Building Your Personal Credit To 700 | Step BY Step Credit Success

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heyy what's going on y'all hope everyone's having a fabulous day if you haven't gotten a chance to subscribe to this channel please do so once you bring that notification bell that way when I dropped videos you'll be notified I just want to let you guys know this is probably going to be the last video that I make from my truck for a while everybody knows there's a pandemic going around and right now due to the rates it just seemed like Freight has dried up and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and roll it to the house probably gonna sit my truck for at least a month and you know check check back in 30 days to see where freights looking one of the things that I've always stressed is saving money making sure that you're in a position to withstand and an unprecedented time if you guys been following my direction if you guys been listening to Dave Ramsey some of you that follow the steps are gonna be okay right um I do think that it's gonna last you know a little bit but due to some help from the government it looks like unemployment has a bonus of $600 um this morning if you guys haven't gotten a chance to check on your stimulus check for example some people got stimulus checks if you didn't get a chance to get a stimulus check and you wanted to check where your payment is if you go into my community there's a little blog article I believe it's from life hackers that I ended up posting in my community you can click that link read through the article and see exactly how to check where your stimulus check is this video is gonna be a little bit long it's my like I said it's probably gonna be my last video for the truck from the truck for a while I'm gonna go home I'm gonna still make videos if you guys haven't note I haven't really been making a lot of videos I've been working on my credit repair company I've been working on my trucking company but at this point in time my focus is going to be strictly credit repair just because of the freight market is it's completely dry so I'm probably going to get the truck started I just got done doing a pre-trip on my truck we're good to go and I'm probably going to get started I just want to get you know the the formalities out the way and I think we did that so far so let's talk about some of the things that you know we all strive to get which is better credit that's why you guys are here you guys didn't come here for entertainment you guys came here to learn how to build better credit and I've been making these videos now for about two and a half years three years and what I want you guys to understand is there's a lot of new subscribers that come to my channel every month I get anywhere from 300 to 400 new people every month so if you've been with me for a long time and you see that I just keep regurgitating the same information over and over there's a reason for it okay just because you've been with me for a long time doesn't mean there's people there's not people out there that need this information a lot of you gotten a lot of success from some of the stuff that I said so it's gonna be a situation where you know I still gotta go back to the basics every now and again and make sure that everybody's doing the right thing right we're about to get started here so I apologize y'all so the the thing is I get a lot of people that still to this day will call me up and they'll ask me hey Kenny so here's the situation I got this card this card this card I got the my jewelers new Coast Direct what do I do from here where do I go how do I get to the next step I'm already in the six 20s wait what does it take and what I want to do is I want to cover all of these things that you know that's on my mind right and this is gonna be a wrap-up of the road of 2020 the first quarter of 2020 like I said I'm not gonna be on the road that much longer so I just want to ramble if you guys got a little bit of time hopefully you guys stick around because what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna walk you through all the steps from beginning to end and I'm gonna talk to you about building credit I'm gonna talk to you about business credit I'm just gonna talk to you guys about credit in general this probably is gonna be one of the longest videos I've done I'm not gonna worry about the time limit if you guys watch this this video and you're not really filling it I completely understand but when I first started this channel right when I first started when I first started this channel the reason why I started this channel was because I was in the credit repair space and when I would see people getting items deleted I wasn't seeing them get approved for loans and I wanted to find a way that we can speed up the process of getting people approved for for loans so I said okay what really makes a FICO score go from you know 400 to 600 or 600 to 700 what really drives FICO scores and most of you that know me once I come up with the question or something that I'm trying to figure out I become obsessed and I became obsessed with the topic of trying to figure out what is it going to take right what is it going to take to get somebody from the 400 to the 700s and that's all I really cared about and I started seeing that the more that you balance your credit out the better your FICO score is going to be and what do I mean by balance your credit out meaning you're going out getting positive trade lines added to your credit report and deleting items and a lot of times I would delete items from people's credit report and I would notice their credit scores would go down and that kind of defeats the purpose see a lot of people that get into the credit repair space they get into the credit repair space because it's an industry to make money off and if you get into the credit repair