft database file so I will add this so this will add this local database file inside my project so you see that this file has been added over here and I can manage this database inside this visual studio environment so long with MDF I we always have a deified as well for the logs I'm having this option and if you don't have this option to add this service base database so I will ask you to go and create a new project basically I want open never use to the Installer so if I open a major studio installer when we install the desktop tools all the tools available for the desktop development so under that tools we see that we have we used to do Express SQL Express so under this dotnet development tools that you have already installed you see that you have SQL Server Express 2016 local dB so if it's not installed you need to check this and you need to use - all this and you need to update your visa studio environment and these drivers and so on so so to manage this database I can just double click on this database file and on the left side I have a server Explorer and you see that inside this server Explorer I have this database already connected I can remove other database connections so this is the database connection that I will use to do environment is managing and creating I can manage this database from this video studio environment which means I don't need to have separate tools to manage this data path and you see that basic database management system options are available over here let's say tables and views and stored procedures and so on so we need to work with the tables there is no table inside this I can refresh and see there is no table I can add a new table by right clicking so add a new table you will see tsps script also that would be generated from the designer so we have a small designer over here and we can create our database or manage our database inside this environment so it's loading the design surface so by default one field has been added which is ID and it's a primary key and you see that either man is over here we can add some other data data for example I am creating a table for doctors so let's possible I you say that doctor's name so I can have like watch r200 for example and I'm along allowing Nell in this and maybe specialization of the doctor and I can select the type data type and maybe designation or the qualification although we can have a separate database a separate table for the qualifications because normally doctors have multiple qualification and I want to see the detail of those qualifications one more thing I want to mention over here that if I right-click on this and I can go into the properties of any field one thing I want to make over here is that I want to make this identity : so when I make it as identity : it will be increment by 1 automatically and I don't need to manage this ID and for saving this database I first have to name this table from this script and I can call it let's suppose a buddy this is the table for doctor and all the doctors would be managed and now I need to update because if I press ctrl s it will ask me to save this SQL script but I need to press this Update button and this will update and it will prepare the update scrap and I will get the log over here if there is an any error I will receive that error over here and I can fix that error so it's almost done and I can update database and update completed so I can close this window and I can go back to the server Explorer and I can refresh and see that this table is over here now I can manage data within value studio I can just right click on it and I can view the data with the show show table data I can also add new table let's add some data inside this dr. table so you see that ID is null and it's a kind of food graves which means that it's not editable I cannot write I cannot type in because it will be managed through this database so that say for example I can add a name let's say for example dr. hamid reza specialisation is automatic I don't know the spelling is correct or not so MBBS is the qualification and if I press tab a new record has been added over here I can add another doctor doctor name is Lucy Martin and she is [Music] like skin specialist dermatologists other way other and her qualification is MVPs as well so now I'm actually adding this data and I can review and do that data if i refresh or I can show that data again so you see that this data has been displayed over here and that's how we can manage our small database file I can go to the solution Explorer and this is our database file this which is actually managed over here we have successfully created and added a database file we can also work with the other database options such as some live server server on local machine on the live server the thing is that we need to communicate with the database and we need to develop our desktop application so that we can do the transaction in the database we can do the crude operation we can create a new record we can update we can delete and for those operations in the.net most of the time people prefer and it is preferred to use entity framework so for this I need to manage NuGet packages for this solution that's a for example Mary do get package for solution I can also choose to have it for the project as well I need to search for the entity framework and entity framework 6 would be used entity frame f6 I must need to install this and reframe work in my project so that I can perform all the operations because entity frame a provides us RM and that is object relational mapping so we can actually install this get a stable version through do great packages so packages third-party packages are managed through nougat norm so I accept the license it's installing entity framework 6.4 so now it's being installed and I can go and see the references that entity framework has been added over here and there are some more changes in AB dot conflict so you see and T data model has been added and it came back has been added over here and now I can close this and we can create our first ad adorn an object so to do this I will add new item and in data I will create a beard ordinate entity data model so I will create or name it as T for example hospital management system models so I will add this and now it's asking me or giving me some options that every frame a designer from database and Rephaim world design model and the empty code first model code first from database so in our case we already