C’thun & The Most Insane Raid YET, JUDGEMENT Set & WEATHER | Vanilla WoW Patch 1.9 & 1.10

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patch 1.7 saw the blood God to take on Azeroth 1.8 so the Emerald nightmare strike out against us and shortly after players would face down the old God c'thun but not before cracking open the scarab gate a truly epic event that we covered in our last episode it was an incredible moment in gaming so like you've got to check it out it is great today though we face down the incredible raid content of an Koresh the overhaul of world Warcraft gear and the gorgeous patch 1.10 storms of Azeroth the pets that likely has made your favorite ever transmog cess [Music] welcome back to the complete history of vanilla this series is made possible by our patrons who can watch the next episode right now plus get IRL loot yes it's dwarf and Hunter month on our patreon so you'll get all of the art for dwarf and the hunter pin the first of this year's clasp incest they really do make this series possible we thank them so much for it and with that said let's get in to patch 1.9 1.7 zul'gurub performs incredibly for blizzard so add another 20 man raid made perfect sense and thus the ruins of an crush was born a new raid would help people on their journey towards 40 player content it's also where we saw a new token gearing system via the Cenarion circle sets and this meant that people would have to get both the tokens and the rat to get the gear now this was an odd set on purpose actually being a cloak ring and weapon and that was an intentional move from Blizzard so as to not mess up the other traditional set formats now while this wasn't the main event as a rage it undoubtedly was a very strong one its weren't a lot of memorable bosses and overall was a great way to get into the more serious content general Rausch acts have been supported during the gate opening but ruins of course would see players actually kill him and he was quite the fight he was a really grueling slog with the key just being the length players had to be conscious of their man and their consumables as they faced him and his seven waves of minions well you weren't exactly alone you did have lieutenant general and Renova and then four night elf elites helping you out we've had also got borough the Gorger a giant bug that's another memorable boss but mainly because he would wipe his agro table from time to time now the agro economy of vanilla was pretty darn tight so it really required care and well that caused a lot of wipes we then got a Syrian who is the final boss of the ruins and he was a really cool and absolutely vanilla design so he began the fight in supreme mode and this would give him a massive boost to his damage but there would be resonating crystals that would spawn around him and when you interacted with those resonating crystals they would make him vulnerable to a particular school of magic which of course is what provided the raid their path towards killing him so with quality catch up loose other just flat-out incredible pre aq 40th a ton importantly just another source of looting in general and of course a low like dropper player ecosystem it was a pretty essential counterpart to 40 but still aq 40 the temple of Anchorage was the main focus of this patch and man what a raid it was the temple of Anchorage so players descend into good thunes Titanic prison it was a massive raid providing the hardest content yes scene plus it also at tier two point five gear I was tied to the brood of Knorr doom ooh rap progression with whom what actually net players a base ring that would increase in item level as they got their raft as 42.5 while it certainly was an interesting look for the tier one that I think was at least very much in theme for the raid prophets Garen was up first they fight with fairly interesting positional gameplay with its three different platforms but otherwise one that was very much a first boss next though let's skip ahead to the Scylla third royal family this is a boss fight with a special place in Wales history being the first ever hard mode now the fight difficulty and reward would vary based on the kill order and this really was an innovation of world Warcraft design but it's one that wouldn't be properly picked up on until Wrath of the Lich King sorry and and ill do our raids past that though well we had the next boss battle guard Sartre and that's one the highly notable hotfix because players who died during that fight well they quickly discovered that they could just simply respawn at the entrance and run straight back in and yes that meant that you could pretty much just brute force it with corpses a door was actually installed to stop this from happening but the exploit wasn't fully patched until patch 1.07 - one is Vasily as' now he must have been a mystery for players initially because he didn't take any damage but it was soon discovered then frost the facts and frost spells would slowly freeze him until he then shattered into 20 gloves which of course could be damaged next though I want to skip through the twin Emperor's vac lore and vac Nilesh so vac in allow immune to spell damage would have to be tacked very traditionally vac Loretha well he was immune to physical damage and that actually meant that he cast her would have to tank them a fairly interesting situation fairly innovative now the temple was also of course famous for its trash mobs but none more so than those through the twin Emperor's raids we'll have to find a way to delicately pull them one group at a time and a simple tactic so hunters send their Pat out to pull and if two or more groups rag rode well you know you'd feign death reset and try again now another thing to note here is that this was a truly massive rate it's one that was full of trash and back in those days of course trash and raids respawns so yes players certainly were killing a hell of a lot of trash still though bruisers weren't purely evil as they did gave you the qiraji resonating crystals which would of course summon a mount and those mounts could be used within the raid which at least did help you get around the fair any massive complex of course though what we've covered thus far well it just pales in comparison to the majesty of the final boss the reason we're all here c'thun at the time old gods were suspected of being the most powerful villains in the Warcraft lore and as such