Buying my Puppy a $100,000 New Vehicle

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Oscar party you decided to get a new car today dude yeah and you whip now most of you guys already know this but I love my puppy Oscar he's the bestest proof to ever exist just look at him Oscar you're the bestest I bought him a Ford Focus RS last year it's got 400 horsepower I guess that just wasn't enough ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel welcome back to the vlog that is right I have bought Oscar a new truck it has 525 horsepower it's spacious it's got all the new technology anything and everything you could ever want only the best for the best also it is paint a sample Oscar white fluff that's right dude paint a sample my appointment at the dealership is at 2:00 p.m. it's currently noon so we got two hours to kill the four GT update it has not sold the super also is still available the Focus RS I was going to trade this in for Oscars new truck I've decided to sell it on my own $32,000 first person who wants it come & get it Oscar hates this but you guys are gonna love it cold startup Borla exhaust Focus RS there's been so many changes on the channel as far as cars but somehow someway the Rolls Royce has lived to tell the story our first stop is here at JPMorgan Chase because yes unfortunately we do actually have to pay for the new truck we need to get a cashier's check for ninety five thousand seven hundred and fifty seven dollars and fifty cents Oh Oscar we got the cashier's check but I noticed this Ford Explorer the license plate is Amanda I wonder if we could get Oscar whoa nobody better still the Oscar vanity plate if you live in Utah and you steal that plate I'm not gonna be happy also if you don't follow Oscar on Instagram link below welcome here to a motive direct the new truck is right behind that garage door I know you guys are thinking this isn't even gonna be a surprise I bought a raptor or I bought a 450 blah blah blah it's just a Ford truck and that's kind of sort of true but I kind of sort of snaked you guys I did buy a Ford truck but not just any Ford truck the new Chuck is right behind that door welcome to Emotiv direct is oh dude how's it going well good idea you guys remember Adam we were here five years ago oh geez of oh geez black LP Guyardo but behind that door is something just a little more exciting yeah you're gonna take a look yeah let's do it in the back vault of a motive direct no I did not buy the porsche cayman s but how sick is this show like the lighting is unbelievable I know I'm delaying I'm delaying I'm looking at the truck right now you guys are gonna be completely blown away this is a bit of a surprise we bought a Ford truck but not just any Ford truck we bought a raptor but not just any Raptor boys we bought a Shelby Baja Raptor that's right boys 2018 Shelby Baja Raptor this is pretty much the sickest Raptor you can buy that money can buy check this out finished we're gonna call it an Oscar white it has every single light bar imaginable it's got the full Shelby Pak we're talking 525 horsepower Oscar obviously couldn't make the journey but I think he's gonna like the truck just by a smidge if you're not familiar with this Shelby Raptor this is the Raptor that shall be built to embarrass every single other Raptor before if you own a raptor I don't mean a negative way this thing is an absolute monster a stock Raptor has a 3.5 litre twin-turbocharged v6 is kind of sort of a baby v6 I realized the new Ford GT has the same v6 Shelby has tuned this to 525 I'm not going to say we're gonna Hennessy swap this with a v8 we might we might not I'm not really sure I don't know what I'm doing this Shelby Raptor has an absolute overload of light bars every single light bar you could imagine is on this Shelby you've got the massive air intakes they're on the aftermarket hood this thing is a beast this has every single option we could ever need as well as another bunch of options we don't need all the carbon fiber galore 18,000 19,000 485 miles this thing is crazy we're gonna jump it soon not today we will jump it though whoa this is so cool this is crazy this is like my dream garage so I've checked that out are you kidding me it's got the full moon roof right there you got the black stripe so here's what I'm thinking it's currently a metallic white imagine this in satin white with purple racing stripes that would be pretty I'm not wrong that would be cool you have to admit I don't think we're gonna go full purple because the gladiator is full purple I don't know if I want to massive purple chucks but satin white with purple stripes maybe maybe let me know what you think in the comments below how sick is this showroom right here you got the center turntable right there you guys might remember I think it was maybe five years ago I came here with my Guyardo Adam had a black LP guy order for sale and we spun around the turntable super super cool if you guys remember that video you're like the og of the og I am gonna link that video below you might cringe though that was a long time ago it wasn't very natural on camera if you do go watch it please don't make fun of me in the comments below but if you guys are looking for a cool car check out a motive direct Adam specializes in all sorts of cool cars especially Porsches you can see like this showroom every single car in here is absolutely pristine if you want a beautiful collector car you want to deal with a car guy check out Adam one man operation just like my youtube channel these cars are so sick this Raptor though oh my goodness I cannot wait check out a motive direct link below a motive direct comm I got the came in s you got the 993 right here the 964 right there got another cool porsche back there and then check out this hot rod i don't want to ruin the surprise this may or may not be reserved mister lacquer obviously he would look ridiculous riding around in this thing we were here yesterday we actually test her of the shelby yesterday Nik does actually fit in this thing and check out that purple interior too [Applause] what have we done this thing is an absolute monster the Shelby Baja Raptor when I first saw that Adam had this for sale I knew before I've been getting here that I had to buy it there's only 500 fees in the entire world just look at that view straight on we're just gonna be embarrassing every single Raptor and I'm sorry we are it's it's look at it so the Focus RS I'm just leaving it here for the afternoon I'm gonna come pick it up I did not sell it it is available but Shelby Baja Raptor life begins right now we're not we're not jumping in today trust well we might we might