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good morning everybody amen it's good to be here today good to be alive have another opportunity to come to church don't take that for granted there are a whole lot of people who would love to have your opportunity today just to be in church people in the hospital hooked up the stuff so overwhelmed by their circumstances and pressure some people don't have enough money to get gas to come to church and you're here that's a blessing right there you i know you think you did god a favor you did yourself a favor and he loves you enough to make it he let you make it here today that's a blessing that's a blessing and i want to take a moment um to thank everyone who came out yesterday to bowie state university the men and women in our church to support that brotherhood summit it was so um honoring um i was so proud to see so many zion church people there for that event and thank every man and woman who helped and who's going to help mentor young boys and what an important role to play in this day and time so thank you so much for that i want to also um give a shout out to the zion woodbridge campus in particular i know they may not be there today but the lead pastor in woodbridge got married last week uh brian edmonds and i want to celebrate with him and his wife jody congratulations hope you all stay on your honeymoon just continue to have fun you know some people do the honeymoon then they go and get all serious after that keep having fun i pray you keep having fun amen welcome everybody joining us online right now if you have a bible turn to second timothy chapter three and second timothy chapter three ain't no harm in going to the table of contents if you need to better to just get there than to be cute and can't find it it's one of them quick books the blessing is even if you're in the area you hit first timothy you know you're close second timothy chapter three y'all all right okay anybody had a hard week this week this was a killer for me boy but we're here second uh timothy chapter three i'm gonna start reading the verse one from the new living translation i'm going to read down to verse 14. then i'm going to read a couple other verses in one verse in chapter four and then i want to go back to first timothy chapter six and read verse eleven verse one you should know this timothy that in the last days there will be very difficult times for people will love only themselves and their money they will be boastful and proud scoffer scoffing at god disobedient to their parents and ungrateful they will consider nothing sacred they will be unloving and unforgiving they will slander others and have no self-control they will be cruel and hate what is good they will betray their friends be reckless be puffed up with pride and love pleasure rather than god they will act religious but they will reject the power that can make them godly stay away from people like that they are the kind who work their way into people's homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by various desires such women are forever following new teachings but they are never able to understand the truth these teachers oppose the truth just as janus and jambress oppose moses they have depraved minds and a counter fate counterfeit faith but they won't get away with this for long someday everyone will recognize what fools they are just as with janus and james verse 10 but you timothy but you but you everybody say but you but you timothy certainly know what i teach and how i live and what my purpose in life is you know my faith my patience my love and my endurance you know how much i much persecutions and suffering i have endured you know all about how i was persecuted in antioch and iconium and lystra but the lord rescued me from all of it yes and everyone who wants to live a godly life in christ jesus will suffer persecution but evil people and impostors will flourish they will deceive others and will themselves be deceived but you everybody say it with me but you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught you know they are true for you know you can trust those who taught you i want to stop there go down to chapter four and verse five but you should keep a clear mind in every situation king new international version says but you must keep your head in every situation turn over to chapter 6 verse 11 first timothy i'm sorry to the back back to the left first timothy 6 11 but you timothy are a man of god so run from all these evil things pursue righteousness in a godly life along with faith love perseverance and gentleness but you but you but you but you timothy but you but i know what everybody else is doing i know all of the darkness that is around you but you but you but you you are different you are distinct you have been marked out you have been but you but you but you but you but you but you i woke up early one morning this this week and i've been wrestling with something all week and when i woke up those are the two words i heard but you you can't do what everybody else does but you you can't do what your flesh tells you to do but you you will have consequences when you sin but you you've been set apart that's my subject today but you i don't know who i'm going to preach to today i don't know who this is for but somebody's been wrestling with something and you want to do it you want a part of you wants to do what god wants you to do and another part of you wants to do what you want to do and god wants to step in between there and say but you i know you want to act a fool i know you want to