Butterfly Soup Fandub | Episode 6

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[Music] when noel sees krista and liz come through she lifts her hand to wave but aborts halfway through the motion scowling she jerks the offending appendage back down like her arm had gone and betrayed the rest of her body [Music] what nothing hey guys we have a few announcements to make first of all minto you need to resubmit your parental permission form for the club and this time please have a real parental guardian sign it i don't know what you're talking about she forged it how can you tell the signature was just the word mom in cursive min is running away krista gets up and chases after her there's nowhere to run you dumb kid it sounds an awful lot like men ran into the door again everyone else's forms look fine though so good job guys if he forced it to i couldn't tell phew chrissa has returned dragging out of defeated men behind her next up we're playing against an actual team today what who we invited the team at niles over they should be here soon are we going to be okay our team is made up of four baseball players two nerds and three leaves wait did you count me as a nerd i'm a hybrid i'm a weep too guys we'll be fine maybe the maybe was too honest don't worry it's seriously super casual they aren't bringing their coaches or anything it's just nine of them driving over in their cars just relax and have fun this isn't really important but they have a cool mascot it's killer whales what's our team name do we get a mascot too read your damn shirt it's monarchs that's so bland but we're not really an official school team so we can make a name up ourselves any suggestions bagels the way you think is so damn cute chicken nuggets bagels is so simple i kind of like it yeah i'd honestly be okay if it ended up like that any other suggestions we should be something stronger than killer whales to assert our dominance monarchs are already more powerful than killer whales though humans keep killer whales in captivity but if it was like 1v1 a killer will would tear a guide to shreds we should do something bigger and more dangerous like what global warming oh my god that's actually a hilarious name no matter who we're up against they'll pretty much just automatically lose like tigers versus global warming who do you think's gonna win our motto can be underestimate us and the world will be destroyed that's not a very positive motto i'm still kind of impressed noel came up with that what kind of name did you think i'd come up with i don't know something nerdy that you thought sounded cool but was actually really cringy like the algorithms yuck i feel like throwing up shut up i never suggested that and i don't like global warming it's not threatening enough how is it not threatening enough it's irreversible and will devastate generations to come but it's not a thing like a real thing are you saying you don't believe in global warming she means it's like an abstract concept yeah we should be something that sounds like it could rip our enemies from limb to limb like death machine are we forming a heavy metal band death bagels that's better i think death bagels is dramatically cuter but men is too pleased that dia combine their suggestions to complain wait i just thought of a name too semis no what is that in yahweh the semi's the dominant guy in the couple what is yowie you don't want to know usually only teen girls who like anime know what it means so maybe that's good most people will be totally oblivious yeah the only reason noel knows is because i corrupted her let me reiterate that this is a bad idea we're going to have to make up a fake definition when our parents ask what it means worse how is that worth it okay we'll settle this the fairway which is a vote everyone write your vote down on a piece of paper akasha votes for chrissa tallies up the votes the winner is semis no yes have you guys no shame at all come on don't pretend you didn't vote for it i didn't vote for it the semes head out to the field the other team is on their way they're parking right now let's stretch and warm up first they arrange in a huge circle and begin stretching like usual focus on your breathing and calm your mind suddenly noel whirls around looking frantic noelle get with the program be a zen master where's dia huh she didn't follow us out indeed dia is nowhere in sight holy she's so quiet i didn't even notice she was gone minso was missing too oh my god they're doing it that's impossible min told me she was going to the bathroom on the way out but that was like 15 minutes ago she should be back by now maybe they got left behind in the locker room what nothing i was just randomly screaming looks like dia and men aren't here and the girl's bathroom is empty we should split up and search for them no i've watched enough tv to know where this is going we'll get picked off one by one what is this a horror movie the killer whales will be here any minute we don't have time to comb through the school slowly together besides we already lost the main problem children the rest of them aren't the type to just randomly wander off like this that's true fine disperse semes meet back at the field in 10 minutes whether you find them or not roger that semes i still don't want to be called that don't be a sore loser noel is holding the door open for people as they exit the locker room she smiles as