Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet 2nd Last EP | (Eng Sub) Iqra Aziz|Hamza Sohail |25 June 2024|ARY Digital

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Sir, there is someone named Shamim outside, here to meet you. Who Shamim? She said she's a relative. Oh God.. Call her inside. Alright. Who is it? Why did you call her inside? How would I know? But we do have people with pet names. She might be someone. And if I tell them we didn't recognize you, we'll be insulted. You? Why are you here? I'm here to talk to Fariha. For God's sake forgive us. My daughter is trying to come out of this problem after a lot of difficulty. Now don't pull her into this quicksand anymore. Please sit down first. Please. I didn't come here to create any more problems for Fariha. I am here to apologize to Fariha. Dad, I.. Hello. Hello. I misbehaved with you. I talked trash but you didn't answer me back, once. Today, I'm here to apologize to you. You want a divorce. Whatever your decision is.. we'll accept it. Maybe this was what I wanted on the inside. To have your relationship broken by any means. Or maybe I cast an evil eye on you people. Whatever happened in our lives.. I accused you for everything. Now I understand that it was all my fault. But I blamed you. I just came here to apologize. My heart was burdened. Problems will never end in our lives. Your father was in our house that Farhad was taken away. We were in a rush that we didn't get a chance to say anything. I'm here to clear everything. Farhad didn't have anything to do with all this. He's innocent. Actually, my son in law turned out to be a nuisance. He mistreated my daughter a lot. Yaqoob named his catering business to Kiran. Thats why he isn't letting her go. To take over the business, Shahzain, gave someone money to contaminate the food. And now Farhad is suffering because of it. Farhad is a very good brother. He has always been Kiran's shield. We're uneducated people. We thought a divorce was never an option and this is why Shahzain has become mortal enemies with Farhad. He wants to destroy him. The catering business has never been Yaqoob's business only. He used to say it was his legacy. His tradition, and everything else was linked to this business. He would say he had to honor the name even if there was not much money in it. And now without even wanting, Farhad is associated with it. He's trying to save it. I don't have any right to say anything to you, but, I think I should have come earlier. Farhad loves you very much. More than any of us. I cannot look at his condition. He cannot breathe. He is alive but he has lost his spark. If you have any space in your heart, please forgive me. May you live long. I'll take your leave now. Dad, you didn't do right. Dear, Fariha, we just want to protect you. You, are already disturbed and now another problem. Its better if you stay away from all of it. Mom, my husband is in jail for a fraud case and you're suggesting, I leave him alone. We just want the best for you. If you want the best for me, let me make my mistakes and then correct them myself. I know parents want to shield their parents but you people cannot protect me forever. Do you know, during my wedding, I was burdened with the fact that I had hurt my parents. I hurt everybody to make one new relationship. You people tell me. Should you punish someone so harshly if they decide for themselves? Your life will be very difficult with him. Wasn't yours mom? No relationship is perfect mom. We have to make it perfect. Will you always be running towards the court and police station all your life? Why do you want to put yourself in this test? Why don't you tell her? Mom, do you both want me to not live with Farhad? Okay? I promise that my relationship with Farhad is over. Is that what you people want? I know I cannot live without my family. And if you people have this condition even today. I will not break your heart again but I cannot leave him like this in jail right now. Please. Stay away from him. Its best for you. Mom, I'm telling you. Think of my relationship with Farhad as finished. But the character test starts after a relationship has ended. My conscience doesn't allow me to let him rot in jail please. Whether you help him or not, I will. Dad.. Am I saying something wrong? If yes, please stop me. I'll stay back if you tell me to. Sir, hello. I want to meet Farhad Karim Baksh. You cannot meet him right now. Why? The boss isn't here right now. But you're here sir. I just need to meet him for a little while, sir. I'm his wife. I told you, you cannot meet him right now. Come in the evening. Sir please. Alright but I'll allow you for five minutes. Thank you. Thank you so much. Farhad, your wife is here to see you. Farhad? Farhad? Farhad, at least talk to me. How can I talk to you, Fariha? You were right. I should stay here. This is the return of what I did. Don't say that. I have regrets too. Regrets? Regrets make you miss times that have passed, Fariha. I'm sorry, Fariha. I couldn't give you the