Building My Ultimate Dream Setup - Part 3

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Ladies and gentlemen it is that time again. Welcome back to building the ultimate dream setup part three. It's been a while. Let's get started! (intro music) Welcome back to the series, guys. I missed you very much! We're gonna continue where we left off. We're gonna be doing a lot of work to the ultimate dream setup in the next few days. we're gonna be mounting a pc against the wall and we're going to install the headboard because our pc is finally done. Big Red Version Four! although the red name is pretty much irrelevant at this point. since it's all white but yeah the pc is pretty much ready to get crucified on the ceiling (wall) and we can pass through the cables and install the headboard. Oh my god! I'm getting excited over here. Okay let's comment a little bit. first thing i want to do is actually kind of clean up the surface here because we're going to be drilling some holes to pass through the cables through the desk. I picked up this really cool sleek socket cover from amazon. this basically covers your existing outlet so you get this really clean and minimal look. and then you have a cable pretty much extending into three more additional outlets so you lose two outlets but you gain additional three. So technically gives you one additional outlet to plug stuff in. so what I'm gonna do... is cover that plug run the cable across the wall through the desk and i can use it to plug in additional items. So it's going to give me this really clean and minimal look to it. which is going to complement the vibe of the setup (music) alright so i got my laser line generator set up. just so we can get that perfect vertical line from the top to bottom. I have it positioned exactly in the center through the outlet so this is going to tell me exactly where to drill from the top of the desk. we don't even need to drill a hole that big.. just enough where we can fit through this extension part over here. So I'm going to use a hole saw to get the job done. This should be big enough but let's check. we're going to be cutting it really close with this one. I'd rather go with something a little large... (that's what she said!) just so we're on the safer side so the next one up... is this one. Yeah, this will definitely get the job done Oh S#it! Smoking! Oh my god! Is that a normal thing? It's actually smoking! (drilling) (vacuum) all right, let's test it out see if it fits. Look at that! such a beautiful snug fit. I could do this all day. Yeah baby! all right so definitely a lot better than before but i still don't like how the cable isn't straight and that's because we don't have the cable kind of secured against anything against the wall so as you can see there's still some space. So i have a very clever trick to fix that I'm going to cut a very thin strip of 3m VHB tape and i'm going to stick it behind the cable. i mean it's a straighter cable but... I don't like that i can see the black adhesive from the sides. That is gonna bother the crap out of me. So let me fix this real quick. So I'm just going to make the 3m tape a little bit more thinner. That way it's not spilling out from the sides behind the power strip cable. It's a very simple fix. All right i think you guys can agree that this looks a thousand times better. All right now that we got that fistuated.. fistuated? I was gonna stay "situated" and fixed at the same time.. Now that we got that situated I'm going to install some stuff underneath the desk. this is the best time to kind of figure out the spacing for it and also to make sure the cable management is going to be very perfect Because we're going to be running everything through that tiny little cutout over there in the back. so your boy Source from EdTech has picked up some nice things. so why go with a couple tiny pencil drawers? When you can just go with a pencil drawer on steroids. I know what you guys are probably thinking.. Ed, why? why give up the iconic pencil drawers for something like this? Well... just like everything in life you know it's all about the thickness boys and girls so with this massive drawer i can essentially store all of my items that i'm not using... so for example you know i've got my streaming camera i can easily fit that on there. Okay maybe.. There we go. Like that. I can fit all the mice that i'm not using.. MX Master 3 Model O Model D hell! I could even put in a keyboard. Basically i got options so instead of you know putting in two small pencil drawers which i can't even store anything in i can just go with one massive one all right so i got two ways i can install the drawer. i can put it in the center so it's nicely centered with the desk and the wall... or i can put it off to the side. if i put it in the center it doesn't really make sense because i have to move out of the way in order to pull out the drawer but if i put it on the left side i could easily just reach for it and pull out the drawer. So I think the left option is the most logical. i also want to make sure it's deep enough that way it's not visible from the front because it kind of ruins the whole floating desk aesthetic if you can see a drawer sticking out from the front. so... if it's a bit deeper inside it's not going to be as noticeable all right so the drawer is installed you can't really see it from this angle you have to like really look down to see it tucked away. when i reach my arm and pull it out we can see the