have a database which means that we will create entity designer from database and create a model inanity designer based on existing database so we already have database we are not doing this in code first we can do this that we can create models and then we generate database from those models that is called a code first that we might cover later on but right now we have existing database and we want to create model because any Defamer provide as the object relational so that in the database there would be tables but in our C sharp and in our project those tables would be classes would be treated as classes and we will be doing all the transactions through the objects of those classes so if I press next it's asking me to choose and as I explained earlier it's not not necessary that we need to have this local DB this can be any other database which mean that I can manage the connection and I can choose that I need to connect with the SQL Server and when connecting me the Haskell server database I can provide the the hostname in case of remote server and I can provide other credentials like username and password and so on so this is the DB entities that would be saved in the configuration and this this collection string would be generated automatically we don't need to write any connection string it will be managed through the entity framework now I can choose the tables which I want to bring in in as in as a classes and models so in this case we have only one table so I will bring this table and PluralEyes means that it will make this as a collection which means that it will make it doctors we will see later on that how it will happen so include foreign key column in the model yes we warned that because we might need to see the ID at all so let's I finish this so you see that our EDM x-component had has been added over here and if I go and see the solution Explorer and inside solution Explorer you see that this EDM X which is Hospital management system models has been added and you see that this dr. dot CS has been added over here and if I open this dot C is file you see that the corresponding class has been created which is a DR class and it has ID name specialization and qualification and you see that it did the mapping according to the type that we selected in the database so in the database it was an Tedder it was watch out for the name it was watch out for specialization and quantification as well and it automatically selected the corresponding most relevant field which is in C sharp which is spring and we would be doing all the transactions through this this this model which is dr. class and this is our EDM X and we can do our visualizes in this way and we have this our model and we will be doing all the transactions with the help of this model so let's see how we can do this let's add WPF window I will add new item and in WPF I will create a new window I will name it as WPF let's say 8 and T framework and Hospital man in your system I will just copy this because I need to put this in abroad Simon so I will open em dogs Amal and I will say that I want to run in this application save this this is our application and this is our window which is WPF hospital management entity framework and now I need to do these database transactions so let's first bring the data from the database so this is our database and it it is having four fields and very few records - records we have inside this database and I will just first I need to do is that I need whenever I do the transaction I need to create the object of this data context class right so I will create the object out at a context class over here which is hospital management DB and peas so let us call it D be new and T's so I will create the object over here of this DB entities and you see that this DB dot is having the doctors so that's what it is making it plural over here because the table name is dr. and because it's a collection which means this this would be containing the all the doctors this table would having all the doctors so it automatically make it plural so entity framework did that so we don't need to confuse that the table name is doctor and it's doctors over there because it's referring over here with the collection of doctors so it pluralized itself so I can bring the data from these doctors and because it's a collection now because if you see the DB dot doctors is a collection of DB set all right so DB set is the collection in which we have the database and all the models or the all the objects would be managed this is our DB object and we can manage that in this case we will write the simple link QE to retrieve the data I will write which for example talks from letter D in DB dot doctors so in this case collection is DB doctors and I will select D and I will say that C for them for each the result which is Doc's and I will just console dot write line which is Doc's dot sorry item dot which is one doctor item dot ID name calculation so let's say name and [Music] that's a qualification so I'm bringing two fields only so if I run this application it will after the initializing components of this window it will create the object which means that it will establish the connection with the database and after that it will be curing the database and in this case I'm curing the doctor table through the doctors collection and I'm fetching all the records and I'm just not putting any where clause we will do that after this and after the desert I am just operating through and putting on the console so let's do this so let's run this so you see here in output window is the name of the doctor and the qualification has been output over here and we have only two doctors in the database or in this table so these doctors are output over here so DB or database entity is actually something that is communicating with the database that's great and the middleware that is communicating with the database and doing all the transactions and we are just managing the list over here and we are retrieving data through this place using a link we can further enhance this link and put a where clause let's say for example I want to see that I want to see the doctors having for example name dot starts with doctor e in this case we have on the one doctor that is dr. Emma starting with a and we will get the result we should get the result of that doctor only so in actually we have two doctors but we actually filter out the result and we can do this another thing is let's visualize and