a karsha comes closer i can't stand here all day you're cut off where was the door closing akarsha's face oh my god noel is waiting for our karsha outside meanie where should we look i don't know if it was justia i'd have guesses but it's likely minso forced her to go somewhere you realize dia is like a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier than men right min can't force dia to do anything if she took her somewhere it's because dia let her fine force was too strong of a word coerced dude chill you're so neurotic when it comes to dia can't you just trust her judgment in kindergarten i asked dia what she wanted to be when she grew up and she answered a police dog well it was kindergarten even in kindergarten i understood that becoming another species wasn't an option akasha looks inside the girl's bathroom just as chris has said it's empty darn i thought men might be having a diarrhea catastrophe or something are you trying to make me throw up yeah it's my hobby you know sometimes i wonder why i bother with you because you love me no i don't yes you do no i don't yes you do this is stupid knock it off you didn't deny it that time confirmed not confirmed that's not how it works noel looks incredibly amused why the library you think minso is going to read a book doesn't hurt to be thorough right a carter squeaks the door open the book scanner alarm goes off everyone in the library turns to look at her oh akarsha panics and bolts back out the door good thing no one chased after us what even just happened i don't know how odd i don't even have any books in my backpack why did it go off maybe it was a fluke you should try again no thanks [Music] hey that's dia sprinting around the track at top speed yo dia she can't hear us from here once theo rounds a bend the well and karsha flag her down she's completely drenched in sweat what are you doing i got nervous so i ran three miles feel better now uh okay why didn't you say anything dia looks at her as though she's crazy stressful i don't like to bother people dude you know that not communicating just makes most situations even more stressful right where's min what do you mean huh i guess you guys went missing separately never mind just go back to the diamond then that way chris and liz will know where you are dear nods and trots off the poster says reduce stress how exactly do they expect us to do that not go to school get rid of our parents oh my god i don't believe it what this is this is a bush i never would have guessed fascinating let's keep staring at this instead of doing something more useful akarsha admires her own reflection in the window i hate myself but in a fun way where i'll still check myself out that me it's the 21st century why is acne still a thing technology has literally advanced to the point where we can shoot laser beams at your eyes to improve your vision you'd think we'd have found a cure for bad skin by now like dude i don't even want to be pretty i just want to look average and not gross all the time it's hard being a weird goblin that no one has a crush on i wonder what it's like to be attractive like thea could be wearing a garbage bag and still look better than i ever will in my entire life i asked her what she washes her face with and she said she just splashes water on it can you imagine being blasted with jeans that good it's okay though i'm over it being ugly builds character it's dead quiet in here if i farted you could hear it from a mile away please don't [Music] akarsha shrieking echoes in the empty hall for several seconds wow the acoustics in here are great i realize there's nothing i can do to prevent you from doing this so i will wait outside and pretend not to know you noelle leaves the auditorium [Music] stressed out stop asking about college stop asking about majors in my career stop asking about my future i don't know okay i don't no i'm not good at anything i'm a fraud i don't know what i'm doing i'm not that smart i'm so afraid of failure that everything i do has to be funny because if i'm not serious it's not like i was really trying i'm so unhappy good thing i disguise it as a series of jokes so no one notices the gaping chasm of darkness i live on the edge of i wanna die kill me what are you doing why are you here weren't you supposed to be going to the bathroom i was there was a family bathroom over there she points to a door at the far end of the auditorium okay anyone can use it it doesn't matter whether you're a boy or girl right right min looks relieved that a car shall at the topic drop were you serious about the dying stuff nah man i never actually try to off myself it's more like if i was crossing the street and a car came barreling toward me i'm not sure i'd get out of the way then i'll hit the car out of the way you'll hit it what with my own car i'll ram into the one driving toward you your car will get crushed no it won't my car will be stronger you think i'm gonna own some weak shrimpy ass car that other car is as good as dead she's serious she did ask her to save me by crashing into another car min looks relieved that she made a car she'll laugh she's holding an emo lincoln park skateboard under one arm want to learn how to skateboard those aren't allowed at school you know rules are made to be broken are you a square or a triangle i'm pretty sure that's not how the saying goes men places her skateboard on the floor here i'll