Make this Job Easier... Complete Fiberglass Insulation Installation! DIY Workshop Build

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oh boy everyone's favorite  insulation coming at you today on [Music] samcraft hey everybody my name is Sam  welcome back to samcraft Welcome to the next   video of me building my workshop space that is  right today's video is going to bring you along   the full fun Endeavor of installing installation  in my workshop we're going to be insulating the   walls and then we're going re insulating the  ceiling building in an attic hatchway into my   ceiling trusses and otherwise just having tons  of fun with fiberglass when I built my walls   I knew I was going for a standard finished  8T height and this means I'm going to have   a relatively easy job installing the insulation I  have some fiberglass craft paper faced insulation   this is an r13 it's about the best R rating I  can get for my 2x4 wall thicknesses and these   are pre-cut to that 92 and 5/8 height of  my pre-cut wall studs that I bought this   means I should not have any cuts on the tops or  bottoms and the only trimming that I'm going to   have to do is if my wall cavity is narrower  than the 15in width or if I have outlets and   switch boxes in that place so what I'm going  to do first is go ahead and do the easy ones   let's go ahead and get the insulation installed  in these Bays that are empty the ones that I can   just stick them up there and keep on going let's  do that first as an insulation confidence booster maybe real time that was right at 4 and 1/2  minutes installing it this way with the walls   framed out to their standard Heights that a  lot of building materials are made to not only   saves a ton of material but it saves a ton  of Labor awesome so you guys have seen the   process let me go and just rinse and repeat  around the whole building and I will see you   guys back at the front door when we got to  start cutting some pieces and show you some   tricks there as I install those pieces all  right guys we're here with our first cavity   I just stuffed the wires in the Box to get it  out of the way basically you install it the   exact same way except for right here you  want to cut a square around and if you're   able to leave a flap of insulation to go behind  your box if you've got clearance otherwise it's   the same thing as insulating an empty cavity  you just remove a little bit of a rectangle   here this is when a box knife comes in handy  hold it about right here slice in a little   bit find the bottom of your box slice right  there kind of feel behind the paper where it is what I like to do is once I get the  vapor beer out of the way I'll go ahead   and P that around behind the box to make  sure I get some insulation behind it for   sure and then I will fluff it up filling  in the cavity the rest of the way I cut   this one a little bit too far but that's  okay that's what this excess can be used   for and put it right in place there and it'll  be fine it's not a perfect Vapor Barrier steel   but again this is a workshop so it'll be all  right let's see if I can't do a better job   with this one really trying to do good here  guys that first one was terrible wasn't it there we go that looks a lot  better that is something I'm okay with all right so I've worked my way around  the work shop and I'm here at a couple of   interesting points that I want to show you at  least my technique on how I do them first up   we have a full Florida ceiling Bay that is not  as wide as the insulation bats are so I'll show   you how I cut those then we have the tiny little  slots below the window show you how I fill that   in with small cuts and then we have the I'll  say half height wall That's below the windows   so there's one Bay that's half height and the  other one has an outlet I'll just show you that   as well the technique is nothing fancy it is  nothing spectacular just a matter of cutting   things to fit but showing you how I do it might  help or might show you a way that is beneficial   I don't know if I don't show you guys you're not  going to see it and it's not going to be of help   at all so I might as well drag you along for some  different cuts we have a wall section here that is   narrower than the insulation is wide I like to  butt it up against the wall and take and cut a   slit right in the middle of my wall stud here  that way it's about 3/4 of an inch wider than   the actual space then I carry it over to a board  and go ahead and slice it through so this is just   a leftover piece of siding actually from when  the windows were cut out of the workshop if you   look at most instulation it's got a lot of text  and patterns but sometimes they also have lines   on it and you can just follow the distance say  we're about a thumb width off of this red line   it's easy just to take this take your knife and  just go through staying the same distance off   your pattern the first pass you just want to cut  through the paper don't try and go through all of   it at once you'll end up tearing and the paper so  just take a light pass just cut the paper top to bottom and then flip the piece over and do  the same thing on the back side going top to bottom and once you have the paper cut  then you can really use your board back   here push your knife into it and just  cut all the way through you may have   to take a couple of different passes  Don't Be Afraid at cutting it multiple   times just work your way through and  you'll get through it in a couple of passes a longer blade on a utility  knife would make this job easier   I do have a standard box blade  but it still gets the job done I probably made that look really chaotic  and in reality I guess it was more so than   what you will see from any other how-to video  they'll like you take the insulation over to a   flat work surface use a straight edge lay  it down and get these wonderful beautiful   looking cuts to then throw in your wall and  cover up by your wall covering I'm just doing   it the method that honestly works for me I'm  right here at the job site right here where I   need measure a cut cut push into place go  on down the line I really try to minimize   my back and forth work on something like  this and while I don't get stuff that is   hang on that's a factory Edge I don't get stuff  that is super pretty it is still functional and works for the sections below my window where  I have small little gaps I just cut a scrap   piece of insulation just as