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absoulutely amazing video go chek it out

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SprigganTheEmperor 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
guys we're at sr auto group our home away from home that's raymond's bugatti chiron and we're here to talk today to you about hyper cars you need to be hyper could we ever afford a hyper car well the answer is yes we already know we can it would just be a really poor decision on my part run a company that essentially needs to make content on youtube to make a living the expenses of this car or other cars like it in the millions of dollars also cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to ensure where we live also costs hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes so what you're gonna learn in this video is we have figured out a way to not only buy or lease in this case a hyper car we've also figured out how to insure it question is could we do it here or would we have to go somewhere else another province perhaps or maybe a completely different country you'll find out in this episode it would be fun to have a bugatti for sure or maybe a koenigsegg or maybe actually just get the p1 we bought the first time and actually finally insure it stick around mia have you ever been in a koenigsegg no you want to go on one yes dave you're coming with me i'm just joking i'm gonna take you dave you've been in these cars i have been there done that you went in this car with raymond what was that experience like it's actually not what you think it's very sophisticated this car it's very smooth the aguero sounds like it wants to like destroy the planet when it's driving this car is very now what do you expect from a hyper car you think it'd be really loud and aggressive it's quiet smooth it's comfortable is it fast oh yeah yeah some of those cars where it has so much power instantly you don't feel it hitting it just it's just there like the torque is all down low it just doesn't stop that car will do what 442 whatever it is yeah it's crazy so this car if you don't know has a w16 engine and it has four turbos that's right four turbos and this car produces 1500 horsepower 1500 horsepower it's mind-boggling most of you guys probably know enough about bugattis but i'm still learning this is a specific model of the chiron this car here is the shiron but sport and they make multiple versions of this car so in total they're making 500 chirons and then within that line of shiron they make so many of the regular charons they made 60 of what is known as the sport and then you can spec it to be like super special so ram inspect this car it's fully exposed carbon the whole car so when you look up close every panel on this car is carbon i believe when we looked at the spec sheet dave was like 360 000 400 000 for the carbon and then the aluminum stuff and the yes the polished top of the engine cover 40 000 the sky view that's what this is called the glass inserted in the roof it doesn't open it's just glass inserted this is a 60 000 option 62 i believe now we're not going to drive this chair on today we'll save that for a little treat another day raymond also has an aguero rs it's a special konis egg it is also up until just recently it was the world's fastest production car recently beat out by the ssc tuatara unbelievable these cars are doing upwards of almost 300 miles per hour bugatti built a chiron called the super sport yes and the super sport charon did over 300 miles per hour shall we go get the koenigs egg yeah you excited very excited gabe should be here any minute we're going to have gabe in the gt3 because the gt3 will have no problem keeping up we're going to do the speed limit maybe maybe not [Music] [Music] so wow that that's something else it came in a little hot yeah i know i got it in slow-mo angry today you are angry today this is a very impressive car out of all the hyper car manufacturers and i'm not going to list them all i mean it's debatable what a hyper car is sometimes out of the big ones konings egg bugatti pagani porsche ferrari yada yada yada what would be your favorite hyper car just listed in the comments for fun i'm always curious to see what people love what they don't love i love all cars i think they're all great and you have to always drink a red bull before you get a hyper car because you need to be hyper how much is this key to replace if someone was to like drop i think the case was six-pack if you can see this i have cracked the key because i dropped it yesterday oh and i broke a lot of it apparently see what are you doing i don't know man raymond's name now nickname for gabe is the enigma new purchase i wish he will show you how the door opens press it and lift it it takes a second there you go thank you uncle raymond all carbon fiber so this car is really special this car was a little over i believe two million dollars to purchase and basically these cars have appreciated in value significantly to the point of where i believe they've over doubled so we are currently sitting in a 4 million plus dollar car beautiful leather a little piece of glass also in this roof the logo the ghost for ghost squadron do you know why no this car is made in sweden it is built in an old air force facility that they've converted into the car manufacturing plan now and to keep all the tradition in the history they used to call the air force fighter pilots out of that location the