Buy, Restore, Sell a Hand Plane on eBay. How I paid for my shop Prt 1 Buying the plane

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[Music] hello YouTube welcome to my shop on mic and I appreciate you stopping by I've had more than one person asked me about my hand playing collection people that come over to my shop or something on the Internet has asked me about it on how I get my hand planes to look so good to be so shiny and so I thought I'd do a a video just on on on how I I've done it now 2010 2011 that area I was trading they're switching over from automobile hobby to another hobby and since I've been interested in woodworking on my life I what better place to go than woodworking now I had a few tools you know circulars on a router and drills and hand saws and pan planes and things like that but I really didn't have a really wood shot so I had an old craftsman table saw that was more dangerous the hook was usable so I didn't have a lot and I was wondering how I I could get some extra money to put toward my shop so I thought about buying restoring and selling hand planes on ebay see if I could do it now my business plan was to make $50 a hand plane if I could make 50 bucks now I've learned two things about restoring hand planes number one you either love it or you hate it and sometimes you can love it it turns into hate because it's a lot of work to get a hand plane looking but I figured if I could get self ten planes that's $500 that go a long way to my to my shop and official I sold over hundred hand planes and probably I can honestly say I made $50 on every hand plane you know this is what this video is about is to show you how I bought how I restored and then how I sold a hand plane on eBay and to do that I went on eBay the other night and I bought me a hand plane and will show it to you we didn't look at it and then my my intention is to take that hand plane get it looking really good and sell that hand plane now when I say you know selling hand planes those you're you you buy from people at low and you sell to people at high and as I say there's people that hate restoring hand plays they'd rather get my shop and and get on a project you know they're busy at work or whatever and they don't want to mess around with the tediousness of us know on a hand plane so they'll pay a hundred hundred and twenty dollars for a real nice old Stanley rather than pay a hundred and fifty dollars for a new sweetheart number four they can have a hundred year old sweetheart for for less money so the let me show you this and playing what I bought and we'll we'll go from there and try to give you all the intricacies that I learned by selling and buying on eBay and let me be right up front you gotta know what you're doing because you can do you can really get great deals on eBay and you can also get screwed which I've done both up but overall if you know what you're doing and you're careful eBay is a very good place to buy and to sell because it's such a big audience so let me let's uh get on this plane and I'll show you what I got all right let's look at this thing from start this whole number five right here is a type of leaven alright it's probably in actuality the the worst shape and plane that I have and it's pretty good I mean you can see there's a chip in the the tote and there's some scratches left on the side but you know for for a type 8 or 11 from 1910 to 1918 I call that patina and this plane seen some work you can see that where the blade is right here this is a normal number five blade you can see that this things down to okay a couple of more sharpening and that that blade will be gone so this this plane has seen some action so we'll we'll use this plane is kind of a gauge to to the plane that I bought on eBay alright now lift the packing slip on this thing is in here now maybe this is a number three okay a Stanley number three I don't know what the type is yet I haven't looked at it but I got a good deal I bought it for thirteen dollars on ebay now thirteen dollars a pretty good price for three if it's not broken or anything like that may be one reason I got it a good deal is the the title on this was vintage Stanley would claim hand planer number nine well we know it's not a number nine I knew that by the picture now I don't know if that's why only one person bid on it but I got it for $14 in one sense and seventeen dollars shipping all right so I've got you know thirty one dollars invested in this and there's the plane now looking at it real carefully in a real quick it's a smooth bottom the handles loose it's got rusty sides the knob is worn down and there's just it needs a total cleaning so just looking at this real quickly I'm thinking this is after 1933 okay doesn't have any sweetheart on the blade it's got the kidney the kidney on the on the lever lock she's uh doesn't look like it's been sharpened in decades so but it doesn't look like it's in real bad shape either for a three I think it'll clean up real good real good so let's let's get on with this project and see what we can do with this this old family number three [Music] okay TIF I tore this plane down just to see what we have normally I wouldn't do that because when you flatten the soul now remember this is a number three so this is a smoother so just you know this has got to be flat it's not as critical on the the sevens and eights and things but on smoothers it's critical to be flat so when you do flatten it you should have the Frog and the lever lock and all that stuff snap down because it will tweak it out a little bit so you want to get it flat when it's tweet so I'll put this back together but looking at this it's not in bad shape I'm looking at the Japanese beam on it I'm not sure this is original if it is it's a nice shape if it is then it's been painted but I'm not going to paint it going to leave a little patina on I'm just going to clean it up real nice I hope get it get the rough spots off of the frot where the Frog sits and the same thing here get rid of the all the rust and everything drop the Frog pull and then look at the iron it's very rusty it's a later date iron there's no sweetheart or beyond it just says Stanley USA looks like the chip breakers in pretty good shape the the bevel I don't I don't know when it's been so I mean if it looks like a good bevel that it's it's rusty and credi at the end of it part of the plane so we'll take that and the Stanley the lever lock I think can be buffed out really nice I mean we can get that look in my eyes so the moral of this story on selling on ebay one of the most important things you got to know is the value of the plane and the way I did that is every night I mean for years on end every night I went into eBay and I went into Stanley hand plants because that's always interested in so I searched Stanley hanfling and I went in soonest to end and then I went down and I looked at at if anybody hadn't been on a 5 or a 4 or whatever and then after I looked at the the sumus to end I went on to the newly listed and I went on the newly listed because some people they buy things from estate sales and they really don't know what they have like Magnus guy had this as the number 9 well it's the number 3 so sometimes they put you know buy it now 999 with $15 shipping or whatever and so you got to look at the the price on the he listed the price on the day in the soonest Indian soonest and then after that I went down I clicked on sold items and that gave you a list of what things actually sold for and that's what really can get you to the to the retail value of a hand plane because when you restore a hand plane you want to sell to the guy that wants a nice little hand plane that doesn't want to spend the time and when you do sell on eBay those comments better sound like you know I was expecting a lot from this plane I got more than I expected or this hand plane is beautiful it's perfect those are the kind of comments you want to get when you send out a papaya hand plane so when somebody sees a number four for a hundred and twenty dollars and they look at the calm comments and everybody saying boy this hand plane is really nice that will help your sales so another thing you got to do is do your business plan now when I did my business plan of $50 a plane I did my I was retired and I had time so I I gave myself a real cheap price of minimum-wage ten bucks an hour so if a plane like this now I don't think this is going to take four hours but because it's a small plane but there's been plenty of threes and fours and fives has taken four hours and the sixth of 7th and 8th you can do three of these or four of these and the time you can do an eight so if I have four hours if it takes me four hours to do this plane you know if that's $40 I've got $30 into it so I have to sell this number three for seventy bucks to break-even and I've got to sell to do for $80 to get my my $50 per plane as far as the business plan goes so I guess what we'll do is a little winding this this video up and I'll put this back together and we'll start on what tools I use how I do it and then how I complete the sale and we'll see what we can get out of this I would say this in the 30s it's not to the Warriors who discusses the ring around the knob it's got the tall knob but it doesn't have the lips around the front so I think fair fair judgment would be in the 30s for this little plane and as I say I've got to clean this up nice and get 80 bucks for it to break even get my business plan so once you join me and we'll see if we can get this thing shiny looking somewhat new and see if somebody wants a nice little smoother that's tuned to perfection all right thank you Tim I appreciate it until next time take care of yourself [Music]
Channel: Mike Hedden
Views: 46,943
Rating: 4.7802815 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, small shop, DIY, hand plane, Stanley #3, Buy a Hand Plane, Restore a Hand Plane, Sell a Hand Plane, Buy a hand plane on eBay
Id: 2Zz4DbNATU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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