Building liveability: Copenhagen's sustainable urban development

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the role of the city architect is to connect people and give time and space to talk about architectural qualities so you don't have any city if you don't have people in them so I think the beginning for any of these people when we work in in Scandinavia in general and especially in Copenhagen a big part of the competition brief or of the wish of a client is that we think about livability you as an architect needs to come with that to the table I think one of the keys to great cities or limb forces is collaboration between many different stakeholders 400 years ago who had a king who built major parts of the old city and he could dictate that I would like this in this building so to me it doesn't work like that anymore not at all really you don't dictate anything you propose things then and then you go she when we were invited to do a project called super key the super wedge out on Apple it was a very big part of the process that we should do a lot of user participation and we wanted to do a user participation where people were given extra power we gave them the actual power to choose concrete objects to embed within the new urban square that we were doing I think there's six different nationalities living in the in the area around Tsubaki so we wanted them to propose objects from their own country to bring to Denmark and put on the square I think architecture policy is a tool of having a political mandate to go into dialogue with the different stakeholders in the city and then the architect and my colleagues is trying to collect all that knowledge to try to make it into architecture and physical answers to the different issues and needs of the local neighborhood actually one of the things that makes complain little points of ears is this place this old bridge tower opening and closing the bridge when the ships are leaving the harbour first of all when you buy singin I liked bicycle it's one of the few places where you have a bit of a of a hill so you can really give it power and then it's the best but I think for sunsets in particularly in the wintertime when you needed the most because the Sun will disappear in the water and behind the next place so it's it's a brilliant place in many ways [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] fifteen years ago Copenhagen was a very different city The Hobbit divided the city up into one part that was like the nice borrows that historically was built 100 years ago and then amah we call it the island because it's it's a landfill area and if you look at now Alma is the place where all the new part of the city has been built it's a very good business to make a city livable ten years ago this could not understand why we should make strategies for its for its own they think it was stupid when we talked about how do the building meet the landscape we started a collaboration with investor called Pierre Hefner and we built the VM houses and the mountain we experienced part of the city that was very dead there was no city life the main focus of our project became how do we create life in the city so we asked ourselves the question could we somehow combine the activity in a row house with the density of a 10-story building that we had to build within the master plan and that ended up being a project we called the eighth house where you can step out of your row house on the ninth floor take a bicycle and bicycle along two hundred row houses that are honoring clients until you reach the city life and the city street design can be democratic in the way that each design decision is informed by the concerns of the people that are gotta be using it or inhabiting it the eighth house and the VM house and amounts and they look different because they perform differently what we've tried to do is try to make buildings that create certain opportunities for human life so in that sense it's almost like using the architecture as an infrastructure for socializing y'all Steven gratifies taught mistake of stores infomercial homegirl so so figure than I do I might add is to basically your army some associate at a pasting the comics regarding sacrifice there's no fast food super layout there so for él tiene 1020 self-identity you have you faced severe 57-year in New York assume you are in extreme Buddha gay or did it's another rule expressed be the highly meaning the hydrogen in some premise I am West 57th him then are my kingster Farah by the end of the day the cities by the people and for the people so we need to tell stories about what inner city or the city is and what it should be in the future it's not only a technical exercise for planners and people with a financial background and so on we need the big narratives the big stories that can make us all come on board and then and share the city and take part in its development right now we're building a waste incineration plant in the outskirts of Copenhagen with a ski slope on top it was a competition to just do a facade for an a factory and this very big investment scene from a society point-of-view into a new factory how can that have a dual function we want to give people an experience that tells the story of livability I think that the dogma of a dual function has only just started very often when we think about the city we think about its hardware the buildings the streets that sewers and so on but there's also the also the the software and that is the people economic interests and political ambitions of Mississippi and I think we should think both resources to be perspective to the hardware but also the software I think combined by now is well known that you can actually go swimming in the harbour and that is packing because we have a hardware that but allow you to jump in the water and having clean water in in the harbour but it was also because there was a political ambition that we should have this this clean so we were asked to do have a bath to facilitate the new adventures of using the Appa in a different way the area where we build the first habitat is called the East End's program and that used to be a poor part of Copenhagen and after we build the harbor path the housing crisis was going up today I think there are six or seven different hopper baths throughout the the hopper and it really has become a center point for for Copenhagen one of the things I think we need to be better I happen to make them in other cities it's not so much about the physical infrastructure how we should be build things we know how to do that basically I think what we should be better and is how to build the decision-making infrastructure how to organize and discuss things in the early phases before we come to the solutions so I think building political long-lasting collisions is very important then we have a very direct contact between the political level and the knowledge that we create in the city administration the politician is on ground they are a part of the city they bike around the city they do experience the city so they know what we are talking about I think one of the things that a lot of countries and cities could learn from Copenhagen is the focus on not only the few but of the many in many ways that is really the core of the Danish architecture scene it is the out of many is that we do not think of the few people within the building we think of the many people also surrounding the Builder
Channel: Denmarkdotdk
Views: 119,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danish embassy, Denmark, BIG, Bjarke Ingels, Sustainable development, Architecture
Id: BCYgajPrT64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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