see the things on the window so I can add that a grid that a grater is very popular and used to display the data whenever we retrieved from the database so I will just make it bigger size so that I can visualize it a tie in a better way I will name it as that's a grid of doctors and I can assign the data source the itemssource property to this grid at the for example this dot grid of dr. so items source in this case is the collection of Doc's which is the result and I'll convert it into the list because Doc's will be I in the manip I in a enumerable type so doc start to list would convert it in the list and in this case we can do this just the way that we did in the data binding this is our list and this is our data grid and in this case this is the list of doctor objects so if I run this it should bring all the doctors in the grid data grid along with the headers so you see that we have ID we have name and we have specialization qualification of all the doctors and in data grade we have headers I such as over here and we can do the simple sorting with those headers although this is not suitable we can do the sorting like this normally ID is maintained as a data base level and I don't I don't want to display that ID and this ID must not be returned from my QD I can also do this and limit the Curie with the help of select new so I will do select new and I will say that I don't want to return all the fields but I want to return such as doctor name because name is the dot name which is D is single object of this doctor and the name is the property and I can use the letter speciality and I will bring specialization from there and you see now we have an added over here because the collection that would be returned over here in the docs is not the collection of doctors anymore it has some properties which are customized so now you see the doctor name over here and we don't have any qualification but we have speciality over here and similarly when we convert this into a list we will get the similar reserves so let's run this so now we have a doctor named as I had there and we have speciality as they heard that one thing that you need to notice that this property name that is a custom ly created overhead cannot have a name because that would be treated as a property and would be later accessed through the object name so because a variable name and class name and the property name cannot have space in them so that's why we cannot put any space inside this this property that we create and we decide that we need to it done and now you see that the ID is not returned only these two fields are returned so that's how we can kiri our database and we can return the query we can put some very Clause as we did in some other basic links and then we can assign the item source to the dessert and that's how we can do this so let's insert a new record between that we want to insert a new doctor in the database and to do this if we want to take user input from the input field so I need to have label and I need to have a textbox to take user input so label would be used to display the label of the field and textbox would be used to input the user data so let's first make it a bit of bigger text so that we can easy to see that I like Microsoft so I will change the fart like a soft tightly my clothes soft tightly so this is something that we want to take a user input for example this is I can say that this is the name of a doctor and textbox name would be txt to name and the text property should be empty I will just copy and paste this so that we input the specialization and another field is qualification I can arrange them in a better way but I am NOT right now focused on the design part named specialization and the qualification and the txt qualification txt specialization and these these are my input fields and definitely I need to have a button which is save or add so button I will add a button over here in the same font styling so I would rather make it like this so that I can copy the font styles and I can reuse that on the button as well and definitely we need to have a name for this as well definitely click even harder so now if I go and see the code we have a click even handler that will do the insertion operation and if you remember that this is something that is a middleware that would be talking to our database and we always need this DB annotate we can also create its object at the at the initialization of this window and then later on we can use this we can create the option later on and we can now insert the object so insertion is quite easy in entity framework the thing is that we need to create the object of dr. class and then we just do the insertion so first of all we need to create the object wrap suppose on Pearl that's a doctor object doctor and if you see that if I press control space while it's giving me all the properties and fears that are in the table so that if for example if I create first I will create a hard-coded dr. and at sea for example hard-coded doc and qualification I'm I will not insert the ID because it will be managed from the database so qualification is some qualifications and specialization is some specialization and this is that's how we create the object and D B dot doctors collection thought we will we will add this object and it's expecting the entry of the doctor and I will create or insert the object like this inside this so doctor the collection has now the doctor but it's not in the database it's at the memory level and at the application level right now to do the transaction in the database we can call the Save Changes method so Save Changes we'll update the database and all the changes that is done on the DB entities and DB context that would do the changes so we need to add the object in the collection which is at memory level and Save Changes we'll do the update because if we don't call safety in it it will not do the inserts in the database so let's first try this and see if if it's added or not another thing that I want to do over here is I can add another button at a for example but I can I want this formatting the font and the text I will reuse this and I will just rename it as BTN load doctors and I will rename the I will change the text and I will create a new event over here in that event I actually want to load the doctors as well so once the doctor has been loaded as well whenever we load the application and I also want to do this when this has been this button has been pressed