entire drawer obviously doesn't pull out all the way but this is all the space i need to store my mice my camera for streaming, and the remote for the ts logo on the ceiling. now every time i close and open it obviously.. you know it's going to move around because it's not really secure so I'm going to order this really cool custom velvet tray from etsy and each mouse is gonna have its very own dedicated spot. everything in here is gonna have its very own dedicated compartment so it's gonna look really cool it should take about two to three weeks to arrive but yeah... I'm gonna do that for the drawer. All right so we've got the "pencil drawer on steroids" installed. I do want to take this time to install a little bit of lighting underneath the desk just so it kind of has a nice glow I've got a really cool clean floating desk but there's nothing to kind of show it off so i want the lighting in this case to kind of accentuate the minimal and sleek design of the floating desk So we're not going with traditional RGB strips with hot spots. We're going actually with the Govee Neon Rope lights. and these are perfectly diffused RGB lighting from one end of the strip to the other. It's going to look really nice once installed. all right so i synced up the Govee strips to my phone and i lowered down the shades so we can kind of see what they look like at night so here we go! three two one Oh man! Oh man! I love it! beautifully diffused! gives off a nice underglow I think Shayla approves as well. She loves the RGB lighting Oh man! these look so freaking good. I'm gonna have to attach a few more of those clips so that we can get a nice clean straight path. and also i don't want any of the cables dangling down like that, so... i'm gonna be working on that tomorrow it's already kind of late so i think I'm just gonna call it here and I'll see you guys in a bit. All right it is day two of building the setup i did start very late yesterday. So we lost a lot of sunlight I woke up early today on purpose so that we can have a full day to work on it. All right so there are two more things i need to hook up underneath the desk. Just so I can maintain that super clean and minimal surface. one of them being my audio interface for my microphone. and the other one is my deck and battery charger for my Steel Series Arctis headset. I don't use the auto interface at all I don't even touch the knobs to be honest I really don't care how far it is from me. but the deck I do need to use constantly because when I'm gaming and I run out of battery I do reach out and pull out the battery from here and i swap it with the battery in the headset so this actually came in clutch multiple times when i'm playing warzone but yeah, this has to be the closest to me for convenience all right let's say I'm sitting over here in the center of the desk i would want this to be kind of over here so let's say i'm gaming a headset runs out of battery i reach down here pull out the battery and i swap it with the other one first try look at that upside down not bad, plus i can still use the knobs and the buttons on here if i still need to, but... i don't think it's necessary all right first thing i'm going to do is remove the rubber feet because this will interfere with the mounting. I think this just peels off, yep! Oh shoot! it's the whole thing. Even with the uh sticker on there, okay.. whatever, don't really need it. you always want to get that flat and smooth surface so that your adhesive sticks on there the best. all right some of that tape residue got stuck on here but it's not a big deal to be honest this is very light so it doesn't take much to stick underneath the desk I'm gonna be using a very special type of adhesive tape I'm sure you guys have seen this before. the clear transparent tape this actually sticks things pretty damn good it's got a lot of adhesive power so i like to use this when i'm sticking heavy objects like power bricks or power strips underneath the desk. This definitely gets the job done a lot easier than the 3m VHB. all right two should do the trick all right so another thing i need to do is actually swap this cable out this is the standard short length but since i'm going to be mounting everything to my pc on the wall i went and ordered a longer cable for this all right picked this one up from amazon it is about six feet long so.. just the length i need to plug in everything comfortably I mean I did measure this with measuring tape so if it's not long enough then I messed up somehow... oh would you look at that plenty of slack to spare, nice! I almost forgot about this little guy obviously i'm not gonna have access to the USB ports on my pc to plug in stuff like a flash drive so i'm gonna have to hook up a USB hub from corsair this thing has a USB type C in the front and a two additional USB 3A so i can plug stuff in. without having to reach all the way up to the top of my pc all right so now that the audio interface is hooked up. i do want to replace my boom arm this has pretty much been the same boom arms since the last setup as you guys can see a lot of the paint has been scraped. This actually happened during the move from the old house. so luckily I did pick up a brand new one from amazon. and i did paint it so we got a fresh boom arm to replace the the old one. so one main feature my last setup was missing was a charging station or an area where i can just charge my devices comfortably. i had to constantly pull out cables plug it in the wall