Bully: Scholarship Edition - All Cutscenes w/Subtitles (PC) | 4K 60fps | Default Clothing

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do [Music] [Applause] jimmy please say something [Music] james what who are you mom i thought you told me never to talk to strangers like i said before jimmy please be nice to your new stepfather [Music] okay rich guy i love it that you're twice as old as my grandfather and your fat and both that's enough i've had it with you you little brat [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've upset your mother i've got half a mind to beat you half a mind is right suddenly he realizes i can't believe you you little monster we'll deal with you when we get back from our honeymoon next year [Applause] [Music] [Music] here we are boy bullworth academy have fun jimmy i'll think of you from our cruise ship whatever [Music] mom why'd you marry that phony what is wrong with you i can't believe this you must be the hopkins boy where'd you come from we've been expecting you welcome to bull worth academy ah i'm sure you'll be very happy here very happy indeed anyway i can't spend my life waiting around for naughty little boys i've got a man to make happy the headmaster is expecting you hopkins in his study okay his study is over there boy in the main building don't keep dr crabblesnitch waiting he's a brilliant man brilliant [Music] ah yes so you must be hopkins uh uh-huh what uh-huh what i meant yes sir very good now let me see you've done a lot of naughty things haven't you vandalism graffiti bad language violent conduct disrespecting staff oh i'm scared of you hopkins come on give me a break yes i've never met a boy like you never in all my life hopkins you're quite the nastiest little boy i have ever encountered tell me why should i waste my time on you i don't know because it's my calling it's what i do you excel at causing trouble and i excel at fixing little boys like you at making you into respectable members of our community here at the academy i've got a good feeling about you boy a feeling you and i are going to be great friends you keep that nose clean boy or i shall clean it myself miss danvers are you back yet yes headmaster and i got your tea you are good to me miss danvers no more than you deserve headmaster take our new friend hopkins here and show him around the school and get him properly attired certainly headmaster come along boy i haven't got all day and boy remember you will have a clean nose so keep it clean or we'll clean it for you so here i am at probably the worst school in the country whose alumni are nothing but arms dealers serial killers and corporate lawyers real scum and that old creep thinks he can tame me we shall see my friend i only give people what they have coming to them [Music] hey you're the new kid yeah what's it to you friendly aren't you give me a break loser hey relax friend you're all pent up go easier they put you on medication they did to me boy nearly sent me insane that's fascinating now i feel like i said relax friend get off man listen to me tough guy you just arrived at the toughest school in the country and i'm offering to be your friend trust me in a place like this you're gonna need friends so it's up to you you're gonna play nice or what yeah sure good so how about i show you around hey how you doing you must be the new kid i'm pete pikowski jimmy hopkins and don't ask how i'm doing i've been here five minutes and already people want me dead even my parents didn't hate me this quickly well welcome to bulworth it's a dump great i've been expelled from anywhere halfway decent yeah i've been expelled from anywhere halfway decent cause i'm really bad give up the tough guy act pal hey man what's your problem well atd primarily but also life my parents this school western civilization but really honestly enough about me oh i see you've met the dorms mascot ladies and gentlemen i give you femboy the girliest boy in school petey haven't you got some imaginary friends to go annoy why don't you leave me alone gary look at you leave me alone gary i'm really self-important now that i finally hit puberty what's your problem i'm just being nice to the new kid as he passes through bullworth on his inevitable journey to prison look i gotta unpack would you guys mind getting out of here oh oh now look what you've done pete jimmy can't stand you already feeding time at the zoo okay here's the deal over there we got the nerds of course they're complete social outcasts they look pretty harmless they're actually sneaky bastards their turf is the library and those are the preps they're all money and condescending attitudes yeah massively inbred and completely brainless very observant jimmy boy now over there are the greasers they think they're tough or at least try to look tough wouldn't advise messing with them at least not yet they hang by the auto shop and last but not least the jocks these guys rule the school definitely avoid them whatever i'm not afraid of some dumb roid monkeys you'll learn come on let's go you seem to be making yourself quite comfortable here my boy i'm just trying to fit in by fighting by making a nuisance of yourself that is not the bulworth way boy yeah you could have fooled me what i said you could have fooled me this place is full of bullies and maniacs nonsense that's just school spirit hijinks why in my day we felt nothing of castrating the new boys i want you to stop this nonsense hopkins i want you to behave yourself you might learn something fine can i go now sir on your way hey i saw you sucking up the crabble snitch what shut up screw you new kid this is what we do to teachers pets around here you better not slow come here yeah come and get me so that's a good idea right yeah okay all right sure i'll do it hey man what's going on not much i was just telling petey here about my idea to take over the school i mean my plan for us to take over the school what plan don't worry jimmy it's just a little something i came up with it's sink or swim my friend and if you're good at swimming you gotta let the losers drown why don't you guys leave the thinking up to me what what what what the can't you say anything else you know what petey you were right jimmy is pretty dumb what'd you say about me oh nothing no no no all i said was that you had to be pretty dumb to get expelled from so many schools that's all relax james all he said was that you must be dumb or maybe you're all messed up because you came from a broken home what'd you say about me dwarf come on dude chill no no no no gary's taking everything out of context man whoa whoa don't lie petey don't you lie because you know what happens to liars no no i'm not lying we kicked them in the balls oh come on jimmy let's go see how good you are with this new slingshot i heard you had don't worry friend nothing escapes my notice i hear everything you and me we can do things oh so you're the new kid huh everyone is talking about you oh are they and what are they saying uh nothing just that you're friends with that sociopath gary socio what sociopath it means never mind forget i said anything i need you to help me wait you need me to help you i've got some library books that need to be returned but i'm too scared to go to my locker do i look like a librarian no listen i need your help pretend we're friends walk with me i'll pay i'll pay you two bucks two bucks are you crazy make it five no two bucks great five bucks let's go buddy go on petey go cry to the teacher tell them i was nasty to you shut up gary you're such a jerk man oh am i petey oh you're so cutting i'm really upset actually i think i'm gonna go cry that'd be just like you cry little girl oh look out here comes jimmy just knock it off gary you're out of line oh i'm sorry i didn't realize i was hanging out in the girls dorm silly me shut up man you're boring boring i'm boring you're none too interesting yourself friend look i'm sorry both of you i apologize okay i just get a little overexcited forgive me forget it it's cool anyway i've got a good idea for some fun let's go out and torment someone really helpless and unfortunate that homeless guy come on you coming little petey come on i'm sorry i'll give you a kiss if that's what you want shut up then come on where is this dirty old perv you know you're not very nice gary and you're a loser petey one of life's unfortunate [Laughter] so i guess the rumors are true jimmy your dad does live on youtube let's leave this guy who's welfare payments come on let's get out of here just get out of here kid why should i because otherwise i'll kill you what's your problem that's a long story you got any liquor no i'm 15. well what about drugs no then why shouldn't i kill you all right then tough guy kill me you know what kid i like your style you got guts when i was on that ridge and courier watching my buddies get killed by friendly fire i could have used somebody like you yeah thanks but i bet you can't fight you do me a favor