Busting SCARY Minecraft Myths That Are Actually True...

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Preston what's wrong uhoh you don't normally look like the oh Preston are you okay Bri it's time to overcome your fears starting with no jeez oh pre Preston oh little buddy what are you doing in there okay we're going to have to save that little guy but first do we have to save my husband is this him he literally has body parts floating all around in particles maybe this is the key this is what I need how to beat your fears book hello Briana plays oh I am the master of fear the great Bob oh hi hi Bob well that was anticlimactic and your husband Preston has been petrified in fear in order to restore him you are going to have to overcome your greatest IST fears in our Museum of the scariest myths in Minecraft starting with the first myth bloody Alex I don't know if I can do this no one really knows where bloody Alex came from but rumors frequently report large Footprints and a very specific hatred for chicken well if you're ready to start yeah sometimes you need a little extra push okay that was unnecessary Bob okay guys so we are in the middle of a forest and I see Alex she's big chilling over there Alex where are you going girl get back over here that looks like a dangerous situation I feel like Chuckles has to be around here somewhere do you smell it is that Chuckles Chuckles I love you come here okay I have Chuckles get away from Alex that is or bloody Alex oh my goodness we have to get away Chuckles could you just like fly be be a little quicker buddy okay I I think that Alex is so big it can't come in here but excuse me can I get an L in the chat that was just the saddest thing bloody Alex I feel like this had something to do with you and I will get my Vengeance blood Alex converted back to normal wait I just put this together Alex hates chickens my precious amazing baby chicken was murdered but now that the chicken's gone you're happy high five psych well well well I knew you would never wait Alex is like better yeah yeah look at that smile I didn't even know that was possible what what well well there's no way that you're going to get past our Second Challenge the mysterious white Enderman oh the White Enderman is known to be found in the farlands you'll never be able to solve this mystery okay you just watch me all right I'm coming for you welcome to the falls the land that are far I have heard that the White Enderman walks on water which is very interesting I thought only Jesus did that there are two skulls on the reading which is concerning because I just started this potion particle effects tend to be around them maybe milk can remove his effects oh that makes total sense first of all though I don't see him anywhere see this is totally just a glitch all right lovely no don't look at me no oh my goodness it just jumped at me like a little spider where am I going to find a cow if I was a cow would I like the snow yes because my grandpa was a Dairy Farmer in Wisconsin it snowed all the time I think I saw Betsy over here hold on why why is this cow upside down Betsy I love you so much thank you for your milk I'll I'll come and help you later you want these particles gone right you want to feel better I hope it's not lactose and tler it [Music] look at you what is that over there am I supposed to acknowledge it do you feel better White Enderman converted back to normal I forgot he's not a white Enderman anymore and he can't swim I'm getting out of here um so this this guy might have died in the in the process of turning him back to normal does it count still cured him in my book yes you might actually to secure your husband yes it does seem his condition has gotten slow slightly better the inflation has died down quite a bit this is a good sign the next myth in our museum is the legendary blood Golem when blood Golems are found it was said that they destroyed villages in order to find iron golems to corrupt but unsure of exactly how this process happens you've got this just push me I can't do it myself if you insist oh there's a cow okay this is actually a really scary AR Ral fear for me but here we are today I already have a chicken in my pocket can't really get much worse all right the rating for The Blood Golem is higher I think these guys might be Beyond any cure that's unfortunate so prevention of new bloody Golems is the only way all right unfortunately I think I have to follow this bloody looking Trail oh my goodness I am having Fireballs thrown at me and is that a baby Iron Golem covered in blood ow this is awful all right I'm going to treat this like a ghast throwing Fireballs at me and I'm going to hit him back blue yeah I one shot him I'm just so strong I've been waking up you are not going to hurt this baby if it's the last thing I do I'm going to get it hey oh that's good right good things are happening hi buddy I love you I'm going to name you um Herbert blood Golem ritual has been been prevented I must say I am quite impressed but there is no way that you'll be able to get past this next myth giant Steve was an accidental experiment by the Mojang developers but it went horribly wrong and made him Invincible thank you Bob no I knew it this is your love confession in your hand let me see it he's watching you Alex where you girl you are really being difficult today let's take a look at our trusty fearce book to see oh no the rating keeps getting more and more intense oddly enough he really enjoys lava for some reason that's not what I think it is right okay we're going to go this way wait is that a little fox wearing a sweater I think this is Alex I'm going to I'm going to oh that's not what I meant to do tastes like chicken I see a bridge that obviously means that girl this is so sad well the scene isn't about her so we're going to have to focus on