GTA VICE CITY REMASTERED All Cutscenes Full Movie (4K 60FPS)

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tommy vasetty [ __ ] didn't they never let him out he kept his head down helps people forget people will remember soon enough when they see him walking down the streets of their neighborhoods it will be bad for business well what are we gonna do sonny we treat him like an old friend and keep him busy out of town okay we've been talking about expanding down south right vice city is 24 karat gold these days the colombians the mexicans have even those cuban refugees are cutting themselves a piece of some nice action but it's all drugs sonny none of the families will touch that [ __ ] times are changing the families can't keep their backs turned while our enemies reap the rewards so we send someone down to do the dirty work for us and cut ourselves a nice quiet slice okay who's our contact down there kim rosenberg schmuck of a lawyer how's he gonna hold vasseti's leash we don't need him to we just set him loose in vice city we give him a little cash to get started okay give it a few months then we go down pay him a little visit right see how he's doing [Music] hey hey guys it's uh ken rosenberg here hey hey great hey well uh i'm gonna drive you guys to the meet okay now i've talked to the suppliers and they are very uh keen to start a business relationship so uh if all goes well we should uh be doing very nicely for ourselves which is you know good okay so they're brothers okay one operates the uh the business and the other one does okay that's them in the chopper all right here's the deal they want a straight exchange on open ground all right okay stay tight let's go [Music] [Music] got it one hundred percent pure grade a colombian my friend let me say it the greens tens and twenties used i think we have a deal my friend oh [ __ ] i poked my head out of the gutter for one freaking second and fate shovel [ __ ] in my face go get some sleep what are you gonna do i'll drop by your office tomorrow and we can start sorting this mess out hello sonny tommy tommy it's been too long i know i know you're just overwhelmed with emotion 15 years seems like only yesterday i guess that's a perspective thing hey doing time for the family is no piece of cake but the family looks after its own okay it's how the deal go down you sitting on some white gold look sonny we were set up the deal was an ambush harry and lee are dead you better be kidding me tommy tell me you still got the money no sonny i don't have the money that was my money tommy my money you better not be school me tell me because you know i'm not a man to be screwed with wait sonny you have my personal assurance and i'm gonna get you your money back and the drugs and i'm going to mail you the dicks of those responsible hey i already know that you're not a fool tommy but i warn you neither am i if it was anybody else you'll be dead already but because it's you because we got history i'm gonna let you handle this look sonny got my word i'll be in touch go get some sleep he says i have been sitting in this chair all night with the lights off drinking coffee this is a disaster we are so screwed man these gorillas listen to me are gonna come down here and rip my head off it's ridiculous i did not go to law school for this okay now what the hell are we gonna do shut up sit down relax i'll tell you what we're gonna do you're gonna find out who took our cocaine and then i'm gonna kill them that's a good idea that's a great idea let me think let me think let me think oh there's this retired colonel colonel juan garcia cortes he's the one that helped me set up this deal well away from vice city's established thugs okay now listen he's holding his party out in the bay on his expensive yacht and all of vice city's big players are going to be there okay i have an invite of course i have an invite but there's no way that i'm going out there sticking my head out the door no right now i told you shut up i'll go myself oh whoa whoa hey i like 1978 too but you know this isn't going to be a beer and strippers do i mean no offense but i think that you might turn heads on the runway for the wrong reasons okay look here stop by rafael's tell him i sent you he'll make you look respectable okay go come on what does that guy think he is now i gotta dress like a chump as well as hang out with them i like this shirt nice bike oh my bike i understand you are here on the behalf of mr rosenberg i hope any recent problems have not affected his health or mental well-being versati he's just got a touch of agoraphobia excellent excellent and you i just want my merchandise ah it's an unfortunate set of circumstances for all involved of course i have initiated my own lines of inquiry but such a delicate matter will take time perhaps we'll talk later meanwhile let me introduce you to my mother could you look after our guest while i attend to my necessary operations of course daddy please excuse me mercedes you try living anyway let me point out some of our more distinguished guests that's our congressman alex shrub with rising silicon star candy sun have you met my lovely wife laura no well unfortunately she's in alabama this is and over there we have the vice city mambas star titan bj always the charmer i blocked down on him and then i put him in a wheelchair that is good well now i'm looking at some prime and that cool side amphibian is just torrent lead singer with love fist yeah can i tell you do you know how they play pinkbone exactly let me tell you it does not involve a bad important and the chatty trio that sleeping sweat gland is papa's right hand [ __ ] gonzalez and the other two are pasta richards and pseudo intellectual film director steve scott throws a passion with the nipple invaders when the giant shark comes in and just bites their dicks off i know you never saw anything like that but colonel your