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today I'm building my dream house for my bloxburg town so this is part of a series I'm doing where I make different builds for my town and today I thought I'd do my dream house so over here I've made a very very rough outline of what I want my house to be and the reason it's next to this building is because this is eventually going to be a restaurant and I love my food so I want to live next to a restaurant but yeah with all that said let's get building so I think we should start off by decorating the exterior just adding some textures and stuff I don't know whether to use this wood here or a more traditional one like that you know what for now we'll try this one we'll see what this looks like and then for the roof I'm gonna use the texture I always use and then the most important things with houses like these are the pillars so what ones do we want I feel like using big ones the wood look ridiculous on such a tiny house so we're going to use the classical plain pillar and already I absolutely love this so we'll then add some wall trims you know just the classical stuff and then the reason that the roof comes like a little bit out here is because I was thinking we could have like a tiny porch way and I think it might look quite nice if we like match the base color to the roof we are actually going to be putting a garage in here but the question is what garage door do we want you know what I'm going to leave that one in there for now but I've actually just thought of something else I wanted to do before we add the windows and stuff and it involves these Square beams and I was thinking I might actually try and make like a pattern on the roofs you know how some houses have and then if we color that do we think that looks nice oh that looks really really bad maybe if we color it the same as the roof this could help and I think finally guys I've come up with a design I like and now we've got to go and repeat that over on this bigger roof and you see those tiny little details they actually add quite a lot to the house now's the fun part we get to do the windows so I'm thinking I'm gonna get some traditional windows but maybe make them a tad bigger so like that so maybe we could have two above that bit there then either side the door I think we should have one and speaking of doors I already know what one I'm gonna use guys this one with the windows and I feel like all doors in towns have like gold handle so I'm going to make mine gold as well and and then I never add shutters but they're actually quite like an aesthetic thing now the last thing we have to do is our tiny little front garden the other day I found that they actually added like grass patterns and then I think for the pathways we'll just connect it to the street and ah here we have our cute little aesthetic exterior so we have this tiny little garden to fill in down in this little corner crevice area we can put some bushes oh my gosh yeah I forget they've added all these new like rose bushes and stuff anyway I feel like these are perfect to go along the front and I'm just going to put a mixture of plants in these then do they have a fountain that's small enough to fit here oh my gosh look how big that one is maybe this square one could fit then to really add the realistic touch we can have like a garden hose over here then maybe just a couple more rose bushes and then the very last thing just to sort of add that last touch is some stepping stones leading up to the house and there we go now we can go inside and I will add Windows along the back as we go but okay so my plan for this house is to have it mainly open plan the only room that's going to be like boarded off is the garage and the rest of this is all going to be open apart from maybe like a little toilet as you come in and then because this is like a townhouse it all has to be quite compact so I think maybe having the stairs as you come in as well is a good idea but yeah first things first let's get the wall trims up in this place oh my gosh guys I was wondering what's been flying across my screen I think there's like oh my gosh there's a bird in my bird bath what did bloxburg add animals or something I am so shocked anyway aside from the birds I want the bathroom to have a little checkered floor and guys I was gonna switch the floor up with this new wood texture but this floor here is just too iconic to me this is like my signature floor and actually I always forget to add the doors in so I think I'm gonna add these in first and then just to be so extra guys we're gonna put double doors going into the garage because why not our house our house in the middle of our town that's the theme song for this house guys and then last but not least let's get some wallpaper up in here okay guys and now let's start with the kitchen so surprisingly I never actually used the traditional counters today's gonna be like one of the first times I used them so I've given them like this dark gray marble and then some cute like golden handles and the reason I've left these weird gaps is for things like ovens and sinks I always forget my sinks guys my top comments are always you forgot the sink so today I'm going to use this massive one I never use that in kitchens but look how cool that looks anyway over here it's going to be our little pantry cabinet for our oven and also I was wondering yes we can put like a little oh my gosh what happened to my voice there oh that sounds like a gremlin but no we can't put like a little window cabinet above it anyway I think along this back window is the perfect opportunity to put some big traditional windows so we could either have a massive one like that which I actually really don't like or we