act like the people at work are acting i know you want to get back at people and act a fool and cut up and walk in your flesh but you just look at somebody say but you but you when i was growing up when i was growing up uh my mother was very strict that's an understatement my mother was very strict and i remember one time trying to negotiate with my mother for a later curfew it was a an exercise in futility to even try to do that but i remember the strategy i had was i had to come in when it got dark outside i don't know anybody had to do that and when it got dark outside didn't matter what time it was and get dark out i can't see you because you're dark skinned you need to come in the house if you use light skin you can stay out a little longer but you've been you've been touched by the sun boy so you and and i remember having a conversation with my mother and telling her about factual information about my friends and and the liberty that they had now i would say well so and so i ain't gonna name them because some of them go to this shirt so-and-so gets to stay out until 10 and and and and so and so can go in the house whenever he wants to go in the house and and i'm thinking i had built the case and my mother would say to me i want you you know what i don't care about who oh anybody they don't live here they don't live in this house i don't care how late they they can stay out all day and all night if they want to but y'all got it but you are going to come in the house when i tell you to because there's a difference between you and them you belong to me and i give you direction and instruction and i'm trying to protect your little life so you can grow up and make it past this season in your life this ain't the nicest neighborhood anyway but you but you but you but you paul had a similar conversation and dialogue with timothy he wrote them two letters there's no way i could do justice to all of the content of these two letters i'm just trying to capture something that jumped out at me and i would hope that you would read first timothy and ii timothy today or this week at some point and get all the truths out of it that you can get out of it but for the sake of this message i just want to encapsulate it like this paul is having this conversation with him and he's trying to say to him i know what everybody else is doing i know what's going on i know about the false teachers i know about believers who are backsliding i know about people who are unbelievers who can't come into the light because they've been blinded by false teaching and the darkness has blinded them i know about people who were once walking with god who are not walking with god anymore and they've fallen away and they're doing their own thing now but you son you're set apart you're different you cannot do what they do you can't say what they say you can't live how they live you can't think how they think you cannot go where they go because you have been called to a life of distinction but you but y'all say that let me just hear it i just need to hear because i need to be reminded that that that god has put a butt you over my life i can't speak for you there's a but you that's over my life that doesn't allow me to do whatever i want to do the way other people are doing it even people in the church who are doing stuff carnal and immoral and all have sinned and come short of the glory of god but there are people even inside the body of christ who are practicing sin and and some of us want to feel like well i should be able to do my thing too but but but you are different it reminds me of a conversation i'm not a big movie person so don't i may have this a little wrong but i the movie was called the matrix and i remember seeing where morpheus is having a conversation with neo and he pulls out these two pills that's just what i remember and he pulls out these two pills and there's the ones the blue pill and one's a red pill and he says you take this blue pill it's your choice you take this blue pill and you go back to being a slave like everybody else but if you take this red pill you'll have your eyes open and then you can be useful because you've been chosen but you you can be different and when i think about it in our lives all of us have taken whoever who are saved have taken the red pill of redemption we've accepted jesus christ in our lives but a lot of christians still have blue pills in their medicine cabinet and we used to od on those blue pills and so we keep them stashed away just in case we get depressed enough and we get horny enough and we get okay y'all ain't gon tell him this for the later service and and we get we get we get we get we get down enough and we feel entitled enough and we have to reach for that blue pill the pill that satisfies our flesh and god stands in between both pills and says but you this ain't even about you i've chosen you i've set you apart i know some of y'all won't testify about it but you have to understand that there's been an epic struggle throughout scripture and throughout history between the believer and between good and evil and between right and wrong and between light and darkness and between wickedness and righteousness this epic struggle and as believers we stand right in the middle of the fray between both worlds and the reason why we live in between these two places is because even though we've been redeemed and we've been saved and we've been born again at the same time we still have a flesh and we still have a proclivity to still want to embrace evil and still want to do wrong there is something still wrong