party is never a triumph [Laughter] i can only apologize no they're not how do we find you our business is very tried barbarians at the gate a time for rewarding one's friend and liquidating one's enemies amigo who's the loud now ricardo diaz oh i was just taking my friend back into town another time ricardo let's go let's get out of here actually take me to the proposition see you around handsome i'm sure you will ah well i hope you're having a good time because i'm going out of my mind with worry here what did you find out that there are more criminals in this town than in prison we need a lead from the streets okay let me think let me think let me think ah i got it okay there's this limey some music industry slimeball goes by the name of kent paul anyway he's got his nose so far up most of vice city's ass that if anybody knows the whereabouts of 20 keys of coke it's this guy all right he's always at the malibu i'll go pay him a visit take it easy now where'd you pop up from i've been looking for a bird like you for ages mate you know what i'm looking for some english guys paul kent paul mate yeah i'm the governor and they are sort things out and i mean i'll try it whatever you want i'll get you a girl don't you worry about a penguin get lost honey wait wait you ken paul i'm a friend of rosenbergs rosenberg rosenberg oh that bunker's ambulance chaser that guy could defend an innocent man all the way to death row gets another drink grub listen to me i'm missing 20 keys and a lot of cash fight is so much guy what do you know about well what i was coming to was there's some chef come trumpet shifter who kills that kitchen of hotel and ocean drive he's been looking real pleased with himself lately you could go and check him out i will and i'll be seeing you around that's right go and walk away your mug i knock you spark hats give me a drink and where's that [ __ ] hey what you looking at you better start talking hey make me you prick you're dead oh way to go tough guy beat him to a pulp that should make him real chatty you want some too hey chill i want what you want brother oh yeah and what's that you're green and my dead brother's white lady unfortunately you just silenced our lead accidents happen get lost hey hey whoa no need to go all long range on my ass the way i see it we too hombres in a strange time we need to watch each other's back my back's just fine brother you sure about that yeah take this follow me this way keep quiet [Music] [Applause] [Music] one thing you got to realize about this town you got to pack some heat local gun shops a couple of blocks away i'm gonna go see what i can dig up i'll be watching you tommy oh for god's sake it's you oh geez i'm gonna need new pants hey those psychos from up north they've been on the horn and they're coming down here soon now where is the goddamn money relax relax we're not at that point wow i thought that you were taking care of this i really did and now those guidos say we got to do them a favor i mean i got to do them a favor oh of course that's what i mean do i look like i can intimidate a jury i couldn't intimidate a child and believe me i've tried now look it's either that or ellie's cousin giorgio gets five years for fraud you gotta take these guys out i understand help the jury change their minds don't worry about it no no no no no no i tried that the jury case didn't go so well so make them change their minds dumb florida [ __ ] oh please guys someone help me innocent until i say otherwise yo yo what's going on dog [Applause] i can't believe this is happening not guilty understand good avery goes without saying tommy tommy any progress no no no tell me later tell me later tommy this is avery carrington i believe you met at the party not in person adi avery here has a proposition haven't we got other things on our mind i'm trying to keep the wolves from the door so could you please cut me some slack i'm stretched like a wire and even if i'm dead by the end of the week i'd like to think that i didn't die poor just calm down both of you son you help me and any grease balls giving you a hard time i'll see to it they take a long dirt nap okay what could i do for you this delivery company's got its depot on some prime land they won't sell they're hanging on like a big old prairie rat so we got to go in there and smoke that vermin out head on down there and serve up a homeless nest the security will have their hands full and then you can sneak in and put them out of business and you could drop by rafael's for a change of clothes you might be there a while but yeah go for it should be a riot the balls drop like they should stop by my office sometime in the appropriate manner sticks out boys let's crack some kind of skulls um i'm gonna freaking kill you yeah this is cortez you were at my party yeah i remember mr vercetti it was a most unfortunate incident that happened with your business deal i know i want you to know me and my people are doing their utmost to get to the bottom of it if you'd like to talk to me more privately you can find me at the boat okay good day senor come in and park yourself on the hide son hell my daddy used to say never look a gift horse in the mouth and by golly he never did would you like a drop of the old kentucky no thanks a clean thinker i like that now the property business isn't all about high flute and paper pushing it's about dirt and the will to claim that dirt you with me son oh yeah well i need some tenacious bastard to let go of some dirt and he looked to me like the kind of guy to persuade him persuasion's my forte yeah he'll be down at the country club down on the golf course they don't allow guns so his bodyguards won't be packing law givers go beat eight tons of crap out of him here now i got you a membership and boy you're gonna need more appropriate clothing boys colonel thank you for coming please see lobster no thanks uh i am