space because of money that's great but you're missing a huge part because you're going to keep regurgitating or I should say you're going to keep parroting the steps that are in the industry and you're not going to be very creative and so I I spent most of my time trying to figure out the code I wanted to crack the code of better credit and so what I did was I started looking and reading and messing with my own personal credit this was many years ago and I started playing with my personal credit seeing you know that if I got the right mix of credit if I got revolving lines of credit if I got installment loans what really happened to my credit score right what was it that that really boosted my credit score and I started seeing revolving lines of credit managing your credit cards had the most impact on my credit report I started doing more research started attending credit repair events and and doing different things and nobody was talking about this everybody was talking about deleting items you need to delete items off your credit report you need to delete items off your credit report and it just it felt icky it didn't feel 100% authentic and so what I did was I continued on building credit and so I started you some of my clients what I would do is I would make sure before they got started with me like I do now I started building their credit up before they went through credit repair and I started seeing these huge impacts on their credit score before you know that didn't really take that much long that really didn't take long compared to the way that everybody was doing credit repair in the past meaning you know just deleting items bringing a client on delete items off their credit report and say okay go get them tiger and so as more and more that I started working with my clients the more confident I became in my theory the more educated I became in my theory and the more more people I helped just to be plain and simple and I started seeing that my system not only helped you know people in the 600's or the 400 it helped people no matter what credit score you was in because if you have a high credit score one of the things you want to do is you want to keep that high credit score right and so my theory that I had it it became a true fact of how to handle credit I developed it I fine-tuned it and over the years I just put it in a situation where I know without a shadow of a doubt if you're watching this channel come and you're looking to build your credit no matter where you are if you follow the steps that I'm about to give to you you're going to be able to get yourself to a 705 Coast court now there are laws and regulations that say you know as a credit repair specialist or a credit repair organization you cannot give guarantees right here's my disclaimer I don't care about the disclaimer I don't I don't care about your laws or or anything because I know without a shadow of a doubt these are the things that are required to get to the 700s and and it's not deleting items off your credit report now if you are trying to get a mortgage if you're trying to get an auto loan or if you're trying to get a credit card deleting items will absolutely help but it's not the end-all be-all and neither is just building credit but I will say if I had a choice of doing one or the other meaning either deleting items off credit reports or building credit I'm going to choose building credit first and then I'm gonna choose deleting items off credit reports now I do own a credit repair company all right so some of the stuff that I'm saying you may be listening to it going whoa why would you say that like if you're an entrepreneur or a business person why would you say that because it's completely contradictory to my business meaning there is no way for me to monetize you you know how to teach you how to build credit it would be in my best benefit to tell you guys the best way for you guys to build you know to get a good FICO score is delete items off your credit report but most of you know that's not my get down I really truly believe that if you treat people right and you do them right if I make sure that you know you get into the 700 you're gonna spread the word and my community is going to grow and it's gonna grow organic I never bought a youtube subscriber I never I never tried to buy somebody to give me a good compliment or anything like that my channel my community has grown organically just because of the methods that I teach and the way that I teach it just be authentic tell people the truth and let them decide for themselves what they want to do right and so here here's here's the steps alright so I want you guys first to understand there's a difference between an installment loan and revolving line of credit now installment loans are really important and revolving lines of credit is really important the reason being is the FICO algorithm is predicated upon a mix of credit right it's about 15% of of your FICO score makes up about 15% of your FICO score and what they want to see is do you have experience handling different types of credit not just one particular type of credit meaning just credit cards or not just installment loans but do you have experience handling both types of credit of credit trade lines so an installment loan is any loan that's given to you where the payment is fixed and when you're done making that last payment you are divorced from that financial institution meaning if you have a personal loan once you're done paying off a personal loan let's say you go to a bank that personal loan could be $4,000 once you make that last payment you are divorced from that financial institution you have you have no more obligation to make any more payments and in fact you can't use that line anymore that's done that loan is over with so those are like auto loans not mortgages as much I kind of put mortgages in their own separate