with us there is something still immoral about us because for some reason god saw fit to allow us to still carry these depraved decadent bodies into this glorious way he's called us into a new and living way but he's called us to live this way with the same depravity and brokenness that we had when we weren't in the way are y'all understanding what i'm saying i don't understand why he did it that way i'm because i wrestled with my sainthood and my sinnerhood at the same time pastor jeff i know some people have a problem with that song a saint is just a sinner who falls down i know some people have a problem with that because they don't believe that you you can be a saint and a sinner at the same time they don't believe you can be a saint and still refer to yourself as a sinner you shouldn't call yourself a sinner if god calls you a saint and i understand the theology behind that and even the soteriology behind that but i also know that after being saved for 32 years and i know i'm saved i ain't no doubt that i'm saved i got to be saved to deal with what i deal with in order to be safe i know after 32 years of studying the bible and being saved that i've come to realize that i'm a saint and a sinner at the same time this dichotomy is living in me at the same time there's something ain't right about me and then there's something that's very right about me there's something that's nasty about me and selfish about me but then there's something that's generous and giving and kind about me anybody got two things going on inside of you there's a part of me that loves god and wants to do right and serve his people then there's another part of me that wants to do wrong and be about me and do my own thing and be selfish and these two things are at war against each other when i do good evil is present with me o wretched man that i am who shall deliver me from this body of death it's all around me i can't get away from it it's like an internal civil war do y'all feel me in here saint han a sinner a saint and a sinner righteousness and unrighteousness godliness and wickedness all at the same time and sometimes i just wish god would just give me a whole new setup just give me a different body if you give me a a saint body that's right give me a saint mind and give me the the the emotions of a saint get ready if i didn't have to do this thing in keith battle's body with keith battle's mentality and keep battle self-centeredness and keep battles proclivity towards melancholy and keep battles entitlement and key vital battles uh tendencies towards impulsivity and to be perverted and to be nasty and to cuss people out and to do stuff i see y'all i know i'm just i'm just confessing to y'all today if i didn't have all that to wrestle with i could really serve you real good god if you just give me a whole new just change me just give me a new outfit just give me a new body give me your mother teresa spirit give me some give me a whole give me a billy graham body and i can really anybody feel me in here today if you just get me out of this i really want to serve you i really want to please you but it's just my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak and god says but you i know i know i know i know i know i see it but you um let me get to my points um um so so paul comes to timothy and he says i'm gonna give you three things you're gonna have to have if you're gonna live this life of distinction this is what you're gonna have to have you you can write these down if you want and then i'm gonna go on and sit down and wait till the next group comes in number one you gotta have the right message and number two you got to have the right mentors and number three you got to have the right mindset right message the right mentors and right mindset go and write it down make it look like you're going to study it or something the right message in chapter 3 verse 14 2nd timothy 3 14. he says after talking about false teachers throughout the books both books is replete if you were to give a theme to first and second second timothy it is the danger of false teaching false teachers false teaching all around and paul says but you know the truth timothy verse 14. you know the truth and you know the people who taught you you know that you can trust what you've learned that's true so you got to watch this timothy you've got to keep the right message because they're wrong messages all around you and one of the things that makes liv it's hard enough to live the christian life when we got this duality about us you understand but it's even harder when your mind has been twisted with false teaching so you always gotta ask god for a spiritual filter to weed out the wrong stuff god show me what to reject and show me what to receive show me what to eject and show me what to embrace show me what's true for me and show me what's not i can't listen to everybody preach i can't oh y'all read i can't read everything that you read i know the book changed your life but maybe it ain't for me to read that book and maybe it ain't for me to read that book right now every book is not for me to read every blog is not for me to read every person is not for me to follow on twitter i gotta know god i need to know who do you want me listening to who do you want me sitting under who do you want me gleaning from and then lord when i hear everybody let it flow through a filter that lets me know what's from you i wish i had time to unpack that but it's so critical to get the right message you cannot believe every spirit you cannot believe everybody that opens their mouth or puts