BYD Denza N9, BYD Bao 3 and BYD Song L DM-i revealed in China

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okay guys there is three new byd electric vehicles that we've just seen spyed and that have been announced within the past 24 hours so this video is actually about three different electric SUVs coming from byd within the next few months actually all of them look amazing I don't know I don't know how people are going to choose it's there's so many different BD vehicles coming hello my friends welcome to the channel I'm Sam Evans you're watching the electric Viking great to see you B's new flagship let's start with the most expensive one first and we'll kind of work our way down in terms of what I think the pricing will be for these three different Vehicles one of them is very affordable one of them is like mid High the other one's this this new denza N9 it's basically a b denza N9 SUV it's been spoted in China it's coming out in late 2024 looks pretty big to me looks like it' be probably um for example bigger than a Tesla Model 1 for sure now pictures show this is the largest SUV yet from the denza brand now if you're not sure what the denza brand is it's a joint venture between Mercedes and by and of course Mercedes have almost no involvement whatsoever other than owning a very very small percentage of this joint venture as soon as Mercedes sold the majority of their 50% stake to B all of a sudden B started producing cars under the denza brand it was a pretty smart tactic pictures show this car is yeah it's quite big to me and um I I quite like the shape of it now I would estimate this vehicle is around about 5 m long probably about the same size as a Tesla Model X for example but as you can see the styling is not at all like a Tesla Model X it's much more traditional type shape I think this will appeal to a lot of uh internal combustion buyers Mercedes buyers po probably they're going to see this and go wow this thing is amazing apparently it's going to have the same drivetrain as the denza z9 GT meaning it would have a 230 kilow or 300 horsepower motor on the front and then two Motors on the back so this would be a tri motor vehicle like the Tesla Model S plaid or the Tesla Model uh X plaid it has two 320 horsepower motors on the rear so you're looking at a total probably a total of about 900 horsepower from this vehicle in its you know top Spec R in its top spec version so the plug-in hybrid version apparently there will be likely be a plug-in hybrid version at an EV only version the plug-in hybrid version would use B's 479 zqa 2 L turbo engine um meaning it would have 152 KW about 200 horsepower coming from that engine but of course it would run as an e only for the first I'm going to guess 100 to 150 km something like that anyway as you can see it's likely there's going to be two different versions like I said plug-in hybrid and EV only now the z9 GT is actually 5.2 M long it's very very big very very long um but this vehicle in my opinion looks like it might be slightly shorter but as you can see much much more practical shape so much more traditional SUV type shape I think it's a very good chance guys that um actually this will have B's new blade battery so it's new blade battery version two meaning it would have a higher energy density battery it should have a new architecture as well and that would enable faster charging much faster charging than what had in the past now one thing B has begun doing is it has it started um actually being able to charge B's newest Vehicles some of their latest Vehicles kind of like the same way that General Motors are doing with the Silverado as in splitting the battery pack into two different sections and then you can charge both of them at the same time meaning you double the charging speed that's a really really good idea and it does actually work I've seen it in the real world it does work so that's probably the kind of Technology we're going to see in this new B vehicle and it's one of the things that we'll set it apart from its competition like Mercedes EVS in this sector for example or other vehicles from say Lee Auto or xang or even Neo as well guys let me know what you think about this vehicle but before we um kind of move on to the cheapest car here let's have a look at B's Fang Chang B 3 the Fang Chang B 3 has been spotted and apparently the price of this vehicle will start at $30,000 so it's a little bit cheaper than a Tesla Model y for example but this is not a full EV this is a plug-in hybrid and apparently as well the Fang Ching B Vehicles could be coming to Australia now we know the fangqing bow the bow 5 Apparently that is coming to Australia which looks really really good I've got to say I'll have a new video on that vehicle coming soon as well it has a 15.6 in screen on the inside um the size it's about 4.7 M long wheelbase is 2750 so what platform will this new Fang Ching B for $30,000 What a amazing deal that is have okay plug-in hybrid it has a 1.5 L bued turbocharged 476 zqf engine very efficient engine it's not really made for Peak power it's more made for efficiency so it doesn't have a whole lot of power it's got 143 Kow it's really just made to kind of um drive at an efficient a really the most efficient level possible the B 3 will have dual electric motors so two electric motors and it will have a maximum horsepower of about 420 horsepower so 310 KW now the B five we don't know the we don't know the B pack size that's coming in the B 3 for the plug-in hybrid