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ladies and general welcome back to the worked oh but it's fantastic to have you here as Ella now we've got ourselves a glorious workshop what more could you want from our blacksmith workshop we've got a beautiful power hammer a beautiful press there's another beautiful small power what more could you want well here's the problem started back to everything ages eleven and since that time I've been able to see lots of beautiful incredible workshops filled with incredible pieces of machinery and so my childhood dreams have been about machines and heavy industrial equipment and in fact those dreams are still present today and they are strong the desire for more capability larger machines the ability to move more metal is strong but I've been fortunate to have a whole lot of incredible machines in my short career as a blacksmith we have beautiful sixty kilos a inula power hammer the incredible mr. Pilkington power hammer we've had fly presses hydraulic presses we have this 25 ton hydraulic press now of course we have this 165 pound anyong forging hammer we're also fortunate enough to be able to use of wills 25 pound little giant power hammer it's a mechanical power hammer and so we're not short on machines and experience with machines but all of these things they say hidden of the Pilkington the a niang all of them have been beneath 165 pounds or 75 kilo which is a perfectly good forging weight for all of the work that I've done but it doesn't stop you dreaming more capability and more power so that's why when the opportunity came for us to add to our arsenal a machine that would almost double the falling RAM weight of any power hammer that I have ever had we seized it that's right 300 pounds or 136 kilos is the weight of the RAM a new power hammer right now as we speak is being loaded on to a truck from its former home to go across the mountains all the way here to Montana for us to put in this fantastic workshop usually exciting I feel blessed that we're able to add more to our capabilities and what we can make here make larger things better things I'm also hugely grateful that we get to use some more beautiful old equipment thank you guys so much for being here on this journey as we prepare the workshop for the new power hammer and more that is arriving what would you've been to some of the tasks for the day I'd like to thank today's sponsor which is Cove with their brand new speaker that is not just one speaker but two this speaker is unlike anything I've ever seen it is a portable speaker that gives you the benefit of really being able to fill a room with sound like never before being able to separate these things it's the coolest thing these things a water-resistant one charge is gonna get you up to seven hours of playback time it's incredibly easy to sync to your phone basically like getting two speakers for the price of one because you know let's say you wanted to go ahead and put a speaker in your pocket and gone a little walk well you can't now and just split it in half this is an update to their previous Cove commuter and it is fantastic it's a great way to fill room with sound on the girl and what's fantastic is they're giving 60% off to you guys if you click the link in the description below going to Cove Oreo comm /a 62 he'll the deal fantastic product thank you code for sponsoring this letting us jam out like crazy people let's get back into the video now there is another piece of machinery in this shipment but I feel like it's gonna need its own dedicated video so you'll hear more about it later it's a press of sorts but as they've been loaded onto the truck I've been getting some photos and here we go they're all in the truck there look at that it's a monster I've been given the measurements and I know it is nine feet long which with a little bit of space at the back behind the motor defender the power hammer is gonna be here but how much longer it is than the anti anger forging hammer it's a it's a beast it's also going to be this tall it's five foot high look at it gonna have a whole foot in height on the anti-gang only one foot that's not very big how many meters is it haha just kidding it's a terrible measuring system it's a joke he actually prefers metric and he knows it now you might be wondering why have I decided on this spot here the little giant is right there well this is more important and I always want to think about efficiency and how we can save wasting time wasting moving between things they feel like it is important to get machines as close as they can be while still having a safe distance well I like why don't we just put it like right there we're right we're right were there what we can't why not because here we have two feet of concrete there we have three to four inches this is a big hammer there needs a whole lot of concrete underneath it so in preparation for this hammer getting that we need to completely clear out this area so we've got to get all this stuff moved the back side is the workshop [Music] [Applause] we'll I'm sorry we are sadly going to have to relocate your power hammer every time I use this I feel like I'm a NASCAR pit stop while we're still moving stuff around this is wills one hundred and fifty pound Fairbanks been sitting it for a while you still needs to put some work into it and get it running we're gonna just put it in the next-door shop and then it's out of the way until you get around to fixing it you up for that yes I'm sure it'll happen anything quite like the next five years you'll fix it yeah I mean I only had it for three years [Music] okay this is crazy you got a space in here we'll be Google that stuff away that's mind-blowing obviously it's all rather cramped back here but it's always interesting to move things out of the way and get a feel what the space is like because of it so the next thing we need to do is we need to cut off these studs super dangerous to have studs up out of the ground the OSB is gonna be ruined and that's fine scrap the OSB and we're gonna cut off the studs with an angle grinder how's it going sorry ten o'clock in the morning in the freaking morning okie dokie today is