just to charge a device and it was kind of annoying so this time I'm going to be building a dedicated charging station using these all-in-one charging cables from "usmas" "usams" The main difference between this one and all the other all-in-one charging cables is that this one has 100 watts so you get fast charging support and it's a data cable so you can plug this into your pc and transfer data between all your devices. but I'm only going to use this to charge all three of my mice and my iPhone. so since I'm not going to be using this for data transfer I'm going to remove the USB 3 cap here and plug it right behind my corsair USB hub to get the fastest charging possible all right there are a few more things i want to hook up. this is part of my streaming setup i do have a key light mini from Elgato. as well as the new stream deck in white this one I'm actually more excited about. OHHH MANN! That looks so clean. This honestly just saved me the job in having to paint the original Elgato stream deck. in white. So.. nice! all the cables in white? No way, corsair! are you serious? I love it! you guys are honestly on top of your game. all right, so we have a little bit of a problem here. Unfortunately this cable is too short to reach my PC. So.... We're gonna have to get another USB extension but with the longer cable. So that we can plug this in as well as the lights. I don't think this is going to reach the PC. so that's good that's why we're opening these things up now and we're figuring out these problems so that we can find a solution for it. i did pick up some new mice for the setup as well. so I'm going to take these out of the box and hook them up just to make sure that everything is working in here so this is the custom Model O i don't know if you guys remember i made a video on it in part two. custom textures logo and all the buttons have been painted in white so it's going to match the setup beautifully. and Logitech came up with a new MX Master 3S to replace my 2S. Oh yeah! Look at that! It's definitely on the smaller side which is more comfortable for me but also they made some nice improvements like they moved the side buttons underneath the scroll wheel so it's a lot easier to press compared to before. It'd be very difficult for me to reach these weird triangle buttons next to the scroll wheel so sometimes i would hit the bottom one by accident. So... I'm actually really looking forward to using this. Got my new white nexus mouse pad as well. and I've even got a new coiled cable for my keyboard. Oh yeah! the white Nexus was definitely a good call over the white Topo. it's a nice upgrade! but if you guys want to pick one up yourself i do have a bunch more other designs link below or just visit all right so now i gotta test every single component to make sure that they are working properly i would hate to mount the PC. hook up all the cables only to find out that there are certain items that just don't work. so I have everything currently hooked up to the original PC. that's how we're going to test it not only to make sure that the product is working but also they're supplying the correct power so for example if supposed to be fast charging I need to get the fast charging speeds. all right everything seems to be working fine. the stream deck is being recognized by the software, the Key Light Mini is working, the headset, speakers, audio, keyboard, mice, extension cables, and even the charging cables are providing the correct output. so far so good I guess it's time to move on to the next challenging part of building the setup mounting the headboard so we've got to set that up right now all right so to install the headboard there are really only two ways to do it the easy way which is what i did on season six of setup makeover for Leo's setup I basically treated the headboard like a tv I hooked up a tv mount in the back i hooked up the bracket against the wall and i just hooked it on the wall. very simple, easy to do. The only problem with that. Is you can't control the amount of spacing you have against the wall and the headboard. It's pretty much fixed to the flat TV mount now method number two is a bit more complicated but that's what I'm doing today i went to home depot and i picked up two of these massive two foot wooden blocks. and this is what's going to provide the spacing between the wall and the headboard they're about three inches wide on all four sides so this will give me plenty of space to work on the cable management in the back. but also I'm using that extra space to add some lighting as well. all right so we're basically going to hook up the planks against the wall on the studs because we are going to be hooking up a 140 pound table to it so we got to make sure that they're secure if you guys saw part one then you know we have discovered that the studs on the wall are actually on the inner bracket so that is where we're going to be hooking up the two pieces of wood so to make my job a lot easier instead of measuring a bunch of things I'm just going to use my laser line generator again and basically just line this up with the bottom inner bracket this will tell me exactly where the stud is on the wall so it's going to be right here going straight up so i can pretty much drill anywhere on this line and I'm going to hit a stud so i just have to figure out exactly how high or how low i want these so the top of the table actually stops right over here where the top of that socket is so i can use it as