Bukayo Saka In Stitches At England Teammates On Countdown | England Vs Countdown | Three Lions

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Makai could you have done any better than a four there's actually a vitamin they missed out on fiamen thiamine [Laughter] [Music] we are here on the indoor training pitch at England's training grounds to George's Park and I'm about to put some of our country's finest through their Paces but I'm not going to be testing their qpap skills I'm going to be testing how well they can juggle numbers and letters with a little spot of countdown and standing in for suicide in dictionary corner I have a glamorous assistant today it's not Susie we have the one and only makayasaka and your teammates are just voicing their opinions that it's actually your fault that they are here today so tell me about your love of spell checking well no in the at the World Cup I closed a few of the lads on their spelling most of them failed yeah yeah I think that's why we're here today to give them another chance and how do you think they're going to do I don't think I'm the most confident waiting in the wings we have two players that will be playing our second semi-final of the day we have Luke Shaw and John Stones they're waiting for their numbers to be up and then to get subbed on but for now allow me to introduce our players for the first semi-final Eric Dyer and James Madison welcome a big big countdown fans big numbers and letters fans when I was a bit younger and uh I know the concept and how it works hopefully you've obviously been tested on your spellings previously how did that go because actually only posted the one that I got wrong he didn't post the 14 before that right what was that it looked like I was maybe not the best at spelling but he didn't want to push ones I got correct so um got you on the edit yeah technically exactly Eric how are you doing I don't know how I've been dragged into it to be honest because I wasn't involved in this spelling Channel 4 could have sent the naked attraction team so yeah countdown today okay so for each semi-final we're going to be playing one letters round one numbers round and one can 100 around okay this is my letters board I'm going to pick nine letters consonants and vowels and then you're going to have 30 seconds to find the longest word that you can okay your time starts now [Music] foreign [Music] how many have you got four Eric therefore right okay James you're four meat meat and can you put in a sentence I'd like a slice of that meat that would do we've got meat before do we even need dictionary corners I'll talk if that's a word but I'm sure it is okay um wow you're taking that with a laptop yeah meat is actually it's a noun it's a word yeah right there we go meat we've got four points Eric odd heat so at this point I'm going to say Four Points a piece well done and because you've done any better than a four yeah um there's actually a vitamin they missed out on thiamine did you say it um thiamine so is that something as a footballer you have to take care of yourself see obviously you know about vitamins yeah it's important it's important that's why I expected them to know yeah so the scores are four points a piece as we move on to our first numbers round at this semi-final and you get the option how many large numbers would you like for this one I think we'll go two I think two two about right okay we've got two large numbers and four default little numbers and they are four seven eight oh one and the light jumps are 25 and 75 and you're gonna have 30 seconds to make the target number 214 and your time starts now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay Eric did you get the target how close did you get to 214. no I'm just confused about one thing can I add and multiply and whatever as long as many times I want yeah yeah do that as many times as you want you just can't use each number more than once okay should we go to James see what James does yeah let's go to James I think I got 223. 223 so nine away and did you get anything long enough to say no a hundred a hundred okay right let's try for 223. I know what he did I did eight times seven eight times seven 56 56 56 times four 56 times 4 is 224. take away one take away one and that gets you nine away and Five Points which means you would be in the lead Round of Applause thank you as the school stand we have Eric on four points and we have James on nine points with one round remaining and that means we have a crucial countdown conundrum for our first semi-final boys you have your very own buzzers do you know what a conundrum is probably need an explanation so the conundrum is around where we have a nine letter jumble and we know that there's a nine letter answer so we're looking for that nine letter answer but as soon as you know that answer buzz in and tell me straight away are we ready this is to feel place in the final showdown it's huge okay let's reveal today's crucial countdown conundrum defensive oh that was in about two seconds barely moved and what was your answer defensive yeah sorry offensive we have it Round of Applause thank you that was incredible Eric commiserations thank you