ashamed to admit that one of the causes of our mutual problem appears to have been the loose tongue of a man i used to trust i've been carrying gonzales for years but now his incompetence reaches new heights it's only right that you killed gonzalez did he do it it's the money that's important to me well this kindness i'll reward you and then we will find your money together he will be at his penthouse half drunk probably use this don't tell anyone about this i'm gonna shut that big mouth of yours he's got a blade stop running your fat slime ball keep away from me you cheap bastard oh sweet dishes i've wasted my life and my looks stand still and i'll make it quick points now look here son i got a problem and i reckon you could help me with it i'm no builder no i was thinking more of your demolition skills now this here this is a development ass plan and this this is the property that we're looking at you're trying to say this new office block is kind of in the way you catch on quick now i'm going to head out of town for a while and if that office development would have faced sudden and insurmountable structural problems then as a civil minded individual you feel obliged to step in and save the rejuvenation of an important area of the city where can i get more guys like you some piss and messing around i'll trust your wise ass toy tommy come join me this looks delicious huh copy your snout no no no no thanks tommy you are like a pompous breeze that has freed me from the stench of corruption although i must appear to mourn his passing and carry on with business as usual this isn't getting me any closer to my money tommy my friend you are not in liberty now here we do things differently i will continue with my inquiries but in the meantime i have a valuable deal to close that paper for friend cortez you're a good friend tommy i knew you would not let me down i need you to meet a courier who has obtained some valuable technology for me she is straight wet this time of the year what ah jamal look cortez sent me just give me the damn chips oh that guy's only nothing is american pig that is a government francaise you american idiot they followed you here [Music] you've got to do better [Applause] [Music] my north bike russia [Music] thomas i appreciate you coming forgive me for getting straight to business vs has asked me to oversee a minor business transfer let's hope it goes better than last time which is why i thought the view my friend i've dropped some protection at the multi-story car park pick it up then go and watch over diaz's man at the drop-off gracias amigo hogging all the action i see look you want to do something other than just shadowing me everywhere why don't you come along and show me if you're any use i might just do that the name's lance by the way tommy versetti let's go you must be called tessa's new gun until more gainful opportunities arise you'll be here any minute we both better get a good vantage point okay i'll take the balcony you get the roof across the yard my money don't just stand there you pricks chase that [ __ ] down [Music] i live take heads and it's all down to you what is your name tommy i see you soon amigo i think [ __ ] where's that guy lance come on baby come on yeah yeah stupid i'll chop your head off who is this thick head tommy versetti you remember me excuse me i'm a little anxious never trust a goddamn horse you do a good job you work for me now i work for money as i said amigo you work for me now all right shut up some judas has betrayed me he thinks i don't know how much money i should be making but stealing 3 is as good as stealing 100 no one does this to me no one you follow him from his apartment and you see where he goes later we will kill him this [ __ ] thinks he can mess with me if this is the best vice city has to offer this is going to be easy [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] what kind of incompetent fool are you full full tommy what ricardo these idiots they're always trying to screw you that's the problem with this business what do you think you're doing these pricks have failed me miserably soon any mom and pop will think they could sell gail and vice city what next huh the stinking mafia that gang places a fortress at ground level so quentin here quentin quentin they'll fly you over the area eradicate them what do you think you're doing what are you doing here hey i've been asking around it's obvious that diaz jumped the deal and iced my brother and he'll kill you too i can take the air no listen to me i'll handle diaz he's beginning to trust me [Music] one thing puzzling me what's with twins i don't know i always kind of liked it quinton fans [ __ ] your name pledgements hey i got enough of that at school lance dance poor bastard where the hell are we headed anyway prawn island you ever fire one of those from a whirly no i'll get a bit of practice on the way though okay we're almost there i'll take out as many guns as you can then i'll set you down and you're on your way damn this is man foreign this thing ain't cheap good luck brother is that's so pleased with yourselves now huh whoa watch where you're waving that thing no more pigeon [ __ ] on my car hey tommy guess not you're damn right now listen you don't want the fastest boat on the east coast and not off hand no me and i want it to stay that way every smuggler from hirakaraka has one dream a faster boat rumor has it the boatyard had just completed such a vessel for some costa rican [ __ ] and tommy i want that boat i thought i got you where'd you come from [Music] jack plastic crap you're doing this to me who do you think you are you piece of plastic [ __ ] oh ah roy you it is my favorite edo movie it's thai what else can i do it's probably not plugged in what damn no matter i can buy a hundred more now tommy each month a freelancer into vice city and morris's jacques he sells his cargo to the first