a reference point I want this to be kind of in the middle where i can still pass through things on the top and through the bottom of the headboard. so I think over here... I'm going to mark the bottom of the plank now I'm going to measure the distance between the top of the table to this mark, that way we can have the same exact distance on the other side. so this is about you know, to make my life easier I'm just going to do 7 inches. i do want to do a quick test drill just to be on the safe side Yeah! it's definitely stuck there Let me do the same thing on the other side. yep, perfect! all right so to hook this up against the wall, we are going to be drilling through a six-inch lag bolt straight through. From the bottom and top. And about two and a half inches of that is going to be going through into the stud which is more than plenty to hold this in place. I just realized my drill isn't even long enough to go through Oh almost! Almost! all right extended it a little bit... i just want to be able to see where that's coming from, on the other side. Then i could just drill in from the other side and kind of meet in the middle. I guess the only thing I can do is measure it and then measure the same thing on the opposite side. oh man! I should probably should have measured it first, and marked a very simple spot where I can measure on the opposite side so like two by two would have been perfect. This one's easy 1.5, okay. All right theoretically should be right there in the middle of the cross. but annoying me probably going to be way off oh look at that! beautiful ladies and gentlemen we have ourselves a perfect hole for you. you know, I realized i didn't have anything to hold up the wood as i drill through it so I just put two other pieces underneath it I'm just gonna adjust the the height a little bit, but it's gonna be even on both sides and that's what's important. So one thing I noticed as I was drilling through this piece of wood, is that once this goes all the way through. This cap over here is going to be sitting on top of the wood so it's not going to be flush against the wood and i needed to be flush because we're going to be hooking up a headboard on there so I'm actually going to be drilling a little bit of a bigger hole around this one. so that the cap on this lag screw can sit flush on there. all right there you go see now it's completely in there. so it's not going to be bumping against the headboard. All right that should do the trick. all right so I'm gonna take a break from the office because Sheila is currently sleeping and i don't want to drill holes into the wall and possibly wake her up. Her bedroom is right above mine so that's fine, we're gonna take advantage of this extra time and work on the headboard which is right here in my garage. So yeah guys here's the second table top it's been here in the garage ever since part one came out so it's just been patiently waiting to get drilled into. That kind of came out wrong... but basically we're going to be taking this time, and outline all the spots where we're going to drill into for the monitor mounts and the speakers as well i got all four of my monitors sitting over there in the corner and then i have all the mounts over here on top of this custom workbench which by the way let me show you guys our custom... oh jesus!! So as I was saying here's the custom garage.. that was completed about three weeks ago don't mind the blue paint (tape). they still come back and do a few repairs but overall, yeah! it came out really nice and cleaned up the entire garage nicely which is perfect because now i can work on the freaking headboard without bumping into a bunch of packages and stuff. so over here is a custom workbench they basically installed the countertop. and then we have a slate board in the back which i haven't completed just yet and i picked up two toolboxes from amazon. so anyways I just want to show that off to you guys. so there's one main challenge when installing a headboard especially if the headboard is less than an inch thick. How do you mount your monitors against that? when there's about three inches of empty space behind it. what on earth does your monitor mount attach to? well here's the way I'm doing it.. so i went to my local hardware store and i picked up some nuts and bolts with some washers so basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to penetrate through the headboard with the bolt and I'm going to secure it from the opposite side.. using.. that nut with a washer. That way each mount is secured nicely against the headboard. so the first monitor I'm going to start with is the 360hz 1080p monitor from ViewSonic and I'm going to make my way up to the top for the ultra ride and then work on both of the vertical monitors on the sides and then the speakers at the end. So in the 3d model the bottom monitor is actually at an angle this is to make sure that the top ultra ride is as close as possible to eye level without me having to lift up my neck. so in order to achieve that angle we're going to be going with this interesting Vivo ceiling mount instead. this is going to give me that desired angle as you can see. so let me show you guys what I'm talking about.. so here's the mount this bracket over here sits flush against the headboard and the monitor gets mounted on the bottom over here using a traditional base up and then you can basically adjust the angle. so if you want a straight flat you can keep it this way.. Or.. you can just raise it up to your desired angle. look at that! it actually goes all the way up to 100 and i think 50 or 60 degrees it's quite flexible! so once you find your desired angle you remove these caps over here on the sides and you tighten it that way the monitor kind of just stays in that angle. so I'll have to kind of mess around with this and figure out how exactly i want to do this. to make sure the bottom chin of the monitor sits on my desk. first things first we got to find the center point of the desk. we got to make sure that both the center monitors are exactly in the middle. this is an 84 inch table top. So... the middle will be 42. 