Buying a USED Tesla Model 3? Here's what you need to know.

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my name is Caleb and today we're talking about the Tesla Model [Music] 3 now before we dive into this video this car specifically is listed on private private auto is a self-service platform with proprietary banking technology that allows you to close a deal on your own anytime any place without the middleman now unless you've been living under a rock you probably have heard of Elon Musk and Tesla here are some specific spefic things you may not know about the model 3 specifically now when this car first went on pre-order in 2016 within the first 24 hours of it going live there were over 180,000 pre-orders that's insane now this car was codeen named Blue Star before it officially went live and initially Elon wanted to use the model e now Ford owned the trademark on Model E so therefore Elon couldn't use it but had he been able to use it all models of the Tesla Series would would have been Model S model e model X and model y spelling out sexy and I think that's pretty fitting because every Tesla model is pretty sexy and now the last fun fact here is the Tesla Model 3 achieved the lowest NH TSA safety score out of any model and any car up until that point that rating was 0.38 and in this case you want the lowest score possible so this is a really good safety score for a car all right now let's get into the trims so the trims for the model 3 comes in standard performance and long range this model here is the long range version but let's dive into the differences of each of the trims the standard one is a single motor meaning it is two wheel drive the performance and long range versions are dual motors meaning they have Motors on each axle which extends the range so on this model specifically the long range trim you can expect about 325 M on on one charge but that's brand new we'll get into what a used Range can look like later on in the video on the standard model which is the single motor that gets about 270 Mi of range and then performance you can expect about 35 M on a single charge brand new now let's talk about charging with Tesla you can go to superchargers all across the country and you can expect to charge from 0% to 100% in about an hour now if you're an pinch you can go to a supercharger and get like 147 miles in like 15 minutes at a supercharger otherwise depending on the type of Outlet you're using you can expect anywhere between 4 to like 11 hours in order to charge all the way up now I mentioned depending on what Outlet you're using because standard when you get a Tesla you can't plug it directly into like your Standard wall outlet at home this is a Gen 2 Nema adapter it plugs into the end of the charging cords that do come with your Tesla but then it plugs into your standard outlet that you can expect in your garage otherwise if you want faster charging at home you have to get a wall charger for your Tesla and if you're like me who has zero electrician experience you probably need a certified electrician to come and install it in your home because they're going to have to have a different voltage for your outlet and this wall charger can cost around $ 500ish so keep that in mind when you're buying a used Tesla to see what kind of charging comes with it if they have this adapter and what you can expect for additional charges to get that W charger installed all right so you're in the market for a used Tesla you're probably curious how the price changes over time now for the Tesla Model 3 this right here the long range brand new it starts out at about 45k is that price fluctuates wildly based on how Elon feels that morning but over the course of like 3 to 5 years you can expect that price to depreciate between 25% % and 45% depending on like how demand is doing at the time be sure to always stay up to date on prices of Teslas to make sure that you can get the best deal for a used one you can expect a used long range Tesla Model 3 to fall in anywhere between 30k to 40K Which is less than 45k new but way more than the trade-in value of 29k so if you are selling your Tesla Model 3 definitely want to sell it PR party because a dealer is only going to give you about 29k right now for this car all right so one of the things that you definitely want to consider when buying a used EV any EV but specifically the model 3 here is battery degradation over time the more often it's driven the longer it's driven how often it's charged the battery will decrease over time so let's go into the trip today to get here to this filming location so I had about 260 Mi when I started the drive I drove 60 M and now it says I have about 170 m that's a little bit more than 60 Mi so there is some battery degradation that happens now when you drive an EV there are a lot of things that can affect it wind can affect battery efficiency cold definitely affects battery efficiency and here in Utah it is cold so therefore the battery is less efficient and Hills affect battery efficiency as well before you buy a used EV used Tesla used rivan whatever it is be sure to test drive it and do some calculations on your own to see how much the battery is less efficient than brand new all right so since we're inside let's go ahead and talk about the interior of the vehicle obviously this one is the black interior Tesla Model 3s also come with a allwhite interior both are leather and both are pretty easy to clean so even with white you can still clean it pretty well uh black does show a lot of blonde dog hair and I would know because cuz I have a blonde dog inside everything is controlled by this string right here so there are actually only two buttons here on the steering wheel and you have two buttons here on the levers on the side so everything else is controlled on the touchscreen here you can open up the frun you can open up the trunk you can also control and see your Energy Efficiency over time you can see how much you consumed the