Buying Drywall Products at Home Depot in the USA!!!!

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hey guys welcome back so today I am at an American Home Depot in Long Beach California and I'm going to show you guys what products if I was working here what I would choose off the shelves to help you discern some of the differences between the Canadian products that I'm always showing on my Channel versus the stuff that is available here at least on the west coast of the US so let's take a walk inside and see what there is okay here we are the Beloved drywall aisle so we got our cement board hardybacker probably good for fireplaces things like that we've got the usual 5 8 fire code drywall the half inch light drywall this really isn't any different than the one in Canada it's a sheetrock brand same thing they carry up there we got the green stuff this is good for the walls in bathrooms but not in your shower please do not ever use this stuff as backer board for your shower that cement board I showed you earlier will work great we got our 12 foot sheets and what is this one what is this one 3 8 so they don't actually carry 3 8 and quarter inch in our local Home Depots you have to go to the drywall supply to get that stuff but they actually carry it here so that's cool now this stuff is going to be really good for a shower it will not mold or rot and we have the bigger sheets of it here it's basically like cement particles mixed in with a fiberglass mesh yeah we know we love the fiberglass mesh but it's good in this case and on the other side of the aisle we have the mud which is everybody's favorite product let's get into it okay so the first thing I see here is a one pass wall repair I have no idea what this stuff is so I'm not going to tell you what it is but right here we have USG plus three you can find this pretty much everywhere in the States this is a lightweight all-purpose I use this stuff all the time in fact the brand I use is cgc which is the sister brand Canadian sister brand to USG and it is a lightweight all-purpose right here Blue Line wall texture no idea we don't do much textures where I live but your USG plus 3 is a great product so it's lightweight meaning the buckets don't wind up really heavy it also means it's less dense it Sands easily it has just enough glue in it to tape with if you want to do some light taping however if you're taping a big job or you want it to be really strong I would not recommend the plus three it's basically good for your next two coats after taping I use this stuff all the time the one is called light line all purpose it's the exact same as the plus three I've come over the border and bought this stuff taken it back tried it it's exactly the same so if I lived here this would be what I would be using for all of my coats except for taping so let's get into what I would use for taping normally I would recommend the USD green lid that is a heavyweight all-purpose but here they have Westpac so if you lift these buckets up they are about 50 percent heavier than a lightweight all-purpose you really feel it you can feel it in the pan that it's heavier here it has a denser and slightly weirder to spread feeling but this stuff is hard dense not very sandable it will send but it's not easy to sand so if I lived in the States this is exactly what I would be using to tape super sticky super dense it's going to create nice hard joints and again if I was somewhere else it would be the USG green lid heavyweight all-purpose great product right above it here we have a lightweight all-purpose let's look at that so this one is a super light lightweight all-purpose so you will notice when you pick up the box or bucket it is actually even lighter it is less dense even than the lightweight all-purpose I don't like this stuff it's just not strong it just chips dents all that stuff not a good product moving on to the TNT taping and Topping compound I'm not sure what this stuff is exactly I couldn't tell you we don't have this one where I live and then we've got TNT light taping and Topping don't know what that is it's amazing how many products there are how many varieties there are in this Home Depot we have way less choices where I live down there is just some texture but let's get into the quick sets because again we have a lot of variety in the quick sets here so we have 90 minute set times for those bigger jobs five minute set times for those very small quick jobs 40 minute and 20 minute so this brand Westpac is actually the exact same as Hamilton it is just the American one so I highly recommend Westpac if you can find it so it says light setting compound basically once you mix this stuff with water it's going to start a chemical reaction and it's going to set approximately within the numbered range on the bag so the five minute basically if you mix it too slow you're not going to get it out of your pan or bucket it's crazy stuff but it's incredible for getting three or four coats on in an hour if you have to I use it all the time it's the best product for getting in and out of a job really quick so this is Westpac but I use the Hamilton one again same product that they have very good adhesion it doesn't come off the wall very easily it's got a very consistent set time it doesn't vary very much and it's very slightly sandable not very sandable so don't use this stuff for your top coat I never paint over this product I always use a pre-mixed product like what we've shown in the buckets and preferably a lightweight one because you're going to save yourself a lot of strain on the elbow and the shoulder if you use a light product to sand so moving on from there we have Westpac Red Dot All Purpose it's just the same as what was in the bucket the other one just gets you a bucket to use right off the bat and then we've got Green Dot topping topping mud is actually a great product like if you have a big job and you tape everything with a heavyweight all-purpose and then you use topping for your executive successive consecutive I kind of mixed that word up but if you use this stuff for your next coats it doesn't bubble very much it Sands very easily it's a very forgiving product I like topping muds but the reason I don't use them is because they're one trick ponies so if I'm using a lightweight all-purpose at least I can tape with it in a pinch even heavy weight All Purpose you can still coat with it it's just a bear to sand so I definitely recommend those two products if you want a product that's really easy to sand but won't be able to tape or coat Corner beads that's another thing you can't coat a