C. G. Jung - The Wisdom of The Dream Vol 1 A Life of Dreams - Psychology audiobooks

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[Music] there was once a man who was born in a land of mountains where the people are self-sufficient and live close to the earth all his life he dreamed and investigated his own dreams and other people's patients came to him to try to understand the wisdom of dreams he was a successful psychiatrist who never cease to speak of the soul mythology and God he's a scientist a scholar and a traveler and always a dreamer his dreams have changed our ideas before he died he said my work will be continued by those who suffer his name was Carl Gustav Jung [Music] the American psychoanalyst dr. Joseph Henderson first met young in the 1930s it was more more wonderful than I had expected even a wonderful man to work with tremendous experience to work with to meet young it's almost impossible to describe what that was like a kind of union of a Swiss president an aha and a scholar and and something more of a more spiritual nature describes a man that technically should not exist but did we all dream just as we all breathe throughout history humankind has been intrigued by dreams and woken by nightmares more than any man or woman before him Carl Jung worked to understand where dreams came from and what meaning or purpose they had Jung's task was immense to define and understand the conscious and unconscious human personality described these unconscious can not be described because the unconscious as I must repeat myself is always unconscious and so we don't know our unconscious personality we have a hint we have certain ideas that we don't know it really nobody has a bear man and that is the the beauty of it you know it's very interesting cultures of man we can arrange for knows where they are going to make discoveries you made a host of discoveries his work begins in dreams but it lives in the real world he was a scholar whose determination to understand his own dreams has given millions of people around the world a new insight into their own psychology their dreams and their relationships Jung himself used to retreat from his family and his patients to the tower which he built for himself on the shore of Lake Zurich at Bolling gong the tower became the focus of his introspection and his creativity here at Burlington young found a piece of land that was really alone and untouched and did not have that sense of being encroached upon by neighbors once you got there it was like being in a different world it says how Young had chosen this place to symbolize and represent his own belief in the integrity of the individual to find his own space Young was an original he was also a loner even in childhood in his autobiography written when he was in his 80s he said I played a known daydream daugh strolled in the woods alone and had a secret world of my own the pattern of my relationship to the world was already prefigured today as then I am a solitary because I know things and must hinted things which other people do not know and usually do not want to know Jung's work began with the experiences of his own inner life his dreams led him to pursue medicine and psychiatry his analytical psychology was never a scientific theory but was the result of observing the inner life of his patients and the human quest for meaning through religion and mythology of all cultures this house in Coos nacht news Erick was where he studied painted received visitors and saw patients one of those who arrived on his doorstep and became his patient and later an analyst himself was a 26 year old American Joe wheelwright we didn't choose our profession our profession chose us but what we knew was that we were as neurotic as hell and we better run not walk too the nearest analysts in those days nobody went into analysis with the thoughts of becoming an analyst themselves I'd tried by trial an hour all these different things music and teaching all that stuff and writing and and all the bells were ringing and and the green lights were flashing and I realized that this was my calling this this was in this is what what I call God Albert and this is with the help it had in mind for me you know and I'd better go along and so I said I I would like to be an analyst and young threw his hands up and he said oh God it happens over all weekend and the patients say oh yes I want to do what you do I said oh hell I'm not that conceited I don't suppose I mean I do in the sense but of course I couldn't do it as well as you care geheime rats you know but I and he said well it's it's too bad and I said no but but this is will and I this is I'm different to which he replied he loved American slang and he replied I'll bet dr. Dieter Bauman is one of Jung's grandsons and is a union analyst himself practicing in Zurich he was not the kind of adult who would take an air of authority or superiority at an adult natural authority but he also needs he initiated me as a boy you know as a ten year old or 11 year old boy also he initiated me to drinking and to smoking they are I mean they are he was that way in a bad mood he could be quite unpredictable and rather frightening because he had a way of losing his temper about certain things that you had no way of understanding but as soon as he had let himself go and expressed his anger or stress or whatever it was he then immediately got to work to find out what was behind it and out would come something usually very helpful and curative both for him and for the situation from his earliest childhood he memorized and explored his own dreams and fantasies he thought it was worth knowing what dreams were and what useful information they might contain he was the first modern psychologist to believe that dreams were