Perseverance is key to meeting our goals,
but how do we get perseverance in the first place? Welcome back and congratulations on
taking one more step towards becoming one of the great leaders of tomorrow.
We've all been told over and over again that we need to have perseverance if
we're going to achieve our goals. Today I've got five tips to develop your
perseverance so that you can stick with it when things get tough. And stay tuned
to the end. I'm going to give you a link where you can download our free
leadership development plan workbook and that will help you set your goals for
your career for the next two, five and 10 years and build a plan of action to
achieve them. We hear all through our lives that to meet our goals we've got to
have perseverance and stick to it. And that's great because it's true but
not all of us are coming from a place where perseverance is an inborn, inherent
trait. And I was doing a workshop yesterday with a group of people, and I
was reminded we were talking about traits. I was reminded that traits can be
developed. Traits can be built and they're a lot harder to develop in
ourselves than a skill. And I wanted to talk a little today about developing
that perseverance. There are times in my life, I didn't always have the
perseverance I had today. And there are a lot of times in life that I had to up my
game on my perseverance, first in high school and in college, when academically
work started getting harder than what I was used to. And then in the Air Force when
we started tackling problems that looked like they were really impossible we had
to stick with it to find the solution and finally with starting a business, I
really have to stick with it and still do, with marketing and sales and trying
to build leads for my company or else I won't be able to meet my goals. So today
I've got five tips, and these tips come from my own personal experience trying
to develop perseverance and I hope that they'll help you to with your
perseverance if that's something you're struggling with. So tip number one is to
break things into small steps if you're trying to develop your perseverance.
We've probably all heard that if you're trying to get to the gym, my friend
Jordan Harbinger talks about this a lot. If you're trying to get to the gym, if
you're trying to work out more, develop your fitness, first thing is lay out your
clothes the night before so that as soon as you get up all you've got to do is throw
those clothes on. Put your running shoes by the door. Put those shoes on, that's
the next little step and then get in the car and get to the gym or walk out the
front door. Do all these little steps in a row
because these little steps are easy to do. You make it easy on yourself to do
one more little step every single time. And
pretty soon by the time you've got enough little steps done you're already
at the gym, you're standing on the track or you're standing on whatever machine
it is you're going to work on and you may as well do it because you're there.
So break things into little steps and you'll find that instead of trying to
tackle one big step and persevere through one big step, doing little steps
makes life a lot easier and starts to develop that perseverance muscle in you.
Tip number two is to just go a little farther every day. And this is another
fitness based example, but when I'm running, if I haven't been running for a
while or for some reason try to increase the distance that I'm running I just try
to do a little more every day. I typically run on a track indoors because
it gets hot here in Las Vegas this summer it's not great to run outside
here. So I typically run on the track and what I try to do is every day if I'm
trying to increase my distance, whether I'm starting from kind of the beginning
again, or if I'm just trying to increase my distance for more stamina or more
performance, I just do one more lap every day. I don't I don't get really ambitious and
go I'm going to do another mile today or another two miles today. I just say if
I did 15 laps yesterday I'm going to be 16 laps today.
And again that helps build that perseverance muscle. So doing those small
steps and then increasing your distance or whatever it is your goal is by just a
little bit every day, that will help build that perseverance muscle. And
pretty soon we'll be able to power through even longer distances or bigger
goals. It's important to give yourself credit for taking the steps, even if you
don't fully succeed at what you are trying to do. That's tip number three.
Again this is another Fitness based example because this is kind of near and
dear to my heart but there are a lot of days I get to the gym when I either get
tired, I get sore or I don't feel well. And I don't I don't complete my workout I
don't get everything done or maybe I don't do all those laps on the track
that I said I was going to do. That happened to me just the other day. But I
give myself the credit for going and trying and say tomorrow I'm going to do
a little better I'm going to increase that distance again or I'm going to get
back to what my original goal was. But get that give yourself the credit for
taking the steps. Recognize that you didn't reach your goals and you need to take steps to
meet the goal but give yourself credit for taking the steps get that little
victory. And again that will help build that perseverance muscle. Building these
traits is like building a muscle. Do that. Give yourself that little victory and
then get back to it the next day. Tip number four, just like with any goal is
to keep track of what works and what doesn't. So this isn't so much
about tracking your progress and are you meeting your sales goals or whatever it
is goals you have how far you're running whatever whatever goal it is you have.
This is more about are the steps you're taking moving you in the right direction.
So if you've got a business and you're doing cold calls and you're not getting
much performance from those cold calls you're not getting a lot of leads, maybe
it's time to try something new. But keep track of how many cold calls you're
making, how many are resulting in converting and going on to a sale or
even just advancing that relationship a little bit further so keep track of what
works and what doesn't. Again this isn't about did I meet my sales numbers, it's
is about how effective are the techniques I'm using. Because what you
don't want to do is keep pursuing a technique that isn't working for you. So
keep an open mind about other techniques that might be possible and keep track of
which techniques are working for you and advancing you towards your goals and
which ones are really holding you back. Because sticking with the ones that are
holding you back is just perseverance in the wrong direction. The last tip I have
for you today is to start early if you're going to do something where you
feel like you're going to need a lot of perseverance or put a lot of energy into
something because if you get into that gun for time you're going to feel like
you have to get it done and you're gonna feel like you have to turn it in at
lower quality or maybe not as good as you want to do or hoped it would be. So
anytime you're doing something, especially if you're starting something
new you've never done it before and Center acquiring new skills or learn or
learning something that may take some time to learn, don't do at the last minute.
Give yourself plenty of time to learn, persevere, stick with it and work with
the other tips. You know, make those small steps every day, go a little further
every day. But leave yourself the time to keep, to let those steps work because if you
feel like you're under the gun you're going to have to turn it in and you're
going to you're going to take a hit to your perseverance muscle instead of
developing it. There are your five tips for building that perseverance muscle. Like I
said at the top of the video, traits like this definitely can be learned and
developed but it's really hard much harder than developing a hard skill or
any kind of ability or thing that you can learn and kind of sit down and work
with every day but it does require perseverance to develop those things too.
So give these five tips a try take some time, develop those small steps, do those
small steps every day go a little further every day and definitely give
yourself plenty of time since you can stick with it put it aside and get back
to it. Try these five tips and I think you'll find that you'll have a much
stronger perseverance muscle it will be much easier to stick with
as they get tough. If you found this helpful, please like comment and share
with a friend or co-worker. Click on that link below. That will take you to where
you can download our free leadership development plan workbook and that will
help you set your goals 2, 5 and 10 years and build a plan of action to
achieve them. And now you've got the perseverance to stick with that plan for
those years. If you have any business or leadership questions, leave us a comment
below we'd love to hear from you and answer it, or email us at is also where you can
find out about our coaching and training and workshop program so if you're
looking for a little more training with us in a one-on-one setting or in a group
setting for yourself, your friends, your co-workers or your business hit us up
at and we'll
get you set up with a free consultation and find out how we can help you meet
your leadership goals. Thanks for watching today, I really appreciate it.
And remember the future is out there, lead the way