jump at this afternoon more to come I was gonna buy a raptor or a 450 and then I found this one at a motive direct it's got 20,000 miles on it it's the same price as a new Raptor or a 450 but it's a Shelby bar after we got the full custom interior the custom rack would this spare BF Goodrich tires we got two in the back we got one underneath if we went Baja racing like competitively not that we're going to but if we wanted to we could get up to three flats and still continue on with the race I don't know what this thing weighs it must be six thousand pounds we don't have launch control but like look to the floor this thing takes off I feel invincible I could drive over anything like winter apocalypse like snow apocalypse into the world apocalypse any kind of apocalypse we could conquer it in the Shelby Baja Raptor we could drive over anything we don't want to drive over anything but if we wanted to we could and that's just nice and Ellie if today's video gets 249 thousand likes I will drive my Shelby Raptor right over the Rolls Royce limo the burl ackers limo it's not my limo so be sure to smash that like button if you want to see that I might have to do it anyway so what kind of sort of see what happens [Music] what is going on this is terrible that is absolutely atrocious I don't know if they make an exhaust for this but if they do we got to get an ASAP this truck has so much presence you got the rear steel bumper the black exhaust tips and LED lights we could tow we're never gonna mean if we had until we could we never will but we could you got the full tire rack the BF Goodrich tires you got another full tire back there as well you got the LED lights up top this thing power running boards as well and just look at the front of this Shelby Raptor imagine that in your rear view mirror we need to park the GT next to it just because [Music] that's a proper sounding for it I don't know about this EcoBoost I realized the new Ford GT has the EcoBoost but a supercharged via I mean it's it sounds better the Ford Motor Car Company has never paid me a single dime I'm just out here repping the brand they rejected me on my GT application but what a combo is that it'd be pretty cool to Shelby also had the blue stripes but at the same time I really really like these black stripes I know I was joking about purple stripes but the satin black looks awesome also you get a sense of the scale this Raptor is massive absolutely massive reverse we got all the fancy cameras we don't have 240,000 like smash that like button if you guys want to see me drive over the limo in the Shelby Baja Raptor smash that like button burr lacquer owns a limo I haven't actually cleared this with him but given his disdain disdain disdain yeah disdain for the limo pretty sure he'll be okay with it I don't know how to say this but I told the viewers if we get 200,000 likes I can drive over the limo in the raptor yay may 240,000 what do you get 2,000 likes on average yeah that sounds good I'm good with that we're averaging 13 point 6 miles to the gallon that we got the 10 speed transmission we could theoretically downshift 10 times but we're headed to Texas or destined to the done I wanna see what I want c10 shift done well we got all this traffic all this nonsense and garbage gallons whatever miles 10 baby in the Hummer we got the new Toyota z4 right there in roadster form - not bad okay this is bad news bears we got a 30 minute we got an hour wait look at all the beer and now we're bro and now I can't wait an hour I can't what do you got okay these are the important decisions in life how long is it thirty then I knew it I knew it there's Olive Garden over there well I want a steak I'm willing to wait it out how do you feel yeah we can wait Oh baby look at that oh don't hit oh don't get careful careful bro look at that look at that America oh you got a fix you gotta just yeah what he doesn't even know how to keep it in the lines look at that our boys got to learn how to drive a truck that's for sure we got to get it in the lines here we go was she washing Oh you see there's a line then you have that much room it's got to tell you these these working stations are all a disaster okay that space doesn't make sense it's illogical let me fix my anyway take two take three yeah yep take three okay over yeah we're gonna put them on the line just a little because that truck is in the way and there's plenty of room here so this was an intentional maneuver I think you have too much fun with those lights the whole people behind you hard enough yes right now I mean why would they be I know you need your steak bro no I I judge I just got text that's the steak I just got a text if there's any Ford executives watching today's video I'm hooking you up we got general motors we got this Dodge wannabe and look at that for after you guys haven't paid me a penny like please sponsor my channel Ford Raptor flexing on the nation I sold my Corvette I bought another Ford maybe I need a Viper though Oscar you're a good boy bud Oscar look at your new Chuck turnaround bud it's right behind you Oscar look behind you it's a new truck come check it out come on get it didn't get it Oscar come on no he has to guess it mark come on Oscar get him orchid get in check out your new ride oh sorry sorry sorry come on ask what's it use the step come on those are Donuts dude here we go Oscar your new truck dude like a space Turner hunted turn around but look good for the camera he's eating your Donuts junk thank you you think you knew Chuck dude ha yeah you're tired you just woke up from a nap this is a man that has to point whatever Milius is sucks right here yeah his favorite friend in the world is 90% fluff I love this dog okay that is going to effectively in today's video but if you're sensitive to bright lights in the video right now because check this out we are lighting up the beautiful state of Utah guys if there's any mods you guys want to see on the Shelby Raptor let me know in the comments below but as always I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did like squad be sure to smash that like button but just like that this vlog is over [Music]
Channel: TheStradman
Views: 1,579,878
Rating: 4.956471 out of 5
Keywords: TheStradman, Stradman, Supercars, Super Cars, Hypercars, Exotic Cars, Ford GT, Lamborghini, Aventador, Ford Raptor, Shelby Raptor, Baja Raptor, Money, Rich, Finances, Financial Advice, Buying a Supercar, how to buy a Supercar, Buying a Truck, Stradman Car Collection, Stradman Lamborghini, Making Money, How to Make Money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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