category but auto loans personal loans or anything like that right so those are installment loans now installment loans I want you guys to understand they don't have the largest impact on your credit score but it is important to have an installment loan at least one installment loan on your credit report okay now the revolving lines of credit which is anything like a credit card or something like that those are going to have the largest impact on your cred score these are things like credit cards lines of credit these these revolving lines of credit is anything where your payment is not a fixed payment it fluctuates it's a flexible payment depending on the balance so you guys know how you have a credit card and you might have a monthly payment of thirty five dollars but the more you spend on your credit card the higher the balance is going to be so the payment monthly payment is flexible so that is called a revolving line of credit now what I've learned is revolving lines of credit have more of an impact on your credit score than any other type of loan on your credit or any other type of trade line other than a mortgage a mortgage is huge to your credit score but a revolving line of credit that is that is probably 50% of the battle of your FICO score maybe over 50% I would probably say it's probably close to 65% if you manage revolving lines of credit that is going to be the key factor to getting to the 700s if you just do this properly and you're in the 400s you can get to the 600's very very easily okay now what you want to do is you want to have at least two secured or unsecured credit cards why do you want to do this there's two things now when you go out and you get you two secured or unsecured credit cards what's going to happen is you're going to not only start building your credit but you're gonna start disciplining teaching yourself discipline on how to use credit cards and that's huge you're gonna start out with a small balance and you're gonna teach yourself the difference between a thirty percent utilization rate that everybody talks about everybody says hey you want to have a 30% utilization rate that is absolutely false okay what you're trying to do is maximize your credit score and so what we found out in the credit world is that people with 700 and above right prime credit scores 700 and above only used 2 to 7 percent of their utilization rate on their credit cards on their revolving lines of credit so what you want to do is you just want to mimic the blueprint you don't you don't have to come up with your own theory see what those that are successful already and mimic that and we found out that people with high credit scores used anywhere from 2 to 7 percent once you start going above 10% you're gonna start seeing a more of it a mpact negatively on your credit score so if you go all the way to 30% just think about all the points lost just because people are telling you it's okay to use 30% or lower it's not it's not okay to use more than 10% if you start using more than 10% of your credit cards or your revolving lines of credit you are now in the danger zone just letting you know so never use over 10% on your credit cards when you get your two secured credit cards and you are building your credit up and you're teaching yourself discipline what you want to do is you want to get secure credit cards that are going to graduate now if you go in the description you're like well I don't even understand which cards graduate which cards graduate the fastest in the description of this video if you go down there I created a sheet where I went over the top secure credit cards when they graduate when they don't graduate and you can download that sheet you don't have to put in your email address or anything like that it's a Google where I compared all the secured credit cards and you can get a glimpse of what secured credit cards are gonna be best for you like if you're just starting out you have like a you know a five anything under a five fifty chances are you're not gonna get approved for an unsecured credit card so you're gonna have to get a secured credit card and so what I did was I created a Google sheet where you can look at the top secured credit cards and you could pick the one that best suits your needs now these are some of the secured credit cards that I really like the discover it now the discover it is probably the only secured credit card that I know of that gives you a cash back reward now it's probably one of the hardest secured credit cards to get approved for but if you are just starting out and you want to build your credit if you can't get this card get it it's that simple now you're probably gonna have to be in the 620 range to get this secured credit card but it's a great secure credit card to get started with all right like I said it's a cash back secure credit card and with what it's going to do it's going to graduate in about ten to twelve months and when I say graduate what I mean by that it's going to give you your credit or your money back and then it's going to become an unsecured credit card so any secured credit card that graduates is typically one of your better secured credit cards a Capital One is one of the easier secured credit cards to get approved for the reason why I like this Capital One secured credit card is because Capital One will give you an increase five months after you make your payments on time so not only is it a great secured credit card but it's a great financial institution because they have so many different types of credit cards that you can you know once you get into the unsecured range that you can apply for it they got platinum cards and all different types of cards with different reward structures so if you're looking to you know to start using your cards for reward points Capital One is a great family to be a part of and so what you want to do is you want to