creative and relevant in understanding events in our real life before going to Basel University you must torn between studying archaeology and anthropology or the sciences he allowed his conviction in the wisdom of dreams to decide and the first dream I was in a dark wood that stretched along the Rhine I came to a little hill a burial mound and began to dig after a while I turned up to my astonishment some bones of prehistoric animals this interested me enormously and at that moment I knew I must get to know nature the world in which we live and the things around us then came a second dream again I was in a wood it was threaded with water courses and in the darkest places saw a circular pool surrounded by dense undergrowth half immersed in the water lay the strangest and most wonderful creature around animal shimmering innopolis enthuse and consisting of innumerable little cells or of organs shaped like tentacles it aroused in me an intense desire for knowledge so that I awoke with a beating heart these two dreams decided me overwhelmingly in favor of science and removed all my doubts as an analyst Jung's method was to treat dreams as facts which the doctor'll scientists could observe dr. Gerhard Adler who edited Jung's collected works and letters had his own experience of Jung's practical attitude towards the psyche my first interview with Jung was very significant I had a dream the night before in which I traveled to India it was I saw the circuit triangle of India and I landed somewhere on the coast I told the stream to him and instead of analysing he took a large atlas out and sat down with me near their town just beyond the chair and said be ready to ever show me this wasn't three minutes extremely important to me it showed me immediately that society dr. Mary Louise von France is an analyst whose work has covered almost as wide a span as Young's own on alchemy fairy tales dream symbols mythology in science now seriously ill dr. von France recalls her very first encounter with young and his insistence upon the reality of the psyche he talked about a crazy girl and said she was on the moon then talked about it it easy if it has been very real and being rational I was indignant and said she hasn't been removed Jung says yes she has the thought that cannot be I said that satellite of the earth there which is uninhabited she hasn't been there you just looked at you and said she has been on the moon and I thought that old man is crazy over I don't know I am stupid and then it suddenly dawned on me that he meant that what happened psychically is absolutely real to the one to whom it happens so I suddenly realized the reality of the psyche the girl was 18 years old and came from a cultivated family at the age of 15 she had been seduced by her brother and abused by a schoolmate from a 16th year on she retreated into isolation to tell me that she had lived on the moon as a result of the incest she felt humiliated in the eyes of the world but elevated in the realm of fantasy the consequence was complete alienation from the world a state of psychosis she became extra mundane as it were and lost contact with humanity [Music] by telling me her story she had in a sense betrayed the demon and attached herself to an earthly human being hence she was able to return to life and even to marry thereafter I regarded the sufferings of the mentally ill in a different light for I had gained the insight into the richness and importance of their inner experience to the psychotic patient the moon visit was real by taking it seriously and forming a human bond with the girl you enabled her to return into the world of concrete reality from which she had fled ultimately the psychosis subsided Jung's approach to the reality of the psyche was innovative and unique young was a typical Swiss citizen at heart happiest among the lakes and mountains on summer afternoons he would sail on Lake Zurich as he considered his research into psychological illness and the vivid material in his patients dreams his deeply rooted feeling for the Swiss landscape balanced his efforts to gain a clearer insight into the workings of the unconscious mind until late in life he would go driving up into the mountains as a child young went with his father to mount Ricci near lucerne having only enough money for one ticket Paul Young sent his son on the Mountain Railway alone standing on the mountaintop Jung later wrote that he felt himself to be in God's world the reality of the psyche underpinned all Jung's work and such was its impact that it brought new words into our everyday language it was young who first used the terms extrovert and introvert and the word persona for the mask which hides our true self he coined the word synchronicity for his theory of meaningful coincidence with Freud he alerted us to our complexes and made us aware of an unconscious dimension beneath concrete experience he defined the unconscious class everything in which I know under which I'm not at the moment thinking everything of which I was once conscious but have now forgotten everything perceived by my senses but not noted by my conscious mind everything which involuntarily and without paying attention to it I feel think when them that I want and do all future famous that are taking shape in me and will sometimes come to consciousness all this is the content of the unconscious the research comes to the question of the unconscious there things become necessary blur because your conscious is something which is really unconscious you have nothing you only can make inferences you know and so we haven't used to create a model this possible structure ok uncle just because we can't see to this end Jung developed the word association test the most familiar of all psychological testing devices which