boat i want you to take the speedboat and beat all the other [ __ ] to it then you bring the cargo here okay let me guess you thought i could use a guardian angel i'm just saying you need to let me in there my man now you can feed me all this lonely tough guy crap but i know one day i'm gonna save your ass and you're probably gonna want to kiss me watch yourself they're coming from all over it eat it sleep with the fish there are gunmen on that daddy want some of this good shooting my friend you're a real proper grade-a lunatic well thank you see you around tommy okay mr lance vance dance diaz was pleased and would like to meet you again is that a good thing of course although i'm starting to think that diaz was responsible for our unfortunate loss what makes you say that one does not wave accusations at a man like this and never thinking allowed no matter i have a proposal that you could profit i don't have time to run more errands cortez i would have thought a man with such dangerous dates would be hungry for opportunities please tommy at least hear me out go on i have a buyer for a piece of military hardware that is being taken through town pick it up for me once you get it i want you to call me immediately ben go get some donuts soldier sir yes sir convoy hulk civilian move away from the tide tommy this is donald love donald this is tommy versetti the latest gunslinger to come to these parts donald you just shut up and listen and you might learn something now nothing brings down real estate prices quicker than a good old-fashioned gang war except maybe a disaster like a biblical plague or something but that may be going too far in this case you getting this down you four-eyed prick now recently a gang lord died you disguise yourself and head on down and crash the funeral mix it up and then hot tail it you getting this down donald well that ought to put the coyote in the chicken cooper and then we'll just sit back and watch a priceless tumble i will tell you [Music] [Music] gonna save your vehicle what the hell are you talking about you know that when could you as the bugle meister he's got your boy locked what is your mate trying to jump you think i'm high enough if you know what i mean where did he take on you're them my crosstalk the junkyard bloody yell you nutter [Music] there goes my careful planning blown this [ __ ] thanks to you you screwed up real good lance he killed my brother what do you expect me to do mow his lawns we're gonna have to take out that prick diaz before he takes us out you okay to use a gun sure i guess nice to see you too let's get out of here get patched up and meet me on the bridge to star island okay okay i got you i got us some cannons in the trunk holy [ __ ] where'd you get all this stuff been saving for a rainy day you like yeah i like this place is going to be crawling with [ __ ] be careful don't worry tommy i'll cover you dears i've come to take over your business tommy you betrayed me you idiot i'm gonna kill you real stupid you murdering bastards you stupid bricks my beautiful house look what you thought this is from my brother i trusted you tommy i would have had you made say good night mr diaz oh we gotta redecorate this place we gotta make it look older i can't stand this look tommy what do you say what do you say we put a bar you're my lawyer rosenberg not my interior decorator got it listen to me the time to take over this town is now it's all out there waiting for us we need to start season territory and let vice city know we're the new players in town you know what i'm saying what you need is a legitimate front tommy real estate it's never done me no harm we need to start using some muscle or we can kiss all that hard work goodbye local business know diaz is dead and they're refusing to pay protection oh we could try bribery bribery screw bribery i'll show you how to make them scared i'll be back here in five minutes what's the problem some bars refusing to pay they reckon they're protected by a local gang of thugs but don't worry tommy i can handle it you call this handling it youtube off your asses let's go your protection needs a little more protection ah hell not again i don't need this crap these idiots operate out of dbp security around the block you guys just started out amongst yourselves i'll be seeing you later yeah yeah whatever circumstances forced a hasty departure what's the problem ah the french want their missile technology back and after that last incident i feel it is time to find safer hoppers wouldn't it be safer to fly i'd be dead before i reach checking besides i need to get my merchandise out of the country need another gun you my friend are worth 10 guns [Applause] thomas you have protected and served me well and now you must leave us before we reach the open seas i will lower my personal launch keep it my friend like talking of my gratitude thank you kern one more request while i'm away could you keep an eye on mercedes for me i think she could look after herself but sure i'll keep an eye out gracias amigo yo [ __ ] what were you thinking do you realize what this means we could all be senator the timer must have got screwed that place was wired to go up like a firework factory and somebody tipped off the cops but what's the problem fellas mike was supposed to torch some place in the mall but he screwed the fuses and now the cops are crawling all over it we got to get our stuff and get out of here relax both of you let me think for a second tommy vercetti just doesn't cut and run the cops are going to be going over that building with a fine tooth comb right but that takes time we got to go in and torch that place ourselves no one but a cop could get within a mile of that place so we go as cops we got to get uniforms and we're going to need a squad car well thanks to you mike i'm sorry i got it all we got to do is lure the cops in with the finger put them in a