show you something cool hold on to me i got you but don't make this weird don't make this weird what did i just say you useless hoe min manages to stand on the skateboard with akasha on her shoulders [Music] something breaking free i haven't watched high school musical i don't know the rest of the lyrics it's okay let's just keep repeating that one line we're soaring dying we're sorry flying [Music] feel better now yeah i'm fine i needed that akasha's eyes are filling up with tears time to make a joke you know what the economy needs three dollar bills they should put my face on it min rips her in the arm you suck mean a car show rips her back hey oops that was a bit harder than i expected men heads her back harder a karcher retaliates by spitting on her own knuckles my punches inflict poison damage now it turned into a fist fight hearing signs of violence the well is run back into the auditorium look what they're doing minh come back to the field with me krista drags men off leaving karsha and noel behind we found both of them yes once again i'm a hero you're not a hero let's head back to the field too the car shark goes into the family bathroom unlike the regular ones there's only one stall it's so clean where's the pee on the toilet seat where's the poo and blood stains like in the girls bathroom it must be this pristine because no one else knows about it this is heaven no wonder min uses it bad memories looking at this now i was an idiot if you're waiting for me to disagree we're going to be here all day finally everyone's here no involved victim to a serial killer what a relief semes assemble the other team is warming up on the field two of them break from the rest of the group and rush up to dia dia rears back in fear and heist behind the well for a moment before she appears to recognize them dia it's us dia high fives from a brutally excessive amount of force their palms meet with a deafening clap the victim swears and flaps the affected hand as if to shake off the stinging he's trying valiantly to smile but there are tears of pain in his eyes we made our team accept the match when we heard you were here you look different from men now can't believe this wouldn't it be more unbelievable if we still look the same after all this time dia raises her hand for another high five no no no i don't want it do you you know them we know hayden from elementary school and june's my twin jun jolts at the sound of men's voice visibly shocked min what are you doing here same thing as you baseball do mom and dad know you're doing this do you even need to ask ah june's size he seems really used to this now that everyone's here let's get started since we're the home team we're defending first liz hands min what looks like a tiny white pouch filled with powder a cloud of dust puffs out when she grabs it we have russian to help improve your grip wow real rossen min is so excited that she accidentally inhales a bunch of the powder hayden is the lead-off hitter min spits on the ground for a dramatic effect ew man that's gross don't do that again dia crouches into position as an afterthought she points her index finger down at the ground and then smugly nods back and straightens up on the mount since when do you two have signs oh they don't mean anything we're just doing it because it looks cool min winds up and throws the ball comes in chest high perfectly spinless if someone had written the message on it you could read it then it does what looks like a double dip and drops into diaz glove hayden swings at it but he's way off yeah was the scream really necessary he did manages to skim the next pitch it bounces up about an inch above the bat and plops down in front of the plate dia pounces on and throws him out no what was that the knuckleball it's like a trick pitch i don't trust it cursed it's not cursed it's like that because of physics chrisa yells out to the semes triumphantly see i told you i wasn't making it up sakura and yuki exchanged a look then turned to crystal with skeptical faces come on the next batter swings helplessly at three knuckles and sits down jin so is up against his twin now min winds up and lets another knuckler go he hit a line drive straight at that karsha it's coming toward me i can't reach it with my hand akasha kicked the ball she's now hopping around on one foot in pain ow ow you dumbass why didn't you just catch it don't mind what they say then sports anime when someone screws up i'm literally going to throw up you even said it with a fake japanese accent wait i think it's a good idea though it helps boost morale we're already called semis how much more are we going to embarrass ourselves don't be rude we should support our teammates interests at what cost the ball bounces back toward home plate dia scoops up the ball and hurls it to first oh what that actually worked yes i'm a certified genius my nobel prize you're not getting a nobel prize for kicking a ball instead of catching it the right way oh we don't have real dugouts there's just a little bench for each side what were you expecting the school doesn't have an official baseball team so we're lucky to even have this i never got why dugouts need to be half underground like that like it's not a freaking bomb shelter stop being so dramatic the semis take their seats on the bench except dia who's still taking off the catcher's gear there's not quite enough space for everyone left