Steve right now go back to the shadow oh I found lava that's probably what I'm going to need to use to cure him if I was Steve I would be by the sign that I wrote if you are reading this run oh no there's giant Steve oh my goodness this is not my day literally the ground underneath this dude is falling away because he's so large wait he likes lava right we're right by the bridge this is easy peasy hey buddy just follow me this way emergency Bridge activated did we get him I see something floating Steve um you're regular you're regular now so so maybe don't die in in the fire right you're going to be okay giant Steve converted back to normal yes I think she's completely unaware oh oh oh my gosh you're back already there's the the next challenge on your list is one that happens to be the great Villa v v v he seeks avengeance for fallen villagers and their allies however his powers are unknown so it is up to you to discover what's next are we going to talk about how you're talking to somebody who's invisible all right guys before we get into this let's read our book wa that's a lot flashion he only transforms into VR when villagers die so stop killing them question mark I have not killed a villager um I would like to point that out and editors don't show any footage of me killing villagers um what happened though we are in a village and I see no one hey there is one villager why are you so fast hello oh wait ow there is a giant hole in the middle of the Earth there is absolutely just like no way I'm going down there um excuse me was that Villar there's oh okay I almost did not survive that fall I have been given a bow oh no Shield your eyes there's like millions of villagers dying right now it's choosing not to kill me immediately so let's read the book again only trans forms when villagers die oh so we need to stop this I would like to stop this too stop this madness also I was given a bow which really makes me want to hit the targets but I really think all I have to do is hit the lever so they made this easy on me I've been training for the new Hunger Games movie there are a lot of villagers being smothered right now for the last and final one we're going to get our lucky shot [Applause] [Music] it worked yay oh the smile is a little scary you actually did it you're able to restore Villa can you let me know is Preston doing a little better over there it seems he might be ooh look at those legs that sounds really weird but your next challenge will be a true test of your skills Miss ban plays all right as siron Head is by far the scariest myth that you have faced yet okay have you noticed he keeps saying that in every single one when he is around particularly he likes to feed on villagers all right let let's do this guys I've had some experiences with siren head and he is not nice look at that rating he seems to have either a fondness or hatd for Juke boxes okay which one is it guys I would like a clear answer well here we are at a village I feel like a rave is going on in this building why are they trapped in here oh here guys let me let you free siren head you're you're trying to oh oh gosh that is siren head right there so siren head is red right now and I got hit when I moved let me see when he's green no I barely moved so it's like red light green light but there's one in the distance that's glowing red so I'm feeling like I need to go to this one for some reason jeez that is really scary okay let's break this thing nice we did damage to siren head oh I only have one heart guys this is looking very concerning break the break the Juke Box go nice guys please subscribe if you want me to not die and you want me to save Preston I I feel like that's rather important all right picking up the pace nice did a villager head just pop out of that Juke Box by the way nothing to see here don't hurt the villager oh they're going down they probably should have stayed in their building I just started moving immediately when it turned red okay I just saw a Steve witha her wait I swear I'm not a crazy person but speaking of it looks like siren head's good now bro who are you why are you a part of the scene wait this is just a normal siren so you can cure siren head and turn him back into Sirens I'm going to report this to Bob since he didn't quite understand what siren head was is has who why so many questions ah it seems you have restored siren head back into a siren that didn't think that you would get this far be you Bob it now is your challenge to be you with Entity 303 I don't like that Entity 303 is known to confuse players and trap them they also have quite the appetite for baby villagers that's messed up I'm not ready for this this is terrifying this is the scariest one yet for sure I have spawned in here with not only a ghost vacuum but I see a trapped baby villager let me look at my book to figure out what to do all right we have seven skulls on this rating might need to call Ghostbusters for this one his copies are too mini what does that mean there he is Ghost vacuum all right let's get some batteries to power this thing up right um wait why are there multiple oh copies I get it um so the real one has an outline but I think we're going to have to defeat the bad guys oh and it's a maze we love that that's amazing ha this guy you're going down oh oh I got him this kind of reminds me of pack me when you when you eat a ghost oh wait um I just got too confident I almost died I think I have to kill the copies first before we can actually defeat the real one so I'm going to keep going this way bam 303 I'm coming for you wait oh okay he just keeps teleporting can I get him through the I got him through the wall wait no I didn't all right so I keep trying to defeat Entity 303 but honestly my priority right now is to save this baby oh is the baby okay why am I trapped in a box um hello null