provided a means of locating what he chose to call a complex house the test requires the patient to say a word in immediate response to the doctors stimulus word the speed of response and the patient's pulse and respiration were measured at the same time Jung's innovation was to consider why some test words cause patients to hesitate or to become anxious and then I began to study these places in the experiment where the attention or the capability apparently of the test person began to wave or to disappear and I found soon out that it is matter intimate personal affairs people were thinking of all which were in them even if they momentarily did not think of them when they were unconscious with other words that nevertheless the inhibition came from the unconscious and Internet the expression is speech that's exactly the beginning of the whole development of Union psychology when he did this word association test and discovered that strange interferences from some somewhere else or somebody else in the way in which we try to react to answer and therefore he began to call this a complex Fenster often much of what we had hitherto regarded as senseless was not as crazy as its see more than once I have seen that even with such patience there remains in the background a personality which must be called normal it stands looking on so to speak hi dr. Jeffrey satin over is a psychiatrist and union analyst in Stamford Connecticut in the United States with computer technology he can measure the functioning of the brain far more precisely than Jung was able to do eighty years ago his use of visual or verbal stimulus and an electronic picture of the brains response timed in microseconds represent a high technology descendant of Jung's word association test basically what Jung did with the word Association experiment was used as stimulus and then measure physiological responses as they correlated to psychological responses so at the same time that he was taking careful note of the patient's associations the thinking that was taking place cognitively he was also observing pulse respiratory rate the volume of blood in the finger and skin conductivity all of which are essentially measures of anxiety he didn't conceptualize it that way at the time but basically what he was doing was was identifying the physiological components of an anxious reaction the polygraph or lie detector test is also derived from Jung's pioneering work the word association test conclusively identified the existence of an unconscious voice separate from the person's conscious mental processes what it reveals is that the physiology of the individual is a separate entity from from the ego so it's as though a a second personality is standing behind me when I'm taking a lie-detector test and you asked me a question that I don't want to acknowledge and I'll say no and the man standing behind me will say oh yes that's that's what the physiological response does so it it tells us just in irrefutable terms that there is a second entity second psychic center in in the human psyche and it's interested in truth [Music] psychological truth is revealed in dreams too and in rituals like the annual fast looked all over Switzerland especially in basel swiss order gives way to the disorder of the Piccolo's the Fife's and drums the confusion and color of a vivid Lenten carnival a carnival of truth Alice Gerhardt Adler it tells us the truth that the real adepts of human psychology this is socially hidden if you take say proverbially lettuce and Swiss suddenly it breaks out suddenly it is something there that one wouldn't expect but it is of course the toes physicists are really very vibe people for the proverbially reticent Swiss fast knack T is a license for misbehavior you'll first encountered fastened act as a medical student in Basel and later took some of his friends and pupils to witness firsthand this eruption of the National unconscious revealing perhaps the true identity of the Swiss well to identity in the unconscious since she had sight to themselves or years for themselves which usually didn't come out and the tall's wasn't as or just an experience of the wild fest not where they could let themself go the dieter Baumann as with his grandfather yo the first Nazi was an appealing free expression of the Swiss unconscious at the given point I think it has also to do with my age I I bought myself a piccolo and I started to practice and then I went I started to cool I liked the music until the whole the laughs and and skill and paying people take to create fast enough in Basel dozens of studios are devoted to the painstaking craft of styling and painting new masks each year young made the psychological observation that in daily life in every culture people wear a kind of mask which he called our persona the original meaning of the Latin word persona was an actor's mask compromise with what one likes to be with water or as one likes to appear yeah now this is not the real personality in spite of the fact that people will assure you that if that is all quite real and quite honest yet it is not now the such a performance or the performance of the it's quite alright as long as you know that you are multi-tentacled with the way in which you appear a ritual like Fasnacht allows the unconscious truth of the individual personality to emerge at first not everyone is masked in their masks they may insult their friends or colleagues by telling them the kinds of truths which for the rest of the year they might suppress it is the opposite of the masks which we normally wear in order to take our place in the world with a mask all the time and we have to get behind two masks we have to realize that we had the mask persona was also on the other end something necessary because we can't jump