Building My BEST FRIEND His DREAM HOUSE in Bloxburg! (#1)

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in this video I build my best friend his dream house in bloxburg let's get right into it all righty so JoJo does not have transform plus so I've had to really kind of think of how I want to make this custom stuff here but it's working out pretty well so far all I really like this window design right here I think these windows right here look really good this roof is really starting to come together now holy cow guys this roof looks incredible this looks so good what in the world hey are you subscribed to the channel I'm posting a brand new dream house every Saturday in January and one of those homes will be for one of you watching this video all you have to do is go down and subscribe and I'll choose a random subscriber to build a house for thank thank you guys for your continued support lately and let's get right back into the video all right guys I've done some more detailing and I finally finished out my layout for the upstairs now I'm going to work on the downstairs layout by layout for the downstairs all I meant was just placing a spot for my garage all we got a nice start to the front side of my house all guys I just finished up the roofing on my entire house I think this looks pretty good all righty guys now it's time to place some windows along these walls all right those look pretty good honestly guys I think this house is one of the best I've ever made I hope you really likes it Ry I really like this Gate entrance over here and those are some great colors I like this Landscaping along the side over here one thing about JoJo is he loves lake houses and one thing he loves to do with lak houses is jet ski I had to find a way to get a jet ski on this plot no way this works yo he's going to love that holy cow that looks amazing yo already guys I added in some terrain now it's time to landscape I've come to the critical realization that JoJo does not have a very high gardening level oh boy I like this minimalistic Landscaping I think I'm going to keep this up throughout the rest of the plot all right I'd say that looks really good for my exterior this kid looks really good I really like this master bathroom this bedroom is really fit to Jojo's taste I think he'll really like this place I like this like secondary dining area and then over here is going to be your stairwell so I'm not entirely sure how to decorate this but we'll find a way all right I think this layout for this side of the house is pretty good I'm going to have a really long Hall area here a main dining room and then we're going to have like a mud room/ laundry room we're going to have a bedroom over here bathroom bedroom bathroom so yeah let's get right into it all right guys we're actually going to change this room right here into the laundry room as I ran out of room here in my mud room so let's get right over all righty guys this laundry room is not bad and I also decorated the dining room down the hallway here including by adding a chandelier I think this looks pretty good all right guys this bedroom doesn't look too bad either all right so as I'm decorating this bathroom over here I think you guys deserve to know some backstory behind me JoJo uh sorry my voice kind of cut out there all right so I met JoJo when I was in fourth grade so that was 7 years ago we actually my mom and I just moved in next door and so he was my next door neighbor and uh I lived there for I don't know probably a few months and then I actually had to move again which yeah was something but um it's pretty a tough moving away but we always kept in touch I see him maybe once or twice a year and so we always stayed close I mean we always played Roblox together here we always played other games too I mean rocket League stuff like that you know but if you guys go back on the channel for like a very long way uh you guys will see that JoJo's still in videos from like five six years ago like we've been making videos together for a very long time and so wi's bath and looks really good but um yeah I've been making videos with him for a very long time I've been friends with him for a very long time and I'm really happy to be able to do this for him today and I made this over the course of two days now but you guys get the point all right um this definitely means a lot to me to say the least it really just being able to make something for my best friend of seven8 years it means the world to me now I mean I'm so happy to be able to do this for him today and I hope he loves this house for that I'm making for him but uh yeah and so this year normally always see him right around this time cuz we're both on winter break although uh this past year my mom to actually moov States so I will not be seeing him or anybody really this Christmas which is unfortunate but I figured that you know what I can make him a house and this could be my Christmas present to him this year we always get something for each other and so I was like yeah you know what I'll just do this for him this year and uh I think this is a pretty big gift it's something I wanted to do for quite some time now I never really got around to it though and uh being able to get around to it now definitely shows that I've like not procrastinating anymore which is good I say this and I'm going to procrastinate editing this video or something I don't know but you get the point all right but yeah to say the least we've never gone to the same school we've never like seen each other every day I mean I guess whenever I live next to them we went over to each other's houses all the time but we never like you know had like a routine to see each other every day like people that are best friends at school do and uh yet the fact that we still manage to stay best friend shows we really have a good friendship probably going to stay friends for a very long time I really like this bedroom right here this bedroom's like a really beautiful view and all that stuff so this is a yeah holy cow this the scenery from this bedroom is awesome holy I would love the live here yo what he better like this house holy cow and with that our upstairs is fully decorated all right now let's get it downstairs layout and if you guys are wondering how you can get a house just like this make sure to comment down below I'm going to be building a house for a subscriber here soon this is going to be a new