Buying my mom an electric car... But which will she choose?

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Her top concerns seemed to be how high up she could sit and how comfortable the seat was.

👍︎︎ 181 👤︎︎ u/SinisterHippos 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Things normal people care about;

Interior fit & finish

Interior capacity

Child seat compatibility

Cargo room & options

Ease of entry & exit

Number of cup holders & cup sizes.

Glovebox and console sizes

Can it connect to their smartphone easily (y/n).

Will the neighbors and coworkers be impressed.

Things enthusiasts care about:

IT BETTER HAVE A MANUAL TRANSMISSION How fast is it? Can it corner well? Is it available in brown with a diesel?

The Venn Diagrams rarely intersect.

👍︎︎ 254 👤︎︎ u/TaskForceCausality 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

What a deserving lady. She seems so sweet. I see where Matt gets his sense of humor

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/Fermatious 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I cannot believe I watched the entire 35 minutes. They were so dear together I couldn't help myself.

The funny thing is that what she really wants is a Model Y ;)

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/FitzwilliamTDarcy 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Matt is up there with my favorite reviewers. Just seems like an all-around wholesome and fun presenter. Always enjoy his videos.

👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/FactoryCoupe 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

The ultimate vehicle is an AWD minivan. Hella cupholders and the rear doors slide open. You could mount a gautling gun turret and do the ultimate drive by using this vehicle. You can also transport you and your friends' $7000 bicycles inside the vehicle and feel that it's safe while eating lunch. And you can even fold the seats down and take a nap.

What more do you want in a vehicle?

👍︎︎ 93 👤︎︎ u/NervousRestaurant0 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I think she needs this British classic, would be perfect for her.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/supermans_alter_ego 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Turns out the reason people wanted a high seating position is to see over the dash, and not be sat up high in the first place.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Litejason 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

i love the current gen of peugeot interior design style, espicially that small steering wheel