ghost squad so they kept all that heritage with the country this car is so loud it's cool hey and this is all stock sounds insane i think we need one one day one day yeah i'm not gonna lie i don't know how to operate everything about it it takes a bit of refresher where is the lift please in this this is this guy right here it's nice and easy it's right on the steering wheel yeah reverse yes double click of this double click so one two yep drops it in reverse you ready for this mia yeah no yes i know i'm so excited but i'm also scared what do so hyper car should we afford one the answer is yes how do we execute that well we might have to move or build a company not only in potentially a different province in canada but we might actually have to put it into a different country now what country well close enough to us is the united states and then we'd have to select the right state because different states have different taxes montana zero zero sales tax you to hear what this thing sounds like it's all about just the experience this thing is so visceral hear everything behind you right you don't even know what to say talk to me girl i don't know what to say it's crazy i know nothing about cars but this is quite the experience i feel like i'm in a plane on the ground so i want you guys to tell me what hyper car if dd bought one what car should we get yeah it's pretty amazing just everything about it it's like it's an experience and the sound like think about how sounds nothing that'll slow a hyper car down faster than traffic or the police everyone keeps staring at this car i don't know what yeah i wonder i'll talk to you guys about what it's going to take for dde to buy a car of this level and also be able to insure it and make sure it's covered for everything if we did open another corporation so we could buy a hyper car and do it all properly and on the up and up because that's what we want to do where would we get it now according to my research smart choice would be to have it in the united states and in a state such as example montana the problem we run into is i'm not a us citizen i have no credit line in the united states so i would have to buy the car basically outright in cash but i would have zero sales tax so i'd save money there and then i would have to insure the car for whatever use i want to have it under that's an option to do this i probably need to do it in canada that means now i'm limited to provinces and territories that i have within this country that i still have my ability to use financing specifically probably a lease and i'll tell you why leasing is a really good option for daily driven exotics and why we do lease a bunch of our cars contrary to belief not all the cars released we do own a bunch outright for example mia's car i bought and cast the r35 gtr that dave has that's twin turbo that is paid for also bought the r34 gtr in cash so there are three cars we own outright then the rest of the cars are lease and a lot of people think that leasing is a negative thing it's not when you run a business i only pay taxes on the down payment all the payments are tax deductible i can write those off essentially it also allows us to have cash flow when you run a business you want to have as much cash available to you to make moves to be liquid quick business decisions so that's what i'd want to do with this car then i have to figure out how to insure it i'm probably gonna have to get creative with the insurance now we're going to want to make sure we put the lift up lift going up what's up guys hi i love the colors i love the color of the bike yeah so it is possible that we get one of these cars sooner than one might think double tap on the downshift goes into reverse and like that we're safely back past our auto group that is next level parallel parking right there not bad hey very well done you just got to do with confidence i've driven a lot of super cars i've had the privilege of driving quite a few hyper cars at this point and well thank you very much to raymond you guys gotta drop we're aiming to follow at sr auto group when the time comes that we've made the decision and we've made all the planning we've got all the things in alignment to be able to finally execute on one of these cars it's going to be a monumental day i'm going to admit i got a little ahead of myself on the last purchase it's okay sometimes you take a bit of an l in life you get past it you move on go for the next win you want to get out you want to open the door not really raymond you want to open the door so that i don't i don't know not in that way i mean like so i don't mess up your five million dollar u.s whatever car jeez it makes me so nervous on the wall because i can drive it fast it doesn't really go that fast wow a big jacket it's got a wide tub you want to take your jacket oh why the tub is that'll be good top's huge you know what they say about these cars it's got a big tub this car is uh i like it better than the charon for sure do you yeah what do you think about it driving down the road oh it looks crazy road presence it's wide it sounds good it's got great lighting the interior is way more over the top the tron is almost understated which sounds insane to say or weighs literally nothing it's so light isn't it it's literally will it close itself i guess so out of there look at the little handle on the door you guys see this it's a bitty little carbon fiber little it's like a cigar pipe all right dave your very