players were expecting a fight to match that reputation and well that's pretty much exactly what they got this is a fight that was in the words of ian has a Costas mathematically impossible C'thun would start by blasting his green eye beam at the first person who snapped into the room it would then leap to any raid member close to that initial target and funny enough if done incorrectly this could lead to a near instant wife now then the next consideration was the eye of C'thun second ability dark glare this shot from design would move in a 180 degree arc around the room instantly killing anyone who came into contact with it so to organize what position was extremely essential here and the raid would end up splitting into eight groups of five spread evenly around the boss that wasn't all though as when that was going on C'thun would be spawning in his eye and claw tentacles and these would need to be prioritized as soon as they spawn so you'd be managing those mechanics you'd actually do decently well and eventually you would clear phase one you'd bust the eye open and reveal the unspeakable horror that was C'thun himself problem was though the shell of C'thun would reduce all damage taken by the old guard by 99% now the thing is that periodically he would then devour members of the race he'd pull them into the asset field pit that was a stomach that had one single axis now there'd be two tentacles within now they were there for defense but ironically they were his weakness because if killed the old God would fall into a vulnerable state so after being devoured the tentacles would then be killed by players than the players outside would unleash all that they had now devour tanks would have to exit immediately together I grow back dps players will have to of course focus the tentacles down and then healers who are a devourer will have to keep those dps alive and this was a decent bit of coordination for a vanilla era rate rents have repeated out a few times and you wins so sounds easy right well I mean maybe to the modern experience tactically but the slight thing here is that well the boss was mathematically impossible upon launch yeah to say the blizzard learned a lot from this raid would be an understatement C'thun was initially unkillable with gills having just completed the gates of anchorage just smashing their collective heads against this fight 20 or 30 times inside a reset and just getting nowhere at now game directory and his coasters at that time was the guild leader of the guilt and neatest jerks and at the time he was publicly calling blizzard out on how hard that fight was so between that the ten-minute graveyard run to the final room and the respawning trash players that well they had begun to lose their patience and there was actually a sharp drop-off in raid participation now this raid was introduced on the 23rd of January 2006 but because of course of the gate opening event that you know check out last week's episode for that progression didn't actually start until February now the nerfs required to kill C'thun were then not implemented until March eighty days later a few hours after those nerfs though a guild named Nephilim on the magtheridon EU server got the world first with American guilds following close behind and overall aq 40 highlighted the problems with 40 man raids for Brizard entertainment and it was at this time that the development team actually decided to stop making 40 man content although of course they did still have naxxramas to ship and this ultimately would set us towards the smaller player counts and tied her boss designs that we now know today that have more personal responsibility that's one point nine brought more than just raids in an event though it also saw the linking of the auction houses so yeah before this auction houses were actually local to their city with them Ironforge and Orgrimmar of course bias that leading towards those cities being crowded and I was being abandoned well one point I am linked all the auction houses within a faction and that meant that all cities had their economies be linked even the neutral Goblin ones so if you wanted less like but still a viable auction house well one point nine would give it to you now in line with this Blizzard also linked trade chat between all cities yes not only came in in 1.9 also raids were given a defined reset schedule so the 40-man content would reset every seven days during server downtime borrowing a Nick's here which was every five days and then of course the twenty man raids were every three days and that made them pretty darn farmable now that might seem overpowered in a modern context but you got to remember that the loot dropped per player in attendance was lower in vanilla than it is today and then finally many of world war crafts most iconic armor says here two got their art update a paladin judgment armor that was this patch same for the Nemesis Warlock now these aren't updates were a massive step up further adding to the prestige of those who actually wore them really lots happened in this patch but it actually would not be that long until the next patch 1.10 storms of Azeroth hit servers on the 28th of March 2006 bringing with it sweeping changes to itemization plus the titular storms of Azeroth themselves well I'm not a massive content driven patch it actually did a hell of a lot for the game setting up quite strongly for Vanilla's final stretch that's one point ten released 16 months after World of Warcraft's launched and it really does feel like Blizzard we're starting to come to grips with how the end game of WoW actually ended up working out you see well Zen game was cobbled together quite quickly before launch so it's no surprise that balance and stats just started off in an odd place that was an example of this increased understanding the gear the drop from Anchorage well that would only have stats that was pertinent to a class's role and as of this patch the start changes began to be retro actively applied to gear that was already in the game with items such as the wolf runner's shoes dropping its plus 11 agility in exchange for an equip to fact of increasing damage or healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 13 then further to this the only practical way to progress a character after level six the in World of Warcraft before this what's the rating and that's a rather exclusive activity so for players who couldn't