Buttercream Piping Tips & Techniques | Cupcake Jemma

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hello I am at crumbs and doilies but this time I'm in the staff room because it's Friday morning well it might be a different day for you watching but for me right now it's Friday morning which means that crumbs and loyalies is busy and there's no room for me out there so I've been squirreled away in the staff room which is small and hot and there's no ovens and there's nothing fun but I've taken some fun stuff in and I'm Gonna Take it Back to Basics and I'm going to show you guys how to pipe buttercream and make your cupcakes look amazing using a variety of different techniques so here we go now when you're doing decorative piping one of the most important things you're going to need in your kit is a nozzle and you can have one nozzle you can get away with that but it's better to have a lot of nozzles and you could really go to town with this because there are literally hundreds out there and they all do different things and have different shapes coming out so I'm going to show you my six top nozzles which is three basic ones so three which I think every person should have in their kit and then three extra ones which are really going to adjust things up the world of nozzles is a complex and confusing world of numbers and letters and round things and star things and it seems like every manufacturer calls their nozzle a completely different thing so I'm going to just show you the basic shapes and what to look out for when you're choosing your nozzles I've got here a round nozzle obviously it's round it's about a 12 millimeter one I've got another one here which is about six millimeter and these ones are really really really useful and then you've got star nozzles so the simplest one I've got here this is a seven point open star um which will give you that really nice Mr Wiki style icing classic cupcake piping um things like this one which is what I use for Rose piping so it's got six points and it's slightly closed so it'll give you a really nice deep grooves uh this one here is like Mega so there's 10 points on that guy and it's closed so this would be called a closed star and then I've got a smaller one of those there's eight points closed and that will be really good for little mini rose piping things usually you can find a really good selection online or at your local cake decorating shop so have a little rummage right well that's nozzles um the next thing you're going to need is a Piping Bag to put your nozzle in so there's basically two different kinds of piping bags one is a nylon bag which you can use again and again and again you'd need to buy a coupler for that because then you'd need to put your nozzle in and make sure it stays in um or the other kind you can buy is the Disposable one which is what I like because that means you don't have to wash it up which is a very annoying job snip off your nozzle when you're finished with it and Chuck it away I'm going to be using buttercream throughout this video and if you want to learn how to make buttercream then click on the link now and I'm going to show you how to prepare your Piping Bag so I'm using my disposable one here and obviously it's completely closed at the end at the moment but I want to make my nozzle go in so I'm going to line up my nozzle here like this and cut off as much as I think it will need I don't want it to fall out but I also don't want it to encroach on the pointy bits of my nozzle so I reckon about here is fine and then just drop your nozzle in pointy bit first and just make sure it's it's really nice and snug in there which that one is and then just to avoid getting really really messy which is what I learned this the hard way turn your Piping Bag over like this that way you can put all your buttercream in right into the bottom of it without getting it all smearing at the sides I've got a bit of buttercream here I'm going to use white and just carefully just plop it in so once you've got all your icing in there you want to turn that back up the right way so rub it all up so you can see that you've got no icing on the outside now which is very nice give it a little Shuffle just to get rid of any air bubbles and make sure it's all at the bottom and then you want to squeeze it and turn it like this so that you end up with all the icing at the bottom and that way if you Loop the twisty bit over your finger you can squeeze from the top down rather than from the middle up which will obviously squeeze buttercream all at the other end which is very nice and if you don't want to waste all your cakes and all your buttercream practicing and getting that perfect swirl then the best thing to do is to grab a sheet of greaseproof paper and pipe onto that because that way you can scrape off all that practice stuff back into the bowl and use it again so we're ready to go and I'm going to show you how to do that basic swirl classic swirl cupcake icing using an open star nozzle the first thing to make sure you're going to do is keep your Piping Bag vertical with the cupcake then give it a good squirt in the middle and then go around that squirt building it up slowly until you reach the top and then finish it off gently for this one use the same nozzle do a dot in the middle and then dot all the way around using short sharp concise bursts and then do another layer and then finish it off on the top for this classic round blob I'm using a 12 millimeter round nozzle just give it a really generous squirt in the middle until most of the coat is covered and then start circling that until you reach the top and then gently pull away for a classic rose piping I'm using a closed star nozzle give it a squirt in the middle and then go around that squirt and then go around once more and then release the pressure and pull away gently for this crazy guy I'm using a 10 point closed star nozzle give it a really generous square and keep squirting as you wiggle it around until you have a really nice blob on top for this one I'm using an eight point star nozzle which is closed it's a small one so I can make these tiny little roses in the same movement as I did with the big rows just go all the way around the outside foreign for this one I'm using a six millimeter round nozzle just go around the outside with little blobs pulling away as you finish and then once you've done that Circle go around the top of that to create another layer and then a little swipe on top this one's just a variation on the classic swell but this time I'm using the same nozzle that I used for the rose piping it just creates a more ruffly finish there you go eight really simple and super fun ways to Jazz up your cupcakes using poked buttercream icing from the classic swirl to The Blob to Grandma's swimming hat it's dead easy just gotta practice but if you do have any questions just put them in the comments box below and I'll do my best to help you out and if you want to see more videos like this then don't forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking on the link up there and assuming I'm allowed back in the kitchen I will be back next week with another recipe for you guys to enjoy so I'll see you then bye foreign
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 5,398,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Piping, Buttercream (Food), Food (TV Genre), cupcakes, cupcake jemma, food tube, jamie's food tube, crumbs and doilies, cake decorating, cupcake decorating, Cupcake (Dish), Cooking (Interest), Tips, Tutorial, Tricks, How-to (Website Category), vanilla, piped, piping bags, nozzles, tubes
Id: Np6ewLL86A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 02 2014
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