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Maximilianne 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi matt watson here from car wow together with my mother hi sally watson so what are we doing here today mum we're looking at electric cars we're not only looking at electric cars i am going to buy you a brand new electric car because i'm a really good son if you say so much i'm anyway last week we went on the car website we went through loads of different reviews of electric cars and we picked out six of your favorite three which are a little less expensive and then three which are a little bit more expensive so i'll talk to the cards now so we have this one here the blue one which is a peugeot e 2008 then we have the white one it's a voxel mockery and then we have the dark great one volkswagen id3 then we're moving now onto the more expensive cars which are oh the beautiful red one which is a tesla model three and then we have this rather nice paralyzed gray one it's an electric volvo xc40 finally we come to this brand new released just last week audi q4 e2 very impressive yes right so let me explain how this is going to work you're going to look around the less expensive cars the more expensive cars and you'll choose two from each group to test drive which means you have to reject one more expensive one and one less expensive one so you can only test drive two from each group oh okay just keep it interesting yes and then after you test drive them you're gonna choose which one you'd like me to buy you from each group one more expensive one and then one less expensive one you're going to buy me two now i'm not gonna buy you two what i'm gonna do then is flip a coin to decide whether you have the more expensive one or the less expensive one so it's going to be through headed coin of course no it's not going to be too easy basically i'm trying to save myself some money and i think this is the way that i can do this there's true color all be a 50 chance of doing it okay you're going to do this yeah yep ready let's go with it buying a new car then head to car wow and my team will help you find your next car at a fair price car wow your one-stop car buying comparison site okay then mother let's get on with this the first car we're gonna look at is the volkswagen id3 nice smooth lines no grill no grill because it's an electric car there's no engine to call let me tell you about the prices okay so the way i'm going to do this is because it can get a bit confusing with electric cars because if they're under 35 000 pounds you get a 2 500 pound grant from the government towards them and then if you buy through car wow obviously there's any discount that you might get from one of the car wow dealers so what i'm going to give you is just the price through car wire which will take into account all of that okay so this box i can start at 27 and a half thousand pounds now this is a midi spec one so it's about 28 and a half thousand pounds anyway let's have a look down the side do you like the design of the side yes it's okay i should point this out check out the wheels i've noticed plastic horrible horrible now you can get alloys for it we have to move up the range a bit it's a bit mean innit yeah come on check out the back oh yeah look at this yes that's nice so you're not the front you like the back yes not i'm not so sure about the side but that's nice nice and neat and while we're here let's check out the boot decent sized boot oh 385 liters oh i'm impressed by that and of course you can fold the seats down and stuff oh car that's that's a good size boot isn't it yeah you see this car actually it's designed for the ground up to be an electric car it's not like a golf that they've converted it's an all-new platform with a motor at the back actually but still despite that i was sitting there you can see how much room there is in the back seats goodness if you need to give your friends a lift i can stretch right out that's really supporting see it's nice bigger insights like the tardis isn't it you know you get in it's large so check out the front yep right mum what are your initial impressions of the inside of this volkswagen you can't see out is that yes look you can raise the right easy you can raise up the seat by pulling that lever there guys get yourself into perfect driving position yes i need to be quite high so i know one of the things you were after was a car with a raised drive in position and this is kind of not an suv but it's not quite as low as some of the cars no no it is a little is it high enough um keep them going up keep them going lift it up that's it keep going oh my god oh that's better is that better oh yes but i'm now can i go backwards now yeah yeah you can go backwards there that's it look at that oh that's fine that's really nice yes that's really good so what do you think of the look of the inside uh nice and clean um as in we've cleaned it or the design is clean oh the design is clean i don't think it feels quite as well made as a volkswagen golf it's like they've spent so much money on the electrics and the tech but some of the plastics are a little bit kind of yeah and do you know what this is um that's a gear selector up there so you put it to drive or reverse there oh i see yeah oh i'm used to it here yeah yeah it's more than you see with that and this is like has all your information on your speed and stuff like that oh i like that that's quite nice and then there's your infotainment system there and some of it's a bit annoying to use actually but what you do you just plug in your samsung phone yes and just run android auto so what do you think overall the inside it's okay i mean i'm not overwhelmingly impressed but it's it's neat it's functional it's clean i like the seats i have to say the seats are nice and comfortable and supporting should we check out the next car yes let's do that okay mother second car peugeot e 2008 what your initial thoughts lovely lovely color all teeth and claws i appreciate