standing dia hovers uncertainty beside them there's not enough room then you could sit on my lap shouldn't it be the other way around why the hell would it be the other way around you're the smaller one ow min kicked akasha really hard under the bench dee and noel both startled at a karsa's yelp neither of them saw the kick what's wrong with you she's glaring at me with a murderous look in her eyes i uh farted i was trying to cover up the sound what crap i don't think she buys it that's inconsistent with your past behavior last week you told me the disgusting and unwanted fact that you had three consecutive farts that formed a d major triad why go through such lengths to mask a single fart now you're hiding something i should scream now as a distraction shut up stop screaming you're screaming too the bench creaks a bit as dia nervously lowers herself in men's left man immediately wraps an arm around diaz waste i have to do this so we don't lose our balance yeah better watch out dear man's probably thinking about doing bad things to you i want to do bad things to you akasha really like what like snap your neck how mean jinzo is pitching against the semes his throws look a lot faster than men's he strikes esther out with ease oh liz is keeping score of a pencil and paper she dutifully marks the strikeout with a k why isn't a strikeout s or so why k k is for killed that can't be it it's because s is already used for sacrifice the k is from the last letter i've struck that's the main reason agreed i like min's reason better sakura is up to bat now she whiffs the first pitch but pops the second one up i got it he chases the ball into foul territory and dives for it oh the situation sucks we were even able to get to first base we could steal or do some weird but nope actually i did some research on that in most cases attempting to steal has a much higher chance of having a negative result than a positive one since most of us aren't that confident in our stealing skills it would be better for us to not try it what the hell are you saying stealing is important no it objectively has little value and is often actually detrimental for steel attempts to be not detrimental you have to succeed around 70 percent of the time that's the point where you break even the exact number depends on the situation but it's always around that range for instance for a runner and first with no outs getting caught stealing will lose a team two-thirds of a run on average and a successful steal gains a third of a run so for every three steal attempts you need to convert at least two or the only thing you're stealing is runs from your team do you succeed that often if not you are actually hurting the team's chances men looks like she understood none of that shut your hell up you lamppost shut your hell up lamp post you can't reduce things down to numbers yes i can she uses a stick to scratch a formula into the dirt sbp equals sb bracket sb plus cs bracket times 100 min quickly stomps out the formula the evil is defeated those equations are just a bunch of word games they aren't real look this isn't even a matter of opinion i'm right numbers don't lie there are things you can't see like what your feelings the power of friendship does it not occur to you that perhaps your enemies have those things too they're on both sides of the equation so they cancel each other out oh my god this is baseball not rocket science but this isn't rocket science this is basic algebra bro give it up noel hates being wrong actually i wouldn't know i'm not familiar with a sensation liz comes up and taps a car show on the shoulder hey you're up to bat now carson lets out a full long cloaking sound that lasts for 30 seconds we're down two outs so i better not screw this up akasha picks a bat and heads to the plate [Music] you're not invited to my birthday party anymore what this is my special technique verbal smoke bomb my remark brought up so many questions that he's been thrown into confusion akarsha cut it out still looking perplexed jinzo pitches the ball akasha isn't experienced enough to distinguish balls from strikes so she randomly decides whether or not to swing unsurprisingly she racks up three strikes in an instant no my special technique how about you practice more instead of using your special technique it's time to switch sides now the batter hits the ball towards the karsha again akasha fumbles the ball allowing the runner to safely reach the bag thanks for screwing up i didn't screw up that was on purpose the truth is i'm a double agent just admit you messed up already the killer whales have one out and a runner on first the runner takes off as jinzo buns the ball it rolls slowly all the way down the left foul line dia follows it closely hovering over it like a hawk what's she doing if dia can grab him when it's on the left side of the line it'll count as foul he can't run on foul ball so the runner will have to return to first the ball is still rolling almost exactly down the line karsha runs ahead of the ball and drags her foot in the dirt to make a path curving to the right hey the ball hits the path and rolls foul dia quickly grabs it i'm a triple agent you can't just change allegiances to match whether or not you messed up min throws the next pitch for a strike nice work time to switch sides again that was fast that's good it means men's knuckleball was working we should give it a