Buyer Beware! GIGABYTE shows us how NOT to do business...

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all right so i'm bringing you a video right now that on the surface might seem a little late or a little delayed however the situation is not really resolving itself or getting any better so i figured it's one of those things that we'll talk about just to bring some awareness to my audience about some stuff happening right now with a particular brand that you need to be aware of [Music] nzxt's build is a quick and easy way to get a new gaming computer and right now they are proud to announce expansion and availability to australia the netherlands france and italy build a gaming pc on your budget using the built-in configurator and see exactly how your favorite games will perform and all builds are backed by the bld peace of mind warranty to get started building your next gaming pc visit the bld link in the description below alright so obviously we're talking about gigabyte which is having one hell of a month yes i know this has been going on for a while but like i said a month um first and foremost we're going to talk about their power supply is exploding and then what gigabytes doing about it again not new news but things that i think you need to be aware of in case you happen to have one of these power supplies uh second steve has done two major content pieces regarding this as much as they give steve a hard time uh he has a friend of the channel he's done a lot of leg work and a lot of testing with some very expensive equipment that he's purchased so do me a favor at the end of this video go and watch his uh two pieces of content regarding the power supplies for a deep dive so you understand exactly what's happening because we'll be talking about this more on a high level making you aware of an issue taking place if you want to know exactly what's going on in a more in-depth uh sort of a deep dive like i said like steve likes to do he's got two amazing pieces on that there's also been a lot of other very reputable um circuit engineers that have been able to pinpoint exactly what's wrong with these power supplies but we're talking about the gpp 750m and the gpp 850m from gigabyte these power supplies uh have been quite the point of contention over the last month especially when uh other independent testers and we're talking about like actual engineer testers people that are hooking up to various uh load machines and doing full calculations of you know how much power is able to draw how well does the opp or the overpower protection work of the ocp over current protection kind of the same thing how well do those work where do they fail what's the failure rate stuff that holds these companies accountable when it comes to something as important as a power supply power supplies are boring inherently they're boring i feel like a lot of people will just buy one that seems like that seems like a good deal it's 80 plus et cetera rated which the 80 plus rating and the reliability of a unit are very two very different things although typically the higher uh 80 plus power supplies do tend to have better components in them which makes them more efficient and usually better quality but not always the case as we're talking here in the specific cases of the 750 and 850m from gigabyte a lot of people might have these power supplies because they were a part of the newegg bundle uh when the 30 series launched and became very difficult to get your hands on remember the bundles people complained about like i don't i don't want to i need a graphics card i don't want a motherboard and a power supply with it well that was a way that newegg was able to say hey we can start moving these products that aren't really moving too quickly and people will buy them because they want the graphics card and they're out of stocks we'll buy that well one of those bundles specifically was the gigabyte gpp 750m and 850m those power supplies have a massive failure rate a catastrophic spectacular failure rate in terms of fire and flames and smoke in more than one instance in fact many documentable instances are documented instances it is taking out components with it we're talking about graphics cards steve even lost a graphics card during his testing an rtx 3080. which he also notes is a gigabyte card so it could have just spontaneously died on its own um which wouldn't be out of the norm for that particular brand so what we're finding here is there's a huge correlation between that this particular power supply initially had an opp rating of up to 150 power draw that means an 850 watt power supply could pull up to 1300 watts peak before the opp would kick in or the overpower protection now at that point if you get some sort of spectac spectacular failure and you get uh components that are supposed to be reducing voltage from 12 down to 5.5 or 3 volt 3.3 and those make their way to components that are obviously not rated for anything above 3.3 or 5.5 depending on what we're talking about that can kill the components with it and that's part of the problem here but the bigger issue is obviously the fact that these power supplies have been catching fire because depending on the way that they that they will technically explode components inside the power supply is where it becomes uh some sort of insulate insulated shielding on some of the capacitors and components some of the uh materials that are used in there get hot suddenly and can catch fire so that is obviously going to be a huge hazard kind of like allah nzxt's h1 riser cable issue where anything that has the potential to catch fire is a very big concern the major concern here is the way that gigabyte has been handling this and again all of those reputable and i'm not obviously not talking about me i'm talking about reputable engineers that are testing this stuff have all said that gigabyte has been very non-forthcoming with information non-willing to actually identify and be just i guess honest about what's causing these particular failures and continue to sell these power supplies with now a reduced opp down to 120 which means that 850 watt power supply is going to be drawing nearly a thousand watt supplied power by the time opp kicks in which is a little bit more normal in fact some of