and i'll show you some real moves classified moves real special army stuff cool just get me a part for my radio and i'll show you what the army taught me what like how to get shot by your own side exactly give it back or what or well just give it back are you threatening me metal mouth no i just just give it back you can't just steal things from me unfortunately for you my pig ugly friend that is exactly what i can do in fact i can do anything i like in this place anything at all ciao spotty give it back and you should stay out of the girl's dorm you little perv i see you undressing me with your eyes sicko you wish please will you help me do i have to yes it's vital she's stolen my lab notes without them i'm gonna fail chemistry and i'll never get into med school now i won't find the cure for cancer basically the future of the whole world rests on those notes what's in it for me well if you get them back i'll i'll kiss you oh uh that's okay oh okay but if you don't i'll tell the whole school you're some kind of sad sicko who spies on girls getting changed in their dorm relax one set of lab notes coming up sorry sorry about that pout stop gary i'm trying to watch this ah swim team intellectual stuff so tell me petey do you like watching the girls in their swimming costumes does that fuel your filthy little fantasy gary just get out of the way oh marion show me your breaststroke again or wait do you like the boys on the tee yeah right gary which is it petey i see you guys are getting along as usual i'm just toughing him up wow turn him into a man or a woman or something hey jimmy hey petey ah peace stain good to see you listen jimmy i need a favor bucky went to the auto shop to get some parts for his science projects he hasn't come back yet i think he might be in trouble please why don't you go yourself i've got homework okay i'm frightened and i've got a weak bladder well i think the bullies might have gotten him please i'll pay i say do it it's a good chance to show russell who's in charge around here now run along stain before you mark the carpet yes we've got to take care of russell and his boys then after that take care of all the other clicks soon this school will be hours i don't want the school yeah well i do pal and i intend to get it now go help that door and what are you gonna do i've got planning to do knock it off sorry stop sorry move nerd how original call me a nerd what next four eyes sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt all right you asked boyd what's this class paris class president dummy it says class president i don't know that's you i'm the most suitable candidate i know yeah so is your mom yeah right don't forget to wipe how's the campaign ernest you vote for me won't you yeah not a chance what if i pay you pay me now you're talking i always knew i was a born leader yeah but unless you buy everyone's vote you're never gonna win because they are definitely gonna ruin your speech at the debate no no oh unless i had a security manager oh oh please please i don't know security managers they cost a lot of money oh i have money i can pay you good i've always been a politician at heart hey what's going on not much i was just lying here wishing i could be more like you whatever but i'm cursed yeah really yeah cursed by brains do you know what torture it is to be thinking all the time no of course you don't yeah you're cursed you're great whatever what else is going on not much let me see uh it's halloween all the prefects are at some party and the teachers are entertaining i use that word loosely the kids no i'd say the opportunities for fun are pretty much nil what do you have in mind come on you'll see bunch of thieving jerks what's up melvin ah greetings hmm jimmy listen some ruffians took it upon themselves to steal my grottos and gremlins character sheets and won't return them we're playing tonight the whole situation is untenable grottos and gremlins boy you are sad sad i'm distraught role-playing is the high point of human achievement in fact upon reflection i am prepared to offer a bag of groats to the fair night whosoever recovers these precious screens do you accept the quest how much ten gropes what i mean ten bucks wait here and you can have your pick of my wenches great hey beatrice what's wrong two things firstly my cold sores are totally acting upon you gross secondly mr hattrick saw me writing in my diary during class and he took it and he locked it in his desk and he says he's gonna give it to the principal tomorrow if anyone sees what's in there i will just die it's really personal yeah well nothing like having the whole school know your deepest secrets makes your teenage years go by in a flash yeah well you'll soon find out me why in the diary i talk a lot about you and me what there is no you and me yeah yeah there is see first you rescued my notes from mandy and then we fell in love and oh you brought me flowers and wrote me poetry and showed this kinder sensitive side that soon the whole world is gonna know about we're like doomed lovers enough okay i'll get your book back then we can kiss the cold sores aren't contagious once they start to scab over there you are come on i found something incredible hold on relax man i can't keep getting in trouble i can't get expelled again it's always about me with you me me me i'm thinking bigger picture and you're worrying about getting into trouble you know what you really are something what bigger picture i'm uh we are gonna take over this school we are not taking over anything right now time and tide wait for no man my friend but it seems they do wait for a wannabe tough guy who's nothing but a little girl you're full of it so you keep telling me look now come on i promise you after this things are never gonna be the same again oh i'm so excited i should have stopped taking those pills ages ago yeah right whatever you say gary so jimmy boy here we are the hole the place where this school separates the men from the boys the wheat from the chaff and all that nonsense okay so what's that got to do with standing up to people keeping them in line this is where i stand up to you my friend what are you talking about i know you hate me jimmy boy i know you said all that stuff about me behind my back what are you talking about don't play innocent with me you want to run this school i want to run this school only one of us is gonna make it and it's gonna be me ladies and gentlemen boys and morons i give you russell oh man me russell gary now i hate you i know russell go beat that little jerk who said that nasty stuff to me about your mom and those barnyard animals what come here russell wants vengeance you happy now jerk ecstatic i love to watch two morons beat the crap out of each other why'd you do it gary i thought we were friends friends you and me i've taken dumps that had more brains than you friend no i'm taking over this school and you're just a liability see around [ __ ] well done jimmy yeah great what a waste of time you all right russell oh yeah look i never said anything about your mom we're farmyard animals you did it no but i want you to stop bullying weak kids why ah because there are a bunch of kids around this place who need a beating and you're picking on the few who don't so i want you to leave me and him alone oh okay sorry bad russell with russell pacified i could be forgiven for thinking my troubles at bullworth were over but this place is a rotten onion peel off one stinking layer and there's another even smellier one beneath [Music] well jimmy word on the street is you're something of a pugilist no sir i never pugilized in my life really and that you've been saying some entertaining things about me and some barnyard animals no i never said that well i listen to things hopkins you try and stay out of trouble now go see the cook down in the kitchen helping her might teach you some humility okay sir hey new kid you're that guy that beat up russell so what's it to you hey listen we like to box the noble art and all that why don't you come down by our gym in old bullworth vail we should definitely hang out yeah i've heard a lot of things about you yeah whatever oh okay nice ah shut up kid it adds flavor to it you want to give it a go sure try and get some bits in it i've got performance anxiety get used to it kid you're a man it's all downhill from here my friend anyway what do you want nothing the head sent me he did oh yeah i need you to go to town and pick up some meat and other things for me otherwise i'm gonna have to put one of ms phillips cats in the casserole again okay ah let me see i need some meat from yum yum market oh and a razor from the barbers for my stash and um oh yeah some new knickers from worn in i've had these on since last term ah hurry up go take my bike it's that fine machine out there by the school gates all right school rules are quite clear on this subject quite clear no alcohol on school grounds you're drunk i can smell it on your breath huh