special name like knuckles i'm not calling it a damn sonic character it can be butterfly related since they flutter butterfly butterfly thingy butterfly from hell's anus the anus part wasn't necessary well you're up to bat akasha cat calls noelle as she walks up to the plate wow it's noelle yeah wee mama shut up how mean a swing and a miss i wonder if noel enjoys this she's having fun she's scowling as she swings the bat that's just her personality if she disliked it she would have quit by now the wealth strikes out dear you're next mccartrick gets up and stands far off to the side away from dia jin throws it into his met it's an intentional walk right off the bat they haven't even seen her hit yet they're scared of her hayden knows how strong she is from when we were little they probably figure it's fine to let her have first since no one else on the team can get a hit that's smart it'll be hard for us to score without her once they've thrown four balls dia throws the bat to the side and trust the first it looks like he made the right call because after diaz walk the sammies accumulate two more outs in an instant d is stranded there until they switch sides neither team manages to score for the next few innings d is still getting walked at each bat and the other semis aren't skilled enough to reliably hit the enemy's pitches a few people managed to get hits off men's knuckleball by chance but no one's made it home yet by the seventh inning though some of men's luck starts to run out min's next pitch comes in high in inside but instead of dropping it soars up into the air dia has the jump to catch it as the fourth ball the batter throws his bat aside and jogs to first base the bases are loaded with no outs this is terrible they're probably going to score at least one goal did you just say goal the next batter is buff looking fellow he smashes the pitch straight into right field where noel is no that's the worst possible person he could have hit it to it's so far out the ball is like a speck in the clouds noel is apprehensively backing up with her glove out squinting up at the sky she plants her feet firmly shoulder whips apart reaches up and claps her free hand decisively over the glove she caught it she caught it how is that possible the runners all skid and scramble to reverse direction they all need to tag up on their former bases now or they're out no one thought she would catch it here's her chance noel throws to liz at second base there's a loud slap noise as liz covers her glove of her hand preventing the ball from bouncing out she tags the bag before hidden can return to it that's two outs just one more liz rears up and throws to akarsha who's manning first base what the hell there's nothing in liz's hand she's throwing nothing out of karsha karsha pretends to catch her in her glove and tags first base before june reaches it oh the runners are dejectedly returning to their defensive positions a triple play jun is looking at a car so suspiciously wait a minute she's not holding anything he saw what where's the ball then heck if i know how do you guys not know i got it krista plucks the missing ball from the grass and right field where it's been this entire time noel didn't even catch it in the first place i knew it so we're not out after all no you're all still out the rulebook states that if a runner abandons his effort to run the bases he's out you all clearly gave up so it's still a triple play you son of a hey that was actually a compliment i think it was a compliment this feels kind of like an move though on what planet do you guys live on where noelle isn't an is it okay to trick them like that isn't it cheating it's not cheating you guys deserve a freaking academy award for that performance just now especially noel good job shut up don't praise me like i'm a little kid are you crying i'm not crying by the way when you act like the ball somewhere it's not that's called a deke short for decoy deke's an important part of infield play like a faint they're rarely as elaborate as the three-way decree pulled off but it's the same idea we the d squad get it oh my god it's like dick squad but deke big squad geek squad d squad d squad i bet the teachers always separate the two of you in class you bring out the worst in each other it's a cautious turn to bat again there's already two outs and no one on base and the game is still tied zero to zero suddenly june cries out from the mount wait time out my contact hurts everyone pauses what's wrong with it i think i got dust under the lens face screwed up in paint he takes out what appears to be a tiny plunger what is that it's for taking out contact lens you're going to play without it on you can't pitch like that hayden didn't you say you wanted to try pitching right now i've literally never pitched a ball in my life why not there's a first time for everyone jinsil takes out the offending contact he's now effectively blind in one eye okay there goes nothing akarsha takes one step forward and collapses dramatically across the plate my ankle everyone is so used to her antics by now that no one reacts akasha stop screwing around and get up akarsha clutches her heart and grasp for breath that's so mean the shock put me in the cardiac arrest akasha akarsha winces and puts a hand on her stomach my appendix burst from the pressure fine bye then hayden pitches the ball karsha gets up just in time to take a