fun a lot of fun watching mothers perform do you wish you're doing a little bit more training would that be the message would have been nice to have seen the show would have been nice congratulations thank you we will see we'll see you in our final thank you I think a few episodes of countdown that I've watched probably left me in better stead than Eric yeah you can see it's paid off yeah not gonna thank me thank you semi-final Winter thank you cheers [Music] it's now time for our second semi-final who will book their place in the final against James Madison what are contestants today we have Luke Shaw and we have John Stone so it's a bit of a Manchester Derby do you kind of find it hard to leave the rivalry at the door when you come and look at your England shirts on or is it friendly oh yeah it's definitely friendly yeah yeah we're very friendly yeah how are you feeling after watching the boys how did you think they got on not gonna lie I'm a bit nervous yeah I'm nervous to be fair so you had to think I do better than Eric then I'll be happy who's your money on today you know what I'm not sure here I'll be honest I'm actually dead confident they're based on what in your spelling tests I haven't done these two ask them if he wanted to take my place and I'll be the host that's what I'm saying you're so nervous how can I be confident well it's unknown territory we're about to dive in so are you ready you're 30 seconds Starts Now [Music] thank you foreign [Music] how many letters a five letter five letters so we're already ahead of Eric potentially John I've got a six six okay right we're gonna check if they were Luke you're five Tides Tides tides t-i-d -e-s I think we can all agree that that is a five-letter word so John this is for the win I've got jostle Jocelyn how are you spelling that [Laughter] Jay j-o-s-t-l-e j-o please tell me that's right yeah and we're gonna turn to kite for a little fact check is that in the dictionary are you happy remember definition please is it good what's the definition [Applause] for an England player you must have done a fair bit of jostling in your time yeah and uh do you want to see the um I mean this is a bit of a tap in to make it longer um that sums me up doesn't it so the scores are John Stone's on Sixth and Luke Shaw is on Neil so you've seen how not to do it through Eric uh let's have a look our Target for this round is 237 your 30 second Starts Now [Music] thank you oh my God [Music] okay Luke what did you get 2 33 233 so far away John I think I've got 200. and are you buying time am I gonna have to be the referee that's actually for time 240. 240. okay so you're three away so let's go for the three-way first I hope this is right 25 times six 25 times six would you make that 250 150 yeah [Laughter] I'll leave it a lot in fact we were 103 out okay I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna size up I'm gonna go to Luke this is for seven points so this will put you in the lead if you get four away okay absolutely 45 times 6 is 150. 25 times 6 150. plus 100 250 minus the ten 240 and then minus the seven and yeah 233 seven points and that fits you in the lead well done thank you so we have yet another crucial conundrum for our second semi-final this is to book their place in the final against James Madison boys have you located your buzzes we're going into the conundrum round this is to book your place in the Grand Final against James Madison fingers on buzzes let's reveal today is crucial countdown conundrum [Music] think about what you might want if you were one nil down equalizer we have a winner into the final congratulations [Applause] after two tensely fought semi-finals we now have our finalists we have Luke Shaw versus James Madison for the final the prize at stake is the countdown teapot the hallowed countdown teapot you can't buy this on eBay boys you can only get this by winning it so I want you to look at the prize on offer and I want you to imagine well sax hand it to us as well with my glamorous assistant or you still imagine having done so much work trying so hard to be here today to be so close to that teapot and to have to walk past it at the end of this we're going to have one round this is a Golden Goal it's a shootout and it's a conundrum you're familiar with the process you've got your buzzes boys are you ready I'm ready Rachel you feeling the pressure and how much would it mean to you to to have this as part of your trophy collection a lot especially if sax is going to hand it to me it means a lot yeah yeah okay ready right boys fingers on buzzes I'm going to reveal today's Final Countdown conundrum [Music] think about diamonds formation should we check it and the answer is formation [Applause] Cup today but there's only one teapot so if you'd like to go over to the winner standing okay thank you thank you [Applause] foreign
Channel: Channel 4 Sport
Views: 2,117,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Channel 4 Sport, All 4, Channel 4, Sport, England Football, Countdown, Bukayo Saka, James Maddison, Eric Dier, Luke Shaw, John Stones, Euro 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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