start with those secured credit cards that you're going to be with for a very very long time ten twenty thirty years from now so most of you know I'm not a real big fan of the credit one or the merit bank or the first progress because it's very limited you don't have a big family that you can grow with like a discover it or a Capital One Capital One you can get auto loans with Capital One and you can establish a relationship with Capital One now another great secure credit card if you guys are part of the military or if you have a family member that's part of military chances are they can get you a part of Navy Federal Credit Union love that secure credit card it's a great secure credit card to have these secure credit cards graduate and you are looking to be with these financial institutions for years not just get the car get your credit right and then counsel the part you do not want to put yourself in that situation most of you know I got us a credit one credit card and it was the worst credit card that I ever had and I will never recommend that card to anyone I'm not defaming them there's a reason why I feel that way it's not a you know I don't want to get sued by credit one but the reason why I don't like that card is because soon as you use the card you are charged interest okay and a lot of people don't know that whereas you go to a discover it you use the card and you pay it off you're not gonna get charged interest if you pay it off before the due day well the credit once secured credit card of any of the credit 1 cards as soon as you use the card you are charged interest at that point and that is something that I'm really not a big fan of that's the only reason why I don't like that card so that's something to be aware of those of you that have the credit one card and you guys are thinking about using that card if you got that card and you're wondering should you use the credit one card or should you use your Capital One secured credit card I would use the Capital One if you have the credit one and you don't want to cancel it you don't don't use that card because you're gonna be charged interest as soon as you use it and you're you probably think well if I pay it off before the due date I won't get charged that is not true that is one of the only secure credit or the only that is one of the only cards that I know that have that pay structure I don't know of any other card that has that same type of pay structure so getting secure credit cards are key to building your credit score your FICO score now I want you to understand there's several different type of FICO models so in certain models your credit scores are gonna go up faster than others all right your your credit scores are going to be affected differently so what I like to say there is a Vantage 3.0 score FICO score which is you have the FICO a FICO 9 and just recently FICO 10 just came out and what you want to do is you want to look at your FICO scores you want to look at your Vantage scores and make sure that you are optimizing your credit score you don't want to give any points away if you do not have to and some of you have you know thirty collections on your credit report and you're wondering well should I start deleting items before I do this absolutely not this is the very first step to building credit and getting your credit right those of you saying hey can I want to get myself in a position to buy a home in two years this is the very first step that you take when you're trying to build your credit and you don't don't worry about your collections as of yet what you want to do is you want to put yourself in a position that while you're you're getting items deleted off your credit report your scores are jumping I just had a client just recently I think it was day before yesterday I looked at his credit score and he had a jump of a hundred points right and I could pat myself on the back and say well that was my work from deleting items off his credit report but it wasn't it was for the simple fact that I had him put himself in a position of getting the proper credit before we even started working on his credit reports that is the most efficient and effective way to get somebody to the 700s with a very expedited way right and that's what we're all trying to chase we all want to put ourselves in a position to where we can walk into financial institutions and get approved for loans that's what we're trying to do we're not really trying to build our FICO scores up just for the sake of building them up there are things that we're trying to accomplish in life and some of those things were going to have to finance and when we finance them we want the best financing options possible so it's not just getting approved it's getting approved with the best financing options possible right for it for our given situation and what I'm here to do is help you learn how to get into those positions and it's not about just deleting items now once you you get those you know you you get there you're secure credit cards you get at least two secured credit cards what's the next step now I made a video on self lender and I made a video on I believe it was credit strong now these two companies which you can do is you could sign up with these companies and what they will do is they'll extend you alone and you make monthly payments on them I'm gonna put the videos in the description of the leap so that you can go in and look at these videos and once you look at these videos you'll get an idea how this works they'll give you a loan and you pay them over time and once you pay that loan off right because they're gonna put your money into a CD once you pay that loan off you are going to get that money right and they're gonna charge you a little bit of interest but that's the price we have to pay to get started building credit and so you know you can go with credit strong you could go