Entity 303 revealed as null yeah it did yes I think she's buying it I think it's absolutely excuse me what what happened the the the poster doesn't look restored it looks like there's a new myth so when I cured Entity 303 it was revealed that he's actually null I don't understand I don't understand either especially because we have a picture of no right over here okay I my eyes are on you Bob null is on the loose you've got to save him Bri I've got this I think I am so confused why are people not just being themselves let me read my book the ratings keep getting harder and harder null is I can't read that but how do we transform him this experiment did not go well we may need someone to shed some light on this one okay so these dark particles resemble the darkness and yet again I just saw who are you why do you keep appearing for no reason let's see there's an old chest over here what do we have oh a ton of torches obviously to get rid of the darkness and then a bow with explosive arrows all right so obviously let there be light we're just going to place some torches around maybe like there I feel like this is important what was that what was that ew ew that's creepy I feel like this isn't a normal what's what's this is called silverfish wait guys remember no get away at the very beginning of this cave there was a chest that contained explosive arrows what could I explode to possibly reveal light obviously the ceiling we're going to explode the ceiling and see what happens hey there we go there's some sunlight how's it feel you good now we're friends noob Noob what guys I am so confused I help Preston to make you Fearless Fearless all right I I understand what's happening Noob is a true friend and sometimes you have to go through things to fear less that's correct Noob all right yay revealed as Noob I normally I wouldn't say yay to that but he's helping me overcome my fears today well I see that you've restored this portrait of n to a fine portrait of Professor nuon one of the finest Minds in this Museum actually your husband seems to be doing much better awesome he's weak uh yeah like way better there's only two myths left let's go the next one is that thing no no no no I he's been following me what he's been following you yes you must go through an investigate but first that thing is known to come from the farlands and he can be anyone where oh when observed he often P his own origin and seeks understanding from his long lost Creator okay Bob you kind of knew too much like you already knew he was spying on me I don't know that I can trust you anymore but do I have to go in here you have to do it let's go he can't be too bad right wait what wait what's happening are you still here but it's restored wait Bob here's the thing I've just gotten so good at this I just like immediately imately defeated him get away I have one heart take him away oh into the lava push him into the lava hey push him into the lava it's so difficult hey oh my gosh he's like we're playing pickle ball is he dying what is going on I don't know oh it's herob Brien the Herobrine must be next we've got to go find him Bob I literally just got an alert on my Apple watch that I need to relax like this is really stressful that's uh probably a great sign for overcoming your fuse but a terrible sign for your mental health MH that was great okay so I have to go in here this time you know what I'll go with you oh it's creepy in here the legendary Herobrine Legends say he only haunts Minecraft because he's looking for his long lost best friend the legendary creator of Minecraft not sh Bob I'm about to cry is that Chuckles make your choice Choose Wisely my son Jerry baby Preston is on the track too how am I supposed to choose I hate these trolley cart dmas just blow up the tracks on each side save them both wait that's a good idea when we he no I got this no trolley train is going to defeat my best friend and my son maybe have try the other side good idea you never know which direction the train will come from oh oh my goodness gracious that literally was terrifying oh You' got the both trains you able to save them both did it ow we have to figure out some way to stop Herobrine hold on I I think I have an idea so Bob has a plan to reunite herob Brien with his long lost friend herob Brien calm down we're about to save you okay Bob hurry hey buddy hi don't worry it's me Bob just somehow turned into Notch go be friends go be buddies again it's working oh I've missed you too bud a the rain has has cleared I I'll I'll admit I didn't think through this far uh it seems that he's taking me away B that's so sweet guys it just shows the power of friendship herobrine found his best friend all right since Herobrine captured Bob it's off to the lobby on my own hopefully Preston is wait he looks like he's totally fine his skin is completely back to normal he just needs to be put back together Prest are you okay you can be put back together now is that a good sign I don't like that sound oh you scared me I think you actually overcame your fears yes was that because of you you know I think it was because of all of us all of us Bob the Yes master she never suspected a thing everything went according to plan I actually created him and I also got noob's help I gave him some dirt oh well that's kind of impressive nice and all of this was set up so that you could overcome your fears nice this makes me proud of myself thanks guys I guess now we can go back wait what's that noise what do you mean I don't think I hear anything W no C pleas CET no oh gosh all right now I have a new fear to accomplish at a later date
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 1,154,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: n4lkQje4LAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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