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Jurassic world was to be the most desirable destination on the planet new shows new exhibits and yes new dinosaurs too meets the magic of [Music] entertainment welcome back dinosaur and park managers to Jurassic world Evolution 2 I'm the talking tirex and in this episode we will be creating and building the 2015 Jurassic world in Domino Rex enclosure in the previous episode we built the Tyrannosaurus Rex Kingdom enclosure and the oh God Heaven what okay uh We've also created the Velociraptor enclosure you see right here in the previous episode with the Raptor Squad and they are waiting for some Alpha guidance and that is where we meet the indominous Rex and and we're going to revamp and update it into the one that we've seen from the movie where of course broke out from in the first place now this is a mod however it's not officially supported by Frontier so if you want to try out this mod it's on you and your responsibility however it is what the main game desperately actually needs a real enclosure like this and this beautiful mod has been created by rat R 1985 it is absolutely beautiful you spent over hundreds of hours on it and here we have two versions of it so this is the official one from of course the movie where the walls are being built still and he's created his own concept one with of course people and the audience in it just like in the T-Rex Kingdom enclosure although that one was already done building but of course instead of just placing that down and be done in two seconds we're going to have ourselves a little bit of a building episode so yes grab your popcorn and sit back relax again and watch this talking T-rex try to figure out hopefully thir times a charm um really figure out how to perfectly build the enclosure so here we go get rid of all these walls and all the decorations the fetus they all have to go because space is needed so there we go now we got ourselves a little bit of a buildable area where we start off with the luxury path leading up to of course the soon placed in Dominus Rex enclosure so let's start building it let's make mus rani's dream come true we don't have the assistance of this anymore so I just have a reference picture on the second monitor which already kind of looks like it but as you may well know the T-Rex will not size brain can't really determine where everything getss placed normally I think we'll use the um toggle snap angle snap for this one I think this is the default wall as it doesn't have a gate like that or this one or is this one the long one no it's not no it doesn't say like or it does no those are people I thought that was a little gate on the picture but no we are going to place it like that I'm not sure what's the inside and the outside um I think what is the inside and outside oh gosh it be begins yes this is amazing oh gosh what is the inside and outside I frankly do not know uh both sides look similar although this I think this is the inside and this is the outside yeah no this is the outside so I'm just going to place this right there there we go and then I have to place this this this concept though as it wasn't originally there we're going to place it right and because it fits it will not fit perfectly by the way full disclosure there we go it's a little bit yeah wrong but we don't mind right right okay moving on to this one as we perfectly of course you need to connect that one with this yes Rexy I know in the back backr and connect it like that that is looking very beautiful we got to turn this way all the way around and then connect this piece diagonally with that one as well kind of fit it like that it doesn't have to be perfect but that's also not what we're going um for because otherwise this episode will take a few hundred hours there I think that will look very good we kind to have to make it our our own version yeah we can't have to make it our own we can just have it perfectly set up for us there we go so now it is kind of missing the front logo which I think will look very nicely we have indominous Rex padic right here but I kind of want to save that for the end you know to put the cherry on top so to speak let's see what other things we actually have before we continue building so we have this enom viewing Gallery with Owen and in it with the broken glass I see that I'll zoom into that later we have of course the classic gate then the guest galleries with of course movable people there we go they're not just statues they're actually moving some of them at least in there and then we have this I think I should have placed that here instead or not I'm Noto sure where this one goes either way uh and then we have the little sign right there then we have the beef feeder ah of course the the crane yes then we have the guest entrance the indominous Rex Paddock one and we have a normal crane utility truck water tanker uh I'm not sure if these are specifically listed for in this indominous Rex one maybe they are I'm not seeing them on the pictures though or I'm blind and we have a helicopter pad which is around about here where of course the guy had a rough uh flight there he's just OV exaggerating and then we have CLA deing high up of course because they'll be in the viewing Gallery thing and some new construction workers so yeah should have probably um showed you guys that at the beginning but anyways let's continue building this beautiful enclosure so we've got the sides done now moving on no we got the front done now we're moving on to the sides and for that I kind of need to guess where the other ones go so I know the viewing one is this one the viewing Gallery which needs to go on the outside oh I really hope I might have it the wrong way around but I'm just thinking if you have these Ledges on the side it