is our toe being at everybody we have to be very careful [Music] when Youngs party visited Basel they got up at 3 in the morning to witness the morgan strike as four o'clock approaches in the february cold all the streetlights are turned out and as the cathedral bells strike the our lanterns are lit the bands begin to march and to play their Fife and drums of each band clashing against the others the traditional pagan music drowns out the cold and the lanterns swirl their satire in the darkness this is the Morgan strike which ashes in three days of Fastnet revelry I happened to be in the army then and I was in the barrack it it was a former monastery on the other side of the Rhine and I was awaked by the so called Morgan strike which is the beat of the morning meaning the time beat and I went to the window and in the distance I saw the middle Rhine bridge and on the bridge is circulating lights which went from one side to the other and and vice versa we're here do you say Erie oh is that the world like elfs coming out of the ground of the town and it was terms and fives and his lights these spirits [Music] in the early hours the streets are filled with the noise and images of a crowded dream as day breaks the masks and costumes can be seen more clearly carnival weaves its way through the streets like an impromptu congress of fairytale characters as the light comes up so the dream fades masks are discarded or replaced by the more familiar mask of persona allowing basil's everyday business to resume for the morning as if nothing has happened [Music] first nook main parade invades the streets later in the day their marching bands playing what is called boogie music a raucous brass cacophony played deliberately out of tune the participants belong to cliques which every year decide upon a theme for their masks their lanterns and the huge heads which lead the bands through the streets [Music] clicks may be formed from a group of friends and professional groups like waiters or industrial scientists and there are a number of all women please note the politics ecology television personalities for elaborate cultural jokes are all pitched in to the carnival of propaganda what is particularly interesting I think about the posture first off because there are so many so-called Vitesse the figure of the variks is the ization peasant and have a very earthy character I should say at the very funny and they're of course very good days and I have depression nature he remains cyclically that actually we are peasants and should take care of the earth to Young's grandson dieter bauman the walkies reflect to lost sense of connection to the environment to young such ritualized performance expressed the true primitive unconscious beneath the technocratic persona Switzerland and of Basel he stirred spirit of the dead who become alive again it's the ancestral spirit one cannot really explain it but an aspect is certainly that the unconscious comes out and on one hand he deserve a connection with the heathen past and with the natural past and I think the fastener is a unconscious religion [Music] fast mark gives expression to the unconscious truth of the Swiss psyche unconscious religion is a theme which became prominent in Jung's ideas in later life by the time Jung had completed his studies in Basel he had himself experienced the reality of the unconscious psyche and the independent energy of dreams Jung began his professional career in 1900 he Merson married and the Rauschenbach and in 1908 the Jung's built the lakeside house of Coos nut where they spent almost 50 years together professionally Jung was following the lead of Sigmund Freud the Viennese originator of psychoanalysis and the study of the unconscious human Freud first met in 1909 they felt an immediate affinity for each other Young was the pupil and Freud the master Freud today is considered the more significant theorist and thinker but Jung's influence as a practical psychiatrist is equally important analyst Andrew Samuels you know it's possible to watch films on Jung to read books on Jung and not know that the guy was a psychiatrist but until he became old and rather bored with it he saw patients but he wrote paper after paper about how to do therapy that there are 1,200 Jungian analysts in the world and thousands more therapists who are influenced by Jungian ideas and by analytical psychology he was interested in psychopathology he had something to say about depression he has something to say about schizophrenia he had something to say about hysteria Jung regarded schizophrenic fantasies as having no less value than dreams and just as much reality of meaning for the individual patient his approach was completely new he invited his patients to paint their dream images or their fantasies and bring them to concrete reality his conviction in the reality of the psyche has in most many modern approaches to mental illness he must have been the first person in Europe to use dancing and art and things like that as therapy for patients he took the view that we needed to express ourselves and the works of art or the little talismans he called them that we produce our means to our own spiritual growth Yana saw the unconscious as creative and independent Freud thought it just contained what the conscious mind repressed investigated the unconscious agree with Freudian theory because I observed time and again that appearances LP beams or schizophrenic the patient's delusions practices contain the motives which type couldn't possibly have acquired Jung and Freud were very different men with different approaches their split followed Jung's most original and controversial discovery that of the collective unconscious an idea which characteristically he deduced from a dream [Music] I was in a house