so another interesting thing that I am going to tell you right now is if I don't want any filtering because we use link for the filtering I can do another thing is that I can directly map with the doctors collection in this case the entire list would be shown in the grid so if I run this so initially this has been surance if I press load doctors it will again load the list of doctors and the thing is that what we want to do is if I press add button so in add button it will create the object of deme data and we'll add in the connection and this a reddit and when I press the load doctors button it will load from the database so if I add it must do the add operation and if I load the doctors its loading from the database so you see that this doctor has been added a new doctor has been added so if I had and you see that ID has been managed automatically added at the base level if I press add and if I load doctors you see another same object has been added and the new ID has been assigned automatically and similarly we can do this that instead of hard-coding we can take user input so txt name dot txt similarly txt qualification dot txt and similarly txt specialization dot txt and now it will work on user input but before going to this I will just tell you an amazing behavior of this application the thing is that all the dummy data has been removed I will explain this later so doctor specialization is cardiologist and he is FBC F I don't know what kind of specialization is doing this so if I load this this has been added from the list and similarly if I add another doctor and it will be added in the list as well not she's guest role exists I really don't know what kind of just they are so if I load another doctor has been added and you see that if I close this application and if I run this application the doctor that has been added into the database will be gone so I will explain that why it's happening that the doctor that we added it's not there so doctors that we see over here are the only doctors which we added in the database and these are in the database file you so the problem is that if you look at the properties of this file copy to or could directly copy always which means that the database file that you see over here the data inside this file is a local copy of this database file which is part of this product so whenever we run this project it goes into the corresponding debug or release folder that are maintained inside this project so if I go or if I let it for them to show the hidden files so you see that we have a bin folder which is hidden it's not shown over here in the solution so it has a debug and release folder as well so if I open the debug folder you see that some DLL files has been added and you also see that Hospital management DB file has been added over here as well and the executable file actually or the project actually executes for mayor so if I go and open file and file explorer so you see that in debug we have this database file and we also have this project so if I run this project from here and if I add new doc let's add him has been added and him has been added so if I close my application and if I launch my application we see this Doc's these doctors are already there now this time data has not been removed so what happens is that whenever I run this application it will copy this database always into the output directory which means that it will replace the database every time when I run my application from here or debug my application so the thing is that if I if the copy is newer I can do either of the options so if I choose do not copy it will cause an error for the first time definitely if I say that copy if near which means that the source database of the original file has been changed and the destination has the older database it will replace the database file so if I run this one now if I load doctors these are two doctors so if I add a new dock loading adding an another floating so if I close this and if I run this so you see that doctors we see the consistent doctors that has been added over there because now that a base has not been copied but we need to be careful that whenever we change in database it might get errors so we need to update it database in the destination folder as well to view that database status in output directory it's easy I will just double click on it and you see that another correction has been automatically created in the server Explorer and I can use the data in the output directory because this data is in the local file which is part of our project so if I view this data it has only two doctors and if I view the data from this table it has the four doctors now which means that when we deploy our application we deploy the database and also we deploy the application as well the executable file the binary file so that's the problem that normally we get while developing the service base database because it's a file and that file is copied in output directory every time whenever we run the our application so we if we get through such problems we actually fix in this way so let's update record in the database to do this we are getting the doctors in the grid so we can do one thing is that we can select one doctor from the grid and we can update the record of a doctor it's possible if I select a doctor and I can update like it's editable but not necessarily that we are getting the view in this way this will not update we'll do it over here but it will not update the data in the database so it's not doing in the database it's just in the grid only so if you want to attach this with the fields first we need to understand that how update worse in entity framework so I will add an event handler over here that is if I double click on this grid so selection change even has been added otherwise you can add it on your own so let's say change will actually identify that which object has been selected so I will not take a soul or log this dot grid doctor's dot selected item so I will put a breakpoint over here so that I see that which doctor has been selected so if I run this initially if you remember that we are customizing the the query result so that the doctor name and speciality is shown so if I select this doctor and if I mouse over and you see that this object of a doctor has been selected it has no ID and it also does not contain the qualification field and it is a custom doctor field so if I press search for them the 5 and continue if I load doctors and