will be easier for an animal to break out from so I'm thinking the flat outside is the in like the inside of the enclosure so that's that's that's my logic yeah that's where I'm going through we can't really place that down but we'll place it down for the time being there so we know that goes there then we have the gate the outside gate there I think that one will be round about there the other side so it actually breaks out on this side so that helicopter will kind of have to be on this side there this will make it a little bit easier for us to determine where go what goes where these ones go on the side and the corner ones will be these so and then we also have these I've never seen these before but look at the detail the detail these are all custom made by the way and that is talent that is a lot of work you can see a lot tremendous amount of work has gone into this and I just hope an official one be will be released as an update or something like that maybe could have been a great thing um with John Hammond statue for the anniversary update um just saying but anyways maybe in the future we'll see uh if Frontier of course gets enough requests I suppose then they'll be like okay we'll add that because we've seen the same with the T-Rex log we've had that as a mod as well and enough people asked for that and sooner or later it got added and now it's official uh to view from for in your T-Rex enclosures so moving back to the decorations we now have to place down the sides which are these um however there is a thing that comes in between and that's at this Plateau U there is a little bit of a fence that is on the side I think it's placed yep uh it connects the wall or not it's a bit above the wall so that is a little bit tricky I think it is to connect the higher bit with that one I'm just guessing that's pretty much what we're mostly going to do when building this so I'm going to place that down roughly around there there we go and that can be connected with a path and then we place down the padag guest Gallery long version going like I can't really zoom out that much but going connecting it like that I feel like that's fine yeah that's fine see that is already looking very good because the people would of course use your imagination a bit because because when guests enter this little building they'll take an elevator up exit here and take their seats on the side that's the whole idea so moving on to the other side we got to do the exact same place this one down roughly about an angle I got to align it perfectly though there and then another long Gallery version connecting that with this one or it's supposed to be connected like this I think it is supposed to be connected like that so what we got to do and this is the surprisingly the first one we got to make it a little bit more like that is that roughly the same I think so has to be forward a bit more uh there we go kind of like that that's that's the best I could do probably yeah I don't way we don't want to stay too long on certain stuffs so moving on I think like these things need to be connected perfectly that's why they are there um did I do that with that one as well um I kind of did not but we're just going to do that or maybe that is supposed to be connected like that it's a little bit out of there but that's fine we're forgetting the walls and that's fine to we'll Place those down later we first got to place down the gallery so now we're going back I feel like oh there's um a lot more points so these points actually do have to connect with one another I see now however now it's kind of it doesn't look good it doesn't look natural because then it has to look like the right one how do we fix this Pok managers spam it in the comments right now if you it's not like I can see it when the video is done so that's where I'm kind of like okay I just have to place this the way it's placed I like building these type of stuff though um no that also doesn't work so that theory also gets thrown out of the window moving on to indominus Rex help me an I need an extra brain indominus you're a pretty smart dinosaur help me out here how do you want your enclosure this is your enclosure I'm building yours you should help me out here I feel like that is fine no it needs to be no it needs no no no um it zooms in a bit there we go you know what I'll leave it like that yeah I just placed it back on how it was pretty much so moving on to this one Let's uh align this one perfectly and there we go and then a short Gallery can be placed next to it and kind of like uh what shall we do sort of like that how does that look does that look good and then another short one not a long one one though I think so or is it a long one I'm not too sure uh this one has a six seven pillars and these ones have five yeah no it's supposed to be five but I'm supposed to Place Another Pizza Tower uh in between and then another one we're going to place why do I have a feeling I'm placing them so wrong right there okay where is the middle it's supposed to be like that but I'm Miss a long bit these are three connected to one another so this is supposed to be here but it doesn't connect perfectly it needs to be placed around about there but then these don't connect or is that just the wall that is in the way I feel like this oh uh I did not uh I was not supposed to do that they need to be placed like that and then I need to move you out of the away oh no not you oh no be you're you're is this entertaining enough a T-Rex in distress is it are you not entertained is it isn't this why you're here um okay got to place you like that then quick fixes don't matter at least it kind of works otherwise I need to place a long one instead of a short one okay um let's just try the short version first so moving back to this one wow it's even