could have a cute one like this behind the sink and actually I'm gonna make this just a little bit shorter like that and oh my gosh how cute is this kitchen and we've hardly even started it yet so now we'll put a second oven in guys even though we're living in a smaller town I will be having two Ovens that just has to happen and then actually I've realized what we can put on the end we can put our little fridge anyway the main theme of my kitchen is gonna of course be the island and then store-wise I think we should just have a couple of these I feel like we're kind of going for like a country cottage even though it's a massive townhouse and then I wanted to have like a bowl of apples but I realized they only have a bowl of lemons so that's the next best thing then we should probably add the rest of like the Practical things like a microwave and I've actually just decided to make the appliances like a little bit of a lighter color and I'm so sorry but I simply have to be adding some like marble decals here and oh my gosh that literally just transformed this kitchen so much so we also need an oven Hood so I'm gonna pop this one in here and then I think this staircase is perfect to have like some pans hanging down and then the final thing is going to be our little lights over the island and that guys is the kitchen part of the house done over on this side it's gonna be like the living room this wall here is perfect for this entertainment center that's literally what's called entertainment center I don't know how this is a center and a very subtle detail but I've matched these countertops to the kitchen ones then we're getting out my favorite building equipment books and then my other Favorite Things these little potted plants then we're gonna put this TV in here like the flat screen one I might add like a big carp in the middle and then a part of me is kind of thinking we should put a wall here and then just have like a massive opening do you guys agree with me does that look nicer that I'm thinking the doors into the garage should actually go here instead of in the living room that was a bit random of Me Maybe we can put some big paintings here and we can make these walls look less Bland by adding like some wallpaper or something onto them and if you guys know me you know I love my book so I'm gonna create two more bookshelves over here and then to add a little bit more of just a fancy touch to this house I'm gonna add these big pillars here and then in honor of our Birds earlier on this wall we will have three birds I I was about to say what are we missing in here but we haven't even put the sofas which is the obvious part now because this house is probably just designed for a couple of people I'm not going to make the living room massive and I'm going to use a mismatch of these chairs and you guys might be thinking that's the weirdest combination ever as you can see if we match the colors they actually look quite complementary the urge not to use these you know I'm using them I'm so sorry because I don't think these look tacky I think they actually look quite cute anyway now we need to get the coffee table and I'm gonna use this one I like this today I'm really using furniture that I literally never use then along the back of each sofa I'm gonna put these little tables then just to finish it off we're gonna put some of these classy books on here and then let me quickly change the wallpaper and oh my gosh guys I feel like this wallpaper matches the room so perfectly and that is the living room done so now we can move on to the garage which I'm really not going to do much in here at all here we can have a little cabinet unit and we can actually use the same sink then we'll just put some random like paint on here or something and then as you can see there's actually loads of cars just parked around the town so I'm going to borrow this one and this guys is going to be my new car from my house I've parked at this sort of angle mainly because there's not much room but you know it kind of looks good at an angle and that's the garage done all we need to do is add some lights and I also realized we never put lights in here so I'm just gonna go completely old school with these chandeliers and double them up and then also I'm remembering loads of things right now I want to put some of these traditional beams and my my are these things expensive like a thousand dollars per one anyway we're now almost done with downstairs you guys already know what I'm adding here umbrellas hat stands I'm even gonna get a little bit practical here and add some like keys and then also here we can have a big painting and guys no joke this is literally the most detail I've ever added to a house anyway the last last thing is this tiny bar from here so we'll use this iconic sink which we've been putting around the house and I've given it a bit more of a wooden Vibe rather than yellow anyway we'll also had of course a mirror oh my gosh those birds guys literally scare me so much like you're just not expecting it and then a bird just comes flying out of nowhere and I also just added one more little table and now we can finally move upstairs so I'll put the floor down quickly so it doesn't give you a headache looking at that but as you can see upstairs is actually considerably smaller so I'm thinking I'm just gonna do two bedrooms and a bathroom so I'm thinking this here is like the upstairs hallway then this four by two here is perfect for like a family bathroom and then splitting this in half picking up a bedroom here and a bedroom here all right you guys so as you can see I've just added all the foundations in like the wallpaper and the doors and stuff and now we can decorate so maybe using one of these tables we