By FAR The BEST ACES in VCT History | Valorant

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rachel's right here at sand absolute catastrophe as yeah it finds perfect timing annihilates the entire team out by it and the flank also just being contained energy not finding particularly value from playing that heavy off-site situation wait a second you he's like no he's gonna read no shot so low and he holds it in the smoke i cannot believe it looking like a very strong ascent right now winning their jewels getting the reeds all pieces of that puzzle are just working out like the biggest piece is you might as well form an entire picture with a puzzle piece of c ned you don't need anybody else he completes a whole team thank you you are too kind this is dangerous and you can see that they're very scared of that operator and why wouldn't you be chronicle playing behind the smoke and there's the opening as they come around the corner they're not expecting they're still there and he's gonna get all five an ace for chronicle the round saved the attempt i like the the the counter rather of popping down the old pushing mid to catch them away and scream oh my god man headshot after headshot four kills on the board and oxygen it's the last round of the half they thought they had it they dealt with yampi and so that was surely the round going their way that screen comes through to ruin their day toronto's even native and shut off the screen aces a headshot wallbang he's coming through okay i think we're having debates riv of what was going to be the aim lap flick of the day i think we just found it no what was that bro what was that what is this turn ads get out of here boy yeah and and the camera set up in midair so they're aligned completely on depth and second here on the defense there comes the push the dash in the spray is fantastic there from second oh my god he's taking down absolutely every last one the ace to close the game 5. i'm also actually coming up against ako which okay sure fragging wise boaster hasn't done much but it's more just that utility just removing what they have available it's such a dirty angle and he's already gone nothing they can do to trade it although mystic was in spot but then last it's the second shot as well yeah this is something that you'll see from jets in that position but this guy already fell out wow meadow hasn't quite worked out in practice and zeke has found another nukia is he the playmaker that gets g2 into this round again oh wow just aerial movements this guy's a gymnast nukia with lethal gymnastics has taken down another is two kills in this round and g2 are back into the 3v3 spike is charging its way back over this a sight in the 33 seconds left nuke just found another he'll send up in towards heaven those paint shells and reloads and still gets the kill nukia just so cool under pressure to do one smoke available nukia now extends from the showers and confirms his as he finds all five and does thank you very much zeke it leaves it all onto shadows who is known for these sort of marks [Music] that might be the play of the tournament that is one of the most unbelievable things i've ever seen he's gonna close it up with the ace dazzle to block off this from tree mata trying to take a step forward and as he does finds a couple but wait a second wait a second cryo re-clears and honestly moose is not here yet dazzle's gonna have to check this dashing on in and then up and over breaks the camera that's four for cryo 1v1 with moose back through tree toggles it once more boost the check and then bang cryo for the ace giving the aftershock up top but even an alt of their own well that's a need to end this one here and now the cosmic divide dodging duking side stepping in between it's all up to fox left alone can he do it the reset one two has to reload time is on his side [Music] the hit looks really good for g2 honestly this is initially where we saw nookie a little ahead of the curve we they have a nano swarm up top they have that fault line coming in at any moment bears involved huge i swing right back yeah someone hunting finds a second the flash timing is gorgeous he gets in gets the kill gets out and that's all the way from back screens that victor threw that flash he's just picking them apart with his head hunter and they might get their first eco win on the board let me guess why do you why do you need to win pistols if you've got head hunter on the other side in the second round that's four has he fired four bullets he's got three bullets left he's gonna get the chance at the ace def on the other side and it's so clean but you know they've had in a long time to try and at least get around on the board they need they know they need intense oh my god texas in so much trouble in fact couple doesn't even describe it adequately ends up falling there here the satch was being played here dapper quick swing around the corner doubled up here in lamps and that's gonna be the double swing but the timing of sick it's a bit miss time still he gets two what is that another yeah pushes him off he got that one back pretty quickly pushing all the way down short he knows the play is there will it be the ace for him goes to four in hand right round the corner and he finds his mark beautiful work that is an incredible performance from sick the play into lamps directly select ascent but forced fire their better map they've just been incredible that was a steamied ferrari swinging and leaf rips his head off and this is confidence this is absolute confidence the head-to-head between leif and cryo map one man two oh my god it was going in favor of cryo i'm not sure it will be at the end of this leaf is our monster right now get his knives back again by the way it's the first map to where we've been able to see this jet head-to-head and leaf just gives us a cheeky little ace and it's that word protocols right it's whatever happens in these rounds it's never looking like sentinels aren't in control right they're able to peel back effectively it's that three to five second window where they're able to just turn around and basically flip around right back in their favor that's on the back of obviously sick falling in the mid there's no building pressure on the back of it clean calm through the gravity well the slow ward can delay just a tad forsaken has already worked his way around once again yeah it was actually yay who was still on the side but forsaken cleans them up forsaken gets three 15 hp here too up manages to preserve his life at least for the time being but they've got nothing one enemy remaining all right for saints forsakens working his way towards the ace oh what a beautiful sound [Applause] what a beautiful sound [Applause] what can bar find with the shorty he's gonna 1v5 this thing no forsaken gets the ace our first ever global crowd is how has he got five there yeah i mean look at the knock on effect forsaken has shown up two business days late to this crunch outside i'm not entirely sure why at this point the exchange has already happened that's it scream answering back he's got to deliver something here cena is in position it's all on screen shoulders there is a whiff from cena opportunity for scream if he can find him there we go scream looking to make it happen oh my god the grave gets himself an ace if that doesn't bring liquid back into this i don't know what will restraint shown yay potentially making a play for the orbeez