pen to paper you must say god i need to write message because i can't have the right mindset if my mind has been twisted but then i need the right mentors i just want to teach you all of that i just need to write mentors i need the right mentors in verse 10 of second timothy chapter three in second timothy 10 he says but you timothy you you know me i know people are being led misled by janus and jan brisbane but you know me you know my life you know how i live you know what i teach you know my purpose you know my purity you know what i've endured you know me son paul was timothy's mentor and one thing you must understand about having a mentor is you gotta know somebody who's gonna mentor you you can't just give people the title of your mentor and you don't know them somebody asked me this reason how did you know pastor jenkins was supposed to be a mentor i knew him for 10 years before i asked him to pass to me it wasn't anything mystical or or supernatural like hey i felt it in my spirit i knew him and he was the best person that i knew to do the job that i needed done because there was a season in my life that i was transitioning from from youth ministry to pastoral ministry and i needed my mentorship to change because the season had changed but i had known him for 10 years and you got to know the people who mentor you don't just let somebody walk up to you and say god call me to cover you god called me to pour into you god call me a minute i don't know you i'm not gonna give you the title of somebody who has a right to speak into my life and i don't know you to be mismentored is something we don't have time to we don't have time for that kind of setback it's already hard enough to live a life of distinction i can't live it if i got the wrong people mentoring me the the key to success and failure oftentimes is who we're taking our cues from who's discipling me who's mentoring me who's pouring into my life who's teaching me who's who's in my ear that's a serious thing and let me say this when it comes to mystery and paul wasn't even well paul wasn't perfect by the way before paul got converted he was a first century terrorist paul terrorized christians he would kill people who were believers he was off the chain until god saved him changed them and then he used them so i say that because you don't need your mentor to be perfect and have a perfectly clean record but what you need them to be is the kind of person who's learned from their mistakes it can help you help you navigate through your own see i'm grateful that i've had mentors in my life who weren't perfect they were people who made mistakes but they were people who learned from their mistakes and could teach me how to avoid some things and could teach me how to navigate through the mistakes that i've made i don't even think i can relate to somebody who haven't messed up i don't know what that's like to deal with first of all you're not gonna find a perfect mentor unless you talk about god if you talk about a human being you're already talking about imperfection i shared recently a few weeks ago at the one o'clock service i was telling them about a young man who had taken over a church he was became the pastor of a church a church that existed for years before he got there his young man to go to church and he jumped in on all fours and he's all excited about this opportunity and and he starts one of his first tasks was he starts scrolling through the membership list and began to identify people who stopped coming to church when he took over the pastorate and he was so bold and so you know gung-ho you know he says i'm gonna find out why they're not coming anymore so he started calling the people and asking them why they weren't coming to church and visiting them i mean and most people gave him the run around because they want to hurt his feelings and making all kinds of excuses but he went to one lady's door middle aged to elderly woman rang her doorbell she opened the door he says he greeted her said her name greeted her and says i'm pastor so-and-so she said i know who you are he says well i was just wondering i noticed you hadn't came to church since i took over the pastor and i just wanted to know why and she said without hesitation she said you ain't old enough you haven't been hurt enough and you haven't messed up enough to have anything to say to me i said that to say this if you're looking for a mentor make sure they're old enough and they've heard enough and they've messed up enough to have something to say to you to help you because you will mess up and you will hurt you have to and then let me tell you this too and when the season of mentoring is over respectfully move on mentoring happens in seasons and in levels this is so important for people i you know people stay in mentoring relationships past the season when the season is over and the level has changed you must change mentors that's that's not that's not me it's not meant to harm the person it's it may hurt because there is natural a relationship is ending but it's not intended to harm them it's a season change nobody wants it to be winter 365 days a year then we would never get summer spring and fall seasons change mentoring relationships change write them a letter have lunch with them thank them for all they poured into your life all that they taught you and ask for their blessing as you move on even if you don't know where you're going and if they struggle with letting you go that's their problem not yours any mentor who sees them will release you even if it hurts them even if they know that it's