the engineers were saying 150 percent was way too high to begin with but the problem is if you go in new egg and you look at the reviews of this particular power supply you will find an overwhelming amount of them have arrived doa which means already they're not they're clearly not doing any sort of real testing on these power supplies make sure they're functional before they even ship them and second of all just showing that they're absolute garbage to begin with so the reason why i'm even mentioning this in this part of the video is because of the fact that if you're running one of these power supplies you need to know you are taking a severe risk with not only your components but also your safety if you happen to leave the power supply on and you have your computer on and you leave your house you go to work and it's just in sleep mode or it's just sitting there with a desktop idle or something if that did happen to explode or catch fire in your home you could literally lose everything even loss of life if this were to happen in this particular instance the other concerning thing is the fact that many of these power supplies had been seen during testing to fail when only 60 power draw was happening that's clearly below its rated number showing that there's there's obviously something wrong with the design of these power supplies now gigabyte did a lot of spin doctoring they did a lot of finger pointing a lot of blaming of the testers saying well they're not testing it in a real world scenario power's power and drawing it is drawing it doesn't matter if it's a graphics card drawing it a cpu drawing it or a test station a powered station drawing it i'm not going to get into that particular debate um steve like i said did a very good job at uh defending his testing methodology and showing gigabyte what idiots they are when it comes to this sort of stuff so head over there and watch those videos at the his videos at the end of this to understand more what's going on but again if you're running a gpp 750m or gp850m just know that uh if it were me even if i didn't have like components sitting around like i do now and i had very limited funds i would be i would reduce any overclocks on any of my stuff i would make sure my system is not running when i don't need it to be and i would source a different power supply as fast as i possibly could because although gigabyte is offering an exchange they're exchanging the power supply that we don't trust with the same exact power supply so that itself doesn't make sense a recall obviously which steve is pushing for needs to happen because it's so documented and easily reproducible when it comes to creating these fires and these hazards gigabyte is not taking your safety and your systems uh serious second of all the re we're gonna move into the next part of this video because we just talked about sending in rmas gigabyte back on i think it was august 9th 8th or 9th was hit by a ransomware attack it's a very common thing these days ransomware attacks happening on i mean remember the pipeline was hit with the ransomware attack government website's been hit with ransomware attack uh these ransomware companies have yeah i say companies these are on outfits these are these are not neckbeard sitting in a basement going i'm gonna try and rant somewhere these are legit like organizations that are well thought out well put together and very talented to go into these particular companies hack them encrypt their data and then basically hold it hostage for money a ransomware attack it's essentially like what happens with those cargo ship takeovers you know i'm the captain now they're doing it with databases and networks and servers and so it's it's very much similar the same thing i have seen an alarming amount of people since this ransomware attack has happened write me saying i had a graphics card from gigabyte or i had a motherboard or whatever it may be i sent it in for rma i stopped hearing back from the company when i do contact somebody they tell me we can't get into the system right now that's been going on for more than a month the other part is the fact that when you sign up for an rma with gigabyte you do it online and you have access to a portal that allows you to be able to see what the status of your rma is was it received is it in testing is it confirmed is it being replaced repaired um you know are you getting a refresh refurbished unit in replacement what's happening with your system or your status of your of your rma nobody can get access to any of that so what it's looking like is happening here is although although the ransomware company got access to i think it was something like 126 gigabytes of data 126 gigabytes of gigabyte data it looks like one of the servers that was also encrypted and taken down was potentially the rma server which means if you have a product currently that was shipped to gigabyte and it has left your possession they probably don't know what it is where it is who you are or any of that stuff because they don't have access to any of that gigabyte responded to the ransomware by taking the particular servers that were affected offline gigabyte obviously with how much time is elapsed now is not going to be paying the ransomware and it looks like they're taking the approach of just take those servers offline bring on new ones because the rma system is back up right now like it's back up right now if we if we were to start a new rma process it looks like it would go through however everyone whose data was currently already in the existing rma server is is down because it looks like there was a part of the attack and the rma system went with it so a little word of caution right here if you have a bad gigabyte product i would not send it to gigabyte at the moment the amount of graphics cards and power supplies and motherboards and whatever else gigabyte makes that is currently stuck in this ransomware attack means if they don't get that data back you're probably not getting back your graphics card either at least not anytime soon because what's going to potentially have to happen here is you're going to have to prove to gigabyte through either screenshots or correspondence emails or just whatever you might still have on your end with rma number and all