Butterfly Soup Fandub | Episode 2

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five years later ninth grade i have to get ready for school dia hits her alarm and flops face first into bed dia's morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how tired she is i only got two hours of sleep no i don't want to get up [Music] ten minutes passed like this once the allotted time is up dia unenthusiastically peels herself off the mattress and stands after stretching for a few moments she starts getting ready for school my classmate kersha messaged me hey idea a a what dia you like pringles right yeah why huh go outside yahweh seme has gone offline huh india goes outside there's a lone pringle sitting on the ground [Applause] sup homie this is akasha she's the kind of person who doesn't give pencils back you know when you become friends with someone just because you have to see them so much yeah that's us my parents are always saying i should be more outgoing like her like that's something i can just change hey delia you know what's the best weed it's when i'm weed you dia briskly begins walking away without her oh you're no fun have it your way burger king akasha is half-jogging to keep up with dia hey dee did you know that your eye has something called immune privilege that basically means that the outside of your eye prevents your immune system from knowing about the inside of your eye if it didn't your immune system would destroy your eyes that doesn't sound right i don't believe you why not because you lie to me all the time noel said not to trust you no matter what wait what when when we first met you this year after you accused her of being a robot with artificially implanted human emotions hey she got annoyed when i pressed a magnet to her head that means she's a replicant and it was messing with her circuits checkmate no she was annoyed because you pressed a magnet to her head oh come on i was just trying to make a good first impression what's a girl to do not that poor me no one feels sorry for you there's a bunch of adults dressed in yellow at the intersection waving signs what is that they're trying to take away gay marriage gay marriage is allowed dude it's been legal for a few years now oh i wasn't paying attention protect marriage yes on prop 8. marriage equals one man and one woman a smiling woman with a baby strapped to her back brandishes her sign as dia and akasha walk past it says i heart my gay brother still yes on eight what kind of cognitive dissonance hey dia would you eat a tiny two inch person alive for a hundred million dollars no he'd probably taste horrible people have so many bones it'd be like eating a fish that's the only reason you wouldn't do it are you saying you'd eat him if he was like a cheeto what do you mean like a talking cheeto with human intelligence no like he's still a human dude but he somehow has the taste and texture of a cheeto what the heck this is getting pretty abstract dia shakes her head wow now i know you're a true homie great why are we even talking about this we made it to school i should go to my locker first before heading to class suddenly a car shot takes off running huh where are you going huh it's pee-pee time can you not say things like that akasha left she never takes a day off from being weird dia opens her locker this is technically both me and noel's locker the school doesn't have enough lockers for everyone so freshmen share and they're tiny i'm always surprised when high schoolers in movies have lockers big enough for people to fit inside this is rosin for string instruments the first time noel showed it to me i tried to eat it the rosin's a nice amber color it looks like you can eat it but you can't dia opens the lunchbox and peers inside there's a steel thermos and a plastic baggie of grapes grapes dia shovels half the graves into her mouth before putting the lunch box back [Music] dia heffs her books and binders into her backpack all right i can go to class now dia help me it's noel what is it i can't open this water bottle noel basically has noodles for arms dia takes the bottle out of noelle's hands and twists the plastic seal cap open thank you how are you so weak it's scary it's the manufacturer's fault for making these seals so strong what if you get lost in a desert and find a bottle of water you'll die because you can't open it no i won't you can open it for me that's assuming i'm there in the desert with you i should start charging you a service fee 25 cents you wouldn't do that i'd make a dollar 25 per week can buy cup noodles from the student store noel sneezes violently don't get too close to me i probably have the flu huh did you catch what i had last week probably sorry this happens a lot because we spend so much time together and i eat her food it doesn't help that our immune systems are perpetually weakened from sleep deprivation either at least you don't have to worry about me being contagious are you okay though shouldn't you go home and what miss school and i guess that's out of the question even when noelle had the stomach flu in middle school her parents made her come just for her math and science classes she was like barely conscious i had to carry her around because she couldn't get up from her desk i think she ended up infecting half the school where's akarsha she it's beefy time i am not saying that okay never mind why do you ask i secretly sewed a library book security tag into the middle of a cautious backpack so from now on every time she leaves the library she'll set off the alarm and have her backpack searched that's wow well whatever we have plenty of chances to see let's go a huge mob of kids packed outside