lock-up and jump good plan let's go all right okay lance let's get the cops attention point bit tight around the crotch though oh yeah yeah mine too mine too i'm going to beat the crap out of you man remember smile at the other cops hey there officer nice badge nice badge real smooth lance okay timers are set five seconds and ticking five seconds we got to get the hell out of here you're really making me mad time it's me lance keep your mouth shut there tommy cause ain't got no time to talk i ain't interested in what you gotta say why should i be you don't care about me do you you gotta look after me a bit better give me a spare slice you know hey tell me man i'm sorry it's just that people patronizing all my life treat me like a little kid my brother would do that please man don't do that [Music] [Applause] hey tommy glad you could make it hey you ever made love fish before no i haven't but i've always loved your music let me introduce you to the band this is per percy dick uh willie's in the carseat and that was jess in the booth earlier and guys i wanted to meet a good friend of mine this is tommy we go way back and uh what was your name again as you remember don't be playing games with me i'm too crafty for that sunshine english prick like good one in america but the thing is tom the boys need some help thank you well this is vice city man what's the problem love juice man we need to love juice men can love juice aye two parts boom shine one part trumpet five fizz bombs and a liter of petrol can you help us out pal oh i really mean a lot you can go down for the boys right tommy man am i glad to see you what's going on bad vibes tommy hi i'm knee joking again it is heavy stockman heavy guys he's cat we hardly know him but he knows us like this cat knows our best knows that willie likes his ladies underwear or if rocket thing right but listen this car the guy wants love is dead dead tommy love face gone you know what they say a good die young but tommy you've got to save laughter signing in two hours and i think yeah and the boys think the stalker's gonna try some monkey business there get away from me right now [Music] ruined my life aah [Music] where's baker i'm looking for big mitch baker who's looking tommy rossetti you don't look like the lost so that's bought you a minute you better talk fast ken paul said you might be interested in pulling security for a gig he's got set up can't fall no wonder he sent you the last time he was here he left through the window and nothing but his limey birthday suit are you interested or not we only do favors for our own how do i join this ain't no country club boy can you handle a bike can you sit on a stool and drink cougar zeppelin go see how this girl handles the fight [Music] i got you again hey recetti cougar says you can handle a bike pretty good yeah how many more errands am i going to have to run i'm a very busy man if it's a fight that's going to sell this then bring it on being one of us ain't just about brawling it's about being part of a family yeah i've been part of a family before all right it didn't work out yeah right but this family takes care of its own we don't ask a man to do the dirty work and then let him do 15 years hard time yeah that's right i've done my homework this here's the biggest family of misfits outcasts and bad asses hell some of us have even been betrayed by our own country i was locked up during ugly business which is why i'm going to ask you to go mess with the man this whole damn country needs a kick in the ass and we're the ones to deliver it so get out there grab a bike and show this city how pissed you are hey there mitch well if it ain't badass mercedes now i want to see how good you can fight for your patch a local street gang made the mistake of stealing my hog probably because of some machismo thing or something me and the boys would go over there and teach them a lesson and respect it all anyways then i got to thinking this would make a good initiation for you you get my bike back you can tell paul he's got his security come on [Music] damn it dormitory draw me man that cycle's back what's going on that psycho won't leave love this thing dude didn't it go on man and now he's back yeah yeah yeah the thing is the thing is we need someone to drive the limo we can trust cause that nutter keeps making sense we're all breaking ourselves okay guys calm down i'll handle this normally i wouldn't busy myself with driving around a bunch of drunken scottish bisexuals but in your case i'll make an exception a large one then hey tommy change the tunes man i get all confused banging oh look what's this hey tommy it's like the staphon fist your time polluting the airwaves is over i'll give you the chance to be friends well no i'm giving you the chance to die you try and slow down your limousine will explode along your big area asses call me pal you've got to save the band i'm getting bored of this just keep the pedal to the metal you want to find a bomb can we just drive around all day i would get i've seen this on the deli you can't go to one of the wires which way i don't know man i don't have a clue [Music] it's getting cheesed up again yesterday we'll never get a play alive oh [ __ ] my bubbles show it thanks again coming get my [ __ ] nice one bye this not for me you you the boy oh yeah you're a boy i think so you know no i don't think i do oh yeah you come here tough guy you think you'll take me on you think you play stupid with me no i think you're playing plenty stupid enough for both of us hey he called you dumb son and i call him a little girl puppy look at him all dressed up like that what is this ladies night you some kind of tough guy you dress like a woman you got on panties like a woman too huh what do you got against women you prefer men big boy i like women i like all women i love my mother chico all right all right i'll take your word for it