serial numbers and all that sort of stuff you're gonna have to now prove your case to gigabyte that you had an rma the problem is gigabyte is not equipped to handle this right now because all the low-level customer service people have zero information whatsoever about anything that's taken place prior to them getting a new rma server online and shutting down the old one the question is what is gigabyte gonna do to support these people who have rmas that are already in process it's not looking like gigabytes obviously going to uh play ball with the ransomware attackers i mean obviously that that would be kind of a negative precedent right if if you just remember the whole like in every single 90s terrorist movie it was like we do not we do not negotiate with terrorists like that that's kind of the way that this is being looked at um the question is how are they going to move forward from that being able to decrypt that data it's not impossible however it's very expensive and it's very time consuming and these ransomware companies are very good at using very very good algorithms to encrypt the data and then keying them in such a way that they are the only ones that could decrypt the data because they have the decryption key however just like anything can be stolen and encrypted it can be hacked and decrypted but the question is how long is it going to take is does gigabyte even have the means to do it and where are they going to go from there the other thing is like people might be looking at this going well why did they target gigabyte well gigabyte is one of the largest manufacturers in the world when it comes to oem motherboards they provide a lot of oem services for for brands um outside of their own name but they also carry a lot of data when it comes to micro code firmwares when it comes to cpus both amd and intel and apparently this is this is alleged and apparent because we don't know exactly what the data is we only know what the hackers are saying they have access to which they have released screenshots of some of the data they have seven gigabytes worth of compromised data for both intel and amd cpus in terms of how to hack and access those particular cpus in the microcode and it's a very poor explanation i'm doing here but what they're showing is that since you make motherboards for intel and amd you also need to know all of the ins and outs of those particular cpus including their vulnerabilities and they're claiming that they have seven gigabytes of data showing vulnerabilities now so remember how we had like the whole spectre and meltdown and all that sort of stuff it's kind of like more versions of that but on both sides of the table now because intel and amd have to share that information with the many board motherboard manufacturers because the motherboard is ultimately responsible for communicating with those devices therefore they have to know how to communicate so all that data is there and now stolen so it's not been a good month for gigabyte i don't feel too bad i feel like i almost feel like the ransomware is is like karma in a way because gigabyte has you know there's a reason why you haven't seen much gigabyte content if any on this channel since i did the orange build of skunk works i've had graphics cards come defective from them for review repeatedly metal shroud so the 10 series and some of the 20 series cards that had the metal shroud and the three fans would come squash and fans don't turn um i've had gigabyte motherboards that were just completely uh i don't want to call them lemons but i mean we're talking like five or six bios revisions before we ever got anything that was considered stable it got so bad that we just stopped even communicating with gigabyte because i couldn't in my own like good conscience even remotely recommend the brand so it's one of those things where i just stopped showcasing them on the channel period because of my own personal experiences and then obviously now with the way they're handling the psu thing blaming the media outlets instead of actually looking inside whatsoever and saying did we make a mistake and then just showing absolute disregard for the community and their own customers when it comes to safety means that i definitely can't recommend them but this was definitely more of a psa video saying if you have these power supplies for god's sake don't leave it running without watching i would change the power supply out as fast as humanly possible as your situation will allow and then two if you have something that's bad right now and you get ready to send it in for rma i would be extremely skeptical at how well the rma is going to be handled given their current situation because they are still in the middle of an active ransomware attack i mean i've got i i cannot tell you how many tweets and emails from people begging me going talk about this because they've got they've got my 30 90 worth 2 900 that i can't replace because they have it and we're talking all sorts of power supply issues all sorts of graphics cards that are sitting in rma and motherboards and i'm not going to show these people's names and stuff for obvious reasons but i i can understand the frustration you guys are going through so i want to put out a psa saying if don't do anything with gigabyte right now until this is ironed out and even then if they say we've handled the situation it's resolved i would still be skeptical of anything gigabyte puts out publicly because they're more concerned with saving face than actually caring about you so that said guys please head over to gamer's nexus channel check out his content regarding the power supplies it's a huge safety issue and they've done some serious leg work uh for you guys making sure that you guys are safe and gigabyte is accountable i'll put links to the videos down below thanks for watching guys we'll see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 424,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gigabyte, gigabyte ransom ware, ransomeware, gigagbyte hacked, was gigabyte hacked, gigabyte rma, gamers nexus, gigabyte 850m, gigabyte 750m, gigabyte psu fires, gigabyte psu fire, gigabyte fire
Id: wDq6W-cxkEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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