the classroom they're all looking at a grid of test scores posted on the wall it's complete chaos people are pushing and angling their way to the list with a fervor of believers trying to touch justin's hand if i get a beer my parents are throwing away my gamecube yikes that's got to be an empty threat right i wish they already threw away my cell phone i'm scared to see what i got on this i think i failed asian failed or actually failed asian failed come on i'm not that dumb [Music] you're right too scary this is a list of the top 10 scores across all periods noel has did classic she used to call me on the phone crying every christmas because her parents got her math workbooks instead of what she really wanted by now she's unbeatable it's like her tragic superhero origin story except instead of a superhero she's every asian parent's dream child no clue how akarsha managed to get the second highest score though general consensus is that she's cheating but the teachers have never been able to catch her doing anything so i'll give her the benefit of the doubt dia i've located your id number here you got a 91.20 oh almost failed actually you could have missed one more and still scraped an a minus considering how many i guessed on that's still cutting it pretty close that's scary i really studied as hard as i could but even my best almost wasn't good enough i wonder if i can really get into stanford or berkeley like this as dia noel enter the classroom something bursts out the cabinet noel staggers backwards onto an x marked on the floor of duct tape a garbage can drops from the ceiling noel and dakar should go through some variation of this every single day it's their roundabout way of being friends well well well if it isn't my favorite frenchman noel please stop calling me that why are you speaking english noelle what kind of frenchman are you just because my name is french doesn't mean i'm french see this is the problem whenever noel hears something stupid she can't just let it slide she always has to correct it so akersha just keeps acting dumber and dumber on purpose into infinity nuelle does impressive warm-like dance to wriggle out the garbage bin i can't believe you've done this what happened to our truce truce from yesterday you agreed to this noel pulls a sheet of binder paper from her book bag and brandished it in front of akarsha's face look this is your own signature at the bottom suddenly i can't read a car the whale's scream sounds very weird and hoarse from her cult what's wrong with your voice today that was a weaker yell than normal i'm ill i am losing my voice how about i punch you in the throat it'll displace the mucus no it won't how do you know anything is possible trust me i'm here so we need you to you are the absolute last person i would trust you worthless scammer leave all your problems to me i'll solve them in a heartbeat that is unrealistic and accelerating that fast would destroy you even past your bone structure why are you being so mean i'm just trying to help you hitting me isn't helping me wow someone has anger management problems you gotta slow down and smell the flowers appreciate life's miracles like me i'm life's greatest miracle absolutely disgusting i feel nauseated just looking at you i just don't understand why is there so much hate in the world if only we could open our hearts to love there would be no wars peace begins with a smile mother teresa noel is struggling not to break character by laughing the bell rings this concludes noel in our cars's daily morning scream fest the rest of the morning is relatively uneventful guess what what no no you gotta guess you were arrested what no you have a year left to live what the dude why you always gotta jump to the worst possible conclusion it guarantees that i'm either right or pleasantly surprised you're a real piece of work you know that whatever i'll just tell you did you guys hear about the new girl who transferred here apparently she's like a delinquent i heard she knifed someone she must not be very intelligent isn't that exciting we never get that type around here that's true everyone here is kind of forced to become a nerd by default i can't wait to meet her what for do you want to get stabbed too sure why not saves me the trouble of doing it myself noel rolls her eyes and goes back to organizing her fried rice she's picking all the sausage bits out so dia can eat her leftovers don't do that i like being alive the same time as you that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me really then i take it back wow noel slides her firmness across the table at dia fried rice hey d how many second graders do you think you could beat up they came at you in waves of 10 with a fifth grader boss coming every five waves maybe like 15. what you're underestimating yourself man i'm not invincible this isn't a kung fu movie but they're little it's so easy to mess them up you could just tell them they laugh weird and they'll be self-conscious about it for the rest of their lives noel looks a bit left out by this conversation why justia how come you're not asking me because i already know the answer for you zero it's true you're a weakling how rude no well let's arm wrestle i want to show a car shot she hasn't seen this i don't want to i always lose i'll let you use both hands this time noelle makes a face reluctantly she clasped both her hands on diaz so it's sandwiched in between hers three two one noelle strains against diaz grip of all her might diaz arm still hasn't bunched an inch with her free hand dia casually continues to eat fried rice you stop that lakershaw what do you think of the weather today stop toying with me