it have a look down the side of it oh very small looking at alloy whales this time lovely do you know what this car is quite well specified it's a gt model so it's towards the top of the range yes this one through car wow just over thirty thousand pounds so that's 1500 quid more than that volkswagen which you're gonna have to spend more on anyway so me personally i'm earning on this because it's gonna probably cost me less money less i know but look it looks more jacked up it's like an suv look at the back end because i think this is the best part of it look at that oh that's nice yeah very nice strong looking boot capacity can someone tell me the boot capacity someone off camera because i've forgotten it it's that capacity mother look there's some area there we can store your charging cables obviously the seats fall down blah blah blah blah blah and because it's higher up it's easier probably to load things up yeah feel that oh that's nice yes that's part of the job oh load lip yeah see look at that yes just learning what's the capacity four three four so slightly bigger suitcases is that some yeah some more probably more than in the volkswagen so it's slightly bigger but it looks much bigger than the volkswagen isn't it do you want to check out the back seats yes come on so a bit easy to get into because it's higher uh-huh what do you think of it in there it's a bit dark actually but it's all right yes it's fine it's got a sunroof very nice i like that there's plenty of leg room again it's good should we try the front right mum first impressions the inside of this per show good i like it you're like what's going on with the steering wheel because it's dead small steering wheel and you have to look over it to see the dials no well i won't when the seats are higher go get the seat up then go on i like this tiny steering wheel and i can see right over i like it that this isn't high up into the windscreen and the system's quite easy to use but once again you're just going to plug your phone in and use android auto what is good compared to the volkswagen is that you've got separate buttons for your climate control so you've not got those silly sliders it's quite clear what you're doing what do you think of the interior design compared to the volkswagen i like it more this is nice and it's beautifully finished yeah the quality is better in here how about the raised driving position lovely i love it yeah yes i want one yeah don't give the game away just yet you've got another car to check out first so then mother we come to the last of the less expensive cars though still starts from 27 000 pounds after car discounts and stuff like that and this one here it's just over 30 000 pounds it's the vauxhall mocha e what do you think of it i think it's very very smart very modern this is good here isn't it this complete black here with the black logo in the middle nice quite cool let's check it out down the side what do you think of the red boots oh yeah the red on the wheels i like the red bits like it's actually very similar underneath its skin to the peugeot they share so many parts it's just that this is slightly shorter probably about 15 centimeters shorter oh that's useful a bit easier yes exactly let's check out the rear see which one has the prettiest bottom oh it's a marker it's a mockery now you're making a mockery of me yeah what do you think of it back end smart very nice just check out the booth oh i like these lights look at this i'll just bear with you bear with us all right okay very very nice yes now should we check out the boot yes dude how'd you get in it oh it's under here yeah see okay so the low capacity is 310 liters so less than the vw and quite a lot less than the peugeot but is there enough space for you well for me personally there's probably enough but it is smaller than i would have expected for something this size okay and also look the big load lift that's true but you can get a false floor for it it's an option at all right so but not right not it's not wouldn't be flush would it look no not like the person no yeah look at that you're well into this car review now aren't you you've got all the lingo let's check out the back seats go on climb aboard easy does it can you get in this is nice you're making that look harder than it actually is come on it's my arthritic knees so for your friends with their arthritis would they struggle to get in the back of there sorry mum's friends i think they would but more to the point you'd struggle getting a child a baby in or or children that you've got to strap in are you planning on having some more children or something moments are you not talking about i live in hope so a bit smaller than the other two cars yes and you can't stretch your legs out so far the floor rises there sometimes i like to stretch my legs out though i can do that from the driving position can't i well let's go check it out in the front all right and we're inside the vauxhall what you're thinking i'm thinking all this display is very very clear but i'm not high enough up if you've got the object all the way up yeah eight two three nearly yeah keep going keep going see if i can go are you high enough now i still don't feel high enough i'd still need a cushion what do you think of the overall quality in here compared to the other two cars i don't think it's quite as good you're not so impressed by the inside of this but you like the outside i do like the outside yes well then mother we've looked around all these cars yep but there's one more thing you need to know it's very important on electric cars it's their range so the volkswagen according to vw can do 260 miles between charges but the reality is you're gonna get about 200 miles of range out of it the vauxhall it's claimed range 200 miles reality about 150 miles yeah same with the peugeot because they're pretty much the same car underneath yes okay so 50 miles real world range less than the vw yeah so they should take them to account oh yeah definitely