i can see it in your eyes i'm not drunk drunk in charge of children what kind of monster drinks in front of children a parent a disgraceful one yes you've got a problem haven't you ah i'm just under a lot of pressure well i'm a kind and supportive colleague galloway and as such i think it is my duty to get you sacked ah do whatever you want patrick you always do the head will find out about this you okay sir ah jimmy no i'm not okay i'm half drunk and i'm about to get fired fantastic oh i'm a washed up old drunk and i'm only 34. english you see is a difficult subject to teach i've tried any number of things to tell the pain yoga meditation needlepoint looking at dubious sights on the internet but nothing deals the pain like scotch come on sir put that away are you mad this is matter from the god give me that let's get rid of this before you get busted oh that's very kind of you jimmy miss phillips is the only teacher to know about my vice take it to her she will know what to do offensive degrading patronizing stereotyping crap die hey lady you okay no i'm not okay look at this it's just a garden gnome no it's not it's an insult it's a joke it's demeaning i mean i'll happily have kids laugh at me or have gold men ask me to do bizarre things to them but i will not have this this is so deflated is there something i can do to help smash them smash them all oh bullwoodville's full of them please i'll even pay you just make it stop hurting hey jimmy hopkins do i know you no i'm pinky but i know all about you everybody's talking about you everybody says that you're mean and angry and you like fighting huh gary said you're so mad because you're sexually confused yeah well gary talks a lot of crap oh i know i don't like him he likes to torture people so what he's not gonna torture me well i'm glad you're not sexually confused really yeah i like you jimmy hopkins oh yeah but i need you to do something for me what a surprise i'm last in line and this movie means everything to me i'm gonna get terrible seats can you please get rid of all these people for me please jimmy what's in it for me i'm a princess and i need people to do things for me so hurry up because i want to be first oh man all right so this is how you treat a girl well not me what are you talking about we had a date and you are three minutes late no we didn't yes we did no we really didn't but look i remembered how much you like flowers oh damn that wasn't you that was darby well he's late i cannot believe he's done this to me oh and those are so beautiful three minutes what does he think i am a [ __ ] uh i hope something important happened like he's dead because otherwise there's no excuse did you say you're waiting for darby yes i don't really like him but he's my cousin and our family wants us to get married you know keep up the tradition wait marry your cousin you know it used to be brother and sister until it was made illegal my aunt has four thumbs really yeah well i'm not marrying him now he's humiliated me so uh what do you say you and i go out and leave darby to another cousin great you know i'll meet you at the carnival tonight jimmy i'm really starting to like you evening sir yo boy what do you think you're doing nothing what about you well i'm uh uh i i'm looking for naughty boys i i mean i'm looking for naughty boys in the wrong parts of town what i mean hopkins is that i'm glad to report that in that disgusting store i did not find one naughty boy not one well that's good sir because filth like that can really rot a young man's mind exactly that's why i got this research to check on the dangers it's good to see a teacher so dedicated to his work sir thank you no problem but i'll tell you hopkins i'm quite worn out with all this work i don't uh suppose you could do me a favor what well uh how do i put this i'm in charge of the laundry this week but i got so carried away with my research that i forgot to collect it all at the same time it would be embarrassing to ask for it now oh but maybe you could help but you'll uh have to be discreet discretion is my middle name sir great so go and collect all the dirty laundry from the uh girl's dorm okay and if you get caught i know nothing about it i won't say anything sir in fact i'll make it clear that i never saw you coming out of an adult store clutching illicit magazines good boy now hurry up and bring them to me by the school gates but look there he is i was wondering if you'd show up hopkins nice aqua berry sweater trey chic yeah wow you look a bit like my gardener at home yeah so where's well enough about gardeners or any domestic help listen me and the champs were planning a little revenge hit on old hat-trick we don't like what he did to that old soaked galloway a chap could have a drink if he bloody hell wants to so so my friend are you as they say in sure are you english well no i just speak this way because i'm very insecure you see my father is a self-made man so i pretend to be old money but in fact i'm really nouveau riche but less about me dear boy listen we're going to egg that old karger's house cool smashing you go get some eggs and meet me and the chaps back at my house got the eggs hopkins you bet give them to me take them smashing now tell me hopkins is it true you said i was inbred no because first cousins is legal my friend legal yeah okay yeah and just because my elder brother doesn't have a chin and ended up in a lunatic asylum it doesn't mean anything whatever tad your family is your business don't lie jimmy you said tad was probably a hermaphrodite with that much inbreed hermaphro what don't act dumb you said his mom was also legally his aunt and that he probably had webbed toes i don't well just only on one foot tad you're not gonna take that kind of crap from this scumbag are you you've you you've been rude about mommy let's get this papa hey pete where is everybody oh jimmy it's you yeah i guess you want to kill gary now that he's turned most of school against you and got those rich kids to throw eggs at you gary'll get what's coming to him what's wrong with you nothing well you're sitting around watching tv by yourself like a loser someone crap in your bed what's wrong well for one moment i had friends just one moment you and gary yeah gary's a snake and you're a psychopath come both bullied me mercilessly but at least i wasn't left out and now i'm back on my own and i'm too cool to be a dork and i'm too dorky to be anything else you're not on your own where is everybody at the bike race at old bullworth vale buy shiny bikes at the beach bike race why didn't you say so come on yeah you want to get a c785 then dismantle it and recouple with a 767 in titanium very expensive but it will make your machine fly that's what the pros do really i was gonna get the 976 because i thought it'd make me look important amongst my peer group a 976. what are you a girl oh here's the kid who won the race hey you came for your trophy huh yep here she is beautiful molded plastic covered in aluminum wrap with your name misspelled on it excellent great look at this a bunch of guys whose career aspirations are to work in stores fabulous i love it when people know their place in life well your place in life is in my toilet you trust fun turd do you even have flushing toilets in your trailer i couldn't imagine it you guys are a bunch of scumbags aren't you what you got bring it come on nice trophy hey let me see come on hey give me that back hello you boy don't just stand there come and help what do you want sir why did you send for me i sent for you oh yes i did look at that plant boy magnificent isn't it a crapula maxima fortissima a rare and precious venus flytrap unfortunately there is a boy at this school darby harrington who was given such a plant from his father his father is not a nice man darby is not a nice boy they keep that plant to belittle my collection there are two sides to biology boy life and death do i make myself clear very clear sir you want me to kill darby harrington yeah i'll get right on that not the boy boy the plant boy killed the plant oh right i'm sorry i'm sorry i think i'm dumb who's dumb now i'm dumb i'm dumb real dumb hey hey kid hey kid help me out please easy russell calm down calm down sit good boy thank you thank you geez that dumb kid's really strong hey be good no be good not you einstein not you so how did everything work out with those eggs not like i was hoping never trust a rich kid too bad too bad was it that jerk tad you know his parents are at a party at my boss's house right now if you wanted a revenge thing now would be a good time i guess i'll need some more eggs then ah yes you got it thanks come on russell we've got a house call to make so how do i do it pete do what beat those rich kids into submission well what have you tried so far random violence widespread destruction gratuitous sadism no no that's not gonna work they get all that kind of stuff at home now what you gotta do is you gotta beat one of them