Buildings That Breathe | Doris Sung's Living Architecture

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you I think growing up I thought of architecture as being extremely static buildings did not conform to the human body nor to human nature so my question when I finally got to architecture school and out to this very day is why can't architecture accommodate the human maybe it's a lot better if we make it respond so that looking at a building and considering it more like a skin over time I've moved more and more towards the technology side of architecture and realize that I had to compete in the world of building technology I research and design and try to use thermal bimetals in architecture basically what it is is a lamination of two different metals together metals expand when heated and so when these two different alloys are heated at the same time one will expand more than the other and as a result the metal curls I first found the metal on a lamp as the bulb turned on that gave off a net heat so that the hood of the lamp would open up and I thought why can't we use this as a surface material to Architecture there's a way to control the amount of air passing through for ventilation or potentially for shading purposes with automatic you can see here this is cold everything's flat and when you start to heat it up with our heat gun all the pieces start curling the material starts to pivot at about 70 degrees you know continue curling until something more like 400 degrees the intention of bloom was trying to make a project that would actually be outside and react to the Sun the shape for example the aesthetics came out of it being virtually a big sundial and that it has this very circular radial type of shape that would be facing the Sun at different times of day and therefore can react and because of the different times of day and the different shading requirements and potential ventilation the surface was differentiated at all locations to react in different ways we were really dedicated to trying to use grasshopper from beginning to end in this project so not only was it useful in making the form but it was very useful all the way down to determining the files and the fabrication files of the tiles there's about 9000 tiles of bi-metal on there and every single one is different there's another 3,000 frame pieces and no two are shaped alike but we were able to fabricate them in a way that we did not have to design and build every single one by from scratch the the pattern-making and their variation and all the pieces was built into the software you can see in this model right now is connected with other solar analysis tool files and overlaid together and you can see the red areas on the surface are the parts that have the most exposure to the Sun if we did not have the software tools there is no way we could have produce something like balloon one of the areas that we're working is trying to produce some window systems so if you can imagine on a south-facing or a west-facing glass wall system these fine metal walls can be either inserted within the glass system within what we call a double skinned facade or even on the outside as a brie Soleil they can start to shade automatically and with zero energy the Sun and the Sun penetration to the building which is a big deal because we have a lot of heat gain especially in Los Angeles where I am - the Sun from the outside and it would lower cost for air-conditioning and in effect and indirectly also reduce the amount of Island effect there's a project that we call trachea less that was completed less than a year ago and it's a concrete block system where it's an idea about having the heating and cooling system within the walls of the building and so they would radiate the temperature as opposed to being coerced by a forced air system so what you can see here is the infrared heater just turned on as the red light and as it's coming up is coming up through the valve system here you see this starting to operate here as the air is heating up in this chamber will then open the alternating pieces as you go up there's definitely a message that I tried to say and it goes back to that that idea of how architecture can be responsive you do want to look at architecture something very stable you don't want the ground to move and you don't want you mean the walls to move in and out but maybe our fundamental understanding could be wrong right maybe we need to be thinking about how everything should be changing and moving and that the aesthetics of it cannot be determined by by what we think something should look like so a house because it looks like a Monopoly game piece shape is maybe not the best shape or house or material to be built out of we need to think of new ways
Channel: Creators
Views: 321,706
Rating: 4.9621916 out of 5
Keywords: Music, Art, Technology, Building (Ontology Class), Architecture Design, Architecture, Responsive Design, TED, Tedx, TedTalks, Technology of Architecture, Memory Alloys, Memory Shape, Smart Materials, Thermobimetals, USC, Solar Energy, Sustainable Design (Field Of Study), Sustainable Architecture (Professional Field), Sustainability, Energy, Environment, Go Green, Modern Art, VICE, Intel, The Creators Project, Documentary, Interview, Creators, Project, bloom, armoured corset, tracheolis
Id: V17Lp1X0_ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2013
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