consideration yeah now have you decided which one you want to reject yes okay don't tell us yet don't tell us yet because fast we need to check out the more expensive cars we've had a lot around the less expensive cars so now we're going to move up to the more expensive one starting with the tesla what do you think of the look of this oh it's beautiful nothing quite says electric car like a t-shirt does it no it's perfect it's just don't you think it looks a little bit like a wrong fixture oh it's just slightly but that that's like its nose yes that this nose is the logo is like your nose all right what do you think on the side of it beautiful lines lovely and check this out look mom and check this out double glazed here let's check out the boot this is a saloon car not a hatchback like the other ones you've seen which means that you don't have such a big opening but there's still quite a lot of space yes and it's not so high so i even got to lift so high and there's no the lip is very shallow so it's you're really getting it with the lip the logo definitely yes very important when you're reviewing cars there's also some more storage under there for your cables and stuff also you can fold down the rear seats if you need to carry longer items now you've got 425 liters of where are you going i'm seeing how far it goes don't go in there it goes a long long way losing you need a hook to get your stuff out wouldn't you so you haven't just got that no look at this though follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me right let me just do this press this button yep ah that's clever we have a front boot also known as a fruit that's super you get your shopping in there wouldn't you get your shopping there yeah fit a small child in there no you wouldn't it's very nice so you just press the display and it opens the front boot now let's just check what it's like in the back because obviously yeah it's not an suv and you won an suv but come on climb in oh yes positively palatial it's lovely look at this the glass roof goes all the way across you've got plenty of room yes absolutely stacks and you've got the bonus of not having any lumps in the floor yes that opens sufficiently wide i didn't find it difficult to get in no should we see what it's like in the front yes so what do you think of the inside of this model three it's like nothing car-like i've been in before it's like sitting in the lounge but the reason is exactly that it's like sitting in a lane you've got wood here and there's no like buttons or stuff like that everything is pretty much done through the screen or through voice commands or just these buttons are you sitting comfortably then you'll begin no no no no do you want to get comfortable can i go see it's electric in fact this car right it starts from 41 000 pounds but it pretty much comes fully loaded electric seats heated seats this huge infotainment screen surround view cameras like that there we go is that yes you've got google maps you've also got look at this toy box was that you i know it could have been there couldn't it anyway so you operate through the screen yeah it does take a little bit of getting used to but you do then get used to it and you can control most things just by saying things like this you press this button and go windscreen wipers on i know the windscreen wipers on all very very simple fingers you're high enough i think i've gone right to the top yet there you go i lift it all the way up is it high enough thing about this car is that the bonnet's quite low yeah so you do get a graveyard this year the the vision is wonderful isn't it look at that you've got wireless charging for your mobile phone they've thought of everything it's got all the tech this has got all the tech and that comes with it yeah all the standard no extras just all it is okay so yeah which actually yes it's great your last words i am i i am so move on to the next card i i think so because this is just starting to mumble now i am i'm in awe i'm in awe now it's just as lovely now we come to the second car in the more expensive group the volvo xc40 electric what do you think of this beautiful it's a volvo xc40 right you've driven them yes yes the only thing that's different really grill yeah no grill but still looks impressive have a look at it from the side looks sturdy safe reliable everything volvo really yeah let's get the boot volvo's also practical aren't they yeah so we've got a big boot on this look at the size of this oh it's splendid and like you've got all this kind of stuff in the boot here where you can like like divide it up and oh yeah fold down the seats loads of room and what's this mother what do we see here what do we see what don't we see we don't see a lip we don't see a lip so it's easy to slide things in yeah super you could live in the back so you've got 413 liters of space there yes it stacks isn't it yes it's loads and like the tesla look you've got a front boot as well let's let's get an open it yes so i just gotta pull on this i'm not pressing a button on the screen this time i know okay and i've got a release there so then you can do this one as well what's all this about why do you need all this extra i don't know it is definitely easier on the tesla i've no idea is it because it's from a cold country i don't know price of this car though starts with 50 000 pounds whereas this one this one here 57 000 pounds this one this actual model yeah so this has got pretty much the same amount of kit on it as the tesla but if you want the autonomous cruise if you want surround view cameras that you get a standalone the tesla yeah 000 pounds okay so i don't think you're going to want this mother because it could cost me a lot of money i don't think so let's just check out the back seats she doesn't want it please check out the back seats climb aboard so it's a bit of a no no no no it's not it's fine that's very easy that's really low what do you think of it beautiful and look see all this nice glass rooms bathroom