too early for you to move on they know that there's some lessons you're going to learn through trial and error you're not going to learn it under their wing and so you got to move on with the season this is this is so important y'all why do we keep drinking from fountains that don't even quench our thirst anymore we got to thirst for knowledge wisdom and understanding that this fountain doesn't even deliver anymore you got to understand the season see see why are we going to people for knowledge and information who don't have the knowledge and information on the level we now need it i i can teach my children how to ride a bike because i know how to ride one and i can go to the next level and teach my children how to drive because i know how to drive but if any one of them wants to learn how to fly i'm not their guy they can love me and want to hang around me but they are wasting time trying to teach me trying to get me to teach them how to fly because now they need a pilot to instruct them are you following me because they're now on another level and some of you need pilot level mentoring but you're still talking to people on the ground and you cannot get what you need mentoring are y'all had learning are y'all listening today i ain't got nothing to hide for you i'm teaching that mentoring happens on levels uh there are certain people who have a pre a gifted preschool teaching they are excellent and experienced and have expertise in preschool teaching and what they do is critical to the lifelong learning process of their child what they are doing in that formative period is critical they are experts at train preparing a child at a preschool level but if you're in the fourth grade and you're still going to preschool for your class and instruction you are going to a place that cannot help you are retarding your growth because you are back at a level that you already surpassed and the person had an expertise at a level that you're no longer in and so you have to listen as you mature your support systems and your mentors must mature in proportion to how you're maturing why do we keep going backwards we have to be learning at the next level every level requires new mentorship you need to write that down every level requires new measure so you have to pray god give me the right mentor show me who's supposed to be pouring into my life in this season of my life and the person doesn't always need to be older than you but they need to be further along than you in the area where you need mentorship all right now now let me get to the main point that i want to get to today this is where my struggle came this week it's not just having the right mentors and not just having the right message some of you got that here's the thing that makes living the christian life hard is having the right mindset go to first timothy 6 11. here's what he says in first timothy 6 11. he says um he says but you timothy a man of god watch that right there i need you to start right there you're a man of god that means the it's important that you understand your identity you're not just an ordinary joe you're not just some regular run-of-the-mill tom dick or harry you are a man or a woman of god that distinguishes you you're not lucretia's baby father you're a man of god you're not go go coco you're a man you're a woman of god and you've been set apart to go upstream to go against counter culture to go against the grain you are a man of god but you timothy uh man you can write your own name right there but you keith whatever your name but you are a man you are a woman of god and having that mindset is critical to living out this faith a life of distinction knowing that there's a but you open up hovering over your life it is critical to have that mindset right there you are a man or woman of god and that's that's very important because he's dealing with timothy in a time where there were believers who were going astray there were believers who were falling out and don't think it's not just very possible for a person to be in christ and walking with god and over time to be so far so have so far and away from god that they're living totally in sin out of the will of god it can happen and i'm here's my assignment today my assignment today is to preach to somebody who's at that point somebody who's almost there somebody who's making plans and has an agenda to send you ready to comfort yourself with sin and you're ready to abandon all things that you know to be right you're ready to leave your marriage you're ready to leave your family you're ready to leave your small group you're ready to leave the ministry you're ready to walk away from it all and god is saying but you i know you want to do this i know you're tired i know you're depressed i know you're dissatisfied and i know whoever i'm preaching to is going to try to act like i'm not preaching to you right now because it's very uncomfortable when god laser use lasers you like that but it's because he lasers you because he loves you and he wants you to wake up at this moment because there's somebody at the brink of doing the stupid thing and making a big mistake and crossing the line of sin somebody's thinking about stepping out and making a bad choice somebody's thinking about giving up their virginity or giving up their sexual abstinence because you've been holding on so long and there's so much around you and it's getting warm again and there's a lot of flesh being shown now and you're almost there i know you're gonna try to keep a straight face right now but i know you're in here you're maybe you're in woodbridge