42 is right over here. then i'm going to use my trusty laser and make sure we mark that. beautiful! the beauty about doing this on the floor is that i can actually leave the monitor on the floor and mark all the holes in the back here. so.. oh this is beautiful! yeah! I can kind of go a little bit more tilted so I'll open up a little bit.. let's see how this looks.. so here it is perfectly centered in the middle and I'm just realizing how much more extra space we have on the top so there's definitely going to be enough room for the ultrawide. so i don't think i have to have the bottom monitor.. that much at an angle. that's actually the best part about doing all this is that you can actually see it in person what it's going to look like before you start making holes. so here's the angle i want to go with. it's actually not even that much of an angle but i want to see what the ultrawide is going to look like on the top.. before I make any permanent decisions. So luckily the ultra is going to be the easiest monitor to mount against the headboard. because it literally just sits flat against it so we're going to go with this low profile and simple "Mount-It" monitor arm. which by the way guys I'll drop a link to everything I use for the setup down below if you guys want to check it out as well. we'll be flipping the ultrawide upside down. It's going to go like this.. I don't like how it's kind of sticking out a little bit... above the bottom monitor. I think I have to go with something a little bit more low profile unfortunately.. it's sticking a little too much on top I don't like that. what if we extend the bottom monitor? oh yeah! we have to.. we have to extend it. just a little bit. so if we do that.. no, it's still the same.. we're gonna have to extend the bottom monitor.. out a little bit more like this. so in order to achieve that we just have to put some spacers in between which is possible we can.. we can do it. maybe about a half an inch.. of spacers. So i had about a quarter inch spacer on the bottom monitor and you guys can see we still have a bit of a lip i don't like that.. i want it to be kind of sitting flush.. on top of the bottom monitor so I might have to do a half an inch spacer I think the main problem here is how curved this freaking ultra ride is.. look at this.. it's.. the curvature on this thing is insane that's why it kind of looks so weird sitting on top of the flat monitor.. yeah.. I mean there's not much i can do. I'm just gonna add some more spacing on the bottom just so it sits more flush against the ultrawide but .. not much else i can do here all right while we wait for the mounts to get here i guess we can work on the outer monitors as well. So... these will both be in vertical mode and then for this mount we're going to be using the Vivo single monitor wall mount. this will give us plenty of adjustments to position it exactly wherever you want. all right let's see how this looks.. make sure the thick bezel is on the outside How low can we go? you know what i want to match the top with the... with the ultrawide. So.. oh yeah baby! that's what I'm talking about!! can you go a bit more further let's see.. I don't like how curved this freaking monitor is man.. it's making things complicated but.. i think... i think it's still doable. oh it can adjust the angle. okay good. good. good. So just gonna get the height right right here! look at that! beautiful! yeah this this will work! this will definitely work! All right I'm taking a break from the garage, guys. until the flat mount arrives it is hot as balls out there. so I'm gonna continue to work inside now that sheila is awake. Hi baby girl! How was your sleep? you sleep really good? You want to touch the lens? okay, how did you touch the lens? good job! what are you drawing over there? nope? okay i guess not.. all right look at that! nice and solid! all right so you got the first piece attached successfully against the wall now I'm gonna do the exact same thing on the opposite side all right guys so both of the spacers have been finally secured to the wall they definitely kicked my ass i've never worked up a sweat building a setup before quite like this so with that said i have no energy left to do anything else so i'm just gonna end day three here and i'll see you guys at day four
Channel: TechSource
Views: 329,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultimate setup, gaming setup, building a setup, how to build a setup, gaming pc, streaming, floating desk, custom desk, custom setup, how to find employees, best job search sites, help wanted, hire employees, job recruiter, job search engines, post a job, looking for employees, where to post job openings, recruiting websites
Id: d_6OJDVd29E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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