with self lender there are gonna be links for you to sign up with these companies but they some of them all these links that I'm telling you some of them may be affiliate links some of them may may not so whether you use the links or not I really don't care what I want you guys to do is just trust me take the steps and you're gonna be okay so you have an installment loan that you can get put on your credit report now some of you that don't want to go through self lender I got a call yesterday that you know from a gentleman that was thinking about getting himself lender he went on to Google self lender and he read some bad reviews he didn't feel comfortable so I told him I said okay well if you don't feel comfortable with with either one of these two companies here's what you can do you can't go to your local community bank tell them you want to secure secure loan and and do the same structure with your community bank your community credit union or or a local community bank I don't recommend the chases or Wells Fargo's or large banks or anything like that establish relationship with your small community bank and from that point forward you can use that community bank as a resource trust me they want your business rather than you know the the Chase's Wells Fargo their can care less you're just gonna be a number to them but your community bank is going to treat you like a a business partner and that's how they're going to view you and so you can go to your community bank and if you want to get $1,000 secured loan you give the thousand dollars they're gonna take that money put it in the CD and then in the same next very next you know five minutes or so after you fill out your application and everything they're gonna give you your thousand dollars for your loan and then you make payments on your loan right and they're using your your thousand dollars as collateral so you can set up the same system with your community bank you do not have to use self lender or credit strong which you can do is do it with your local community bank right but if you want to get the you know the idea how these these financial institutions work I'm gonna leave descriptions of I'm gonna leave a description to the title you're going the description and grab the videos and you can check them out you know and your own spare time so now you have two secured credit cards and you have a none Stallman loan what you want to do is you want to go out you want to get two more revolving lines of credit and these revolving lines of credit is going to be my jewelers and new Coast direct these two trade lines are going to be the only trade lines that I recommend because they they give you the highest limit they're gonna be some of you that would about finger huh what about Hood and chase what about ox publishing what about this company what about that company don't worry about those companies because they're not gonna give you a high enough limit to make a difference right and when you're talking about a $5,000 trade line that's huge because what this trade line is gonna show is that not only do you have a experience now dealing with the mix of credit you have an experience dealing with a high limit credit as well so these two things are going to help you build your credit up it's my jewelers and new coast director the links are gonna be in the description okay so once you get these five items on your credit report you are going to start seeing your credit take a hit initially right I want you to understand I had a call me the other days again I lost 42 points okay that's okay right because we're just building our credit we have to start somewhere this is just a the process okay you're going to take a hit once you start seeing your credit scores go up understand they're gonna continuously go up as long as you manage your credit right meaning keep your utilization rate under 10% meaning if you have a credit card of $1,000 you do not want to spend more than $100 if you got a 250 dollar secured credit card you do not want to spend more than $25 never go over 10% on any of your credit cards especially when you're first start building your credit right you want to manage your credit properly and you want to show these financial institutions that you have experience with dealing with credit another secured credit card that I forgot to mention that is one of my favorites is the State Department Federal Credit Union now you do have to join the American consumer Council it's like a 15 dollar membership lifetime membership that you have to pay once you pay that membership you are able to get to be a part of this you know credit union the reason why I like this secured credit card is because it's a graduates but it's probably gonna be the lowest interest secured credit card that you get I believe it's anywhere from 7 to 10 percent 7 to 13 percent I'm not really sure exactly what it is but it's a very low interest secured credit card that you can get right that's just a little caveat or another tip I just wanted to throw out like I said I'm just gonna give you guys the nuts and bolts because I really want you guys to understand that this method is tried-and-true no matter where you're starting out if you just started start if you just got discharged from a bankruptcy you're getting ready to go into a bankruptcy or something like that if you watch this video when you follow these steps you're gonna be okay how do I know because these are the same exact steps that I took myself that I did when I got my I got my does discharge for my bankruptcy October 2017 I think it was so when you get your discharge these are the same steps I want you to take to start building your credit now once you you get yourself into a situation where you have these five trade lines on your credit report what do you do you apply for credit sparingly only with the financial institutions that you're going to do