Bunks covered and raking hay

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well how she going folks the boys ended up getting the boat covered this morning while I was feeding cows look at that isn't that beautiful nice job done here so we are gonna get on to doing a little bit of tighten ah what I wanted to do while they were covering the bunk I wanted to get the drone up in the air into a kind of a time-lapse but I wanted to stick the camera to the hey Bart or something and that didn't happen they started covering at 6 o'clock this morning and by 8:00 8:30 or so they had it done all I ended up doing was I helped them clean up a little bit of haylage and some tires that were hanging around in the bunk there but in this video I've got some footage from last two loads going into that bunk we're going to be getting into doing a little bit of Ted or raking today rather and that's what's kind of gonna kind of be in this video so we do have most of the work that has gone into this barn addition we've we've had another outfit come in and put stalls in and headlocks so we're gonna run over there and we're going to take a peek at that and then I've got to go check the hay and see how that's coming along Jared was gonna run along with a tighter he was gonna kick out some more hay with a Tedder again and then I think that jr. and I will be able to do some rake in here but the chopping is done and we've just got a few acres to bail here so we're going to get on with the rest of the video here and it's gonna kind of be all over the place it was good that the boys got the bunk covered before it got too awful hot today and junior out to junior is up at 3 o'clock si Mario we we were gonna cover the bunk last night but that didn't happen we got done chopping a little bit late and I said you know what why don't all you guys just cut out out early and ended up getting done about 5:30 6 o'clock and I said well cover the bulk in the morning and these guys got here at 6 o'clock this morning and they just started it started in getting her covered so it was good to get that done before I got to waffle talk with you it's only got to go up in [Music] [Music] you gotta add your ranking with this rake here this is a Oh what is this model rake I think this 79 22 I believe and we've got the quad range 40 to 50 on this set of ranks then we've got the 4320 high on the other set here we're all here running the one set of ranks for right now I pry should run back to the farm and get the other set well I figured I would just come down here and check on Andrew see how he's doing he likes that old 4250 [Applause] [Applause] frickin deerflies it something else down here [Applause] this is done hey for Freud 15 years we only caught this once a year there's some little bitty green spots in here we might actually let this sit another day just because it's not gonna rain for a few days so we might as well bail this stuff frickin bone dry he's got the rig set up and into just making single rows so huh if this sets another day like this this will be fine there's this thing called always got the phone ringing we've got a little bit left here this was all petted out here yesterday before and then we've got another strip up there to do [Applause] this is the 4250 that Jared did the head cam [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] back rake over and he wouldn't be grabbing at all we've got her moved or some [Applause] well you see there is a little bit of green still in just you know a little bit of dampness on it and here's some Timothy here and I just split the stem open the inside is still a little green yeah so it wouldn't hurt if this sat for another day here what do you think of this job big it's better than chisel plow it twice and because here's this old relic of a tractor rather than the 8360 Oh you like this transmission this is old-school quadrate not a power quad youtubers that are still at the end years called these power claws our quad this is the traditional quad range transmission not a power quad 11:42 50 man right here 1983 got 36 thousand 100 hours on it and it shows that a little over half ac Bose called now yeah and if this tractor is old school and ruins kind of love water on us older folks we kind of we kind of realized that these old ones are you know they're kind of a thing of the past you know probably got just a little bit of a strip here left and then we're gonna be done right [Applause] [Music] the old suicide knob on the steering wheel we started - there that's all right because needed [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we are just getting done for the day I came up to see how the boys were doing with the barn addition here now we have this interior work and whatever all contracted out we used to do all this type work ourselves in the older barns that we just don't have time for it anymore and we buy all our headlocks and stalls and gates and everything like that through Seneca ironworks and they have a gentleman that they contract to install the gates and headlocks and stalls and stuff Brian Barth Emil anybody that watches my farm it watches my channel that's a farmer from this area they know the guy he does great work fast gets in gets out all this work in this barn would probably take us a week to do and he hasn't been only like not even two full days and he's gonna be done in here tomorrow in this barn huh just like all of our other barns we have one inch rubber on the floor it's old conveyor belt thing it is one inch thick and it has all been grooved we've got I shouldn't say we my brothers have put I think my brother has been working on putting the waters and or brian has been doing that they've got one more to put over there we use and we have Bollman waters and all of our barns and what there is is a saddle tube you can see that saddle tube right there that kind of comes up through from the ground so the warmth from the earth if you will keeps this water from freezing and then we also run an electric heater in them as well just so that we can assure that ourselves that we're not going to freeze these waters what it is really cold but they've got a ceramic type finish here and we just we've had great luck with these waters I know some of the guys use the stainless waters that that tip over and and you can clean them out that way we clean our waters three times a week there's a rubber plugin in the backside there you just pump that out drain the water and now there's some sand and some dirt in here from the waters sitting outside they work against the old addition over there and then here is a water pad over here where they've got to put a water or Enya and then the Sala tube that I was talking about it's just a 12 inch insulated tube coming up from the ground water supply comes up through there and then of course the water is mostly insulated itself and then that's how you keep the water from freezing the crossover pad here has got a stamp design to it so as the cows don't come in to you know any slippery it you know it just keeps the concrete from being real slippery here and you know here we have the the rubber again as well head locks are in they've got maybe a half a day's work left here now we bed with sand and this the beds themselves they have to be filled with sand and then we end up running sand right up to this curb here so there's a good 14 15 inches of sand that's how deep that is here in the beds itself and we end up filling in between the bricks get boards and the head-to-head stalls so we've got fans that we run off of the feed alley posts and basically about everything has been done it's got ceramic tile in the feet alley a couple of weeks ago I was pulling the mixer wagon into the fee tail and they had their forms on this tile here and I ended up hitting it with a freaking mixer and I blew two tires I hit their their forms so there's a little bit of work left that Brian has to do in his crew and yeah they all have cows in it in a couple days so we've got an alley scraper unit that we're going to put there we cleaned this side of the barn with an alley scraper or the other side of the barn we clean this gets their push the manure down to the center drop that's oh it's a hunter and close to 200 feet that way this barn here is right in behind the actual parlor itself so I just wanted to kind of bring everybody up to speed I didn't really talk about the barn addition next or Adolphe last year before I got around to doing a video on it we already had cows in it and couldn't really explain much before the cows are in there but we are at this phase of the barn addition I thought I would kind of bring everybody up to speed so it is what it is so thanks for watching folks drop me a comment down below you know all that stuff and we are gonna call it a night right bub you gonna rake hay tomorrow you are gonna rake a tomorrow okay well thanks for watching folks we will catch it the next one
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 38,183
Rating: 4.9693875 out of 5
Id: she24RxU_nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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