happiness you deserved. There was a lot of happiness, Farhad. But I gave you more pain. Pain teaches us how to live whereas happiness makes you forget who you are. You'll get out of here soon. Alright? We'll talk then. Okay? No Fariha. I'm fine here. I don't have the right to ask you for anything but, if you can, please look at Kiran. Mam, you had five minutes. If sir comes, it'll be a problem. Please hurry up. Fariha, whatever happened between you two that day, I rushed out as I was and I even raised my hand on him. But Fariha, Farhad has been repenting since that day and trust me, he should repent too. Ever since that day, he has been punishing himself as he should. Fariha, believe me. The pain I've gone through, I'll never push any other woman knowingly into that hell. Whether it is my own brother in front of me. Shahzain made my life a living hell. Kiran, you cannot go back there. Farhad... Farhad will never be able to forgive himself. He cannot be free if you're imprisoned. Alright. What can I do then? I don't understand. You don't know Shahzain. He's psychotic. He's mad. Because you gave him that power. Such people are habitual of suppressing those who can suppressed. Answer them once and they'll have sense knocked back into them. That man has hit every part of my body so many times that I forgot how many I counted. Just once.. I answered him once and see what limit he went to. If you had answered him back on the first blow, he'd have never dared. There are oppressors in this world because people are oppressed. They are total cowards on the inside. And those who need to be taught by hand, will never listen to anything. Its time we take control of our lives, Kiran. Coming. Who is it at this hour? I knew you'd come. As it is, where would you go after leaving me? She'll go where she wants to. Oh, you brought her to advocate for you. Its too late for advocacy now. Its time to make a decision. Oh, come on. You people have lost your mind watching all that women empowerment. You, come inside. And you.. you go and beg the police and the judges to free your husband. Understand? Don't you hear me? What did I say? Come inside! Shahzain? What Shahzain? You've grown wings? Have you lost your mind? Let me fix it. Should I? Oh.. you dare?! Ouch! I'll kill you. Not anymore. I will not let you. Do you know why? Because its the first time I'm not afraid, Shahzain. And when there's no fear, nobody can do anything. Not even you. I'll teach you a lesson right now. Stop it! Stop! Take your case back! You know you contaminated the food at the catering house. Yes, but you people have no proof. Your catering business will remain sealed. Until I name it to you? Farhad was right. Greedy people like you are never full. What do you two think? What do you think? You'll do all this and be free of me? Your brother will be free? No. No Kiran. I have just mishandled the catering business right now. Tomorrow, it'll be your life that I'll make hell. Its your life that will be made hell. Sign the divorce papers right away. And after today, if you even dare look at Farhad or his family, the video being made at the back with your confession, I'll make it go viral. I can show it to the police as well. But you've made a setting there. Its alright. You have two hours. Take back the fraud case against Farhad. Otherwise, if I come back here, you won't be able to stand on these legs of yours. Jojo.. Did you see that wretched man anywhere? We won't be able to spot him anytime soon. If only you have dared to catch him earlier. Oh, I should have dared? You're putting it all on me. You act as a cheetah, you should have caught him that day. I took you there. You just had to catch him. Oh well.. where will he go? Jojo.. that guy! Don't let him go this time. Stop your commentary and run after him. Oh.. so who told you? Its not my fault. Its not my fault. It isn't. Not yours? Then who told you? So you say this is the guy who contaminated the food at the catering house. Yes sir. You can check the record of the catering house. We have never had a complain for bad food. This is 100%, done by our enemies. They must have mixed something in the food. Who? You ask him who told him to contaminate our food. Who do you work for? He looks like a thug from his face. Khuda Baksh, give him a taste of your hand. No. Please don't hit me. I'll tell you. I'll tell you the truth. I was sent by Shahzain. Shahzain told me to do it and he paid me for it as well. Alright, so this is Shahzain's cheap tactics. Sir, unluckily, he's the son in law of the family. He wants to destroy the catering business. But how should be believe him? Sir, he is. But we'll investigate everything. We cannot just believe anybody on the road. Yes sir? Yes. I should close the case? Alright sir. Sir.. Khuda Baksh.. Sir? Bring his brother, whats his name.. Farhad. Let him go with him. And put this guy into the lockup. It's not my fault. I'm not responsible. Thank you sir. How is my friend? You don't have to worry about anything. I've settled everything. Our