relax can you drive amigo yeah like a woman very funny i like you big boy maybe you can help maybe you can prove your man huh take out the boat show me you got some big cojones and not some little very chiquita ones hey enrico you the man with the big cornish tommy versetti let's go okay man cheat her like a woman amigo you're a man man they mess with me they mess with me for the last time what is your problem we'll take them out holy when is a backup i lost your man was already out there amigo you drive good for a woman right this is no time for choking come on try for me again amigo take my boys over there they mess with me they mess with the biggest buoyant down hey man you want some trouble you want some real pisa cool we're gonna fight like man you're trying to kill me or something hey amigo good to see you can make it fight like men with huge cojones we have proved our memphis bravery you're two-faced tommy you're either two-faced or you're a whip baby boy they're laughing at me easy what's your problem they're laughing at me tommy and me um they're doing whatever they like nobody does whatever they like in berto they do what you let them do you want somebody taken care of i can handle it but it's gonna cost you i know we're brothers and all but this is business tommy you are real man business a gentleman they have a load of product coming in offshore really good stuff we take and we finish them you take it and i look after you like my brother like my son i think i prefer the cash to being bounced on your knee amigo hey rico nice boat you ready see tommy now you'll be a good shop today whoa whoa come in my dear and rest your soul you must be the big bad man the granddaddy been chatting about tell me things about you you know when he visits and about the others who wait for you now we are dead from long time but you i wouldn't want to be in your shoes i got a message to come here can you hear them them calling your name boy i must want you pretty bad don't you think now you do oral antipolar turner maybe she help you maybe she can't give you a little juju after all of this give you some magic to give the llama and the stink eye look this is all very um give me what yeah i [Music] been making my boys shake their heads now they told the policeman where am i been stashing my powders do you think it drugs damn stupid now be a good boy tommy and go and get the powders for auntie poulet yeah yeah sure don't move a muscle chump ah no perfect oh sorry i'm i must have the wrong address well you might as well come in and rest your souls and have some tea do i have something there for me tommy yeah this place feels familiar to me uh just a smell from childhood at deja vu now tommy i'm going to whisper a little errand view hear me well i you look like someone i i them have fast boats they used across the seas with drugs it is their livelihood my nephew been making little flying bombs to take them out blow the boat start coughing wood thanks is ah hello hello uh i'm looking for somebody around here you're looking hungry tommy do i know you hush no one more thing and i can let you go tommy my boys gone war with them boys but no guns while they fight in the streets you will take this rifle no one sees you no one hears you now tommy you do this for me and you no longer tie to my apron streams okay auntie [Applause] [Applause] hey hey ladies you know what i'm going to do i'm going to make love like a man you know that chica something like this loser hey baby i wouldn't catch you with a ten foot pole humber robina he likes the ladies not some goat in a skirt tommy tommy i love you i love you let's go go where can i get a cup of coffee no time for coffee besides i just had one oh tommy how do you take out a snake you bite him in the ass go and get us a little car when you get it come back and pick up my boy pepe and take them out to such and such their processing plan whatever you say amber hey tommy tommy use their solvent as an explosive boom bye-bye roberto what about you uh i'm going to stay behind and watch over the cafe with papa he not feeling so good you know no nice pizzas here whoa man you drive like a crazy [ __ ] hola amigos the salvage is around the back amigo bueno putas you lost man okay in you go going to plant the bomb cover oh guess you're the new owner what are you mob martel you don't look mexican anyhow i guess you better get on with the things are going to change around here crap maybe threaten one of the drivers go steady on ted over there he's just had his hernia well yeah things are going to change around here lady oh crap sonny might as well leave this to me i've been doing this for yes now here's this we are now under new management and things are going to change around here again our new management which gang are you well i'm not part of any gang actually what's your goddamn name kid tommy versetti is gonna did you like the capisce i like the capiche so this is how it's worked in the past we run the firm as usual if we get any trouble from rival firms you beat the crap out of them then they beat the crap out of us then you beat the crap out of them etc etc you got it uh yeah i guess just grab a taxi from the garage if you feel like jumping in no sign of mercedes [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it's time for kaufman's cavs guardian angel to eat some fender [Music] tommy hey tommy look at this this is great i've got us this mini bar installed we got a whole bar downstairs ken yeah yeah whatever well i got the chalkboard you asked for ah that's the benefit of a law school education the ability to follow instructions oh all right well let me think safe safe i got it this guy will blow you away ah nah that schmuck he's on the inside where inside and a police headquarters celebrating transfer i think he's about to get paroled cam jones yeah that's me i'm busting you out whatever you say lose the heat and