'BUTT NAKED, BENDING OVER': Former Lamar CISD teacher accused of filming explicit video on campus

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good morning I'm Dr Candace Matthews I am the national minister of politics for the New Black Panther Nation here standing with my chairman uh brother qu Alx we're here in reference to an atrocity that has happened here at this Elementary School that stands behind us by the name of Gray Elementary that is in the school district of uh Lamar uh consolidated ISD uh we have a former music teacher that that was here this school year when this vid this shocking video has happened this school teacher that was a music teacher taught several grade levels here in this school we have shocking video of this music teacher doing porn videos in the music classroom and also a second video of her doing this porn video in the school bathroom doing school hours so and let's not leave out she also had her her school ID badge on I called also to verify was this teacher still employed here at this school so it comes to find out that the teacher is no longer employed here but not for this incident the administration had no idea of the videos that was taking place here in this school so what we are demanding we are demanding that Lamar Consolidated ISD need to get with the Texas Education Agency to let them know about this atrocity of what has happened with this teacher because this is how demented teachers go from one District to the next jumping from District to District without you know they they can go and apply for a job and they have their teacher certification they don't have a criminal record but you over here doing explicit activities in an elementary school that is unacceptable so that's why we are calling this out we are not going to sweep this under the rug I did speak with Administration here at the school district they were not aware of that video like I said however they did wanted to share with me like I did let them know that I was going to bring this public they did not want me you know to bring it public because they did not want you know the the the community to feel like they wern't doing their job but how can you not say that you're not doing your job because you didn't know anything about the video now that you know about the video now we expect for you to do your job we expect for you to go to the Texas Education Agency we expect for you to put a block on this teacher so this teacher cannot go to another school and do this type of foolishness this can be the same type of teacher that can touch a child if you taking your clothes off you're smacking your behind you're flapping your breast out and and gyrating yourself in a classroom where students are during the school day and you're doing this in the bathro that is unacceptable so basically what I just I'mma let brother Cornell State his piece and then I'll close it out you really can't make this stuff up it is absolutely appalling shameful and frightening that these are the type of Educators that are in an elementary school teaching our children when parents send their children to school they believe their teachers are people of the utmost highest character but now we got a teacher in the classroom on school hours stripping down butt necked bending over and showing everything on the video and all you could see was cellulite hanging in pubic this is a disgrace and a shame that this is the type of educator and teacher that is in the classroom and she made multiple videos yes the district was unaware until we brought this to their attention but what we're asking you to do now is to go even further nullifying her contract is not enough we demand that the superintendent the board ban her from never teaching in this school district again we want a permanent ban on her secondly we demand that this school district send a letter to tea demanding her certification as a teacher be terminated and revoked three we're demanding that this district contact law enforcement and we want to make sure that the students that she taught are interviewed or hotline is set up to make sure that she didn't do a additional things in the classroom that may be that may be inappropriate unethical unprofessional or dangerous in the environment of those children if she would do this in the classroom what else will she do this woman obviously had lost her damn mind she needs psychotropic medication she pulls out her breast and she's juggling them look like she about to fall over then she bends over and pulls down her penties spreads her cheeks I'm not lying I'm telling you what's on the video spreads her cheeks this is madness this woman should never ever be allowed to be an educator this woman should never be allowed to work around children ever again and I believe that if a thorough investigation takes place you can find something criminally to bring her into a courtroom for because I've seen law enforcement put parents in courtrooms for far much less than this if we can put Donald Trump in the courtroom and find something to prosecute him for don't tell me we can't find something to prosecute this woman for this is sad this is madness this is filth at its finest and so we're praying that the school district were not attacking you you didn't know anything about this lady but now that you do know show the aggressive proactive steps that you will take to make sure she never re-enters a classroom um from what I was told is that she's looking for employment with other school districts so that's why this is imperative that we amplify this issue because this is how you have Dominic teachers going from one District to the next doing this type of behavior so I just want to send a message out to her because see that video was so horrific and and appalling we just want her to know that her retired porn star activities is done okay you're done you would never let set foot in now one of these classrooms you would not even have the opportunity to disgrace our eyes with that foolishness that you did in that video so your porn days is over and also your teaching days we're done with this so we demand the school district please again we're not here to attack you we're here to inform you of what you had in your school and this is where you can prove to your parent the parents and the constituents that you are going to be Zero Tolerance when it come to this type of stuff and these type of deviant individuals doing this in this classroom amongst our babies that's unacceptable we want to make sure that if she wants to be a porn store and it's obvious she does that's her business baby she but we want to make sure that she never teaches in a classroom again that her teaching certification is revoked and she she never has the opportunity access to Children again if she wants to teach if she wants to be a porn star based on what I saw in that video maybe she reti I don't think she going to make a lot of money based on what I saw on that video I don't think she going to be at a top tier status that's a damn shame what I saw on that video that's sickness and I think that this woman needs to be mentally evaluated by a therapist absolutely but let's make sure the school district protects the state of Texas Children so she can't run from one District to another seeking employment because it's not in her personnel file what she was terminated for or why she's banned from the district because they've already didn't renew a contract for other reasons well that won't stop her from being employed somewhere else but if they put in there that she's banned and they want to know why she's banned it's done in fact most school districts won't even ask once they see you're banned you won't be hired any more questions I'm not sure it was a love triangle or not but she the one that sent the video let me say this I wouldn't give a damn if she was having problems with her boyfriend her girlfriend it just didn't go well don't break it to the SCH what happened in the classroom you in the classroom where you teach your students doing this madness whatever problems you got going on with your spouse is Irrelevant in the material with that filth that you're doing in the class room is what you must be held accountable for she should have did that in her own bedroom not here at the school period you you know this is not a place for that you do not sexualize our children you don't come with that sexualized type behavior on any type of school campus you keep that mess in your bedroom so like I said your porn days is over sis you doing too much there have been several other cases of teachers who are doing porn on their only fans page but once the district discovered in all of those cases that the teachers had only fans porn material on that page their employment was terminated this goes beyond that because they were doing it at home creating these porn videos at home on their own time not on employment District time this happened inside the school building this goes beyond that any other questions thank you for your time and thank you for your presence
Channel: FOX 26 Houston
Views: 477,394
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Keywords: News, fox_26, kriv, fox_26_houston
Id: 0lNj4yL2Lzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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