if i did that i'd break your wrist you know what i mean dia pins noelle's arm to the table as gently as possible tag this is like some in the hound normally the scrawny nerds hurt together so chock sake dia don't stuff them into trash cans how did you do even end up friends don't remember you don't remember you were always just there by default that is not what happened you had one bad ear so you had a lot of trouble making sense of what anyone was saying you just play wall ball against yourself or run laps on the track that sounds about right one day someone brought the krispy kreme donuts for their birthday i didn't like donuts so i you don't like donuts i don't like donuts they're disgusting disagree her taste buds are broken anyway i gave mine to you and in exchange i received your undying and completely unwanted loyalty you followed me around everywhere you were a major inconvenience i don't remember any of this how do you not remember you were so extreme whenever the teachers tried to separate us you'd start crying i seriously don't remember any of this it's probably because your birthday's in november you were almost a full year younger than me the year is a big gap when you're five true i was probably like a toddler sorry i forgive you that's hella kawaii never use that phrase ever again what phrase you know what phrase excuse me she's talking to me no go away dear looks wildly around for noel or akasha to help her but they've both already gone ahead into the classroom i remember you you were what is she saying i've never met her in my life new clubs are interesting crap i can't really make out the words i'll just nod at appropriate times or collecting signatures is approved the stranger hands dia clipboard with the signature sheets on it uh what is this bye dia walks away in the middle of the conversation she quickly enters the classroom before the girl can stop her inside akasha and the well are playing cards time to reveal your hand in three two one noel and akarsha flip their cards over why is there a yu-gi-oh card akarsa taps over index finger this is exodia the forbidden one think outside the box taco bell you can't do this akasha reaches across the desk and takes one of noel's what are you doing you said you were going to play this normally there's no rule in yugioh saying you can't eat the enemy's cards we're playing poker there's no rule in poker saying you can't eat the enemy's cards class starts this concludes noel and akasha's daily afternoon struggle all right just one more period before the day is over looking flushed noelle wipes sweat off her brow why is it so hot because i'm heat you shut up my heart is exploding my lungs are without air my blood is boiling my body is shaking my tears are running down my face huh noel is unsteadily grasping the side of a bench for support what are you doing i feel extremely dizzy all of a sudden as a precaution i will remain stationary until the symptoms diagraps her she collapses her entire body is burning up she must have a fever we'll take you to the nurse's office dude no don't you dare i need to go to next period attendance is 20 of my grade in gym class missing one day can't hurt jim is like a freebie anyway no you don't understand it's my worst subject i can't afford to lose any more points when my mile time is 18 minutes every week huh so slow what the don't make that face at me i'm not you deep noel launches into a sneezing fit gym's not even math or science is it that big of a deal it'll still ruin her gpa and valedictorian status her parents will yell at her and be really mean what do we do if she gets a b because we took her to the nurse's office it'll destroy her but she's in no condition to be working out either she can't even stand without me holding her up let's use our heads there's got to be a way out of this like what like if a meteor hits earth right now no no mind if noah skips gym class brilliant if the world ends we're saved even canceling school would be easier hold that thought if school is cancelled if school is cancelled right now snow day but there's no snow then how as long as we make it that no one goes to class we win akarsha is clearly going down some weird line of reasoning dude i've got it homie g you stay in the well while i uh do some stuff what stuff uh you're not gonna like it before i tell you you're gonna promise not to get mad what well promise okay yeah but what if it's something insane then i'll just be annoyed internally i knew i could count on you a true homie what about you frenchman i can't promise not to get mad just tell us already nope i'm not telling you then but what about me i agreed heck no i know how it is with you two if i tell you you'll tell noel as soon as i'm gone damn that's true adios amigos wait where are you going shrek swamp akasha left i have a bad feeling about this me too why does everything have to be some kind of weird mind game with her it's exhausting she sounds so weak she should rest on the bench dia sits then lays noel down so her head is resting on her lap nothing we can do now but wait do we really have to do this this is embarrassing oh come on i saw you throw up in a trash can at happy fish swim school because you were so bad at swimming that you inhaled half a gallon of water compared to that and this is like a three but this is different this right now is unnecessary your thighs are so muscular that i feel like i'm resting my head on a rock thanks for the compliment it wasn't a compliment how mean now we definitely have to do this dia presses her hand to noelle's forehead it's hot hotter than my own forehead studies show that people who try to diagnose fever by touch significantly