series so you guys are getting spoiled with a new series I guess I don't know but yeah comment down below if you want me to build you guys a house and I'll be choosing a random subscriber and I'll be building them a house so yeah you also have to be subscribed obviously cuz it's a random subscriber but yes that's all you got to do just comment your Roblox username and I'll be picking randomly also comment why you want a house and what kind of house you'd want like how long you've been playing bloxburg maybe something like that maybe like what's your favorite Dreamhouse who's your favorite Blox or YouTuber if you say capto you might get a bonus um but yeah just let me know stuff like that like details about the house you'd want or something like that and uh maybe I can help you guys make them and if I even if I don't make like your house in specific I could use what you comment and try and make tutorials for a specific style like let's say maybe you have like a modern house you want to know how to make like a modern like roof or like those like balconies that a lot of modern houses have I could do a tutorial on something like that so believe me guys there's things I can do even if I don't choose you as a house so commenting down below uh your dream house and stuff will definitely help out a ton and it'll have your odds of me building you a house so I mean I'd say that's a pretty nice uh thing to have anyways I hope you guys enjoying the videos uh as of right now as I'm filming this video I'm filming this video on December 20th you guys probably aren't seeing this video for another few weeks cuz I've got a couple videos planned in between there but as of right now I'm at 3661 subscribers which is insane cuz in October my goal by the end of the year is to hit 3,000 subscribers and now my goal at the end of the year is to hit 4,000 uh you guys probably know if I hit 4,000 or not based off when this video is uploaded so hopefully I did if I didn't well give me to 4,000 now yeah hurry up guys you guys are not doing enough work no I'm just kidding but um yeah so yeah hopefully I can hit my goal here soon that'd be a dream come true to say the least if I have money left over I'll give him some cars JoJo does love his garages so I'm going to have to make sure I detail this one pretty carefully JoJo's pretty short so I'm going to add in a plastic step stool I guarantee I'm going to get a text from him now after he watches this video he's going to be like hey wait a minute I think I'm tall than you he doesn't know guys I've actually grown quite a bit since he's last seen me so he's actually shorter than me now so that might be lie don't take my word for it I don't know how tall he is now if I did have enough money left over I'd buy him the truck but that is a lot of cash so maybe I'll leave him like a parking spot empty so he can save up for this truck cuz he loves trucks I mean that's one of the things he loves he's just one of those kind of guys and instead I'll give him a golf cart we'll see how much money I have left over all right guys so obviously Jojo and I cannot drink but what if I made a sports bar right here and we just we're big Sports guys so maybe uh maybe he wants one of these in this house I mean if it was a dream house he definitely would want one of these in his house when he's older for sure so not saying he's an alcoholic or anything future alcoholic oh my gosh I'm setting this kid up for failure aren't I all right I think this looks really good all righty guys I just finished this area up and I think this looks really good I think he's going to love this place all right guys the Final Touch has got to be this truck right here he's going to absolutely love this thing he doesn't even know that this truck's in the game then for now until he gets another car I'll give him a lawn mow since he likes to mow the lawn all righty guys that is it the house is complete complete let's show him it all righty guys so I've been building on JoJo's account this entire time he has not been logged on I've been just logged on on another monitor so now he's here and he's ready to react to his house so Jojo load your house in right across the road from me yeah look ate dude look at this place holy cow as you can see this Roofing is very complicated as well but don't zoom out yet don't zoom out yet there's someone in the back there you got to see so I was literally about to zoom out if you're come on over here and you look uh why don't you ride on the snowmobile oh okay okay I see get creative with it pretty simple pretty simple dude even the smallest things like the bathroom have so much detail though we got to come on over here we have a laundry room I think cuz we know how much you love doing your laundry oh yeah yeah it's completely like encased by the outdoors yeah it's like a 270° room it's pretty cool actually I like that but uh yep we got that I do love that and that's about all you got from the upstairs so now we come on over here we're going to go downstairs we're actually filming this on Christmas Day guys you guys are going to be watching this in the new year so happy New Year to you guys this is my CHR present to him so now we got aom I'm not complaining one bit with this we got a bedroom here then we got a bathroom and then we got a walking half Walkin closet I don't know what you're walking into but you're walking in okay well you're walking in to grab a couple things you know that's all you need it's so dark in here I don't know why we got our Sports area the sports bar and the huge game setup oh yeah great now I can watch the bronos Los in 4k let's go yeah let's go guys this is why you root for the Lions like I cuz uh suck bro yeah you got all your all your bottles up here all your apple juices and uh oh yeah apple apple juice and then in here here's the biggest surprise of them all you got a lawn mower and a truck got lawn mower let's go you got a truck bro look at this let's go a truck sweet look at that your $1.1 million Mega Mansion then you have your backyard Patty over here with the hot tub all righty guys that is it for this video hopefully you guys did enjoy if you did please leave a like And subscribe and I'll see you guys guys next time goodbye everybody
Channel: capdo
Views: 25,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6-BhEDPsS4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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