last trip how much you've consumed uh over time here and what the projected range is here so this will help you in terms of understanding the battery efficiency over time other things you can do you can play games here uh we'll go ahead and experience this a little bit I can use the steering wheel to game here and you can even use like the pedals obviously I'm not really good at doing this at all and then other things you can do that are pretty fun with the Tesla from the center console here you go into what's called your toy box this allows you to do light shows you can set your horn to be different sounds you can even upload sounds for your horn to be or for when you lock your car you can set up a little romance here with the uh fire pit create some Ambiance here turn on the heat oh nice date night activities here you can also turn on uh some flatulant explain Direction and it's directional audio you can see here on the screen this is driver side you can put it back there you can turn on Theater which this is how you watch Netflix Hulu Disney plus YouTube now you can only do this while the car is parted for obvious reasons so if you're looking for entertainment on a road trip you can't use it while you're driving now another thing I love about Tesla is the security that you can have you can set up a PIN number to drive or to open up your glove box so you can make sure your car is as secure as possible and if you leave any valuables in your glove box it can't be opened without that pin now one of my favorite things about the Tesla is the key not this key but this key the phone is actually your key which is super awesome for when you want as little as possible in your pockets such as going to the gym you don't have to carry a physical key however there is something unique to buying a used Tesla from someone else AKA a private party sale is that transferring Tesla ownership can take a little bit so you want to always make sure you get a physical key when you are buying a used Tesla from someone else because to transfer ownership to the phone it can take 3 to 5 days so you can only drive with a physical key during that time now to transfer ownership for those of you who are selling your model 3 or any Tesla It's relatively simple you go into the Tesla app make sure both of you have it downloaded you then open up the settings and go into transfer ownership you fill out the fields and then hit submit and then you'll get a confirmation from Tesla that it can take 3 to 5 days and during that time the car will still show inside of your Tesla app and will not be inside of the buyer's Tesla app however after it's done you can then verify within the Tesla app after after the 3 to 5 days that okay the car is no longer in my app as the seller and as the buyer you can say hey there's the car it now has my name my info all of that so be sure you get a physical key when you buy a used Tesla because you won't be able to drive it with just your phone quite yet now before you sell your Tesla Model 3 be sure to erase everything from the software itself inside of your like uh Dash here um all your personal info your user info your log in log out of everything to make sure that you don't transfer any personal information over to the buyer now we're going to do a rapid fire of The Upfront interior of the Tesla Model 3 you got storage space here storage space there nice and deep you got wireless charger here and here for both sides then you got a 15.4 in display where you control everything about your car you then have your gear selector here your windshield wiper and blinkers here and your knobs that you can scroll up and down or hit left or right on both sides which control various items then over here you got your window uh increaser and decreaser your window control and then you have your button which opens the door but in case the electronics go out you also have a physical latch that you can open up as well I wouldn't recommend using that use the button all right so let's go ahead and take this baby for a drive so the unique thing about a Tesla Model 3 and any Tesla is that you have different driving options so up here on the uh display here we can control the various pedals and steering options we have here and you know a car is fun and fast to drive when it has a chill acceleration mode in addition to like the normal one now the normal standard acceleration of the model 3 long range goes 0 to 60 in 4.2 seconds that is1 m/s squared faster than the incred coaster at C californ Adventure this car is faster than a roller coaster so you have the three trims of the model 3 we've already talked about the long range acceleration on the basic standard trim you can do 0 to 60 in about 5.6 seconds and on the performance mode you can do 0 to 60 in 3.1 seconds 1.1 second faster than this model uh before I kick this baby into drive you do have a few different steering mode options you have comfort standard and sport sport is obviously more responsive you can take take sharper Corners Comfort is a much more relaxed feel than standard is just like I don't know normal driving mode so I'll kind of give some feedback on the different driving modes here the other thing to keep in mind about driving a Tesla is it has regenerative braking and that means as you let your foot off of the accelerator the brakes are going to be engaged and recharging the battery but it can start to feel a little bit like a roller coaster so you can feel the camera moving here and all I'm doing is letting my foot off of the accelerator so be sure to take these cars for a test drive uh because it can take a lot of getting used to and can even make some people sick because it feels like a roller coaster now some other options you have while you're driving the Tesla Model 3 and any Tesla is you have different braking modes so you can have uh hold braking mode which basically means when you arrive to a stop light you can let your foot off the accelerator and it'll just lock in