if I continue this and if I select any doctor over here you see this time we have a complete object of a doctor having the ID and so on so ID is a unique key and based on that we can do the search and perform the update because there is a possibility that that in the system there is a doctor with the same name with the same qualification these a lot of other similar things so normally we do the update based on the ID but first understand that how this upgrade is going to work so I'm going to add another button over here which is an update button so let's say for example I will change it to make it BTN update doctor update doctor and I will change or remove the even Handler and I will create my own even-handed over here so to update the doctor it's quite easy using link the thing is that it keeps track of the Curie and make the changes over there so let's say for example if I copy the existing code so I QED database and I'll say that the result is from the in DB dot doctors and I will say that where d dot ID is equal to 1 and select doctor so I'm going to select a doctor and I can actually show you what is possible in a message box so dot r dot because R is of type that can be of a list so I will it's better if I do for each for each loop and in this case I have a collection and message box dot show will give me the item dot that's a doctor name so I am filtering the doctor based on this and I will get the result that's father when the email of doctor having ID one so I will take you to step by step so that you understand and how a blade was so this is a doctor having ID one if I load and you see this is the ID one doctor and so to update that I'm having this R which is a reserved so I need if am work perform this which is called a kind of a tracking so it will track the changes in the object so if I say that are dot sorry are item dot name is equal to dr. am updated updated his that his name has been updated and if I do DB dot Save Changes I guess so I am I getting through and chaining the doctor name so on this update dr. button click I'm retrieving the doctor having ID 1 and I'm changing it to the attending a to the doctor a man updated so if I update this so this is a doctor I'm going to change and if I load the doctors you see that doctor I haven't updated and if I rerun this and if I see that doctor has been changed over here which means our database has been updated so you see that how update operation works so whatever the QT result is I modify or make changes in the reserve and I just do the database changes and it will update the database based on the change I have performed on this object that has returned from the Curie similarly to update with the help of user input I will reuse these fields and I will create a copy of these fields and let's bring it over here and bring this down so let's for example I want to load this and this is the copy so I will not use this let's rename it from a so txt a name let's make it to specialization and qualification and as soon as I select an item from the list I want to populate this field and when I update it should be removed from here and that's how I can work around and see how I can do this through the UI so if I do this election upon this election I want to populate those fields so I know that this selected item is the the type of object of class so I can put a check over here that if so so if this dot items so the type of or get type is equal to type of type of doctor class if this is a type of doctor class then definitely I'm sure that I can I trade through and retrieve the items from this so I can say that this is the selected item and I can convert this into the class and or I can I know that this is this item is of type doctor so let's convert it into the doctor object sorry for the spelling mistake so now I can say that this dot txt name to which is used for the editing I can give it a proper name that's not a good name and the second thing is that this dot specialization to the dot specialization and we have an error however because I am NOT using dot text I'm just assigning the object to another object this dot txt qualification dot text which is a text input field and this is the qualification that I am going to bring in the field so I want to populate upon these selection so if I run this if I select this item you see nothing has been populated because this is not of type doctor because we customized it to doctor name and speciality that is not pure doctor object if I do this and I do the selection and upon the selection it should display the type over here but it's not doing this so let's figure out that what's happening over here so this is the selected items so that can be a collection itself right so which means that if I need to see that if section items is greater than or equal to zero then I need to perform this operation dot count and then I need to select the first index so I'm assuming that user is performing the fun selection at the same time or at the one time so I can also do it in a better way on the proper way that I need to identify the number of selected items and then see that how many item has been selected so I need to convert the one object not the multiple objects so if I load we have an error over a index was out of range so I also need to put this selected index so selector index must be greater than zero or equal to zero I can combine these two if condition as well so if the select certain index is greater then I need to perform these conversion otherwise if I do the selection outside this grid it also consider it as a selection so if I select this if I select this and again selected items is the error so I don't need to do the selected items I need to do the selected item with the one object only to convert one object only over here signor doctors now the doctor has been loaded over here and you see that these are the doctors and I'm showing this result now I need to change this and update doctor should update this record so to do this I need to track this because I'm having a doctor object over here and I can create the kind of a mechanism so that I need to get the ID of the doctor so I can quickly get one thing that I get the ID that's a possible updating doctor ID is initially units if M is zero and I can say that I'm updating this doctor so this dot updating doctor ID ID is equal to d dot ID now we have copied this ID that we are editing currently I can now modify this update and based on that ID I can look for the item