Building The Great Pyramids! - Details! Answering Your Comments

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when i made the video showing how i would build the great pyramids or talking about the method i would use i said to myself that i would make a follow-up video if the original one went over 500 000 views i want to clear up one thing before i get going on this though that video was meant to show the method that i believe or the method i would use or at least try to use to move the stones that make up the bulk of the pyramid structure up a lot of people made comments saying that i left out stuff some of which i'm going to get into a little bit further in this video but that wasn't the point of that video was to show specifically how those smaller blocks that two and a half million blocks were moved up to build the pyramid itself i don't think i got a comment on this specifically in the video but i want to talk about this a little bit as well where my theory came from and why nobody has put it forth before like obviously i don't know the exact reason for that but i think i can guess a lot of times when stuff like that is you know looked at it's looked at by intellectuals and people that are known authorities or well-respected in their field and their field rarely has anything to do with actually building stuff so there's a very strong possibility that the method that i described in the video has already been thought up by someone else except they weren't somebody that was well respected and up until recently with the advent of youtube and you know the ability to get a relatively large amount of followers you couldn't be heard if you were nobody now onwards to the comments and the first one i'm going to talk about is the water method and a lot of people kind of questioned my dismissal of that method and my dismissal of that method is my understanding of just how difficult it is to waterproof something so that all of the water you're supposed to be using to move these heavy blocks doesn't just drain out as it's being pumped in and that's the other issue right there how do you pump this water that's a difficult task as well a lot of people will probably be very surprised that even today on the biggest job sites how much is done by hand and not just by hand but done in not the most efficient way but generally usually in the simplest way possible just to do it if it takes a little bit more time that's okay as long as you get it done and it doesn't involve any additional costs along with the waterproofing issue that would be the single biggest drawback to using that method there's a lot of extra work involved to get a result that can be done in a simpler way and that brings me to another method that a lot of people pointed out by a french architect that said there was an internal ramp built and the problem with an internal ramp i'm not saying that it can't work once again it involves a lot more work to get a result that could be done using a simpler method a ramp by definition is something that's smooth on the bottom so you would have to do extra work to make that smooth so that the stones could be rolled up also there's an issue with the rolling of the stones people have asked me how much work or be involved in tipping the stones up and you know how long that would take well okay the stones had to be cut first of all so the stones are being cut while they're being moved up so it takes a lot longer i'd assume to cut out one stone than it would to tip up one one level and also human beings are not pack animals pulling stones up would require like endurance that typically we're not known for we're we're best suited for the sprint in that we'll put out a huge amount of effort in a very short burst and then we'll take a break and recharge and i see that as you tip one stone up and you take a break while you wait for the next one to be pulled over to be tipped up again and so on and so forth so getting back to the wrap again not only is the bottom flat and that would require extra work you would also have to build over top of it to maintain that opening so that you could carry the stuff up and that would be extra work of course as well and then what you have is one ramp to move all of the material up for the rest of the structure and i'm not saying that couldn't be done but i think that it makes a little bit more sense to tackle the build from four sides like i said in the video you don't have any ramp to mess with you don't have any extra work to build one you're carrying stones to each side of the structure as you're building it and you're lifting them up as you go now i'm going to talk about what i think is probably the most popular comment that i got and that's to point out that the pyramids have eight sides and not four i'm not positive where this idea came from i do know that a channel called bright insight said that and i think that that's where it's coming from but i'm not positive like i said i don't know why they think it's relevant to what i'm saying here but it was pointed out many many times and as far as reliability and accuracy of observation bright insight also pointed out that not a lot of the bronze tools that were used have been recovered you know you would think that the place would be littered with them well it's it's the same reason why you don't find bulldozers and excavators and toolboxes with tools in them littered around the trump tower when the tradesmen are done they take away the tools that they have used and they use them on the next project and also bronze was very difficult to make in the first place so i don't think they'd be just throwing it on the ground they would recycle the metal of course because it's valuable and that kind of leads into quarry and the stones and a lot of people said that the stones came from hundreds of miles away that's true for some of the stones like the big granic blocks that were used inside the pyramid came from aswan which is i think 800 kilometers away but the vast majority of the stone that was used came from right there quarries that are very close to the pyramids themselves as for how they cut the stones i'm not entirely sure i just know that they did and the evidence of it is left behind they made trenches between what would be the blocks and it looks like what they did was they trenched around each block and then they split it off and then they moved it over to where it could be lifted up and then related to that i got comments from people asking how they were moved over the sand it would be difficult to do that i'll concede that but it's my theory or at least this is how i would do it is that as soon as you decide that you're going to build a pyramid you would want to build a road that goes to the pyramid from the quarry and to this day that's still done one of the first things you do after you you know settle on your project make a road so that the equipment can get back and forth same thing here i believe that they would they would have quarried smaller thinner stones and then laid those in a series all the way up to the pyramid from the quarry to produce a nice smooth road for the other blocks to ride on and then once the pyramid is mostly built you would peel that road up again like the individual blocks starting at the quarry end and roll them over and use them up towards the top of the pyramid therefore that road would not be there either very much like the bronze or copper saws that the workmen were using now let's talk about the bronze or copper saws and chisels that they were using um it's very much i look at it this way we don't have any evidence of this but okay you look at an arrow an arrow is made from like the shaft is made from wood the tip is made like it used to be made from stone they would pick out a very sharp very strong stone and they would bond it to the chip and that would pierce the animal that they're shooting it at