publicly you got to prove to them you're better than their best man why don't you box that dumb jerk biff not bad pete not bad at all all right see you around wait jimmy can i come too you know what don't worry about it you and me biff you and me what you and me the noble art of boxing may the best man win and then you little trust fund fairies will know what life is all about anytime popper of course the best man always wins me come on afterwards you can clean my shoes who's the baddest me who's the toughest me who's the man me me losers me the champion number one i killed the best i will beat the rest yeah what if we got here that poor kid just beat a biff he's our new champion what he is the new champion yeah come on come on man whoa you disgust me it takes more than victory to become a champion it takes breeding and nepotism and snobbery you filthy democrat gentlemen are we going to let some gutter snipe come in and beat up our friend biff no then what are we going to do beat him back to the ghetto yeah who's the boss now i can't hear you rich kids who's the boss now my waspy little friend answer the question you are louder you are ah that's right me now you girls learn to play nice you understand now darby is really stupid malevolent and rich so it will surprise none of you to discover in a future life he'll end up in congress but this is my story not his with the trust fund babies under control it's time to turn my attention to their sworn enemies those grease ball kids [Music] so you must be pretty proud of yourself you thought those rich scum a lesson they're rich weak bullies it was easy they picked a fight with me and i showed them who's boss and gary got them to pick that fight so maybe you'll show him as well gary's an even bigger problem he'll have to wait hey what's this throwback want a haircut a nice strong man to cuddle up to who knows jimmy hopkins right my friend johnny needs your help then tell your friend johnny to come and ask for it nobody tells johnny anything johnny vincent does the telling well he doesn't tell me what to do now beat it grease ball you're causing an oil slick i said he needs your help man do i look like a charity service you're gonna pay for this what is wrong with this place everyone here either needs help wants to beat you up or both well you know who johnny vincent is though don't you no and i don't care he's head of the greaser click get friendly with him and he can help you get to gary yeah maybe tell you something pete this place blows tell me about it oh hey kid how do i learn uh great who's the lucky guy dr what the chemistry teacher ah i don't know what it is about that guy but every time i get a look at his bald head and manic eyes i go all gooey inside okay that's enough information thanks yeah it's true love is blind i sure hope so hey kid i need you to do me a favor dr watts doesn't actually realize that we're going on a date yet but we are and i need to get ready so can you get me ms phillips perfume from the staff room you know where that is right oh and i almost forgot some candy and some sedatives and for the sedatives don't buy them just look for them in the trash okay i can do that good ah gorgeous hey edna i got your stuff hey edna you old bat i got your stuff oh wow fantastic if i was 50 years older i'd date you myself ah thanks kid where's the perfume right here oh thanks i needed that i get so nervous before a date yeah well good luck edna hey kid wait i need you to do me a favor another one yeah what's in it for me huh i won't spit in your food will you spit in mr hat tricks if i say yes for you kid i'll do worse than spit okay what do you want i want to go on a nice date with dr watt so go then have fun yeah well you know what you kids are like you see a beautiful couple out on a date and you're bound to do anything to ruin it you got a point so listen i need you to watch out for me and keep those disgusting kids away oh no the visions are back get back foul feed come on gorgeous it's about time i show you what i know about chemistry and a little biology hey hey hey kid you gotta lie no okay then you want to sit on my knee you want a kick in the balls i'm sorry get it i'm just a little down on my luck i mean one year i'm living in greenland with a bossy of elves it's a talking red deer in the next i'm getting treated like a drunken fool thrown out of the north pole and puts it work in a dump of a town like this okay man now you're kind of creeping me out why why why does everyone say that to me whoa i can't imagine i mean the other kids was just abusing me calling me a pervert throwing snowballs at me you're just like him little redder bully hold on which kids those ones over there they're tough kids damn it got the rich kids from fancy school like you molly caught a little love these boys like you yeah that's me they keep attacking me man i can't take it no more what happens in the old days i miss prancing oh what he was always my favorite not rudolph no he was supreme now oh [Music] hey listen man where are these kids over there somewhere hey whoa hey easy thanks man you're all right oh well good luck with those reindeer you maniac hey you little face sir are you okay i just came around by a dorky kid and i'm having an asthma attack of course i'm not okay hey i'll tell you what i'll give you five bucks and some comments if you help me get my stuff back from that punk you got a deal hey kid it's me remember me oh great it's the crazy lunatic what was that oh nothing mister hey i'm you know santa claus right oh yeah right santa claus how could i forget we met a few times when you crept into my bedroom when i was asleep as a kid then only more recently when you were drunk under a bridge you're right man how could i forget a fine role model like you oh ho now listen up there's an imposter going around claiming he's me he's ripping people off by posing for santa pictures and searching for it that's my money if you take care of this impostor then i could take what's rightfully mine and cut you in on the action of course what do you say well i wasn't expecting much in my stocking this year so why not that's a spirit oh jimmy there you are i've been looking all over for you why miss peters what's the matter well you know how tonight is our christmas pageant right it's kind of a pagan spiritual age-appropriate loving thing we've got going on here it's all about letting go and being really unself-conscious sounds like heaven miss great well we are about to go on stage in a couple of minutes but our lead percussionist has appendicitis oh that sucks guess it's gonna be a rhythm free pageant this year no i've been planning this pageant for months i have hand sewn the costumes i stayed up for days painting the backdrop for the stage i've called on the good spirits to watch over us and all the parents are now waiting in the auditorium uh so what do you want me to do about it you have to get up on that stage and play you have to save the christmas pageant are you serious group participation in a public performance no way i'm a teenage boy no what do you mean no you have to help me unless you plan on failing my course what you gotta be joking right oh come on the only boys my age who like that kind of stuff end up dancing in musicals or working for hollywood please do i look like i'm joking you want another f boy okay okay i'll do your stupid pageant you know for a hippie you're a real bully ma'am um peace and love jimmy oh and there's one other thing you'll have to wear this oh now i know you're joking oh come on miss peters this is the kind of thing i'll have to talk to my therapist about when i'm older have a heart i'll look like a complete [ __ ] in front of the whole school well in my opinion you look like the hero who saved the christmas pageant yeah well it's not your opinion i'm worried about you'll be fine [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] oh yes thank you and now for a real holiday treat i give you the holiday medley [Applause] please don't mess this up jimmy christmas depends on you thank you it's all to them [Applause] hey santa what's up well if it isn't my favorite little helper you want to smoke oh no i forgot little goody two shoes does it smoke so what are you up to this uh doesn't look like much of a workshop i know we gotta fix this dump up look through some trash cans for ornaments or any junk that sparkles this is a classy operation we gotta look apart oh come on man with your whiskey breath in your weird manner you just scream christmas spirit to me of course i do but this dump needs to look nice you leave it to me mr claus okay man here's all the junk i could find nice going kid i think we're just about ready for business oh by the way you brought a camera right i'm afraid the elves let me down this year yeah i kind of figured they would don't worry i got it covered good now go stand over there and make me i i mean us rich ho ho ho oh ho ho i haven't seen this much dose since