I did not know it was my house in the upper story there was a kind of salim furnished in Rococo style [Music] I did not know what the lower floor looked like there everything was much older this part of the house must date from the 15th or 16th century the furnishings were medieval the floors were a friend bricked I went from one room to another thinking now I really must explore the house I came upon a heavy door and open it a stone stairway led down into the cellar descending again I found myself in a beautifully faulty gruel which looked exceedingly angel the walls dated from Roman times the floor was of stone slabs and in one of these I discovered a ring the stone slab lifted and I saw a staircase of narrow stone steps leading down I descended a tent litter lo que the dust west scattered bone and broken pottery like remains of a primitive culture I discovered two human skulls obviously very old and half disintegrated then I will it was plain to me that the house represented a kind of image of the psyche consciousness was represented by the salon it had an inhabited atmosphere the ground floor stood for the first level of the unconscious the deeper I went the more alien and the darker the scene became the Roman cellar and the prehistoric cave these signified pastimes and past stages of consciousness my dream obviously pointed to the foundations of cultural history a history of successive layers of consciousness my dream thus constituted a kind of structural diagram of the human psyche it was my first inkling of a collective beneath the personal sake to Jung's followers his discovery of a collective unconscious is critical it represents a deep and timeless fund of human instincts and images in the psyche which Jung called archetypes this linking up of the cutting edge of psychological investigation with archaic thinking with a kind of mental archaeology this is fascinating to me and it's really important for several reasons firstly because it does away with the hubris or inflation of there being lots and lots of breakthroughs and secondly because the continuity of human ideation thought culture seems to be very important particularly in our age which in every sense is atomizing we need to know that we're not actually different from what we were hundreds of thousands of years ago the instincts and archetypes together form the collective unconscious I call it collective because unlike the personal unconscious it is not made up of individual and more or less unique contents but of those which are universal and of regular occurrence after the split with Freud Jung experienced a profound psychological turmoil which he called his confrontation with the unconscious dr. Adolph go gamble Craig now when he died I think there was a leading article in one of the american journal who said he was actually psychotic or they said he was a man who was schizophrenic and killed himself yong resigned his hospital job he was confronted by overpowering dreams and visions and he struggled to express the images of his own unconscious in painting sculpture and word young who has never himself analyzed now began four years of intense self analysis now you can only deal with the unconscious by images and he had a great gift to deal with images but there is no special method and you could ask was there any special method by which Dante was able to walk through hell and purgatory in heaven there was no method he just was able to do it by 1920 the crisis had passed young emerged to undertake 40 years of study writing and working with patients he began to consider how the rift which arose between himself and Freud was attributable to their different character or type and how people's psychological outlook in general could be defined in 1921 Jung published psychological types I've never known anything that was this illuminating as that book was suddenly we got tools to work with instead of trying to exterminate each other why we could understand much better why we were the way we were and and why we came on as we did come on and so forth and so forth and it was enormous ly helpful oh it was a revelation it was absolutely revolutionary in our lives Joe and Jane wheelwright were both patients of young and both became analysts more than 50 years ago Jung's English assistant gave Joe wheelwright a copy of psychological types the work which gave us the terms introvert and extrovert and the four psychological functions Jung defined four main types from his observations of patients friends and colleagues thinking feeling sensation and intuition quite a simple explanation of these terms and at the same time I tell you that is something thinking roughly speaking tells you what it is feeling tells you whether it is agreeable or not to be accepted or not accepted or rejected yes and intuition are there is the difficulty if you find them Jewishness types Prince amongst bankers Wall Street men yeah the day for my own ships you know gamblers of all descriptions yeah you've had the type very frequently among doctors because it helps them in their or Moses it's just a sort of a skeleton to which you have to add the fresh and and so it is a means to an end it only makes sense such a scheme when when you have when you deal with practical patience the wheelwrights themselves are a vivid illustration of Jung's theory of types and of his view that opposite types attract and then get into conflict everybody knows that women feel and men think I mean that's on page three of any book that you pick up well in our family times to beat other wave which I can't pick my way out of a paper bag and my wife has an absolutely first-class mind women are supposed to feel and men are supposed to think Joe did the feeling and I did was thinking until we were upside down tell me what