the next day the space is clear we're usually excited it's a beautiful balloon how are the trucks gonna be arriving we need an SBS drill which is a basically a super-powerful concrete drilling drill and an inch and 1/8 drill bit for our wattage bolts that are gonna secure the power hammer so we're gonna go and rent it [Music] we go that look at lacks beasts it's monster the drill and now we wait [Music] No how's it going four o'clock okay well so far it's a good day here shouldn't be anything blowing in should be good to go beautiful sounds good have a good one well firstly I hope nobody was hiding the accident but secondly I was very concerned about the fact that there might have been a power hammer on the side of the road in Coeur d'Alene Idaho there isn't but it's gonna be delayed until 4:00 so I now have to wait another another bunch of time Oh oh my god okay it's happening everybody stay calm everyone what's the procedure oh my goodness it's right there it's here this is exciting [Applause] pretty unfortunate but different motifs have a look at this it's a real shame this thing is all cracked the motor mounts a little cracked all opened up so feeds all four feet have cracks so we definitely know that this isn't going to be running this isn't gonna be running anytime soon because that's thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars worth of damage there's cracks in here doesn't look good like I mean this is this is really not good [Music] [Applause] [Music] couldn't be more stressful the emotions going through right now something to behold so that's a it's an old motor that's from the 1940s I don't think there's you know replacement parts there's definitely not replacement parts I I'm sure there's probably a lot of folks down in the comments here folks watching that have a very good idea of what you would do in this situation and I'm all ears love to hear it the considerations of this are this is a 15 horsepower motor but it turns in significantly lower rpm than a modern 15 horsepower motor would so I don't know if the best thing is to try and source an old 15 horsepower motor that would turn at the right rpm or just have to spring for a brand new motor work out how to mount it and then get a variable frequency drive when you get into 15 horsepower of variable frequency drives that's expensive and a 15 horsepower motor it's it's it's not cheap definitely can't use the machine we have the electrician lined up to come by maybe and even in the next few minutes probably isn't gonna achieve anything other than fact that his expertise he might have some ideas of what one does in the situation where your motor is broken on a lighter note however not that I'm necessarily feeling very light right now I can tell you a bit more about this machine and what it is this is a Chambersburg 300 pound ram way pneumatic forging hammer in the United States there's kind of two big players or there were two big players in the pneumatic forging hammer scene and that was Maisel and that was Chambersburg it should be an incredible forging hammer utterly incredible it should have incredible control should have extreme massive power this is the type of stuff but built the world that we live in today these beautiful old machines and of course you remember as I talked about at the beginning of the episode mr. Pilkington that was a 100 weight permit this is three times the RAM weight of that you know that Pilkington was probably in the corner of a shop doing the occasional small part this is the type of hammer that was built to do three chef's production work insane amounts of work is what this is designed for and what it's capable of and so though I'm feeling pretty good right now and not feeling my best about the motor this is something to behold all righty so it's the end of the day hold everything in more to all of this than just a power hammer there's also this more to cover on this in the future I don't know a bombard us all with too much in one go that's gonna take some setting up it's a press its a friction press so stay tuned to learn more about that as we learn more about it because I've never used one of those machines but they're supposedly phenomenal and I'm very excited to be able to add back to the old Arsenal as you can see there is also a new sleeping pod for naps in the workshop because that's about as big as it is this is a forge and it's a absolute monster it's kind of all part of the deal and I figured why not another forge for the for the workshop way bigger than the fort we have now another project we're working on is trying and seeing if natural gas is going to be working for us at this elevation so we've got some plumbers coming in to put some natural gas lines down folks thank you so much for joining us on this journey I really really hope they're very soon I'm gonna have some solutions for this machine and it's gonna be up and running in place it's going right there hopefully we soon got some solutions frankly I'm devastated about that motor mount but hopefully after a little more struggling and at this point a good bit more expense we're sooner be up and running so thank you guys for joining us in this as ever a big thank you is owed to today's sponsor which is a Cove audio they're brand new speaker be sure to check them out at the link of the description their support means a whole lot to us and it means that well hey we got folks employed here thank you all for all your help today appreciate it and hopefully we're gonna be able to afford to fix this because you know what come on in here I don't think a band-aid is gonna fix it folks but we really she ate all our sponsors all your support everybody's help thank you so much see on the next one bye bye
Channel: Alec Steele
Views: 867,702
Rating: 4.9255109 out of 5
Keywords: alec steele, alex steele, steel, alec, damascus, blacksmith, make, forge, anvil, mill, lathe, weld, tig, mig, engineering, blacksmithing, blade, bladesmithing, knife, knifemaking, sword, handmade, diy, craft, woodworking, forged in fire, axe, fabrication, art
Id: GoejYGbQpN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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