my days at the track the track um yeah you know uh the the reindeer games and um uh oh hey i might be able to catch the last race gotta go kid here's your cut so you came yep i bet you think i'm funny don't you a laughing stock not really i mean you dress a little weird but yeah and everyone is laughing at me all of you at me what are you talking about don't play dumb with me have you had her who are you talking about i bet you have have you had what are you doing who lola that [ __ ] that [ __ ] i love no man she's cheating on me man i know she is the little [ __ ] it's killing me me dying over abroad oh man i knew this was coming what are you talking about she's with that rich kid gord i know she is how do you know will you find out for me i can't take the suspense look meet me at the underpass in your new coventry tonight we'll get evidence bring a camera and then we'll settle this once and for all what's this gourd kid got that i ain't got uh nothing you think it's funny don't you you think i'm a joke well my little friend i'm the king around here me i know you're the king but my queen is a [ __ ] and now everybody's laughing at me well not anymore i'm not laughing good good kid you and me we're gonna teach young gore to keep his dirty paws off my woman my queen get him to the abandoned building in new coventry behind union hall i'll be waiting there to school that little weasel i'll be there amigo i need your help amigo johnny and his goons were hassling me about algae that guy's gone even crazier he thinks algae is trying to put the moves on his girl algae and lola i know it's crazy everyone knows algae likes blondes listen find algae and get him back here until johnny comes to his senses where is he i don't know i know he was working on a math project for hattrick with cornelius maybe he knows where algae is who cornelius you know the scrawny kid in the acting club he did an amazing julia in the school play i think he has a 4.0 grade point average so chad honey listen it's just a hundred bucks that's nothing to a man of your means oh but lola i'd have to steal it off of my phone hola i thought that means i thought you liked me you said you did i do i really do some friend you turned out to be you must think i'm really cheap just a cheap [ __ ] well that's it no no no no no ridiculous women oh look at you both you're pathetic but i thought she liked me i don't believe this you both better get over it listen we got to get out of here before johnny vincent sees you hanging out with his girlfriend algae you take the girl's bike chad you better pedal for both of us i get a feeling i'm headed for a fight hey oh it's you is that any way to greet your new boss harrington well is it hmm uh no no what no sir that's better at ease girls listen boss those grease monkeys are making life very difficult for gord that's because gord was showing one of their girlfriends a good time some leader you turned out to be father says leadership is about looking after those you lead he taught me that right before he laid everyone off so what do you want me to do send them a message all over their dirty little slum why should i because you're the boss exactly i'm the boss and i'll go send the message of course i love you johnny no you don't love is complicated that didn't seem complicated between you and that gordo kid i'm gonna kill him johnny please we've been over that he's sweet but it was so innocent get off oh i love it when you get angry johnny i really do you're so beastial hey jimmy hey what are you doing here looking for you johnny at lola's house yeah be nice to each other you know what i like about you two you're both so straightforward so quick to judge so fast ain't no one fast like me really so you could beat jimmy in a race definitely i heard he was pretty fast this little twerp give me a break oh i think we've got a little challenge i just love challenges they make me so excited hey good looking what's up oh you're so angry but i think you've got a softer side haven't you caused enough trouble that's not fair i'm a nice girl i'm nice to everyone no everyone hates me look i'm sorry well okay but now johnny and his boys won't even speak to me boys can get really jealous when they find out you've been kissing another boy it wasn't like that i'm not like that okay but i left all my things in the abandoned tenements where they hang out my address book my keys my perfume my lipstick even my laundry everything now i've got nothing i don't have much money that's too bad maybe you could get them back for me you want me to steal your stuff back from a bloodthirsty mob of angry grease balls i'd be very grateful jimmy very grateful hopkins very well young squire huh how are you young man can i offer you a high ball yeah sure actually maybe you're a little young better keep this out of harm's way are you going to be all right sir it's that papa's ass patrick he's badmouthing me all around the staff room why he keeps calling me a drunk says that i am irresponsible he's trying to get me fired he's trying to turn miss phillips against me well sir when people say bad things about what i do i like to prove them wrong really how by showing a nobler side of yourself rising above it no not exactly i like to show that they massively underestimated the force that they were dealing with and then really give them something to complain about ah the treacherous machiavelli i love it good me too oh get away foul vision of hell sir you sent for me death stalks me but i've seen the light i know you're not there devil dr watts sir it's hopkins it's me not the devil he couldn't make it good are you okay oh what did you do i was mixing chemicals for my research when there was an explosion the vapors have got to me again oh oh cool ah i see all of the triplets came oh triplets whatever such is the life of a scientist hopkins suffering can be terrible now listen word is you're quite the problem solver i've got a business proposition i'm listening in my spare time i produce certain chemical compounds with certain properties i need some of them delivered to my customers around town quick though they need them urgently all right go pick up the stuff from my lab technician he's in town in trailer alley i'm on it huh there he is my hero what's your problem now if you really cared about me you'd fight for me first of all i'm not sure i really care about you and second what do you think i've been doing tad fights for me gord fights for me johnny well he certainly fights for me in fact they're all about to fight for me right now everyone apart from you who's fighting tad and all the rich kids are coming here to fight johnny and his boys all because of me i'm like helen of troy so there's gonna be a big fight a winner take all sort of thing yes everyone's involved apart from you i'm helen of troy and you're more interested in boys call troy whatever see you later oh who won me jimmy hopkins that's who who won you who jimmy hopkins that's right ladies me i'm the daddy now you treacherous little snake you think you're tough huh you don't need any more of this johnny you laugh at me you turn on me you get it on with that harlot who i i love uh i'm gonna destroy you all right calm down man it's cool you lost no big deal we can all be friends you're done kid finished i told you i was the daddy got it i'm in charge you do what i say all right i give up you can have her who what are you talking about johnny lola you win she's yours this has nothing to do with her man i don't care you can keep that [ __ ] for yourself what you don't want her then why did you do this why'd you fight just to prove you're tougher than me that's right and don't you or your boys forget it i'm tougher than you so maybe now you'll stop bullying everyone you work for me now oh man i'm starting to feel pretty good about myself i've just taken control of two of the school's worst clicks but i know there are bigger problems just around the corner problems with over developed pituitary glands and brains the size of peas the thing is pete now that i'm cool i'm not sure we can be friends anymore what i'm messing with yeah real funny jimmy well when you're done with this place or career on the stage awaits maybe maybe like a male stripper or something huh what so um what about gary i haven't seen him but whenever i hear somebody say i used to be a girl and had a sex change or that my mother slept with crabblesnitch to get me in here i think to myself gary what a jerk you don't even call me a dork well i guess he's not always wrong is that what you really think whatever jimmy you know i stand up for you and you still think i'm a dork you're a jerk and you're a dork so we're equal whatever i'm leaving now maybe next time you watch where you're going what'd you do that for oh i'm sorry psycho did i hit your boyfriend yes psycho you're going to try to kick our asses now no i think i'll do that more publicly but i'm really scared right now really scared i take