business will be unsealed. Everything is easy. How did this happen? Did they take a lot of money? Leave the money. You come home I'll tell you everything. Everybody is waiting for you. Lets leave this weird place. Sorry. Sorry, its all my fault. What do you mean? Shahzain, that idiot. Its all his doing. He wanted to take over the business and teach me a lesson. Don't worry. I'll do something. We'll see to him. What will you do? I've already settled everything. What do you think? How did you get out of jail? Because of me. I caught that guy and he told everything to the police. He tried to run like Usian Bolt but I turned out to be his father. I have stamina because of the gym. I ran so fast, I caught him. Good going my boy. And listen, you don't have to worry about Shahzain. He'll not bother us now. No but what did you do.. I didn't do anything. She did.. Go on dear.. You should talk in private. What did you people do? Jojo did everything. He ran so fast.. Of course. Well... You tell me. No. You speak. How did you fix Shahzain? With a stick. What do you mean with a stick? A stick means a stick. I hit him with it. You mean, you beat him with a real stick? Not only me but Kiran also hit him. Kiran too? Yes. She deserved to hit him. And he didn't say anything? What would he say? He is a coward. Such people are big cowards. I hit him with a stick and all his ego subsided. I recorded a video and he spilled everything about the catering business as well. I told I'd make the video viral and send it to the police and it fixed him. Wow.. You're a danger woman. You should have seen his face. He was walking with a lot of pomp and I hit him flat with a stick. Served him right. Fariha, can you forgive me? Fariha, I know I've built a lot of walls between us. But my anger was never towards you or our relationship. It was about the pain inside me for years. I could never handle it. I felt as if it was better if I stayed away from you but, I've only learnt one thing staying away from you. There's no life without you, Fariha. Your smile is my happiness. It doesn't make a difference whether I work a job, I run my business or look after the catering house. Whether I live in a small flat or a big house, nothing makes a difference to me. If you're not with me, it doesn't mean anything. My life is with you. My love is with you. You're my dream. There's nothing without you Fariha. Fariha.. will you give me a chance please? I'll always make you happy. I promise. Farhad, you were my love and you are my love. And you'll always be. But I love my family as well. I cannot be divided in two parts. Fariha, I know I never treated your family well but I promise I'll never put you in any such situation. But my family has put me in such a situation. I cannot break their hearts again. Farhad, we can love each other passionately but marriage needs settling down and we don't have it in us. Sorry Farhad.. Fariha? Farhad, Romeo and Juliet are good for the books only because they die before they're married. Maybe they know that marriage is no less than a death wish. This is the close of Fariha's and Farhad's love story. Fariha? Dear, where did you go? We were waiting for you. I've done what you wanted. I've cut all ties with Farhad. I got him out of jail. And dad, we'll not have to go through anything. He was fighting for his father's legacy. The father, who never thought much of him. He was trying to save his sister's life. He couldn't stop apologizing to me. Because he loves me, thats why. But oh well.. I've left him. I finished everything. Oh my God.. what is my daughter involved with? You were my love yesterday. You are my love today and you'll always be so. But I love my family as well. I cannot be divided in two. Farhad? The food is very yummy. Come, lets eat. Here.. How long will you sit like this for? I'm done Jojo. Farhad? Nothing's wrong. We'll be strong. Nothing happened. Channoo.. you have to drink this turmeric milk before you sleep. Come on get up. We're not sleeping. We will see a doctor in the morning. You're not well since the past few days. Your eyes don't look better. Come on drink this milk. Chanoo? Chanoo? Come on. Get up. There is so much to do. Come on. We have to buy a gift for Bushra's daughter. You have to finalize a proposal for PK. We have to buy new curtains Channo. Chanoo, I had to die in your arms. She left. She left me alone.
Channel: ARY Digital HD
Views: 942,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet episode 35 ary drama, Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet episode 35 Drama new, Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet drama, best pakistani drama 2024, pakistani drama 2024 lastest episode, pakistani drama 2024 latest episode, pakistani drama new, pakistani dramas, Burns Road Kay Romeo Juliet episode 35 drama, drama in hindi, latest pakistani drama, Iqra Aziz, Hamza Sohail, ARY, ARY digital, Shabbir Jan, Raza Samoo
Id: 2n0OhVgw5Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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