yeah fifty seven thousand pounds worth that's a lot of money yes but it's beautiful inside so again check out the front let me just enjoy the back for a moment listen yeah just enjoy the back for a moment so here on the inside of the xc40 how much different does it feel compared to the tesla completely what do you like about it i don't know what to say [Laughter] in a good way or a better way to carve it she's getting tired there's a bit clunky feel about it isn't that it feels a bit more old-fashioned doesn't it yes like i was going to say i'll manage but that that's sexist really isn't it an ageist yeah but um i'd be comfortable in this it's becoming you know an old trope that you're like rotting out so let's get the seats as high as they can go i think that's as high as you can feel a little bit lower that's as high as it goes mother no it's again cushion oh going up higher oh wait a bit hang on oh there we go goes right up oh that's all right moving on up then oh god what do you think of the visibility it's an suv you want to sit high yeah it's good infotainment screen's here and it runs android auto nice and clear yeah it's very easy to use and you've got google maps as well all right thinking about the tesla you can't plug your phone in and use android auto you just you're right pardon me are you allergic to the volvo problem it's just the gear why is the gear selected by the rigging no i it's here it's in the the position i recognize where's the tesla's app yes yes okay so overall what do you think of the interior lovely it's fine it's okay do you prefer this or the tesla's interior they're just so different well probably find out when you make your decision of which car you don't want to test drive but there's one more to test first now we come to the very last car it's the audi q4 e-tron let me tell you something about this underneath its skin yeah it shares many of its components with that vw id3 though it is a lot more expensive so it starts from forty thousand pounds this one here is forty two thousand pounds but to get it specked up like the tesla you're probably gonna have to fit about three grams worth of options at the very least maybe even rising all the way to about 53 000 pounds for the rain stopping version but you could probably get away with this one here what do you think of the look of it because it's an electric car with a massive grill yes it's exactly that sums it up i wonder why really it's audi's signature so people recognize it as an audi yes what do you think of the look of it though i think it looks okay actually but i do so it's oh yeah it's riding on 20-inch alloy wheels which are pretty large but you can get 20 ones which are even bigger it's a proper suv isn't it yeah it is tall do you like the look of it from the side yeah i do i like its big wheels and its high arches do you prefer the look of this than the volvo just a moment i like them both oh all right let's let's check out the boot what about the rear end of this with this fall and light bulb oh i like do you think it looks more modern than the volvo yes i think it does yeah check out the boot it's got the biggest boot this one wow 520 liters you've got some extra storage under there the thing that you like look don't do it on this car as well go on you know yes it's nice and smooth and easy to lift things yeah can i just ask doesn't it have a a shelf here yeah someone's taking it out in fact it's here lock you can store the shelf underneath the false floor well that's handy when you're going to the tip yeah exactly right there's no front feet on this one though no front brakes but you wouldn't need it would you because you can stack right up i suppose yep and fall down the seats watching it oops there you go almost lost it there mother mind at least that wouldn't cost me anything to buy a car he'd be i'd need a hearse that's it it's big enough just just bundle me in the back just get in right what do you think about that oh it's lovely yes very nice yes more space than the volvo or similar or well it's flat here isn't it wasn't the ball yeah you see that volvo is designed originally as a petrol car this one is an electric car you haven't got the glass roof though if you want the glass roof on this you're going to need the top of the range model which is like 53 000 pounds do you mind if i just close the door a moment i just want some peace and quiet no i just wanted yeah it's nice because the window goes right the way there and then you've got bit more there so i like it it's not claustrophobic okay let's check out the front first thing i want to show you in the front of the side is this look look at the steering wheel yes keep looking at the steering wheel yeah and i'm going to turn it on oh see how the buttons light up oh my goodness that's good isn't it it looks good but they're actually a bit of a pain to use because they're like touch sensitive and you press them and it's a little bit confusing yes and if you bring your hands down exactly yeah honestly that happens yeah well it would wouldn't it what do you think of the design of this wheel it seems a bit big but i quite like the flat bottom and the flat top it's hexagonal now the tech in this guy is actually pretty good so main screen there with google maps yes that's that's very nice separate climate control so it's easy to operate when you're driving yeah it all looks dead modern and you can connect your phone and use android auto through it as well digital drivers display really nice that's nice and clear yeah how about the seating position do you need to get higher i need to be higher go on then you know what to do go on oh now the seats on this car are all manual so oh this is familiar yeah yeah on a 42 000 pound car no that's not good isn't it it's not good honestly you're gonna have to step up over 50 grand if you want it or singing or dance in this thing oh no classic audi oh my goodness i mean that's all right but it's a bit prehistoric isn't it yeah considering the rest of