get me back to my place [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna be doing a job and you're my safe cracker beat's losing my ass in his cell we need a stick up man you know one hey tommy tommy tommy this stuff keeps you sharp man i could be your stick-up man stick him up stick him up you ain't a stick-up man you're an idiot now get yourself a drink and shut up hey get out of my way yeah yeah yeah oh oh relax cam what do you think well the best shooter in this town is a guy named cassidy is that so yeah a military guy or thanks he is i doubt he was ever in the army but he certainly knows how to get ahold of guns he'll be down at the shooting range you phil cassidy why i'm looking for a man who can handle a gun on this setup i'm not too convinced son i can shoot a fly off your head at 80 feet oh really yeah i learned it in the army fly shooting real popular in the army glad i don't pay tax i'm trying to be funny kid [Laughter] so you want to do me a favor and help me put together a job son after shooting like that if you ask me to be your wife i'd say yes things are starting to come together nicely here what's the plan tommy que pasa amigo the plan is you keep doing that like a [ __ ] anyhow we need a driver tommy i'll do it i can drive you want hillary mister not some smart talking law school chuck hillary's a real deal you ain't never seen anyone drive so fast i'll give him a call here hey hill it's phil how's it going no don't talk we'll reminisce later you want to do me a favor i got me a guy from up north oh no i don't think he was in the service but he wants a driver for a bit of action okay i understand what he say well he'll do it no problem well there might be a little problem see he has abandonment issues seems he won't work for anyone who can't beat him something to do with his mama anyway he wants to race you first said he'd meet you outside you tommy of course you're tommy i mean why else would anyone want to speak to me okay consider it this way i'll drive for you if and only if you can drive properly leave me alone and i'll never forgive you yes okay i'll drive for you but please treat me bad as you can see gentlemen this is going to be the easiest buck we ever made tommy seriously you got to consider going into law what the hell are you smoking man this ain't no simple plan well who needs a simple plan anyway take communism now that was a simple plan didn't do russia any favors huh calm down all right with the team like this it's gonna be no problem we got cam on safe phil you and we'll handle security and hillary will drive again uh aren't you forgetting somebody somebody who helped you to know end in this town man ken that's right ken here he watches the money for us and he keeps the drinks on ice i don't understand what i'm supposed to be doing here look it's easy haven't you ever seen a movie we walk into the bank we wave the gun around and leave very rich men i'll drive great a passenger will i tell the group about this keep driving around the block okay okay tommy okay this is a ray nobody move everybody up against that wall phil hold down the fort wilco roger that come on cam the vault's upstairs damn it's a flangie 9000 this could take hours to crack or five minutes if you could find a manager i'll go find where he's holed up phil thing's still sweet sure everything's real quiet what are you thinking [Music] you think you can mess with us you you're coming with me okay okay just don't shoot i said nobody moved it's on a time lock you might as well give up now hell i can bypass the time lock then we just need your key code and we're good stay here you try anything and you're dead i'm gonna check on phil i'll be right back i told you not to touch that alarm swat team will be here any minute i could do with some help here tommy what you are completely surrounded surrounded they're crapping themselves run faster tommy the vault's open okay we got the swat retirement fun let's get out of here okay you asked for it you've had your last chance they're storming the place take camera go yeah where's hillary i'll give him abandonment issues hey guys get in i got you covered remember me okay you'll be dead we made it we're rich rich tell me would you like a massage well hi there mercedes yeah i'm a little tense what'd i tell you tommy what'd i tell ya ben swap better watch out when kent paul is in turn come on give me a bigger slice mate come on i gotta get some new friends look at the arse on bats what do you know about counterfeiting oh i'm fine paul how about you ah all right you're obviously a busy man all i know about dodgy weddings is to try and supply the plates ah [ __ ] you know they've got a shipping company down the dark side uh the boss man would know when the plates are coming in next thanks paul what's the matter with you you maniac give me another drink lively oh all right the courier's moving the plate from the docks today i'm gonna go intercept them grab the plates lose any heat and make my way back here now depending how well this goes we may have five minutes to print the money before the counterfeit syndicate finds us or we may have all year either way i want green rolling off the presses five minutes after i get back got it don't you worry tommy we'll be ready me and the boys will be around in the neighborhood case you need any heat taken care of all right everybody cool all right i'll catch you later [Music] please tommy tommy tommy i had sonny on the phone okay are you with me i don't know about you but there's something about a man threatening to murder my family which really scares the crap out of me what are you gonna do ken take it easy i am calm as a man compete when he's fearing for his life stay off the idiot fuel and look after yourself no one's gonna take us out i'll see you later i am gone don't i sound calm must be impending death that is doing this to my voice bill run