steel corner bead with the top popping mud so that's something to consider and in fact I wouldn't even do my first coat on steel Corner beads with a lightweight all-purpose like plus three I would actually you only use heavyweight muds to coat a steel corner bead because it's so strong it has so much glue it's going to have a way it's going to be a very Superior end product so keep that in mind okay next we have our various sandpapers none of it is the kind I like which is a foam backed sandpaper it's all just paper the mesh screens garbage product don't even bother using it it leaves a grid and up here masks sanding sponges you know how I feel about those small roll of paper tape various options of tape that will all fail you mesh tape I know you can use it sometimes and it does work with setting muds but at your own risk you guys know this is the only one that I actually recommend fiber fuse is a pretty good product I don't see it here but I'm a paper tape guy all the way as for sanding sponges we got your typical Square sponge in various grits I always sand with a fine grit sponge we've got this one with a weird grid texture on it I probably wouldn't use that because I think it might leave lines angled sanding sponges my favorite these are the ones that I have used almost exclusively for my entire career 3M angled drywall sanding sponges fine that's really all you need for sanding sponges and we got a sanding pole this thing feels pretty decent it looks pretty chintzy actually I bet I would break that in not too long just by throwing things on top of it in my van but do yourself a favor get a sanding pole the job will go way faster and your work will be flatter so what I meant was I never use these things I wouldn't bother a sanding pole is way more versatile I bought one of these when I was brand new in the trade and I never used it since I bought it steel pans they're good Steel knives they're good we got the stainless ones which cost a little more and we got the blue steel which in my opinion feel better and coat better but they take more maintenance because they will Rust so keep clean them and keep them dry as for taping knives this one seems more durable and maybe a bit more comfortable this is the shape that I like but this one feels really cheap like it's gonna crack so these solid steel ones they're going to cost you five bucks more a piece but they're way better seriously get these ones they're going to last you forever okay as for mixing paddles this one actually looks pretty decent so right here it doesn't have any majorly sharp edges so it's not going to be you know peeling little strips off your bucket leaving the what looks like shredded coconut in your buckets having a tape reel is pretty handy I use these all the time texture Hopper these work they're not bad but you kind of need a special compressor that most of us don't have and knives wall patches I've never used one of these in my entire career I really don't see the point so I know some of you are thinking Ben what about travels you're always using trowels in the videos and it's true I am if you're in the states and you don't have like a proper drywall trowel nice flat one I would recommend just using knives they're more intuitive user friendly easier to learn but if you really want to go the route of using a trowel let me show you what you can easily find in Home Depot it's not going to be as good as the ones I use but it will get the job done so here you have a hawk aluminum Hawk to hold your mud and then we do have a trowel here but it's a curved trowel can you guys probably can't see that because of the plastic but it's got a hook in it so the only thing a curved trowel is good for is for doing flat joints like the tapered beveled seams nice long ones it leaves a slightly larger amount of compound in the middle of the joint where it shrinks the most but they're primarily a one-trick pony they can be used on Corner beads where they don't work well is when you start having to tie in joints and Float out large areas because they're curved so that curved Edge that dips down is always going to dig into the compound when you're trying to do wide feather joints so if you're lucky you might find something in the concrete masonry aisle okay so I did find a trowel in there but it was so close to the music inside the place I'm pretty sure I'm going to get demonetized if I filmed there but they did have a gold blat 13 by 5 inch trowel that had a straight edge the only problem is I can't remember what this part is called but the Magnesium part in the center didn't quite extend far enough out to to the end of the trowel so the trowel had a lot of flex in it which wouldn't be the end of the world it would still work really well but it didn't feel quite as high quality as the trowels that I usually use I've got some old Curry trowels Marshalltown make some good trowels you just want to look for a 13 by 5 straight trowel like if you're only going to buy one trowel that size 13 inch by five inch is a great all-purpose size so I highly recommend those Marshalltown the gold steel ones those are a good one just make sure it's stainless and make sure it's not a curved drywall trowel some people love them but I've always found them pretty useless anyways that's it that is drywall muds at an American Home Depot although what I've heard is if I even just go you know a few miles over to Riverside I'm going to find totally different products at a different store anyways hopefully this clarifies something for you guys or you found it interesting to see me talking about us products I just want to say a big thanks for watching I got a lot of interesting stuff coming out both on this channel and and the skateboard channel it's been a crazy trip I've been down here in Southern California for 12 days super grateful super honored to meet all the people I've met and um yeah that's it thanks for watching until the next one you guys
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 133,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall repair, drywall repair patch, drywall repair clips, drywall repair large hole, drywall repair water damage, drywall repair hacks, drywall repair ceiling water damage, drywall repair outlet box, drywall repair electrical outlet, drywall repair after wallpaper removal, drywall repair hole, drywall repair around shower, drywall repair and, drywall repair and texture, drywall repair and installation, drywall patch repair and paint, joint compound
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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