the inside is so techy really and nice they just want you to pay for it it's just that's what it is without going cynical isn't it she hit the nail on the head there so is that as high as it will go yes it is yes it is what do you think of that no it's not quite high enough for me you need your cushion yes still need the cushion bit low just a cup yeah an inch couple of inches that's all you're not a design same position i am disappointed about that oh dear will that is it built for a man i think it's built for human beings anyway is this going to influence your decision well it would do of course it would we're going to find out don't give the game away just oh no i haven't decided now it's finally time to test drive the cars we're going to start off with the least expensive cars so what we need you to do mother is reject one which is the one that you don't want to test drive oh lucky building the suspense come on what is it which one is it it's this one oh the vauxhall i think it looks so cool though why this one i'm quite surprised because i i like the look of it but it doesn't quite hit the mark it's not quite an suv enough for me i'd still need the cushion right then well i yeah bad luck vauxhall you're being rejected let's go test drive the other two right first car we're driving there mum peugeot e 2008 how does it feel super is this the first electric car you did this is the first electric car i've driven it is lovely lift off the accelerator feel that braking i like that what a good idea so what's happening now is as you're slowing the car is recouping its energy and putting it back in the battery and that's why you get that braking effect because it's the motor working in reverse like a generator yes and it gives you loads of control when you just drive absolutely slow right down i need to slow right down to about 20 miles an hour okay slowly go all the way down now floor it all the way all the way pod that's your pick about have a roundabout it's pretty nippy isn't it that's fine that's absolutely great how about the comfort i think it's really comfortable the vision is super i love the height do you need a cushion in this car i don't need my cushion no no bloody cushion but isn't it lovely i really like it i like the size of it it feels good and roomy and i tell you it feels really nice and solid so we just take this end of the day yeah we should finish now fast you've got some other cars to drive yeah i like it yeah i really like it it's really really nice there's a big thumbs up oh yeah yes really big thumbs up i'd be more than happy with this oh this is nice too god this is so nice this is mother's first time in an electric car what second time and so it's just amazed by what they like to drive so do you much prefer electric cars now than internal combustion engine cars yes it's so easy even in an automatic car you get kind of dirt so smooth isn't it it's not right there so you can back off the throttle you can feel the braking effect again on this one not as much i can now now floor the throttle probably floor it all the way down oh my god that's great now this is quicker than the peugeot what about the driving position though fine it's got a really decent view out the front doesn't it's a big win absolutely beautiful get a bit quicker around this corner does that seem to corner better than that corner is better than the position so slow right down right down to 20 like we're doing the person right down to 20. now floor it got on floor it like pulling out a junction look at that oh i like that you like a big performance don't you i do actually i really like this wait until you get into the more expensive very very surprised do you like this more than you thought you would i like the drive of this more than the persia oh dear it's going to be tough isn't it oh day a day a day it did yeah decisions it's better that somebody makes a decision for me because i i mean i'd be really happy with all of them but i like the punchiness of this this is absolutely fabulous now it's time to decide which of these cars you want to reject but before we do let me talk you through their ranges because that's obviously very important addy says his car do around 300 miles on a full charge real world you're looking around 240 230. tesla 280 miles according to tesla and he'll do around 240 230 same as the od yeah this volvo is supposed to get around 260 miles on a full charge but you're probably looking at around 210 miles remember at your home you have a wall box so you'll mainly charge from home but occasionally you might want to do some longer distances and this is where the tesla really works because as well as using generic chargers you can use tesla's own superchargers which the other cars can't okay another good thing with a tesla when you put in the details in the sat nav it will find your journey for you stopping along the way at the optimal places to stop and charge up using the superchargers now the other cars can do that but they're just not as good at it as a tesla yet yet i don't think they will be for a while with all that in mind and the cost of these cars what i want you to do is pick your first car that you want to test drive the tesla definitely wants to test drive the tesla okay let's go do that and then in a bit we'll reveal the other car the two suvs you chose to test drive so we're driving the tesla first yes we're doing 20 miles an hour i want you to floor the throttle completely floor it go on this is the slow one i can get you one that's quicker oh no no no no no this is absolutely enough speed for me thank you do it again prepare for takeoff how does it feel it's lovely so drive a bit quicker through this bench you can feel what the steering's like and what the handling's like gone quicker go on how does it feel does it feel planted does it feel small absolutely planted no accelerate at this bend wow wow and you can off what do you think of the view out it's terrific do you need a car that's high up there no you get a