down linebackers every day pal whatever pretty boy you'll get yours yeah we'll see about that ouch go have some fun in the communal showers oh i just dropped my soap please pick it up for me dude losers petey get up i think we found some new people to have some fun with i may be a loser but at least i could lose their friends to hang out with whatever we wouldn't let you into our gang pete because you're weird weird look at you you've got a weak bladder hey algae i need some help i've got a plan to take over those jock scum hey jimmy hey so what do you say algie us help you yeah think of everything i've done for you since i got here you you're like a bouncer we're a bit above helping people like you i mean get real duh p stain now you need my help forget it damn well you know what you gotta do now don't you what beg no get to ernest he runs that click with a rod of iron you get him on your side and you got the rest of the meeting out of the palm of your hand how by joining the trigonometry club no that would never work you got to show them who's boss you might be honest something see you later hey wait jimmy can i come for once ernest what are you doing give it up dork you work for me now you're pathetic you've defeated my weakest compadres you've just met your man i want us to be friends i need your help i've had friends like you the kind who treat you like dog muck on their shoes no thanks bud come on my brains against your brawn welcome to hell jimmy hopkins maybe now you listen to me here here just take it you're just like everyone else picking on the little man i'm not like everyone else honestly now listen we both want the same thing to teach those jocks a lesson from now on we're buddies you have a funny way of showing friendship we're friends we work together oh hey jimmy hey pete yo jimmy i'm over here give me five dude uh no yeah well cat looks like your homies took care of some lames for us what are you talking about don't get fresh with your homies can you please talk normally this is my normal style of wrapping bro whoo all right enough what's my quest ah right salutation sir james it seems my clever brethren have taken control of the funhouse at the carnival well done all that education and now you run a fun house genius you simple-minded noble foot soldier the football team is going to be there this afternoon you could really cause them some problems okay explain it to me on our way over there's not much to explain just access the control rooms through the maintenance doors then do your thing cool moonwalk oh hopkins good to see you make it quick ernest now as our new leader i have something i need you to do for me what i mean look do you want to take down the jocks or what of course i do yes well i have a plan okay what is it well what i need are some inappropriate pictures of someone they care about you want pictures yes it's a complicated plan all right i need some naughty pictures of that mandy girl i'm sure you do but what has that got to do with this oh oh this this is purely for the purposes of this plan i'm not like that at all you want me to get incriminating pictures of the head cheerleader just for your plan the kind of pictures that could land me in jail or worse it's not easy being the boss man this better be good oh here he is mr big oh can't you just get lost or help we're trying to get out of here come on muscles we've not got long what are you talking about the jocks are coming to kill us oh thanks to you and your sordid little pictures you wanted them you're the sicko a healthy interest in sexual matters is natural during puberty bud that's why i was having those dreams anyway this is not important right now i am about to die we all are when are they coming what about your famous defense system oh it's broken okay can't you fix it i need a bit of time but we have no time we're dead dead i love you my friend look you fix it i'll hold up the jocks now where's that gun thing get out of here you sick come on you go to get ready for you nerd zoomed these feelings are natural and i'm about to die for them just go fix the defense system and i'll take care of the goons come on you wimpy we're coming again get out of there hey jimmy i've had a brilliant idea another one many are called but few are chosen luckily for you i've chosen you to help me carry out this little masterpiece my finest work what are you talking about you lunatic i'm talking about what we're always talking about amigo about bullying the bullies about my favorite dish revenge revenge against who who do you think the football team those overdeveloped underbrained lords of our little man are reduced to a bunch of sniveling wretches bowing down to my you mean our i meant our superiority us ruling like gentlemen over the peasants us us yes you ruling of course me offering some sage advice doing all the thinking that sort of thing merlin to your king arthur whatever what's the plan well first we need you to get the school mascot costume and how do you suggest i do that well go follow them wait for us to distract the gorillas go while we still have hope hi hey i know it's funny i'm the girl in the dirty pictures ha ha what are you talking about don't pretend you don't know everybody knows knows what there's posters of me all over town oh those now everyone thinks i'm a [ __ ] great my parents will be so proud i'll probably get expelled look it could be worse how how exactly could it be worse i mean sure i've been a [ __ ] at times been nasty but i don't deserve this my life is over i mean i've always wanted to be a model but not like this everybody's laughing at me i can't bear it everybody's always laughing at me well maybe you're not as insecure as i am okay i just wanted to be popular now everybody hates me well i guess i deserve it i tell you what you wait here i'll get rid of those posters for you or at least cover them up would you i do it myself but i can't deal with it i'm really losing it here just hang in there jimmy you've interrupted me oh sorry don't worry about it can i see sure take a look i think i have finally caught the essence of what it means to be a banana i really feel my work is moving forward uh here's the thing art is lost on me i've always been more into music you know having thoughts for another really makes your work glow uh how do you mean when people do things incredible things when people blossom and grow that really moves me you know what i mean not really oh i am in love jimmy and i want to make tonight very special would you mind going to collect a few things while i work my muse out a dress some perfume my pearl necklace from the jewelers not too much i must look my best tonight tonight wow of course is this legal of course it's legal whatever can you mean now go on my dear hurry here you go oh jimmy what took you so long thanks no problem oh man i can't believe this my first time with a teacher oh man this is gonna be great hey jimmy what are you doing here nothing what are you doing here ah well it's a little awkward but since you've been such a good friend to me ms phillips she's asked me me of all people she can you believe she's asked me on a date wait she asked you i think you're mistaken uh what yeah i mean i think there's been some sort of mistake you sure you haven't been hitting the bottle again no i mean yes i am sure well okay then hitting the bottle lionel you came you look great so do you deirdre thank you wait what jimmy what are you still doing here uh what do you mean this boy is an angel he's been magnificent and he is so cute cute nice come on lionel let's go bye jimmy jimmy you should get back to school wait miss phillips ah man hey miss phillips hey jimmy so what really happened to mr galloway where did he go it's a sad story but well sometimes when grown-ups get upset they respond in the wrong ways and well small problems get bigger and that's really the thing about being an adult miss i'm not five my mom's been married five times and i've been expelled from seven schools yeah he's a drunk stupid man couldn't control himself damn him i love him but that wretched ogre hat-trick guilt-tripped him into committing himself into the asylum to get dried out if only someone could get in there and tell him to get out i'll take care of him why don't you go because that loveless scumbag hat trick told him not to let me in said i was a bad influence don't you worry miss i'll get him out okay meet me near the asylum tonight i'll be there and jimmy yes miss phillips it's miz not miss oh right i must be a better person i must be a better person i must be a better person oh god i am pathetic hey mr galloway go away i don't want to have another group therapy session with those people if i have to pretend to be someone's mother one more time i'll oh hi jimmy uh what on earth are you doing here miss phillips sent me she's really worried about you come on let's get out of here oh uh i can't right now jimmy i'm late for my regression therapy as it is