first drive and then getting a gear rs you went with me and the ccx the cc yeah sounds really good well pop here's what we were talking about dd can get a hyper car we can afford one car right now now we couldn't afford this car this car is four million dollars us that's a lot of money yeah but we could afford a car in the one to two million dollar range how much is the ccx we could get a ccx about 1.5 million so a koenigsegg isn't the cards for us a bugatti veyron would be in the cards yeah a 918 yeah a lot ferrari is just a little out even though the prices came down la ferrari is still looking at like 2.5 to 2.8 million dollars a lot of money let us know what you think we should get eventually what we could potentially get for the one to two million dollar mark now that we know how to do this what car would you guys want to see on the channel i would like to put it to a boat i love all the cars yeah but i'm curious now i'm not saying your guys's decision is going to influence us we're going to pick the car we ultimately want to have and it'll be fun for everybody no matter what we are curious what you guys like i mean we have our perspective on things that's just us what do you think i love it this car's really cool the shifts are definitely not smooth but they're exciting all these manufacturers are just they're killing the game in their own ways you know everyone's got its own unique features for example koenig's eggs are the only car in the world that come with the door that has the crazy dihedral they are the best doors in my opinion if you're not going to have doors that go up you might as well have doors that twist and go out it's almost too bad about the sharana has regular doors it is kind of kind of a disappointment it is kind of like they're almost like you know what we gave you four turbos and a w16 engine so shut your mouth oh yeah how much horsepower does this car have 1400 horsepower [Music] the world record holder but then ultimately now the ssc tuatara right right right right right holds the the record can you ride that hurry up though no my reactions are not fake for youtube like and that's 35 40 thrawn kid you not that is not me flooring it because raymond said not to so that is like i figured out roughly where the halfway point is and i'm not even going to the halfway point it's crazy i couldn't imagine if you could just we could just punch it buy a highway for a day a highway a straight highway and just go down this guy it stops people see this car they literally stop this happening yeah that guy was like god maybe stop take a picture you guys are buying this card and all the basic dd stuff to it we put wheels on it we wrap it oh yeah we lowered ourselves we could make this car better sounds good 45 throttle on this thing is crazy look at the door i gotta watch the curve on that one if you're too so curved you're gonna hurt yourself we have warranty there to be careful so don't at your door well well damn i get it i get why like you know guys who work their faces off build these big companies make lots of money and they're like i'm buying a koenigsegg why because it's the new car to go with you money that i worked my face off for like dave said it's got a really wide tub it does look at that look at that reach to get out it's actually not hard to get out because of the way that the doors move forward and they're like out of your way ventador murcielago the doors are a bit in your way when you're trying to get in and out of the car well damon's doing the thumbnail because to pay for this car potentially we need views and a thumbnail equates to views thanks for watching this episode please do us a favor take a minute and smash the subscribe button 57 of the audience that watch our videos aren't subscribed it's free and then that way you get a notification of when the new videos come out and again you might see something like us buying a hyper car for real this time and seeing it through i'm gonna take this a step further a pyramid scheme talk to three of your friends right now subscribe and those friends can get three friends and we'll have 15 million subscribers we'll get the guerra rs we'll actually get two because you know i want one too i love the squadron it's actually my favorite cars but that'd be good pairing get the aguero and the squadron thanks for watching this video you guys lots to look forward to here at dde all these cars are building and there's a purpose to it there'll be some crazy content coming in as soon as it's cool the tracks open we can drive the cars fast you'll see the cars head to head you'll see damon doing donuts you'll see me crashing g wagons all part of the experience here at dde later dave what do you got to say to the audience i don't even know what to say i'm lost for words at this point by the way did you see the key you want to hold it raymond already screwed it up so don't worry about dropping it it's heavy it is heavy i get rs with the cracks i think the cracks make it cooler anyways here's your thumbnail right there boom boom buying 17 hyper cars
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 743,221
Rating: 4.9504423 out of 5
Keywords: Koenigsegg, Agera RS, Record, Bugatti, Chiron Sport, Hypercar, Buying a Hypercar, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Pagani, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: vkCrmG8bsAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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