place and then when you push the accelerator it starts to go the other options are creep and roll uh creep just means a slower version of roll so it's it's that one's pretty more standard to like your typical driving um you can also if you are at a high battery charge percentage you can turn off regenerative braking because then it doesn't need to charge up the battery anymore so we're going to go ahead and get out here to the road and test out some of this acceleration power that's faster than a roller coaster standard acceleration mode and Sport steering just to get a little bit more responsive and uh we'll see how far back the cameraman here falls back uh to keep the the camera steady so let's go ahead and test that out all right so right now we're at about 10 m hour and let's see how quickly we go to 60 and there we go so pretty fast as you saw cameraman did not hold the camera steady which was anticipated and that's a okay so because it's electric you don't have to worry about turbo lag or input lag it is all all at the push of your pedal and you are immediately accelerating as you can see here the speedometer is in the middle of the car now I mean it's definitely not common but it's been done before but that is slightly unique and it takes some getting used to because you have nothing up here in front when you look down there's nothing there you always have to look to the to the side here I really like the Tesla autopilot feature compared to other cars that have like Lane assist because I like to compare it to what do you call it bumpers at a bowling alley so other lane assist that I've experienced it's like the bumper that you put down and it's like guiding your car and it's kind of like bouncing back and forth it's not as smooth Tesla on the other hand has mastered the lane assist and it anticipates where the Lane's going to be at cuz it has the camera and it is smooth so smoothly just anticipating where you're at and keeping you inside of the lane so of course as you're considering purchasing a Tesla the other thing you want to keep in mind is the cost of Maintenance of a car and Tesla is really nice because there's no oil changes well engine there's a lot less things that can go wrong however because you have that torque in the tires you may be replacing your tires a bit more often than like a normal car those will be your primary uh maintenance costs like I said you don't have to go in for an oil change you're not replacing the battery you're not doing those types of things there's no like regular every six Monon maintenance it just is it just drives and it does it well any recalls or like software issues keep in mind this is a smart smart electric car um so any of your software updates or if they have like acceleration issues or or like safety issues it's usually done via over theair update so it updates while you're at home over Wi-Fi just like your phone does a software update so that's the other thing I really like about Tesla and it's kind of fun because then you can expect random new features coming to your Tesla while you're doing these software updates there have been some like physical Hardware recalls that have happened and you can find those on Tesla's website this model hasn't had any but you can also chat with Tesla support directly within the Tesla app and that's super nice as well just to like make sure hey have there been any recalls do I need any parts and anytime you do take it in to like replace the tires or replace windshield they will check and they will update those things for you now the last thing to consider when you are shopping for a used Tesla that you are buying from someone else is the upgrades that it potentially has so this model here and most Tesla Model 3s you can upgrade to the full self-driving beta mode this is a $10,000 upgrade which can transfer person to person if you are buying privately now if you're buying a car that doesn't come with full self-driving beta you can actually test it out because Tesla decided to make that also available as a monthly subscription which means for $200 a month you can use full self-driving beta so if you only want to test it out for a month you can add that on to your car test it out if you don't like it you just cancel it now in my personal opinion I don't feel like there are enough upgrades to what you get just with the autopilot mode that comes with it to justify $110,000 upgrade but keep in mind that it's always improving always upgrading always updating so be sure to check the latest of like what actually comes with the full self-driving beta mode to make sure if it's actually worth it so now that we've covered the entire of the model 3 how can you know if this is the right car for you if you are in the market for a entrylevel electric vehicle the Tesla Model 3 is a perfect one for you it's a great sedan it's got a lot of room inside it's got a lot of trunk room it's got a front if you want to dip your toes into the EV World Tesla's a way to do it I would say this is a great family car as well it does have enough space for like two car seats in the back it's easy to clean up but if you are just looking for like an affordable electric vehicle then the Tesla Model 3 is the way to go especially now as the price has decreased over time this is one you might want to check out and keep in mind this specific this exact car right here is listed for sale on private you can browse all of our electric vehicles they all have a breadth of services such as shipping so if you find the perfect car but it's out of state that's okay it'll ship door too as an added service on private auto we also have options for insurance and even options for financing as well and we're adding new Services almost every month so be sure to check it out private [Music]
Channel: PrivateAuto
Views: 9,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8CdcyheEbmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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