you need talent to even place these ones down and connect them so now we're going to place them a little bit like that just so that these can connect and I did flatten them out I feel like that's the problem oh I did that with the Velociraptor as well we're going to gently delete this one we're going to grab another one of these I'm not to sure how you're supposed to connect these wow do not hiire me for any architecture or create buildings and then we're just going to get a long one this fits perfectly I'm not sure how you're supposed to connect the short versions either way the big one is going to be placed down perfectly right right there and it looks beautiful so now that we have that we can actually place this wall That's supposed to be there right here yeah because we see the uh oh scratch marks do you see that I'm not sure if that's visible in the video we can place it right there and we can zoom in see that wow the attention to detail that is amazing and we even have no we even have this look at that the attention to detail is amazing wow that is that is mind-blowing that is really mind-blowing moving on to this bit right here we got to connect that with that somehow and I'm not to sure how we're going to do that but we're just G to place this down right there there we go and then moving on no not transport the indominous re can't go back yet we got this viewing Gallery which can be placed perfectly inside which looks awesome don't think about it too much there we go and now we can take a closer look at of course this the broken glass it tried to break the glass we can go inside though but that doesn't really matter it's okay oh we even have the ventilation there oh look at the details even it's so much so much work has gone into this it's incredible it's absolutely incredible now we've got this gate feel like we it has to be placed the other way around yep it's got to be placed like that place that in there there we go now we've got a long wall and a short wall so we've got these two placed down we've got a side railing I suppose uh if you need to connect them better probably for people like me so moving on to the normal walls we've got the gate I wish we kind of had a even shorter wall because these walls are very long uh these ones go on the side where the humans can escape from and we can place these round about uh let's align them no toggle snap uh T-Rex fer and perfect right there then we got to grab a wall like this and we rotate it around hopefully these walls have barriers coated in them so dinos these actually act like walls so the dinosaurs don't go like clip through them now we're just missing a wall like this aha which I feel like can just be fixed with uh the other way around there we go fixed with a wall like that no one will notice right no one will notice no one I won't tell anyone about that and the other one will go like that they kind of connect one way or another so it's not too noticeable apart from this if someone Falls in between the gas we'll send the rescue team uh what if that ever happens that has never happened before not like the Raptors that one uh Raptor Pig lose guy ever managed to do that connect that can we connect these perfectly with one another that is an extra challenge are these even long enough try to connect no there we go uh we can have him like that okay that looks good and there we go we've got ourselves a closed in ominous Rex enclosure which looks absolutely beautiful if I do say so myself and we do we need to add these on the outside I'm not too sure we might need to I don't think these long ones these long ones are yeah they are supposed to be on the outside so I guess I can I'm not too sure if this is supposed to go here but we can place them down I don't think they go here because then they clip through the humans yeah we're not supposed to do that so this is supposed to go I guess there it will look more like an arena which I think will look very nice I think the singular ones are just for uh these ones I suppose not sure I might be right actually I might actually be oh I placed that down very wrong let me grab this pillar it's cool and good yeah it is I think it is um that you can actually it's very very good that you can easily grab these um because normally that's been a very little bit of a bugger where you're try to um especially with Mod decorations where you're trying to grab dinosaurs in the background be quiet keep roaring and roaring H yes you're getting food by the staff in the P this is not the best but it's okay you know what it's still under construction we'll just tell maani it's it's not fully done yet hopefully you'll understand he's like ah that ought to do hopefully he's not I'm normally a perfectionist I hopefully he isn't uh really hoping for that and then a couple of small ones I'm not even sure if these are supposed to go there the the mother probably be like what is he doing R if you're watching I'm so sorry where does this go oh yeah it's supposed to go on the side okay I got a shock like oh God how am I supposed to connect this and I guess we can it's not there no this is something we're going to manually do put our own touches this is our own touch even though it looks horrible okay we're not going to add that no no that doesn't look good okay just just have it like that and then a floating railing how about that oh that's to close off Ah that's to close off these now I understand the purpose now I understand ah ah so we don't have humans of course falling off even he even thought of that that's amazing uh for these it don't really matter because yeah these are in between wow even the details like that so we've done these and now we're going to place down the feeder I don't know where precisely the feeder is supposed to go I can't really zoom out uh but