but we do know that the size in the B 5 is a 31.8 KW pack so say a 32 KW blade battery probably going to get about I would estimate 150 km of range on the battery alone just using the battery by itself but if you use the motor in combination with the battery there actually really efficient I think you're going to get probably at least 1,000 km of range from the combination between the battery and the motor which is actually pretty damn amazing so for $3,000 if that did come to other countries worldwide I think you'd be looking at a price of you know maybe 445,000 around that area in terms of price so a similar price to a Tesla Model y very likely now finally the last vehicle here another plug-in hybrid the song ldm Now song vehicles are one of the best selling um one of his bestselling vehicles in the world but they only sell these in China the song plus has a DMI 5.0 powertrain so it's using the new BD powertrain which is an improvement or an advancement over the existing powertrain the existing skateboard that you see in for example the B seal the B dolphin and those other vehicles which used the 3.0 version so the song L actually looks a a little bit to me guys like a b AT3 and The Styling is quite similar maybe it's a slightly bigger vehicle from what what I can tell here from these images from these kind of spy images here however using its fifth generation DMI system or plug-in hybrid system hybrid system it uses a 1.5 L engine with 74 KW power so around 100 horsepower and only 126 newm of torque so it's not a very powerful engine of course it works in conjunction with the electric motors with the battery and this a very very affordable car you're looking at around $20,000 for one of these cars plug-in hybrid there's two battery pack options options the smaller option with less range has an 18.3 KW blade battery the other option has a 26.6 KW hour battery pack so how much range do you get with those size batteries just on battery pack alone the smaller battery 18 KW battery gives you 91 km of range and the 26.6 gives you 128 km of range now personally I don't see the point of a car like this I just think if you're going to buy a car in this segment this price range what's the point of getting a plug-in hybrid they definitely are more plagued with problems and you know complaints and things in China there's no question about that um across all brands plug-in hybrids just seem to have they're much more complex than an EV obviously you're combining an EV with a an internal combustion car I mean obviously there's things that are going to go wrong and they do there's no doubt about that I know I've made a few videos and people have been very emotional they've really reacted when I've said that there's a lot more complaints about them but there is and there's a lot more fires as well uh be fires with their EVS are almost nonexist plug in hybrids there's a there's a few now aside from that yeah these cards are Great Value but I just don't see the point when you can get an ad3 for less than this right I mean and that thing has you know 500 km of range do you really need to attach a motor to it I don't see the point personally unless you're driving like enormous distances on on a daily basis you know maybe if you're driving say I don't know 800 km a day or say 500 m a day every day I could understand you know this would be more efficient for you to to to get one of these vehicles that would make more sense in your your your use case but for 99% of users I really don't see the point of one of these affordable plugin hybrids I think you're better off just going EV only now that said apparently these are one of the most efficient vehicles in the world and BD says it's 46% thermally efficient it uses 2.9 L per 100 km that's not just um for the first 200 km that's for the entire kind of drive so let's say you started off on a drive from one place to the other you drive 1,000 km um apparently you can do 2,000 km of range in this vehicle so let's say say you did 2,000 km apparently B is saying this vehicle will use only 2.9 L of gasoline per 100 or per 60 Mi you drive per 100 km per 60 Mi 2.9 l i mean you can really see now why Toyota wants to use bod's plug-in hybrid technology because it's so much more efficient it's so much uh so much more advanced than Toyotas it's incredible this kind of thermal efficiency is is truly staggering now if you combine the power of the motors um the actual internal combustion motor with the electric motors you get 160 KW which is about 220 horsepower it's got plenty of power more than enough power if for me personally um this vehicle it's a similar size to a Tesla Model y by the way but for me personally I really really love the denza the denza N9 this Flagship electric SUV I think that's going to be a really kind of like aspirational type vehicle I think be going to make that like I said 900 horsepower that's insane you're looking at you know nearly 700 Kow I honestly think that cars like this they're going to make people think twice about buying a Mercedes buying a BMW buying buying an Audi what is the advantage of buying one of those I think the technology you're going to find in one of these B Electric SUVs will probably be even better thanks for watching
Channel: The Electric Viking
Views: 9,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electricvehicles, evs, #electriccars, electricfuture
Id: qrARKmVY9Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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