Business Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

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business analyst interviews can feel intimidating when you're preparing for them I'll go through the top common questions that are asked in business analyst interviews so you know how to prepare and what type of answers are expected I'm Jen I have over 15 years of experience working in analytics and hiring analysts I'll use this experience to tell you exactly what to prepare for when it comes to business analysts interview questions and answers the first type of question that you'll encounter in a business analyst interview is the technical question these questions are really focused on answering can you do the work they're generally simple questions and focused on different specific skills a lot of times they may ask about your past experience in doing this type of work let's go through some examples of technical questions that might be asked in a business analyst interview the first question how do you go about ensuring that you've gathered all requirements for a project the best answer here is a mix of a textbook answer and some practical application so of course you want to mention the common ways of gathering inputs but if you can talk about a specific time when you gathered inputs for a project so as you're talking about interviewing people or holding workshops or joining mock-ups of proposed solutions also talk about the specific project that you did and how you knew you were successful with your requirements gathering at the beginning of the project and that the project validated that these were included requirements at the end another requirements related question you might get is how do you separate verification and validation when you're looking at a requirement again we look a little bit at the textbook answer and a little bit about the practical application so verification is this a clear requirement is it written in a way that is understood by both the person giving the requirement and the person that's going to need to work with the requirement verification should be measurable and testable on the other hand validation talks about does this actually meet the business need so sometimes what people tell you they need isn't exactly what's actually needed in the business it's just the best way that they know how to communicate it so how do you validate that the requirement you've been given is a good one that's going to solve the business need this is a perfect opportunity to talk about a specific project and the types of questions you've asked and the types actions that you've taken to ensure that the requirements that end up on your final list are both verified and validated the other main type of technical question you might get in a business analyst interview is really a software system specific so do you have experience with Visio or do you have experience with mind mapping tools or something else this may be a proprietary system if you're interviewing for an internal position or it could be one of the many different business analytics and project management tools that are on the market today this really has a yes or no answer but is best answered if you will elaborate a little bit more about some of the more complex things maybe you've done with these systems or if you've used this system routinely in your past work talk about the fact that you've used it to manage five different business analytics projects that you've been involved in or manage the the portion that business analytics is responsible for the next type of question ask in a business analyst interview is questions about your past experience this often overlap a lot with the technical skills questions but also get into some of the softer skills that are going to come up in any role that you're in most of these questions are what's called behavioral interview questions they'll start out with tell me about a time when you and then end with whatever they might want to ask you about so here the way you want to answer these questions is using the star model it means situation task action and result I'll link to a full video I did on this that will explain in more detail but ensure you want to give a complete picture of the time when you were in the scenario so that someone understands the context what action you took and what the result of taking that action was sample questions about your past business analyst experience could be things like tell me about a time that you had a difficult stakeholder or tell me about a time that you worked on a project that wasn't successful or tell me about your most successful project these can also range into general interview questions which is the third category of question that you should prepare for in your business analysts interview so that would be questions like tell me about a time you dealt with a difficult co-worker or tell me about a time when you had to convince a boss to see your opinion and side with your view of a situation even if they didn't initially other general interview questions would be tell me about yourself why should we hire you these are going to come up in pretty much every interview that you go on and business analyst interviews are no exception another way to prepare for general interview questions is reading over the Job Description and looking a little bit at the company's website so find out what things they talk about as being really important to them and then be prepared to answer questions related to this so for instance if you're interviewing at Amazon which has a heavy focus on customer first you're likely going to get asked questions about you working with customers and satisfying customers that were unhappy or exceeding customer expectations other companies may have different focus areas but in any case you're likely to find some information on their website and what they talk about as important to them and in many cases these companies will also put this information on the job description those are my top business analysts interview questions and answers prepare for them in advance and you're going to have a much better interview if you want one-on-one help preparing for your next business analyst interview check out the description where I've linked to my website with some details about personal coaching that I do with people preparing for business analyst interviews thank you so much for watching
Channel: The Career Force
Views: 24,164
Rating: 4.7563024 out of 5
Keywords: business analyst interview questions and answers, business analyst interview questions, interview questions, business analyst, business analyst interview, interview questions and answers, ba interview, job interview, how to prepare for business analyst job interview, business analyst interview prep, business analyst interview tips, the career force, prepare for analytics questions, business analytics, business analysis, business analysis interview
Id: YmlzBdJywy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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