right now but you're almost there you've been planning it you've been thinking about it you've been running through it in your mind you've been thinking about who and when and where and how and why and you've been planning it all out and god sent me here this morning to say but you you can't do it it ain't for you you're different you're distinct you're set apart somebody's thinking about getting high again you ain't got high in a long time but lately you've been having an itch to get high you've been having a proclivity towards getting high you thought you had kicked that habit you thought you had beat that demon but it's back on you now it's back on you again because the devil wants to tell you damn somebody's thinking about just having one drink and you know that one drink is too much and a thousand ain't enough and you're about to give up your sobriety you've been clean a long time you've been sober a long time you've been standing a long time but you've been thinking about it lately and god woke me up this morning to say but you but you you i know what you're thinking and i know what everybody else is doing and i know what you're planning but you a man of god but you are a woman of god but you are a person of distinction and you've got to operate with that mentality and that mindset and there's four types of mentalities you gotta have first of all in verse 12 you got to have a fighter's mindset you got to have a fighting mentality he says in verse 12 first timothy 6 12 that fight the good fight of faith you got to have a fighter's mentality see the reason why somebody here i'm preaching to you right now you struggle every week if you like me you struggle every week with temptation you struggle every week with your flesh you struggle every week with sin you struggle you can't even why don't the devil leave me alone why don't you just get up off of me well i gotta keep wrestling these demons all the time and the reason why you're wrestling is because you're a target and because this is warfare baby and this is a spiritual war and whenever there's a war there's violence and the kingdom of heaven suffered violence and the violence take it by force you can't be a punk right now you got to fight back the only way you can deal with a bully you got to hit that sucker back it's time to fight now i gotta fight for my freedom i gotta fight for my family i gotta fight for my marriage i gotta fight for my testimony i gotta fight for my witness i gotta fight for my rights i gotta fight for my money because the lord has called me to do it and the devil wants to defeat you but you gotta fight and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're mighty to god through the pulling down of strongholds our weapons is prayer our reference is the word of god our weapon is praised our weapon is worship our weapon is church our weapon is the word of god our weapon is fellowship that's why i can't afford to miss church i ain't got time to play with y'all i ain't came in here to be cute today i didn't come here to wear the best outfit today i came in here to get equipped and the power to fight this demon i gotta fight all the weekend long i didn't come to play with you i came to get ready to fight somebody say fight you gotta fight you gotta fight you gotta have a fighting mindset and then you got to have a fleeing mindset a fleeing mindset he says in verse 11 you're a man of god so you got to run look at that you got to run from evil things you got to run from evil things you can't just stand there and let evil track you down you gotta run from it why would god tell paul paul paul tells timothy to run from something evil why would he tell any of us to run from some evil it's because even though we're saved we still like a little evil and we all ain't going we still like a little evil there's something about us that's still attracted to evil and we still want to do it now don't be looking all righteous because you may not be running from where i'm running from you may have overcome what i'm still running from but don't look down your little self-righteous nose at me because i might have overcome something you're running from but here's the deal baby we all running and if we ever stop running we're in trouble good god you better run from that demon you better run from that thing every day you gotta run every day you gotta run every day in the greek words just in the present indicative present imperative keep on running every day you gotta run every day you gotta get up before god and fight that demon every day you got to say god here i am again help me to keep running from my sin help me to keep baking distance between me and my who am i preaching to anybody here got a past i just need to know is there anybody here that got to pass every day i got to keep running from that thing i got to keep running i can't slow down cause it's coming out to me because that demon knows me and that spirit knows me and i got to keep running is there anybody in here that understands what i'm talking about flee and watch this you can't just have a fleeing mentality you got to have a following mentality so you don't just run aimlessly you run aimed the next phrase verse 11 pursue righteousness i run from evil that's a fleeing mentality i have a fighting mentality i have a fleeing mentality but i have a following mentality i run from evil and i run towards righteousness you can't just run anywhere you got to run towards righteousness and holiness and and good things you got to run towards the right things it's the word pursue is stronger than the word run the