business with for the rest of your life meaning discover it Navy Federal Credit Union Capital One Chase American Express financial institutions that you're going to be with the rest of your life are you going to apply for the Home Depot card if if it's something that's gonna be applicable to your business okay great but if it's something where you're just getting it to just get credit like I made a video talking about I got people talking about getting a Victoria's Secret credit cards and I just work that's not what we're doing here okay I got people that got 30 credit cards and they're you know flashing 30 credit I mean you almost got a deck of cards what are we doing right an impersonal credit what are we doing that you don't need all that personal credit there's gonna be a time and a way to build your credit but it's not gonna be personal credit it's gonna be business credit and so what you're trying to do is once you get the foundation that's what I call this you're gonna apply for a credit card every six to eight months right that's what you're doing every six to eight months you're applying for credit that way you're not getting a whole bunch of inquiries on your credit report some of you don't understand that there's a lot of algorithms even at is 780 FICO score you could be declined for credit if you have too many inquiries okay so you want to apply for credit very very sparingly and that's the key to this game very very sparingly you don't have to go out and get you know every credit card just because you got credit karma telling you you can get approved for a credit card apply for credit every six to eight months and make sure that every I would say quarter every quarter you're calling on your credit cards that you already have and you're trying to get limit increases if I have a choice of a new credit card or a limit increase chances are I'm going to go with the limit increase before I get a new credit card your lemon increases are vital to your credit profile all right now what you're trying to do is get every low limit credit card that graduate it into a high limit unsecured credit card that's all you're trying to do and so every quarter you're calling them up talking to your financial institutions telling them hey look is it possible to get a limit increase and chances are if you're managing your credit properly they will give you one right they may give you a little fight but that's okay that's what you're trying to do you're trying to get limit increases but you got your foundation together and you're building your credit what do you do from that point you want to get to about the 680 to the 700 range and so once you have your foundation together that's when you want to start deleting items off your credit report that's when you start looking at credit repair companies okay which credit repair company do I want to go with there are gonna be some large institutions that I'm trying to stay politically correct that will take your money will they provide the best service of my opinion I believe a smaller mom-and-pop credit repair company will give you a better service than a larger credit repair company all right now they're gonna take you the larger one is gonna take your money I made a video on one of the largest credit repair companies in in the country and uh it's just of my opinion that there's not enough education like what I'm doing right now this is what we're supposed to be doing as credit repair specialists we're supposed to be teaching you credit not just fixing your credit but teaching you how to use your credit and those financial institutions did not do that right and that was my problem with those financial institutions now just just a quick note just letting you guys know I do own a credit repair company now tell you a little bit about how my credit repair company differs from everybody else's credit repair company we focus on education we focus on maximizing your credit score and we focus on making sure that you can get approved for loans I have a wealth of knowledge in not just credit personal credit but also business credit I don't like to toot my horn on business credit or anything like that just because I think that the the market that I focus on is personal credit people of business credit that focus on business credit they have their YouTube channels but my clients that come to me that want help with their business credit I can help them now I'm in the process I'm going home like I told you guys I'm going home I'm going to be putting a business credit course together I'm gonna be putting a credit credit repair course together that way you guys have something that you can you know reference when you're trying to build a you know build your credit up and I can always give you guys something to where you guys can use tools to help you build your credit and always have a guy without having to call me up asking me hey Kim with what secured credit card should I apply for so once you get to about the 680 range okay I'm starting to get dry y'all once you get about the 6 8 80 range what you want to do is you want to start looking at becoming an entrepreneur a business and what that requires is you want to start getting a federal tax ID you want to start thinking about a type of business that you want to start even if it's like you know Kenny incorporated whatever it is you want to start looking looking to get into business and you want to get a federal tax ID and you want to start applying for business credit cards I want you to understand Capital One has a credit card called the sparks business card that is probably the very first business credit card that I would apply for and my business name my federal tax ID once you get your federal tax ID number from the IRS gov site it could be you know your your a sole proprietor you it's nothing it takes you about two minutes to get a federal tax ID number