wide as it needs  to be as tall as it needs to be and I try and   make sure I maintain the craft paper backing  or facing it's not a backing it's a face try   and maintain that and then just work it  into the cavity making sure I don't just   squish it in there and make it tight like  a little crumpled piece of insulation you   got to remember to maintain your fluff fluff  is what keeps you warm or cool in the summer   time so you want to make sure you keep  your fluff and just fill it in as best you can the second to last wall section that  I'll show you that can be tricky to cut   are these short walls below a window  it's not too bad though just hold your   piece up down there flush with your  bottom plate pull right here at the   wall and on this instance cut it that  side first now I can flip my piece over I look for my cut which is  right here going across the paper first and then once I have the paper cut I'll  just carefully work my way up to halfway   through or the complete through of the  installations to have it fold in half   that's what I mean and then since this  first one also has an outlet in place   I'll just do the normal thing stuff it in  here come down here to where my outlet is   make a little cut there cut there take the  paper out hold the insulation behind the box and then push and fluff the wrist and  then on this side of the wall same thing   hold it there mark right here middle of the  wall stud or in my case the bottom seal of   the window as you bring your insulation over  to your backerboard panel I like to follow it   over go ahead and cut the extra fold on this  side and then I'll just walk my knife across   cross and then I can take it on and cut it  off of the board and we just install it as normal and move on Down the Line well guys the  insulation installation went great I did not   really have any problems and I finished up last  night well into the dark I just pushed through   the camera couldn't really be using her much cuz  it was so dark but I continued and I got all of   the insulation put into the wall cabin what I  really need to do to be totally finished is to   go ahead and bring out the flaps on the craft  paper backings or facing and staple them over   the studs to continue with the moisture prevention  kind of a vapor barrier not really but just finish   the installation of the insulation to make the  job easier I have a tool here sometimes call a   hammer stapler or something along the lines  it is basically a stapler that you hit like   a hammer and it deposits Staples every time you  hit something like this is invaluable I used it   a ton on the house wrap of the workshop it works  great it holds two full sticks of Staples at a   time and if you have Staples that don't drive  all the way this can be used as a hammer so one   tool to rule them all get everything stapled up  so let's just get with it and start some Hammer Time there you go guys that's the general idea  basically fold the flap Ser for the wall studs   if you can fold one flap the one beside it use one  staple to attach them both if not just go to town   staple it as much as you can to the wall studs  giving yourself as good of a vapor beer as you can achieve that took a couple of work days and several  thousand Staples but the wall insulation is   completely done it is installed it is stapled  our vapor barrier or actually moisture retarder   is stapled down overlapping everywhere and  sealed up nice and tight what I'm going to   do next is transition to the ceiling not with  ceiling instulation just yet but installing my   rafter vents let me grab one and do a little  show and tell for you here you go this is a   rafter baffle or a rafter vent so it is a piece  of Styrofoam that you can buy from hardware stores   or building supply stores and is designed to be  installed this way so this is what we're going   to see from inside the workshop what this creates  is about an inch air pocket or channel for air to   travel from my sopit outside the roof on along up  so sheathing up the roof line and then ventilate   out my Ridge if you have a vented ridge cap  installed or out your eaves or however else   you have your roof ventilated for my workshop I  have a vented roof or a vented Ridge so this is   going to allow the heat the moisture and the air  to travel outside all the way up and out the peak   of my roof these are important because it allows  you to have air flow but give you a place to put   your ceiling insulation or attic insulation right  up next and cover your top plate to continue your   envelope of insulation for your living space or  your Workshop space inside if you don't install   these and you just put your insulation all the  way to the end you're creating a closed airace   and not allowing your roof to breathe that  is really an issue when you get moisture so   whether it be in the winter time and you have a  heated space and that warm air migrate through   diffuses through your ceiling and gets into your  attic if there's no air flow in place for it to   go that's a problem also if you live down south  or in a humid climate which we kind of do mainly   the summertime is where you have more humidity  and moisture in your air and as it naturally   goes and travels up heated air rises up into  your ceiling if there's no way to let fresh air   in so that air gets out you're going to have  moisture issues as well these after vents are   fairly affordable easy to install usually required  by most building codes and worth their weight in [Music] gold down here on the ends of my roof where my fly  Rafters are framed out is the most complicated   portion of installing rafter vents what I decided  to do to maintain that pathway of ventilation is   to drill some 5/8 in holes through these 2x4s  that are in place or in the way of the rafter   Vents and then install my rafter vents in three  separate pieces this allows me to have the airf   flow continue through the 2x4s and go on up out of  the way like it needs to while keeping the rafter   vents in place to prevent the installation from  sealing up against my roof sheathing it's a little   cumbersome especially with all of the truss braces  that I've put into place and my rough electrical   work already being done but overall it's not too  bad the benefits definitely outweigh the work that   I'm putting in to have it done and it's just  another step of doing things right because why   start cutting Corners now when I've come so far  that's what I tell myself