also it would provide a little bit more mass so that you get a little bit more distance maybe a little bit more accuracy as well i see the possibility that they use something harder in the tip of the bronze chisels and there's no ruling out the possibility that they weren't using diamonds for that diamonds are a lot more abundant than people realize and i'm sure that people back then would have known how hard they are and what they could be used for so i'm not ruling out the possibility that they took the chisels the copper chisels and added diamond to the tip to make it so that it would cut better and here in modern times if you want to cut stone use a diamond saw and the way that's made is chips of diamonds are impregnated in a powdered metal that's bonded to the plate underneath and that's not really an advanced technology it's not known whether they knew about it at the time but you can't rule out the possibility and then they could use that on the edge of the saws to cut the stones either straight saws or even possibly circular ones just because no circular saws were discovered doesn't mean that they didn't exist a lot of people commented on how i didn't include the chambers that go through the pyramid like the tunnels and that's just a simple matter of leaving out blocks where you need to obviously something like this had a lot of planning involved you generally don't try to build a giant structure like this where thousands of people will be involved without doing a little bit of planning beforehand so there are going to be tunnels here or chambers there they would have been planned out from the beginning and they would have made allowances for them in the beginning as well and like i said for the most part that involved just leaving stones out in certain areas related to that are the big granite blocks that were used inside for the king's chamber i think it's called and the way you would move those up is you would do something that's called cribbing you would lift one side a very small amount using a lot of leverage and then you would slide something fairly thin underneath and then you would lift the other side again and do the same and you back and forth until you get it up to the height that you need it and then you would slide it onto that level that you want to put it on and then to get it up to the next level you would do exactly the same thing as the structure was raised another level they would move those stones up as well now as for how they got from aswan which is several hundred kilometers away down to the building site every suggestion is that they were floated on barges on the nile river and that there was a channel dug that they floated in on now the waterproofing issue that i talked about before doesn't apply here if you dig a channel where normally water exists at that level water will flow into it and it won't leak out you can use that so that would be the most practical way to get those stones to the site is to float them on barges and then you would have a landing area right there that you would just shove the stones off and from there you would lift them up had a lot of comments from people asking how long will we take especially talking about you know chipping the stones up as if that would take longer than actually pulling them up you know the best estimates that are around these days are 20 years i tend to believe that's a reasonable figure it depends upon how many people are involved and how well organized they are even the smallest job sites that have a few people involved rely on efficient organization so that you have one crew doing one thing and it's not interfering with what the other crew is doing and so while several crews are quarrying stones cutting them out other crews are moving them over to the road that will bring them up to the pyramid there are crews that are moving the stones as they are moved over and then there are more crews that are lifting them up as well like i said they grab a stone they tip it up and they wait for the next one in the meantime the next crew that's up on that level tips it up to the next level and so on and so forth i had a lot of comments on the irregular size of the stones it's my belief that they were quarried to a certain size and that through moving them you know either from the quarry to the site or up the steps they might have fractured anything's possible so you what you wind up with is a bunch of stones that are a certain size and then you also have ones that are smaller because they broke off of larger ones also many people pointed out how tightly the stones fit together and fitting stones tied together is not really that difficult it just requires work and quite a bit of it and like i said there would be specialized crews that would do these types of things and okay on the first stone they wouldn't be very good at it and it would take them longer but by the time they got to the thousand stone or something like that they would be expert at it so it would go relatively quickly and also from what i understand the same level of quality is not on the interior of the pyramid at all it's basically just blocks and they're filled in to the best that they could do it without worrying about how closely they fit together the majority of their effort would be concentrated on the outside of the pyramid to make that as precisely as they possibly could with regards to using wooden poles to lever the stones up someone commented that you know wouldn't the stones the weight of the stones crush the wood or make it snap and wood is actually stronger than a lot of people give a credit for especially people that haven't used it to lever anything up you can lever up quite a lot of weight with a wooden pole that's six or eight inches thick and if you get a number of these poles with a number of men behind them you can lever up much bigger stones than the ones that they had here from what i understand the average weight of these stones is around three tons and that's not really a lot of weight when you're trying to lever up just part of it because that's the whole idea with my method here is that you're not actually levering up the entire weight you're taking only about half of that so it's my belief that these wooden levers lasted a long time you got a great number of lifts with them and then when they did wear out and you replace them wood is much easier to cut and transport than stone so it would be a fairly trivial thing quite a number of people brought up the idea of using ropes and counterweights to help lift the stones and i'm not going to rule that out it is possible that they use that it is possible of course that they tried that however ropes stretch and they also break and the last thing you want to have happening is a heavy weight on both ends because you need the counterweight as well with a rope in between that's going to break and the stone falls down that you're trying to lift and the counterweight falls down as well okay that about wraps it up i think i covered everything except there is one comment that i think i got as many times or maybe even more than the eight sides of the pyramid and that's the idea that aliens were somehow involved either you know people joking around a little bit are totally serious about it like it's an actual possibility i rule out aliens because for the simple reason that it would take a technology that is way way far beyond anything that we even understand today to travel across the galaxy and if you're a race of beings that has that technology i think you probably have more important things to do than fly across the galaxy to play with blocks in a big sandbox [Music] you
Channel: John Heisz - I Build It
Views: 60,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, how to, diy, jpheisz, ibuildit
Id: SERk73NEtB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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