great view out don't you yeah and it is so comfortable it's comfy isn't it it handles well it's quiet don't think it's really quiet very quiet are you now tesla fangirl mother is elon your hero oh always always i'm going into space with him he doesn't know it so mother the final car you're driving is the audi why do you choose this over the volvo you know it looks like you're not sure or you've changed your mind no i thought the volvo was very impressive looking but this is bespoke do you like that the fact that the fact that it's newer cooler more modern less fussy design this just feels more spacious too what about the seat like you've obviously got someone's coat yes i have an issue with both of them um i then slightly not high enough the seats for me either of them okay right what i'm going to do now is slow down a bit accelerate hard floor it floor it properly all the way right my foot's right on the floor so how does that feel it feels fast it feels responsive but it doesn't feel as fast as the tesla tesla's quicker i it felt quicker right in the corners going quite quickly yeah going quickly around the corner right so we're doing a little right bend here lovely nice beautiful what do you think about the higher ride height it's a bunny slow down ah oh my widow didn't hit it no i wasn't going to hit a bunny slow ride down again check the acceleration when you'd be pulling out a junction or something like that it's still pretty quick it's pretty quick it is but it's not as quick as that tesla is it no it's not no it's quite uncomfortable do you think i think it's quiet oh look look stags baby ones how do you feel in terms of comfort oh it's really nice is it quite a tough decision yeah it is the bits that you like about each one to drive there's something about the vision on the tesla it is so broad but you know i'd be happy with any of them oh well then mother you've driven them all now they're lovely they are lovely aren't they oh god aren't cars lovely electric cars are yeah but no mother it's decision time oh dear okay it's finally crunch time so mother you've driven all the cars now between the volkswagen and the peugeot which would you rather have the volkswagen so what's that it's nippier sharper and it's big enough so you quite like that i'd absolutely love it yes great all right and now are these two though the audi and the tesla yes would you rather have well the tesla i just so knew she was going to say that it's just special and i don't need a cushion okay so this is the thing this is how this is going to play out would you rather tesla than the id3 i'd rather have the id3 should just have the id3 it's good enough it's big enough inside that's all you need isn't it mum yeah but you're a generous son i'm not that generous so this is what we're gonna do you'd rather have the tesla right yeah yeah yeah okay yes so now this comes down to a coin toss but there's got to be a bit of jeopardy right so if you want i'll get you the id3 in whatever spec you want oh or you can upgrade to the tesla yeah but you've got to flip a coin and if you guess wrong i will only pay for the id3 in the lowest trim if you want any more extras you're gonna have to pay for them not me do you want to take that gamble no but i will you prefer that car all right do you want heads or tails details i hope it's a double-headed coin no i'll have heads please okay now we're going to let the car wow coin of truth decide which car you get what was it again heads yes heads do you know what it is i don't know do you have a look oh dear mother oh dear so that's going to cost me a bit more money god damn it i mean you're going to end up with that but you know what we're going to do now we're going to go on car wow we're going to configure your car and we're going to get and buy it oh that's it raising me all these years there we go now what we're going to do next is we are going to obviously order the car we're then going to go and get it and we'll do a video of you collecting your car oh please yeah yeah and what we're going to also do is fit a charger at your home so that you can just charge it at home so we'll film that as well lovely yes thank you and we'll see what it's like for you living with an electric car because you're going to keep your old say out just oh yeah to make sure yes because she's a bit worried about range and stuff like but i think you'll be fine but we'll catch up with you in a few months after you've had it for a while and see just how you're finding it well i'm sure i'll enjoy it because just going around that track was wow yeah and i'm going wow because of how much this is costing me oh well i hope everyone enjoyed the video don't you oh i do yes if you did give it some likes well also what do you think about her choice of car did you make the right decision what should they do what do they do come on you know oh they have to um tippy tappy in the comments below yeah so if you wanted tippy tappy let her know what you thought and what's the next thing they could do oh if they want to watch some more content oh if you want to watch more content you do something up here yeah you sort of do some stuff over do you do some stuff up there there's another thing they could do as well isn't that uh subscribe now subscribe now now subscribe here on the video well when i get home okay
Channel: carwow
Views: 3,530,581
Rating: 4.9448605 out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, car review 2021, new car review, audi, audi q4, audi q4 e-tron, audi e-tron, volvo, volvo xc40 electric, tesla, tesla model 3, tesla model 3 standard range plus, peugeot, peugeot e-2008, vauxhall, opel, mokka-e, vauxhall mokka-e, opel mokka-e, volkswagen, volkswagen electric car, volkswagen id.3, vw id.3, xc40 recharge, electric car, ev car, electric car buying, new electric car 2021, best electric car 2021, buying an ev, buy a tesla, buy tesla
Id: AfP85iAWD3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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