run oh wait never get a naked flame too close to where the phil cassidy's food shines still [ __ ] phil take that stuff hell you don't have to drink it just a good whiff will say y'all ah listen phil you said you could fix me up with some firepower sure thing there's some mexican gun runner been doing me for business of late he does his weekly run about now hey ram his hardware off the back of his trucks before he goes to ground and you'd be doing me a favor while you're at it then finish him off tommy it's phil now cut out all the reminiscent crap and listen to me you here good i got me some extra strength of moonshine nearing fermentation time and i was wondering if you fancy having a shot seriously tommy if you like a drink or if you need to strip paint this stuff will make a man out of you sure did out of me even though i can't see out of one eye i'll be waiting for you here hey phil how's it going hey cuddy how you doing this [ __ ] i swear you should lay off that boom shine man it smells like paint stripper just make my eyes burn tommy hey come over here because there's something i want to show you shop [ __ ] oh god should i be able to smell that from way over here don't you worry about this well you just watched this shitty cheap batteries there's some more on the bench oh damn [Laughter] take the city off the road [Applause] jelly [Music] that's not me move aside focus smooth come on [Music] [Applause] [Applause] not the hospital man too many cops being gone there's an exxon research that owes me a few favors he's got a place down little event oh look giant fish he's oh okay what's the emergency oh dummy some mob thugs said they'd come to take their cut said it was a mr farello's money i feel like crap farelli sonny ferrelli yeah that's the guy i think they were very insistent i'm not angry with you get him to the hospital dummy rip that guy a new [ __ ] for me i'm gonna rip him too is [Music] we got big problems come down here right away [Music] what's going on tommy oh good good good listen listen uh listen i like fish i love fish i love them as pets and balls or as food on a plate but as much as i love them i don't want to sleep with them okay but right now your italian brothers are coming from up there to fit me with some cement shoes and i shut up ken sit down lance what the hell's going on it's your friends up north tommy they ain't too happy you capped their man they're coming down to see the business today they took longer than i thought guys we're gonna make this final we gotta leave no doubt that this is my operation mine ken you get the first one to counterfeit cash and put 20 million briefcases lance you get the guys together tommy [Music] what no big hugs for your buddy i've had 15 years out of the loop i'm a bit rusty on family etiquette oh he's angry huh tommy didn't i say your temper will get you into trouble huh there's three million of cases how many was it ten no 11 men that's how you get to be called the howard butcher you sent me to kill one man one man they knew i was coming so what's your tone anyone would think you blame me for that unfortunate set of circumstances just take the money get the damn cash you know tommy i did what i could for you i pulled strings called in favors i was your friend tommy i hoped you'd see sense see what's good for business i trusted you tommy and you disappointed me but at least someone in your chicken [ __ ] organization knows how to do business isn't that right lance i'm sorry tommy this is vice city this is business you sold us out no i sold you out tommy i sold you out the real cash is upstairs in the safe so tommy what was the big plan you think i just take the fake cash save face and run away with my tail between my legs no i just wanted to piss you off before i kill you so up yours [Music] [Music] no one to cover your ass now hey tommy you're going down you backstabbing prick oh you think so guns are legal in vice city pal come here you double-crossing piece of [ __ ] your history tommy history [Music] pick the wrong side land [Music] you took 15 years from me sonny and now i'm gonna make you pay you still don't get it do you i own you tommy those 15 years were mine to spend get him boys sorry [ __ ] tommy oh my god tommy wha what happened what does it look like it looks like you ruined your suit and tommy that was a beautiful suit tommy what on earth happened at a disagreement with a business associate you know how it is tommy i have a disagreement i send them an angry letter maybe i pee in their mailbox i don't start world war three you know maybe you should speak to my shrink that stupid prick lance tommy i never like that guy okay he's neurotic he's insecure he's self-centered the guy's an [ __ ] i'm glad you took him out i don't think we're gonna be getting any more heat from up north either because there ain't no up north anymore it's all down south now wait does that mean what i think it means tommy baby what do you think it means that we're in charge i mean you're in charge oh tommy you know ken i think this could be the beginning of a beautiful business relationship after all you're conniving backstabbing two-bit thief and i'm a convicted psychotic killer and drug dealer i know and it's just beautiful [Music] you
Channel: MKIceAndFire
Views: 298,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GTA Trilogy Remastered, GTA Definitive Edition, GTA Vice City Definitive Edition, GTA Vice City Remastered, GTA Vice City Remastered All Cutscenes, GTA Vice City Remastered Cutscenes, GTA Vice City Definitive Edition Cutscenes, GTA Vice City Remastered Movie, GTA Vice City Remastered Full Movie, GTA Vice City Remastered Cutscene, All, Cutscenes, Campaign, Movie, 4K, 60FPS, 4K 60FPS
Id: 8eTgUeI-Wqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 0sec (6540 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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