Jung's theory of typology has meant to you in a personal way well I'm an introvert and I'm a sensation type what does that mean exactly sensation means facts it's got the effect you can't pull you've got the nail it found it's got to be black and white and and then secondarily thinking and for a woman that wasn't allowed miss her dominant functions were sensation and thinking that's yours were what I'm intuition of feeling with polar opposites in that order with polar opposites in yes and she's very introverted and I'm slightly extroverted only slightly of course fanatically almost see it is almost old but I don't want to make too many rules here you know not to be the schematic yeah that an introvert manager next of a to perform composition Oh another type marriage the counter type to complement in Zagreb did that also mean that you were in conflict a lots of conflict I didn't know what was going on half the time with him and he was baffled by me we were saying very nasty things to each other and doing awful lot of misunderstanding and and my relationship to Jim was then as it has been always the central fact of my life I think and so I I wanted to do something about it a marriage would if I think what if probably had to break up if we've gone on in blissful ignorance and so that was so that's what really brought me into union psychology was it was there was the type stuff and I've been hipped on it ever since and and I I sort of everybody dodges when they see me coming because they know I'm gonna make a speech pretty soon about types young was 46 when he published psychological types his practice in Coos nacht was prospering his reputation growing and he traveled widely but his roots were in Switzerland in 1923 Jung bought a piece of land at Bolling gun this amateur film shows him supervising the building work for his tower which was to become his refuge and retreat Jung's classical scholarship and his skills as a craftsman left their mark on the tower giving shape and expression to images and symbols from his own dreams and his fertile unconscious in later life Jung immersed himself more and more in his own inner life at Bowling Green where he found a deep spiritual peace I am in the midst of my true life I am most deeply myself at times I feel as if I am spread out over the landscape and inside things and I'm myself living in every tree in the plashing of the waves in the clouds and animals that have come and go in the precession of the seasons without my piece of earth my life's work would not have come into being [Music] Jung's father was a Protestant minister and Jung himself found religion to be an inescapable reality of the human psyche a few miles from Burlington stands the Benedictine monastery Irvine Siegel with its mysterious black madonna young was a practical scientist who regarded the soul and the spiritual as realities an inner experience in the 19th century one even tried to have a psychology without soul and he was courageous enough to face soul because you even saw was something very frightening and what made him was that he was maybe frightened too but able all the same to face it to face psychic we all have a religious ID and it was one of Young's courageous statement saying that he cannot deal human psyche without having to deal with religion for him religious realities are realities because they have effects they they bring about events in our psychic life and so on Jung was a non realist about religion that is he didn't think of religious objects as beings out there he thought their true and most vivid meaning was within the psyche so for example the real encounter with God was the encounter with your own unconscious just a few months before he died you'll summarized the religious emphasis of his life's work in a letter to an English correspondent it's an amazing letter one of the passages that struck me most strongly was one where he says I have failed in my foremost task to open people's eyes to the fact that man has a soul that there is a buried treasure in the field and that our religion and philosophy are in a lamentable state it's the human soul that's the buried treasure Jung's work covered more than just clinical observation he considered the psychological meaning of mythology and fairy tales of alchemy astrology and flying saucers he received honorary doctorates all around the world on his 80th birthday in 1955 despite his vast range of work and thought and the international reputation he had gained Jung retained his humor and humility I made some comment about his encyclopedic knowledge the reason that was so meaningful to me was that it didn't come out like knowledge that it wasn't he wasn't casting pearls before swine and he and he wasn't preaching a gospel and he wasn't doing any of those things and he said the older I got and he was a child of that of about 75 I guess and he said the older I get the more I realize that I don't know enough to entirely cover my little fingernail to be room for a bit more young spent his life in the pioneering work of bringing together the conscious outer part of the psyche with the rich deeper energies of the unconscious when Carl Gustav Jung died and was buried in the family grave in the churchyard at KU snuck the village pastor declared he had given man the courage to have a soul again [Music]
Channel: Psychology Library
Views: 37,851
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Keywords: psychology, psychology audiobooks books, audiobook, Greatest audio book, mind, brain, reading, audio book, C. J. Jung, Jung, Carl Gustav Jung, The Wisdom of The Dream
Id: bXOxie_2Iiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 34sec (3094 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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