it's fantastic i've discovered i really do hate myself patrick was right i am a loser no you're not don't be ridiculous come on we can't let bullies like mr hattrick win okay jimmy yes candy from ohio you would be a fair queen for me in that little thong and with those massive piles of silicone initially you'd think who's that handsome stranger then i'd walk into the bar impress you with my suavity um my suave ability how long suave i was i'd look up and say what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this and you'd say take me to the hay ball earnest what's that you're reading oh nothing nothing just some some history homework cool can i see it's personal personal history sounds interesting yes well um you wouldn't understand anyway listen the big game is today operation trojan cow is ready to proceed operation trojan cow it's my master plan my spies have already been gathering the information that will bring about the downfall of the jocks at this school so i guess i'll be needing this does this work yes rendezvous with my agents in the field who is that kim yeah who is that kim oh it's that little squirt hopkins yeah that squirt hopkins you're dead hopkins yeah dead hopkins why don't you stop repeating everything he says and get on with it that's right losers yeah oh jimmy you did it you did it i'm king of the school oh you beat em all in for everybody thanks for your help petey oh this is gonna be great [Applause] so here i am suddenly the king of the school i never meant for things to turn out this way i just wanted to control a couple of psycho kids and be left alone but now i guess i'm certainly going to live the good life [Music] hey darby hey johnny hi what's up brother hey chad i'm like yo it's jimmy you're funny jimmy oh hey girl you're looking great great thank you for that showdown hey jimmy what's going on everything i did it man i took over this dump these morons are my morons that's great just don't turn into a jerk how could i i hey baby how you doing what you doing later just remember jimmy not everybody likes you correct they love me well what about gary gary forget about that twerp dude it's me now i run this place and you're my friend so please try to be cool oh man you're bringing me down come on let's go milk this thing for all it's worth we might even find you a girl that is funny jimmy no it's not jimmy it's really funny still out man jimmy i need to talk to you about something not now pete i'm basking in adulation i mean running the school fairly dude so fairly no jimmy please pete enough yeah shut up people must know their king you know what jimmy forget the school the whole town should know about you you're like the mayor you should leave your mark on city hall yeah dude take a dump on the doorstep no you homunculus not a dump it's something much more elegant paint a warning yeah that's a good idea i'll show everyone who's boss that's right jimmy all right you girls wait here this is gonna be something they'll never forget wait jimmy don't forget about gary wait wait for me i did it that's great listen we've got a problem i'm the king petey the kid whatever you're king with a load of problems i've only been gone a couple hours what could have happened all kinds of things you remember that promise you made about restoring law and order and improving the school let's just say it ain't exactly coming true well if anyone wants a fight i'm right here i think gary must be behind it but trust me everyone wants a fight listen i gotta go i'll talk to you later oh man this is a disgrace it's a pulling i don't want flames or a pill your fault jimmy what no it isn't what are you guys talking about the library is full of rats and i got my pre-pre-pre-med test next week amigo you're such a lame-o some king you turned out to be oh how i longed for the old days sure we were laughed at and mercilessly bullied by everyone but at least you could study without fear of rodents coming near us get off oh did you piss yourself again algae no no i swear oh gee i spilled soda on myself soda right what a bunch of sissies well i'm not afraid of a few rats geez pathetic i don't believe this oh no hopkins come here boy hey what's up mr burton what's up what's up my gym is up in flames look damn how'd that happen as if you don't know you're a degenerate to think i trusted you it wasn't me yeah i'm no saint but i tried to bring order to the school to stop the bullying ha bullying i don't care about bullying in fact i encourage boys right builds moral fiber makes men yeah cause you didn't make the team you had to ruin it forever yeah you bully you're a pig you ruined my life what are you talking about i never wanted to be on the team you like to torment weak kids and you've got the personality of a jock strap yeah well i call the police you'll be killed for this my boy it wasn't me yeah done for hopkins what what was that it's yuri there's people trapped inside i'm really scared mommy man you guys are pathetic i'll get him where's the fire extinguisher by the stairs next to the locker room but don't think i've forgiven you hopkins it's not my fault well where'd he go then you tran who you calling a [ __ ] i loved johnny not exclusively i'll grant you but i loved him now he's gone hey what's going on johnny's disappeared gone crazy abducted by aliens i bet it was you hopkins yeah since you turned up everything's gone really weird king of the school who's the daddy-o now huh my love has gone find him can't quit poking me you're both acting crazy cut it out now tell me where's johnny i don't know nobody's seen him he got a little broken-hearted after we split up but it's not my fault someone said they saw a couple of asylum orderlies driving up to his house but you know how people love to talk johnny wasn't crazy asylum orderlies he was a real leader not like you jimmy look i'll get your boy back all right see you later freaks what are you looking at nothing well it looks like you're looking at me scumbag like i said nothing oh come on i don't want to fight you my name's jimmy zoe i was at bulworth once i got kicked out why let's just say mr burton is a dirty creep seriously i would love to teach that guy a lesson he bullies everyone you know he goes jogging every day and regularly uses the porta-potties in the park yuck yeah so if we could catch him in one on top of a hill then mr burton could have a really interesting time in it yeah but they're all chained together we'll need to get some bolt cutters go get some from the spaz industries building and meet me at the park make sure no one sees you oh my god corn i didn't have corn for dinner oh this is awful oh oh yuck god damn i stink i'm gonna have to shower for days with bleach ah this is worse than when i got hazed mr galloway should you really be doing that oh jimmy no i suppose not but life is unfair you promised ms phillips oh god what kind of world do we live in where i get punished for a minor indiscretion and patrick gets away with taking bribes from his pupils he does yes he sells advanced copies of tests to the sons of his rich friends and nobody says a word wait what rich friends well darby harrington for one i can't believe he's selling tests what if i got evidence of him doing this then i'd never need to drink again all right let me see what i can do hey what you're looking at hey zoey you wanna have some fun tough guy what kind of fun not that kind i only date older men or junkies they're so romantic come on what's wrong with me oh well everybody hates you you're a little twerp you dress terribly but apart from that nothing oh okay good why don't we play a little game come on bye older men i hope you don't mean mr burton hey huh look where you're going [Laughter] very funny i'm sorry did i hurt you i'm sorry ugh we're even ah my nose how you doing clint me just fine ah top of the world yeah i can see that you seem really balanced that's what my shrink said then i headbutted him like this ah okay man all right buddy you think i'm a [ __ ] don't you you think i'm a joke huh no man relax you want me to headbutt you you want to fight me because i'd really like that come on man we don't need to fight we're friends you know that really then get me a bike i want a bike or i want to fight all right i'll get you a bike wait here a bike yeah oh here is mr big yeah it was you creep what was me don't play innocent with us i try that when father caught me with nanny he gave me a good thrashing and i've got half a mind to give you one hey look just get to the point someone stole our boxing trophies buddy they were heirlooms well it wasn't me rich boy so relax well if it wasn't you then who was it i bet it was those grease balls i know it they've always hated us there's so much for peace in our time popper just great let's get them yes it's time to teach those poor disrespectful scum a lesson wait relax maybe it wasn't them maybe it was someone else nobody hates us apart from them oh yeah they do everyone hates you