wild swing at it i somehow hit it through her sheer luck is heading towards june who's squinting up at it with his good eye i got it the ball hits him in the face the karsha makes it the second base in the confusion nice batting finally for the first time this entire game someone's already on base when dia is up even though hayden is just watching dia he looks really scared to be pitching against her he throws the next pitch everyone watches the ball almost goes straight up into the sky in a high arc it draws back down about halfway to the plate he didn't know well don't name errors after me hayden what are you doing shut up it slipped out of my hand hayden picks up the ball and tries again he accidentally throws it straight at diaz head dear ducks sorry what the is your problem how dare you dia could have been killed men in the well a storm to the mound are now bashing hating together i'm calling the police what no one got hurt it doesn't matter that was criminal negligence i will personally make sure your entire life is ruined he should be executed executed hey get back on the bench noelle put the phone down no one's getting arrested min where did you get more knives dia steps back up to the plate as men in the well are dragged back to the bench they're both glowing in the corner darkly muttering to one another there is no justice in the world both of you knock it off hayden winds up and throws the ball it's not far enough outside dear lunged out of it and made contact she got a hit off the intentional walk attempts she hammers it straight into right field right at junso again i got this i got this the ball rolls through his legs dee and akarsha cross home plate to win the game yeah [Applause] i can't believe it we won you don't have to look so blatantly shocked the niles team is departing men and noel glared hayden as he goes into the van they arrived in are you guys still plotting revenge oh help i love drama are you still on your period maybe you can touch him with your cursed period blood hand again too late man the blood's brown now they might think it's mud there's nine of us though so there's probably 2.25 other girls on their periods what if we got all of them to run at the boys team from different directions that'd be like a nightmare i doubt anyone but you would agree to that plan honestly the guys would probably freak out even if you just threw a clean pat at them oh my gosh you're right thanks for the idea no no don't do this i refuse to be involved in this this is friendship goals frenchmen if we go down we all go down together that's just a roundabout way of saying you're dragging me down with you karsha pulls a pad from her backpack and rips the wrapper open with a loud crinkle i don't get why they make this sound so conspicuous i know right the only way they can make it more obvious is if they added firecrackers chris says power walking over to them she has developed a sixth sense when some stupid shit's about to go down who's opening a pad out here noelle quickly moves about 15 feet away and pretends not to know them we gotta make this quick maybe we could soak it with something to make it more unknown i have gatorade what flavor yellow one yellow flavor yes i hate that i know you well enough to discern that you want to look like pee pee girl akasha pours a splash of the gatorade on it i feel like i'm doing one of those absorbency demonstrations and commercials our liquid is the wrong color though it's always blue those cowards they should use red like blood a carcia holds up their finished creation i'm gonna throw it now should i no do it akasha flings the pad like a frisbee into the van it hits junso in the shoulder what is that jun goes down screams fill the van as though a grenade was thrown in the team desperately scatters away from the deadly object someone is climbing out the window [Laughter] what did you bratz do this time run run get back here yeah [Music] diaz house hey i'm here hello dia homie dia is examining something on a tree branch made a cocoon she points out the chrysalis he's soup now inside isn't it crazy their whole body liquefies and has to rebuild itself imagine if growing up was that bad for us it must be a complicated process i always worry something will go wrong and they won't ever wake up what if someone shakes it really hard it'll stir the soup nah man they're pretty resilient did you know it's memory survives that if you teach caterpillar something like to fear a certain smell or whatever after it comes out of its cocoon as a butterfly it'll still remember even though the outside's different still the same caterpillar on the inside from beginning to end will he remember me sure as much as an eating machine can believe in yaoi karashiki [Music] why kersha yeah i need to tell you something noel wouldn't understand i unless i mean i like a girl oh nice you're not surprised i mean i can tell i'm bi it's not a secret i've literally hit on girls in front of you i've literally hit on you you what but those were all jokes i thought you were kidding the kinds of jokes you decide to tell are indicative of your character i tell gay jokes because i am a gay joke also you should tell min she likes you back i'll help you
Channel: AnnaVA
Views: 2,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wZTy3em9nBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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