one off the play store but straight away we'll finally open i don't think it's even gonna matter here we'll get it online at a long but sentinel will hit they've got everything they need they're so early in their utility usage as well they can have so much left for the postpartum if they need any of it they want to depend on it because this retake has so little impact in my mind at this point unless something like yay gets involved he needed that to be clean i couldn't quite find an intention pushes himself oh my word three found give him the fourth crashes we'll fall for it give him the ace tens is gonna drag sentinels kicking and screaming across the line if he has to the smoke the only thing that's keeping them at bay for now the thing is they just have classics right i mean this is gonna be chaotic asana with four tens on the other side of the map he'll have a tour de force that's really all he has so good in these anti-egos [Music] he's trying to remove these defensive players but she's out taken down two two key players but oh yeah he's got a two-piece himself but still alive at the back side with that operator in hand low hp but he wants to keep the angles held winning at the cloud burst or the recon with the ball first [Music] 3k for him now 2 versus 2 ten seconds spike has to go down and it will just in the nick of time but in that time we'll see central's closing the distance moving closer great shot there from flick down to yappy now looking for the ace here yappie operator trying to skate his way back into a better angle swapping out for the phantom dodges the flash and he smiled oh he's found it he's rounded with the ace unbelievable because i feel like it's going to be higher than anyone else ever because it's like their rotation there was so quick and the player on the site is actually relatively large the thing is i'd be very surprised with mine freak peeks he actually does off the back of the stunt gives an opportunity flash through as well stacks is doing incredibly well to isolate these jewels the other player is coming in on the flank if he can somehow find this rag he's got an opportunity and actually moves into a safe spot to utilize the seekers he's gonna get the wall bang four down and now he even knows where forsaken is could just go for the plant bringing this back to try and ace it pop flash out to leave him blind leaves himself blind a little bit as well the forsaken still just trying to sneak his way trying to ruin the day of stacks but he will land a headshot in the end around that never should have been i mean back and forth but poised finds the greatest time ever to backstab through window and blindside dapper but tens and company holding on but the response from cloud9 has been swift as well but since it's gonna go all the way for the ace you have to be kidding me yeah he really wasn't happy oh you want a deep viper spit yeah sure are you gonna go now that's just ridiculous he was surrounded by three players there gets all three of them are spinning around on a dime and then comes back through to ace it what around from bone cold in this round though i mean the weapon isn't good obviously as an eco being taken by the guard valin did create a lovely opening for them but yay still locking down the back side of yellow and water headshots oh my goodness this guy is just unleashed online if yay is online the troubling scenario i think for the guard to try and deal with but bren when is gay not online it's true he's just a consistent demon el diablo and he gets the ace in the race to force overtime here on bind can you believe it lauren i mean this second half has been so back and forth both adjusting perfectly as the rhythm of this game has changed giving up anything no free real estate here's a dash onto the site armin finds the first they're looking to explode and unfortunately they just don't have the weaponry to do so scrutiny is forced to back away the back end of a missed op shot clear goes out the blind is there no matter harmon finds a kill finds a third given all the harmon here looking for the eighth only one remains and there it is for dark zero for the ropes how many players are going across pure silence right there ah rounds on the board it's certainly possible yeah as i said right it's workable they've been a team they've been incredible getting themselves these pistol rounds so i i don't think it's anywhere near out of the realms of possibility that they're able to bring this back going into the second half so and what a round from zeno as well exactly what you want to be seeing from a man of his caliber and honestly baited [Applause] happy to play retake fallon knows though messiah trying to spam through the smoke and she's waiting for it he gets a second he gets a third and now the show stopper becomes a problem they've got to give this space up they can't afford to chow trent phelan the two they're there but it's the ace for jing to get them to six to tie us up to close the half the kezna it's made a risky decision going into this close corner but they haven't checked it that's a double on indeed four kills that's a pretty damn good start for him on this map he's almost got his neural theft to have early on that's the only thing he's got himself but he doesn't have the spike he finds himself in a 1v4 oh reset make that a 1v3 30 seconds left reset okay make that a 1v2 devo manages to pick up the spike as well understands he goes there ethan's going through there's one goes into aggressive defo good for four looking to work the ace with the blade storm he go he's gonna util defoe does it my goodness the ace to kick off the series for gambit absolutely absurd work much slower oh my god man and he walks out with his util open and he actually pays for it man with the 4k these band rounds fans are what an ace playing where we saw safe previously is within the shot unfortunately as well and russ is getting closer and closer the retake wall is up and rush is trying to hold them up starts good with bonkers looking keen to get the second and it should not be a situation where guild will thrive as draken tries his best he's out and the a's from russ it might have been just a bit of a bonus but it looks beautiful at the end of the day and it goes down you see the dart he's giving red car away hunter fury a little dance around though really no need [Music] saucy gets the last chronicles gonna have to go absolutely ballistic and he's not gonna get the chance the ace for saucy the seventh round for brazil nine rounds again some of the the top tier opponents in this entire tournament in fnatic and vision strikers leaf sitting in here with 250 acs comparing that to someone like stream who's only sitting on 217 that's the second highest in the server this kit is blowing everyone
Channel: JAXED
Views: 1,420,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant highlights, valorant moments, valorant pro, valorant best aces, valorant best ace moments, ace valorant, ace valorant montage, best valorant aces vct, best valorant aces 2022, best valorant aces of all time, best valorant aces in vct history, best aces in valorant vct, best aces in valorant tournament, pro valorant aces, valorant pro aces, aces valorant, valorant aces, vct highlights, valorant, vct aces, best vct aces, valorant montage, best aces vct, vct montage
Id: xSTxEidqZaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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