overestimate the incidence of fever sometimes by as much as 40 percent oh never mind then get into shape even ignoring your gym class grade the way you are right now is just bad you're like that life alert commercial i've fallen and i can't get up i know i know then why don't you do something what if there's a zombie apocalypse and i get bitten first how are you going to survive i can't help it i don't have any time to work out i can barely even keep up with my schedule as is that's just an excuse she'd be able to figure something out if her heart was in it if only there was a way to get noel to enjoy exercising did you know that in ancient china they slept on rock pillows i saw on discovery channel this isn't making me feel any better you're going back to your ancient roots i don't want to go back to my ancient roots [Music] would you eat a tiny two inch tall man for 100 million dollars i bet she's gonna say of course not that's illegal of course not that's homicide which is illegal [Music] what is this some dumb akarsha question how long do we have until class starts about two minutes maybe you should head to class you'll be tardy no it's fine i run fast suddenly noelle tries to set up her abs are too weak though so she fails and flops back down what are you doing becoming a fish i just had a great idea you know how on valentine's day you can pay the school to deliver roses to someone oh like in middle school you could have them secretly send your crushed candy grams for five dollars yes like that except here we're more mature so it's flowers we should send a car to one with the message from your secret admirer imagine how confused she'll be and we can tease her relentlessly about it it'll be hilarious okay that is pretty funny it's not even mean because she'll get free flowers out of it the secret admirer part is the best she'll drive herself nuts trying to figure out who it is alternatively we can sign it with really common initials like kc she'll look up every guy with those initials at this school that's good too i can't decide if it's funnier to have her conclude it's a random person or for her to be constantly suspicious of everyone maybe we can do this every year like a tradition oh my god you're a genius the first two years we don't give her any clues and then junior year add the initials and encourage her to jump to wrong conclusions that way we'll get to see both noel is in such a good mood that she lets out a creepy evil laugh we can also make the message a cipher so she has to solve it if you put too much math on it she'll know it's you ciphers aren't math if you have to explain to me what it is she'll know it's you fair enough how much do the roses cost probably around twelve dollars twelve dollars that's six per person don't really want to spend that much on a joke especially if it's annual it'd be forty eight dollars in all we could split the cost between more people so it's more reasonable but we don't have any other friends who would appreciate it you're right never mind just forget it then noelle looks immensely disappointed someone hacked the fire alarms to play the super mario bros theme almost gave me a heart attack students come flooding out of the classrooms they all look really glad for an excuse to leave everyone is evacuating to the field like we're supposed to can you walk yeah india catches noel she pitches forward again nope dia gives noelle a piggyback ride to the field the entire school is out here now sup homies you i can't believe you've done this i ought to report you to the authorities but you won't what you think i won't just because we're fr fellow acquaintances fellow acquaintances she was totally about to say friends i was not admit it friends friends friends i hate you more than is physically possible right now oh come on what did you want me to do travel back in time and change chinese culture do not see academic treatment as a moral virtue the one who's getting saved doesn't get to complain you broke the law how can i not complain is anyone on this earth truly innocent you can't distract me with fake deep statements you don't appreciate anything i do where's my nobel peace prize where's my thank you akarsha you're awesome i'm not thanking you for this illicit help that i never asked for were you seriously expecting to be praised never have i ever been more embarrassed for my fellow man i'm a hero you're not a hero you scumbag disgusting fine be that way i'm sorry forgive me you don't look even remotely sorry i can't help it i think you're funny when you're mad just don't tell on me and we'll call it even deal akarsha offers her a handshake noel regards it with obvious suspicion she cautiously releases her grip on dia's shoulder and reaches out to shake it instead of grasping her hand akasha grabs noelle's wrist she starts hitting the well with her own hand where you eating is that where are you hitting yourself i hate you you stupid you should have killed me when you had the chance next time i won't let you off so easy this is your last warning she said that last time and the time before that power of friendship a stranger brushes pass akarsha in the crowd akasha gawks after her placing her hand on her heart what are we wait that looks like do you chase after the person dia where are we going the person the person is so short that dia loses sight of her in the crowd i lost her oh great i'm so sleep deprived that i'm literally hallucinating that night dia dreams of the past you
Channel: AnnaVA
Views: 2,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kkdh3noOZd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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