and I can update that item this is the ID that I'm going to access and filter out is reserved and in this case I am sure that I'm going to get one result because the ID ID is unique so I can use one method that is single or default I can also use over here some people do this dot single or default in this case either I'm going to get that single object which means one object or I am going to get the null so single nor default method actually it tells me dr. object and I can see that if doctor objected because just to be very safe I can check that if obj is not equal to null which means I am going to get one object and I can change that object based on the data in the text fields so text name to dot text dxd specialization and also the qualification and last but not least safe ranges same thing is very important because if I don't do the safe changes it will not do the update it will not update the database and will not make any change in the database so it will be doing changing in the memory level only so let's do this I think everything will work so if I select one doctor over here did the doctor definitely I cannot see the reason because I am NOT updating this rate definitely when I update the doctor I also emptied his fields see that doctor has been updated so let's see and stop and see the change has been occurred or not if I reload you see that doctor has been updated so let's bring it back to this one I've been doctored and this has been updated and to remove the doctor from the list we can use the remove method from the collection so let's add a button to remove doctor from the list I will remove them a bit over here I will just copy this button and will reuse it small modifications so BTN delete doctor and its own method that will be used for the deletion so to delete the dr. definitely we need the DB contacts I can also make it a global one but let's do that later so we have doctors collection and we have a remove method which actually except the doctor entity which the witch doctor object we want to remove from this collection I need to pass this object and when I pass this object I need to save changes and the data will be removed from the list so to do in a simplest way I can have the same thing like this I need to select the single object and I need to remove that so I will just copy this and we'll do slight changes in that I didn't copy this so let's assume that I am selecting the doctor and based on the selection I want to remove that object and I don't need to do any abrasion and definitely I want to do the removal only was I have the doctor in the database otherwise I will not do anything and it changes similarly for the DB say Save Changes I don't need to do this if I am NOT modifying any object so DV dot doctors dot remove in this case I will pass this obj which is a doctor object and I'm checking there it's not null then definitely going to perform the delete operation otherwise I don't want to do this so delete is simple just the remove it will do the removal from the collection and then don't forget to do the save ten years because Save Changes will to form the change in the database otherwise it will be doing the removal in the local collection if I run this and if I select doctor and if I say delay definitely it should ask that I'll show you want to bleed the doctor but let's move this let's remove this one in the fourth one so I don't know if if the removal operation has the performance I need to load the doctors and it has been removed from the list and yes we need to ask user that are you sure you want to do this removal operation or not and I can put a nice message box and in the message box I can ask that delete doctor and the caption is this is the caption and I will use it as a caption the second argument and the first argument would be the message are you sure and let's see some other arguments and it's and other arguments are this message box button is ok and cancel yes no and I can say that message box image is a question or kind of a warning so let's give it a warning because I'm deleting data and message box result is No so that's how I can create this show and then this show actually returns me message box reserved and I can save it message box reserved because it's an enumerator let's say result a mystery box result is equal to this message and see that F message box wizard is equal to message box r dot e yes so f user agrees to delete then definitely I need to perform this operation otherwise I don't need to perform any operation and nothing will happen so if I delete it will show a message box delete dr. are you sure you want to delete the doctor if I say by default it's no if I press ENTER it will be canceled see the doctor is same over there but so you won't believe the doctor yes and then it's removed that's how we can further 4d conditions and do things like this so that's how we can develop a small application with a single entity having a service-based database and doing performing extrude operation adding a new record into a database and showing in the grade updating records in the database and we can do this and we can also perform the delete operation and this is something that we can do with the single entity definitely we need to move forward and work on with some complex database and we also need to see that what happens if I want to change or update the database what would happen that what kind of steps I need to perform so that I get the consistency between the objects which are generated through the entity framework and also the database updated database change so let's see how we can do this but this is the main concept of analytic framework that how we can perform the database transactions through our WPF application and the different work is not limited to WPF only we can develop any kind of Microsoft provided technology software's that can be a web console and any other application that we can think of and we can use and the framework with all of those but this was the basic idea using and taking the help of link and the database entities with the help of analytic framework and this is called a database first approach because first we created the database and then we later on converted or the migrated the database entities into models you
Channel: Code Synergy
Views: 8,815
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Length: 70min 7sec (4207 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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