that's the motivation   don't get cheap on me doson hey guys I'm way down  here but I'm pointing the camera at the action   shot so installing these rafter vents is fairly  straightforward it is a little more difficult   with my installation cuz I have my truss bracing  in place right here normally you would just lift   it straight up and hold it in place but I've got  to fish the panel back over top of your head and   then bring it through this section and slide  it on down to the sfet once that is done things   get a lot easier you basically just hold your  after vent right where you want it making sure   you overhang your top plate outside you don't  want to cut yourself short cuz you going to be   stuffing insulation down that way above your  wall so hold it in place and then just staple it of course I run out of Staples but hey  that's the way life goes right you just want   enough so it doesn't fall down and honestly your  insulation from like this point forward is going   to hold everything in place so just enough to  keep it here and then your insulation is going   to hold it in place so don't go crazy with  the Staples unless you want to then go for it that's it one down many many more to go rafter events are put in place and it looks  pretty good some of them are not exactly Dead   Set same level but that honestly does not matter  the number one place that matters is is over top   of my wall and for that whole portion where the  ceiling instulation will be in contact with what   would be the ru sheathing but the rafter raffle  in this instant welcome to another work day and   this is the work day that I have been looking  forward to but also dreading today is the day I   put installation in the ceiling so the name of the  game is to just put the insulation up I may have   to make slit Cuts in the back of the insulation  where it needs to wrap around my wires or these   2x4 truss braces kind of go with the flow see what  I can get going and then staple it to the actual   trusses themselves to hold everything in place  One Last Thing Before I begin and this might not   be something that is intuitive right off hand but  I definitely recommend you do it before you start   this step I've installed some nailers some 2x4s up  here they are scraps they are sitting on top of my   wall and they overhang into the room by about an  inch and a half or so these guys are important   to allow me to install my installation but they  are also most important to allow me to install   my ceiling covering once everything is said and  done so this might not be a step that you think   about that I did want to say really quickly that  I did and maybe it'll help you out hopefully it does this is going very very easy and I'm I'm  happy that it is I was a little concerned   okay I honestly worked myself up thinking oh my  gosh I've got all this stuff in the ceiling the   insulation is thicker than the bottom cord of the  trust is thick I've got to like cut some slits in   the back I've do relief Cuts how's it going to  work around this that and the other I just I did   all that for no reason this is going fine the  areas where my truss bracing is in place then   insulation just slightly compressing a little  bit I mean it's going from I think 6 and 1/2   in thick down to 3 and 1/2 in thick it is okay  it's doing that fine and honestly it's a piece   of cake to install hands down the number one tool  for this and every job that I've really done with   a workshop inside has been that scaffolding  platform right there it has been worth its   weight in gold every time I've used it and needed  it so that definitely is making the job so much   easier it's holding my tools with a little basket  that i z tied to a rail it also has room for the   insulation bats to be up there with me and I  mean as you guys have seen a lot throughout   this entire build series of the workshop I'm on  the platform and I'm just scooting around moving   around and it's really nice it saves a lot of  ladder time otherwise the name of the game is   more of the same I'm just putting the bats into  place here I'm probably going to do my two full   bats and then move on down not do my cuts I'll  save the cut pieces for after all the full pieces   are in but otherwise just keep doing the same  stuff and work my way across the ceiling of the [Applause] workshop well guys the installation is complete completely  done all of the walls the entire ceiling every bit   of it done it is amazing how different it sounds  in a room once you insulate it you definitely lose   all of the Reverb or Echo you have in a space  whenever it's just the wall sheathing in here   and it's a lot quieter it is nice to feel the  temperature fluctuations or rather the lack of   in the space now that it is insulated here in  the mornings it is quite chilly still and that   chilliness stays till at at least midday or Beyond  and then as it heats up outside it doesn't get too   hot inside in here so that's good the installation  is doing its job that is nice to know all right   guys that is it installation is installed the  walls the ceilings are done so that's going   to be it for this video remember this is just  one step of a giant project of building this   workshop and there's a link to a video playlist  down below to show you everything of this whole   stage from breaking ground to moving in when that  day comes up next in the project will be wall   paneling or wall covering installation and that  should be fun because that means this starts to   become a truly finished space so hopefully you'll  stick around for that video and all the others if   you have any questions or comments something  I didn't cover in this video or questions in   general leave me a comment down below otherwise  take care and I'll see you guys next time in the workshop
Channel: Samcraft
Views: 22,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: small workshop, samcraft, workshop build, diy workshop, stick framed workshop, how to build a workshop, shop build, stick frame workshop, stick frame building, workshop build tips, workshop building, diy workshop build, insulation, fiberglass insulation, batt fiberglass insulation, batt insulation, best insulation, insulation tips, energy efficiency tips, workshop insulation, attic insulation, uninsulated attic space, ventilated attic, vapor barrier, diy insulation
Id: GyCawcwe86U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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