word pursue means to track down something to hunt something down to apprehend something to catch someone or something you got to be going for it spiritually you can't just run from what you were you got to run towards oh god to what you're supposed to be second timothy 2 22 says this second timothy says flee run from anything that stimulates you for lust and instead pursue righteous living faithfulness and easing and it also says and and watch this and enjoy companionships of those who are called on the lord who call the lord with pure hearts another big thing is when you when you're pursuing you follow healthy holy relationships one of the best things we can do to win this race to live a life of distinction is to cancel out compromising companionships i'm sorry i don't need to be in any carnal groups i don't need help sinning i'm good at sending my i'm i got that i don't need any encouragement any instructions any tips on sinning i need a group that's holy i need a group that's praying i need a group that's desperate for god i need a group that's christ-like i ain't coming to play i need i need somebody who's gonna pull me towards christ and then finally you got to have a firm mentality second timothy 4 5 says keep your head in all situations sober minded stable stable-minded not swayed by circumstances all over the place stable strong my time is up here's what i want to do if god was speaking to you because i don't know if he's speaking to you because you know that's you you know he was speaking to you because you're almost about to do what you think about doing and you're almost there you've made plans he sent me here this morning tell you cancel the plans but keith ollie got reservations already cancelled the reservations i already bought my ticket for the flight to go to cancel the flight why i know what everybody else is doing but you are a woman of god you are a man of god and it ain't about you i've called you guys i didn't call you because you're perfect i didn't call you because you're the smartest you're the finest you're the coolest i called you because i want you to serve me and i want you to represent me if he's speaking to you let's stand if he's speaking to you wherever you are if you're in woodbridge if you're watching online i'm talking to you too if he's speaking to you right now and you know he's speaking to you and you know you need his help meet me at the altar to pray you can come to the altar where you are in woodbridge i'm gonna pray for both campuses right now if you're online watching and you know he spoke to you today and you know you need him so that you don't fall put your head on the desk stand up where you are get on your knees do something make a move to acknowledge before god that you hear him and you need him come on we're about to pray come on over here this way y'all come on over this way i got one more call one more call before we go maybe you're here you said keith i thank you for the message it's a little late i've already crossed the line i've already sinned i've already done the wrong thing and i want to get out but i can't i've been praying to get out but i can't i want to tell you you can get back up again you don't have to stay where you are god wants to restore you he wants to restore you right now and if you're in that situation you've been praying on your own and it hasn't worked you're still stuck i want us to join our faith together and you're saying i'm just coming to say i've sinned i've fallen short of the glory of god i'm in something i'm supposed to be in but i need god's help to get out if that's you don't worry about what anybody else thinks you come up i want to pray with you i want to pray with you you're not at that point where you're almost there you most all and most people don't have the courage to do that but i've been there and done that and the best thing to do is to bust a move and say god i need your help it ain't really nobody else's business i know they ain't okay i know there's not one person who's out there needs to help coming back okay i'm gonna believe that somebody watching online that's your situation probably a good day to watch online so you can do all this stuff and nobody watching you about to pray i'm about to pray just somebody else we need to wait for lift your hands father here we are we heard you today you spoke to us and we needed to hear what you had to say thank you for the but you that's over our lives thank you that we are distinctly yours that we belong to you we mess up we fall we stumble we trip we dip we slip we do so many things wrong but we're here today by your grace and we're responding to the butt you over our lives you've chosen us you've given us guidelines and rules and we want to follow and obey you today and we thank you for this chance to get right with you we repent today we turn from our sins we turn from our addictions we turn to the pathway of destruction we turn from it and we turn towards you we flee sin and evil and we run and pursue righteousness right now thank you for this moment to be renewed and restored in our relationship with you and we praise you for this moment in jesus name and all god's people said amen and amen now thank you for this opportunity let's give god some praise for a change in mindset change in direction let's all stand to be prepared to be dismissed won't you turn to someone around you and say but you
Channel: Brian Edmonds
Views: 7,028
Rating: 4.8730159 out of 5
Id: 7MZDL2pjHoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2013
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