and consider yourself a sole proprietor now you may have to do taxes on that business depending on if you're generating income or not I'm not a CPA so you do want to talk to your CPA about the new business that you're about to start but understand once you become a sole proprietor you have a lot of benefits meaning you're going to be able to write off a lot of things that are business-related like cell phones a portion of your internet a portion of your travel expenses like fuel and stuff like that or gas you're going to be able to write these things off of your w2 income so having a business is very very beneficial to your financial portfolio but the reason why business credit cards are are much much more better than personal credit cards and you're still going to get an inquiry on your credit report when you try and get these cards but the reason why these cards are so great is because when you use them they don't affect your utilization rate right when you use your personal credit for anything it affects your personal credit I mean your your utilization rate and so if you are in the habit of using credit cards what you want to do is you I would rather you get business credit cards then get then use personal credit cards now these are the steps that I would use or that I would do to to start establishing my credit every six to eight months I would apply for a personal credit card or business credit card right and it like I said I would do it sparingly I would not rack up a whole bunch of inquiries or anything like that I would just take my time build my credit up the right way now how long is all this going to take in order for you to get where you need to get right it's going to take you anywhere from a year to 24 months to get you to a high six hundred possibly a low seven hundred depending on where you start it's a very broad brush and so if you are just doing these steps you are going to be successful now like I said I do have a credit repair company I do believe that my credit repair company is one of the top because just the way that we do things I don't want to sell my business I don't want this to be a sales pitch or anything like that if you guys want credit repair company to work with you we're here if not you can go to any other credit repair company out there just do you do your vetting process and make sure that you pick the right credit repair company I got a ton of videos on how to pick up a proper credit repair company right and there are certain things that you want to look at and I don't want to make this in this video because I'm already running long and I'm running thirsty okay so I really hope this video helps you if you just came to this channel subscribe to this channel I'm gonna teach you on how to build credit if you get a chance to download my book it's in the description of this video download the book it's call credit Anatomy it's going to teach you how to build credit I want you guys to really start focusing on ways to build credit so that you know when you walk into a financial institution you're not you're not worried about getting approved you're worrying about negotiating terms and if I could just get you to Trent transition your mind into thinking this way you are going to be financially secure just for the simple fact of the way that you're going into a lot of your financial terms you're not going to go to car dealerships and get your credit blasted by Auto automotive dealerships you're going to walk into your you know your Navy Federal Credit Union and ask them for our auto loan and they're going to give you a check and then you're gonna go car shopping these are the ways that the wealthy do business right you're not gonna see somebody that's wealthy going into our auto dealership getting financing through the auto dealership chances are they're gonna have their financing together already they're going to have their mortgage broker already when they're going look for a house and I'm just trying to get you guys to start thinking differently before you know it it gets too late we're in a very very dangerous time right now if you guys have seen already chase have made it a little strict stricter to be you know become homeowners um I believe it used to be a 585 go score now they changed it to a 685 go score and you're going to start seeing these requirements change the more and more we become into a financial crisis the more and more you start seeing bubbles bursts and financial institutions going bankrupt the more you're gonna start seeing you know these credit requirements becoming stricter and so regardless of where you're at and regardless of what you're trying to do if you get a stimulus check and you're wondering what should I do with the stimulus check I don't want to spend my stimulus check um what my two senses invested in yourself invested in your credit it's gonna pay dividends for the rest of your life and I know this without a shadow of a doubt that it's going to help you in your financial journey going forward going in 50 minutes on this video I hope this video helps you on your financial journey you guys have a blessed day talk to you later catch you on the next one bye bye you
Channel: Kenny Eugene
Views: 13,473
Rating: 4.9730821 out of 5
Keywords: credit repair, how to build credit, credit score, credit score increase, bad credit, how to increase your credit score, boost your credit score, increase credit score, build credit, how to build your credit, credit cards for beginners, how to build credit fast, how to build credit fast with no credit, how to build credit for beginners, credit repair secrets, credit score explained, credit score to buy a house, credit score tips, good credit score
Id: IUKUimtv58c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 50sec (2990 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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