actually make that leap into regular rating it could feel pretty much impossible to outfit their character in that epic gear well that's one point an actually shook up itemization outside of rating with the most prominent addition being a fairly major thing the all new dungeon set to this opened up a series of quests for players to upgrade their existing dungeon set gear and this is like some of the most iconic gear in the game it was a major goal back then and you top grade it in two different colored variations with higher stats importantly though at least for the emotional side of things the gear would go from blue to purple and that meant a lot these quests not only expanded on the open-world content of WoW but they even added extra bosses to dungeons like core mark the ogre necromancer now this view power actually led to dungeon set 2 being known as tier zero point five two players and that means that yeah they actually did have respect for the power of that gear now existing endgame dungeon loot tables were also made more attractive in this patch with stats and drop chances actually being increased and actually in a few cases this is wild dungeon gear could actually win out against the first tier of raid gear a bit of an odd situation then as a final note trinkets were given a cool-down equal to the length of their attached ability now this was to stop some classes from being able to activate both of their trinkets and one-shot any opponent and a very notable example of this was mages using presence of mind to instantly cast a pyro blast which when buffed by two trinkets could actually mean certain death to any other player hit so was this gear more accessible yes is that a bad thing at this stage actually wouldn't say so because the combination of zul'gurub aq xx in these dungeon changes that really did provide a more clear path to progression and that's something that at least initially in vanilla wasn't really ideal and you've got to understand like just how many people dropped off between raid tiers but really the story of that is a little bit more in the future and we'll cover it when we hit max ramus that's one point and also brought the new weather system and huh it was just wonderful I mean I still remember it to this day just the ASMR immersion that really placed you in the world it can't be beaten it is an incredible thing there is nothing that will place you in two hours rolls better than a really good weather soundscape Blizzard understood that an S patch they did it [Music] flight points were now seamlessly connected and that actually meant the players could just go right to the ran destination rather than having to stop off after each flight yeah in 1.10 Orgrimmar dustless was one flight instead of three that a rather funny winter's Vale exploit was also fixed it actually used to be that if a player was hit by a snowball as they started their flight path well they'd instantly teleport to their destination location pretty darn handy and date also players who won learnt a profession would now be able to choose a different specialization upon relearning that profession and this was particularly handy for professions such as say engineering I think which is reading the prime example here where people could level up say gnomish engineering for the trinkets and the gear and then level op goblin engineering for the on use effect items there was one sad thing though correct Blood Ranger was finally removed from Alterac Valley along with the remaining winter axe trolls this plus a few other changes to the valley pretty much signified the end of the iconic AV that many people remarked upon to this day some rip Korac butts it's not like it would be the last we'd see oven paladins got their class review pass in 1.9 and the community because of that were expecting the Horde counterpart to the Paladin these shaman to receive theirs now considering the slower pace of raid progression for the Horde generally players at the time believed that this was partially because of the utility provided by powd and so they were pretty much expecting a shaman buff well it didn't happen in 1.9 and 1.10 instead focused on the priests shadow form damage reduction was buffed holy fire was taken off the talent system mind servers now and it's then which was quite nice then the unique racial abilities were also seen too so humans was redesigned as an anti magic shield that burns the enemies manner and inflicts shadow damage the undead's talks of weakness had its mana cost decrease that had inflicted shadow damage against melee attacks then the Night Elves was actually reworked to be a damage over time spell that actually increased in effectiveness the longer that it was on its target and then finally the hacks of weakness would now also decrease healing effects on the target by 20% now that was the priests but as with a shaman what was hotly anticipated what people really wanted well believe me that story that we are going to get to in this series bus for now that is it for patch 1.9 and patch 1.10 a truly epic situation with the first old guard ever put into World of Warcraft a mathematically impossible boss and then are seeing Blizzard essentially overhaul so much of the gearing system in order to provide I suppose a more intentionally designed progression curve as opposed to the well sort of cobbled together hodge pods that was the vanilla launch so there we go that's it for this episode be sure to LIKE sob and stay tuned for next episode next week we are drawing close to the end of vanilla but don't worry there's going to be a lot more content where this is all came for so thank you very much for watching this episode and with that I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Bellular Warcraft
Views: 109,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patch 8.2, world of warcraft, warcraft, wow, bellular, bellulargaming, bellular news, battle for azeroth, wow vanilla, wow classic, c'thun, mathematically impossible, wow impossible bosses, wow cthun, wow patch 1.9, wow patch 1.10, wow ahn'qiraj, wow aq40, wow aq20, wow shaman rework, wow classic drama, ahn'qiraj, aq40, temple of ahnqiraj, ruins of ahnqiraj, bellular patch retrospective, bellular wow history, wow patch retrospective, wow patch history, wow history, vanilla wow
Id: MaH3ieHBotY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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