I guess we'll just place it in the middle I suppose yeah have the I'm re in the middle there and then if we go to feeders which isn't in the decorations tab feeders and then we're supposed to have a new one uh which I cannot see aha uh I suppose I'm not too sure Carnival feeder is it this one doesn't matter it I think it came with a new feeder or is just this one doesn't matter I don't think nor Rex can just normally eat from that one so we'll just place it down right yeah I may have read that wrong where it's also a new Feer maybe it is in there you got to check the mod pack yourself for that so now with the final touches yes the indominous Rex logo placed on the S there to of course let everyone know that this is the indominous Rex enclosure bang like that and then with the indominous Rex beautiful side look at that that looks so good so good it's even got Shadows on itself it's it's beautiful this is beautiful there's no other words for it it's absolutely beautiful then we can place something like that here and then the paddock entrance right there look at this beautiful we can even have like the walls leading up to it but that won't really look look nice if we go to uh some of the trees which I think he did like palm trees and Etc so we can have them uh sort of like that yeah we'll have our own trees look at that already that entrance is looking a lot better maybe these trees are too high but it doesn't matter I will delete these two trees so you can see the logo better along with these ones maybe we can end with with shorter trees then let's see if uh some shorter trees are or we can end with these yeah these ones look will look great yeah there we go there we go look at that now heading back to the path system luxury path and did I do that I didn't even do the the white one I was supposed to do the white one okay can we replace yes we can there we go and it won't really matter perfect perfect now replace um off where is it no there we go go back to this one remove this and just grab the edge there and then have them walk around it now if we head back into decorations and go back to of course this area we forgot to place CLA during in there looking and about to touch the uh pad there so I'll have her stand right there and then we have own Grady looking into the enclosure as well we've got some construction workers on the side let's Place one or two down right there and look at that he even modded the humans it's unbelievable it is CLA Dearing look at that without out the heels though but it is pretty close to Claire daring and Owen Grady look at that these models aren't in the game you don't see these humans walk around in your normal Park no you even moded the facial expressions and the model itself it is beyond belief really I canot recommend this mod more if you want to create something like this it's amazing this is what's needed in your Jurassic World and Parks so now you might think we're done no not really we've got some trucks here of course this is yeah this is wrong it's supposed to be this is the concept this is the gallery right here that is concept um it is not in the final movie of course because in the movie it's just a plain wall where it breaks out from this side and it doesn't have the pillars so but this is of course what masrani visualized but without it while it was in construction the wall was just there broke out and then we have some trucks waiting of course right here let's just say it's already done we can place a truck right there on this side perhaps it's like close there we go we can place that there we can place one there so it's like half a under construction another water truck right there two trucks right next to each other for example and then some humans surrounding it which which will look very nice Some Humans here two people there one hiding of course behind the truck all scared too too too bad we don't have like a human lying on the floor there but that is fine and then some humans around there now we are of course once again not quite done we of course have the paths there we go let's connect you there we go connect you with that one connect you with that one and that one with that one of course they don't really work but the concept is there so now we roughly have what we wanted and we of course have the um helipad for the helicopter now you can make this a lot better um in the movie this is just pretty much forest and grassland so let's close it up a bit there we go close it up there we are that will look a lot better amazing of course you can place down different kind of decorations yourself like the T-Rex that we officially have in the game along with uh Mr DNA welcoming you to the indominous Rex Paddock let's make all of this a little bit nicer for the indominous RX which was more grass there we go more green this can be more sand I suppose that will look a lot better yeah there we we go and a couple of more trees in there I'll put the radius a little bit down but it was very hidden of course and remove some of the trees right here so CLA Daran can see what kind of monster she put in this enclosure in captivity she will be 50 ft long when fully grown bigger than the T-Rex and if we go into the new time of day we have done and it's lit up even the logo it's even lit up midday let's go to dusk and then nighttime this ladies and gentlemen is your new indominous Rex Paddock and that looks amazing oh this is beautiful this is beautiful and ladies and gentlemen genten we've got ourselves a beautiful indominous Rex enclosure wow thank you m Ronnie for piloting that probably yeah that's M Ronnie we now have a happy indominous Rex in the indominous Rex enclosure and it looks beautiful it looks absolutely beautiful I can't get enough of these decoration ations look at that that's amazing so now