you're all awful oh la dee da now he tells us you are pathetic hopkins you're not a leader out of my way come on men let's go okay it's hold on wait here i'll go get your trophy back from those grease balls oh man well pauper what did you find yeah who took our trophies don't tell me it was the tooth fairy yeah either it was the tooth fairy or the grease balls i wonder which one actually trust fund babies it was neither it was those townies which townies the ones who hang out by the factory then why would they steal our trophies don't talk crap hopkins i'm not i've got a picture to prove it why they don't have any problems with us yeah poor kids just love rich kids who act like stuck up jerks don't they listen you over fortunate numbskull they did everything put johnny vincent in the home let the rats out of the library everything including your trophies why because i listen to gary so it is your fault no it was gary's fault you my friend have got delusions of grandeur nobody cares about you or gary you're ridiculous come on biff let's leave this king of the school to his pathetic little fantasies you are an idiot hopkins i've got a photograph you know what you can do with that don't you ah hopkins now i'm not one to give in to popular sentiment you can tell that by your clothes what i'm saying you dress great irrelevant as i said i am not a people pleaser but in your case i'm going to make an exception an exception cool yes you are without a doubt the least popular boy in the school right now even that fat child who wets himself is more popular than you coincidentally it has also come to my attention that you were a filthy dirty foul mouthed awful little vandal yeah well we already knew that very droll a comedian till the end well you'll have to pursue your comedic talents elsewhere boy bulworth is not for you i'm not the one who's funny you know what's funny you you're a joke you old creep you and your stuck-up lame-ass school with its bullies and sex-pest teachers this place is a dump and you're a big-nosed freak this school rewards losers and bullies i just stand up to them you painted obscene graffiti on the town hall boy i have it in good authority it was you oh yeah then who squealed tell me that a commendable pupil did feel the need to tell me you were responsible for this outrage gary smith look i may have painted a few jokes on the town hall but that kid likes to torture people gary smith is the next head of this school he's responsible courteous and not afraid of being an unpopular leader you are blind old man blind and you are leaving i tried to contact your mother but she's still off on a cruise until i hear from her i will have to let you stay here in your room but you may not wear the school uniform or attend class you are leaving the academy to attend your education elsewhere now get out whatever man what are you doing school kid why do you care because you don't belong around here says who me you uh-huh you think you're funny huh you're a loser man damn straight you're awesome do that again i'm crazy rich boy crazy and you are starting to annoy me i'm not rich i hate the rich kids not as much as i do i really hate them man you've got issues you're saying i'm crazy no man because i am okay fine you're crazy and someone's gonna get hurt i don't doubt it those rich scum go smash up their mailboxes take my bat use her well beat any rich scum you come across why because it's them or you will i know one thing it's not gonna be me hey jimmy how you doing terrible everybody hates me everybody might hate you but everybody laughs at me yeah that's true those kids are jerks anyway but i tried i know i mean i tried to do the right thing make people happy stop all the fighting make everyone calm down now everyone laughs at me people used to be scared of me and now i'm a joke because gary it must have been i know i can't deal with the fact that that kid beat me well it ain't over yet god one minor setback and you're acting like a baby you're pathetic i've been expelled they're just waiting for my mother to come back from her 58th honeymoon then i'm out of here how is that a minor setback losers oh shut up you fat dork whatever you and your has-been friend don't scare me see even a dork like that laughs at me we gotta prove gary was behind everything we don't even know if it was gary all we know is towny kids beat up a bunch of bullworth kids i mean i don't even care anymore well we've got to find out what's going on come on okay but if we're going to take on those townies we're going to need a bunch of backup someone big who doesn't hate me yet russell he'll be at his house at old bullworth veil you had enough you want some more come on big guy you still think messing with me is a good idea no no no good that's what i thought now what made you think it was a good idea in the first place oh man i hate that school my parents couldn't afford to send me there and now i'm stuck in this dump of a town gary said we make them all pay wait a second gary that backstabbing two-faced sociopath put you up to this ah i bet he said the two of you would take over the school or some crap hey how'd you know cause he told me the same garbage didn't do me any good either come on you're gonna help me make him pay for his lies what the hell are you doing here looking for you zoey i think i'm in love don't be ridiculous haven't you heard heard what my love the school has broken out into a massive fight every gang and faction is fighting each other what yeah oh man i gotta go how am i gonna deal with this i'm gonna need some serious backup where's russell where's your buddy edgar russell has been holed up in the wonder meets slaughterhouse hiding from the cops he's worried about going to prison after stealing that bike russell can comprehend prison wow look i'll see you later well what about love it'll have to wait zoey duty calls hey jim this is your turf what the hell is going on the whole place has gone mental yeah it's your old friend gary he's the one causing all the trouble the kid's a complete psycho and now he's got the teachers and prefects on his side so so we run in there try to stop the fighting and find a way to deal with gary all right one question how are we gonna stop a load of kids from beating the crap out of each other it's america we go in there with threats and bribes until we get what we want if all else fails we beat the crap out of everyone that's why i brought along back up russell likes to hurt people for peace cool then it's a plan gary [ __ ] why'd you do it gary why not i won i tricked everyone starting with you the head the loser kids in town and the prefects me i won you are sad man i might be sad but i run your world [ __ ] and don't you forget it you did all my dirty work for me hopkins you're like a puppet only dumber whatever let's finish this the thing is if i win you're just another punk you win and you'll be sent away even quicker for beating up the head boy why'd you do it gary because i can because making little people like you and the morons who run this place eat out of the palm of my hand feels great but i never did anything to you you would have if i'd given you the chance face it i'm smarter than you oh congratulations you're smarter than me you hate everyone and everyone hates you genius the head likes me i tied him up turned his dog to school into a battleground got kids expelled unfairly put several others into therapy and he still likes me you're such a at loser my mom doesn't make her living on her back you're dead [Music] smith i heard the whole thing you're expelled coming on timey boy yes sir sorry didn't see you there you know i think i may have judged you too unfairly boy yes a little rough around the edges but you're a diamond boy a diamond thank you sir now take out the trash would you hopkins my pleasure so it was you who took on this monstrous little wretch was it yep what a hero a lone wolf uh-huh well no to be honest sir i did have a lot of help from some friends like this girl zoe she got expelled because she complained about mr burton hitting on him burton well he's fired i hope he rocks in hell and a guy named peter kowalski good friend of mine never heard of him yeah well he keeps quiet he's kind of shy shy the boy must be a genius why he should be head of the school pete great idea now about that letter to my mother what letter finally everything is sorted out more or less i mean i don't want to say we're going to live happily ever after or anything like that but life is certainly going to get easier [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music]
Channel: HealthyLynx
Views: 109,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bully, gaming, games, bullyrockstargames, rockstar, bullyse, bully scholarship edition all cutscenes, 4k
Id: 5K0AT37ZKes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 19sec (6679 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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