had downstairs could look rather nice the annoying thing is this little piece of roof like coming down here but you guys know me I have a little idea to fix it so I'm thinking we get one of these like triangle wedges and that sounds like a type of like fries doesn't it like get me some triangle wedges on the side anyway I don't know why I'm acting like it's going to be so complicated let's actually all I'm doing is getting these and I'm pulling them up and then look it's kind of like it's a slanted roof but now I've done that roof thing under here looks like the perfect place for like a little snug and then maybe just a little painting I love the Simplicity of it up here then the last couple of things I'm going to add up here are these plants and then yeah now we can go into the bedrooms so which bedroom is biggest because I want one of them to have an ensuite so maybe this bedroom could have the ensuite bathroom so with that said let's start with this bedroom now I am actually going to do a similar thing to what I did in the living room like that and I'm definitely using this bed because that is just the cutest one and it is a bit compact but it is a townhouse like I keep saying so it's not going to have tons and tons of space and I am making a very very bold move using like this very very in-your-face texture but I think this specific bedroom is going to be mine and I like it and I'm so sorry but how fancy and how comfy does that bed look then I'm gonna use these little plants and these lamps as the bedside table course then it's not looking like there's really gonna be room for a desk in here so instead I'm gonna put like a little bench underneath the window and then like I said guys I love books so we can put like a big book unit along this side that looks beautiful I think and something I actually want in my room in real life and that I just love is these Vines I know they're not for everyone but personally I actually really really like them I've been contemplating what to put in this space here but the perfect thing is a mirror then we've got a little ensuite and I might be really detailed here and use marble wallpaper for this ensuite and you guys just saw me complete that in two seconds but it literally took me 10 minutes and I still missed a bit up here but it's fine anyway ensuite bathrooms rarely have like a bath in them so I'm just gonna put a shower of course a toilet and we'll put this sink in here then I've put some towels and we'll put this little bathroom mat and while we're at it we might as well do this bathroom as well so we've got to use this antique bathtub guys then over here we can have like a massive double sink and then stop it looking so Bland we'll put some fences or fences not fences shelves guys I've been building this for ages my mind is going crazy then on this side we could have the toilet and actually I have been really wanting to use this ladder shelf again I haven't used it in ages and can you guys guess what my final item is going to be yes a store and yeah I think that bathroom's good and now we should have one bedroom left which is actually still a pretty nice big bedroom so I'm actually going to copy and paste the bed but change the colors just because I literally love this bed so much I'm thinking we do a similar thing with this feature wall and then this room definitely has space for a desk and also I've realized I didn't put a wardrobe in this room that's okay we'll make sure to put one in here instead and then here I think there's room for like a little get ready area then this bedroom's giving me more of a vibe that like a messy person would stay in here so add a little angled carpet we can grab some more structural beams and I'll dot these around the place and then finally I'm just adding the chandeliers into every row room and that guys is our Dream Home in my town done so we don't have to walk far to see it here it is in all of its Glory so we have our garden out front with like our flowers and stuff and then as you go in oh my gosh this looks so homey so to the left we have our little guest bathroom which actually has a really cute view of the front yard then just opposite we have our garage with our expensive sports car in here guys but the main part of downstairs is here so first of all we have our kitchen and this here is like basically the dining room because we didn't have room but yeah this is definitely one of my favorite kitchens I've ever built then just opposite we have our living room we've got a little bit of like hominess with these Daisy pillows but yeah this is just such a dream this really is my dream house but anyway now we can head upstairs to our Corridor so we have a little seating area over here and then just some decorations and stuff the first room is a bathroom which yeah it's just based basically a bathroom in here we have some nice Windows where you can catch a view of the hotel the high school and stuff in here is like the guest bedroom it's actually very detailed in here maybe a little bit too detailed and some nice double doors by the way and then finally we have my rooms we have a massive unit of books because I love to read we have my big Grand bed and because this is my room I get my own little ensuite bathroom where I can just shower and be like I live in the best town in bloxburg but yeah guys that was me building my dream home for my bloxburg town hopefully you guys like this video make sure to hit subscribe if you did thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you all next time
Channel: truereeses
Views: 138,885
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Id: 1EmYUkoROD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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