we got the tiny Raptor Paddock and of course the Tyrannosaurus Rex Kingdom enclosure and the viewing log that I mentioned earlier on all the main dinosaurs are happy we've got the mosasaurus Lagoon with it but now we actually do have IND dominous Rex in here and people will start walking and few this amazing dinosaur let's um actually go back into the viewing and let's take a seat next to one of the people so we also have guards look at that even guards Jurassic Park guards and you can see yes that is awesome your indominous Rex in the enclosure this is too cool imagine if this was real oh look at that Defying Gravity the tail in dominous Rex I think yeah would you want to stay in this enclosure that's the question do you still want to break out I'm not too sure you're looking at the humans there and CLA do you want to eat them look at all the food in the arena right here you probably want to climb out yeah I'm not sure if indominous would be even able to climb out of an enclosure like this that would be pretty difficult pretty difficult but it is here and it is amazing look at that this just makes our Jurassic World Park a lot better this is beautiful if only this was reality look at that the T-Rex enclosure come on up the dominant enclosure we even have signs look at that this is amazing let's head into this it look at this this is beyond cool oh this is amazing this is everything pretty much everyone wanted right pretty much IND Dominus Rex Paddock even the entrance leading up to it this is amazing imagine if this was real life in an Ultimate Universe dinosaurs still exist and you know Jurassic Park is real and Jurassic world and then you have features like this this would be ginormous IND dominous Rex Bic look at that Mr DNA oh we kind of clipped through the wall there but it doesn't really matter ah we go into of course we walk around look at that it's like a stadium Arena then we go in here and then we go of course up and go into the viewing Gallery which looks amazing well done this is a fantastic scenery mod for inor Park and I can't recommend it enough really right our Kudos this is what indominous Rex it's finally happy you made our indominous Rex happy and it does not want to break out it is yeah this is it this is Paradise even for indominous Rex right there we uh forgot to place water but that's fine we'll just uh place a little bit of a a pond right there there you go now it's really happy and it's even camouflaging look at that oh you're plotting to escape uhoh plotting to escape and for entertainment we're going to release an indominous Rex in the actual enclosure oh it's like being released into the Aviary and of course its competitor is rexie from 2015 this is not your kingdom rexie oh yes now this is colossal entertainment we are about to see a clash between indominus Rex and Rexy oh the indominous Rex oh the Rex is already looking very low but responds with a bite there I think everyone in the arena is enjoying this show of course who wouldn't this is what everyone wants to see as well and how can we view one without being in nighttime so there we go look at that it's lit up so beautifully oh this is beautiful absolutely beautiful and indominous Rex is waiting she is waiting for rexy's response there yeah you kind of have to act if you want want to stay alive look at that oh rexi is really thinking about it but she's not too sure she's like should we give the fans what they want rexi finally analyzes the indominus but oh and Rexy goes down the rightful owner of this of course enclosure goes through IND dominous Rex the crowd is stunned they're like oh what happened to the teratosaurus well it is gone and it is IND dominous Rex is time to shine don't worry this is not the real Rexy we have but there we go we can send out any competitor in future episodes to battle in dominous Rex there for this enclosure is yours this one is rightfully yours and there you go that's your prize right there there's even flies surrounding it I didn't even know notice that the attention to detail wow there's probably some smaller other details that I missed but anyways that is going to be it for this park building episode there this is an amazing enclosure once again and yeah we've kind of added our own touches here and there to kind of make it our own but we have waited for this and it is fantastic this is what Jurassic World essentially wanted to become this is Jurassic world if Jurassic world never failed then MZ Ran's dream this is pretty much it this is the show for the guests around the world and that is a beautiful thought because we all kind of wish that were to happen right yeah and in enclosure like this MERS like radar 1985 made it happen so I'm going to end it it let me know what you thought of this video and of course this mod down comments box below make sure to stomp your T and D fo on that subscribe and Bell button if you want to get notified for more building episodes like these I hope all of you lovely P managers and Don members are going have a great night to all you lovely Park Builders in the next episode goodbye the talking T-rex out [Music]
Channel: LPGozzzi
Views: 257,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lpgozzzi, dinosaur, dinosaurs, indominus rex, tyrannosaurus rex, t-rex, irex, indominus rex enclosure, indominus rex breakout, indominus rex fight, indominus rex jurassic world, jurassic world indominus rex, tyrannosaurus rex vs indominus rex, indominus rex vs giganotosaurus, building, jurassic world movie, how to draw indominus rex, jurassic world evolution 2 indominus rex, t-rex vs indominus rex, indominus rex vs spinosaurus, blue velociraptor, rexy the t-rex, update, jurassic park
Id: vyBEtg7yK5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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