Tour of Quonset Hut Underground that 2 Women Have Lived Full-Time for 13 Years

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okay here we have an underground above ground underground it's only got about 2 ft below the surface um but based off the back of the Hill you can see there's about a 15t drop to the low part of the land and I was uncomfortable building this completely underground so what we did we did a mound system so um there's about 4T on top of the structure of dirt and it slopes off gradually over the The Edge kind of like a m mushroom type feel it looks really good it worked out really nice and uh I'm going to be approaching jumping around here I just went out here today after since 2010 there has been uh this place has been occupied since then so we're looking at 2023 right now so that's like what many years that is 13 years there's a front door entryway got some power coming in from the generator system over here and they got a little hand hand pump well there and uh but the whole structure is self-contained I mean you can run without the generator because and there's a the V the pipes that go around the building to get rid of any water that goes around the structure comes out of those pipes and then on the on the right hand side you can see that big black vent that I point at that's actually an air intake so that air intake is a 12T long I mean 12in pipe it's about 20 ft long long it comes in on the side of the structure you can see it right there on the left and uh here's a shot of the structure before we put the second later a shot creete on it there was some rebar on there and then uh we walk there's a generator system there and then we're going to walk into the structure I believe right now I'm walking up to it this door weighed about 800 lb it was very heavy we had to put it in there before we shocke it so you can and then here's a shot of be right when it was being built and this is after the fact when I show it up you can see all of the uh the latch you can see the latch I showed here on how that door operates and then um you'll see some other contents in the front entryway here which are here's a shot before they loaded the shelves this is back in 2010 when I just did it after I built the shelves so and then in a second here you're going to see it loaded with all the stuff they have in there now and we got the big 8ft door you walk through the big wooden door that I usually build and put on every one of them there's a staircase going upstairs we got um we got uh the back room there got the kitchen on the left side here and like I said that that this place has been occupied for 13 years every day by two people and uh this this structure is actually built with four bedrooms in it and it's about 28 ft wide by 30 ft long only there's a little walkway it's like a pantry that walks into the furthest far right hand bedroom veterans are about 8T by 6 ft something like that they're quite small but they just have a bunk in it and then under under the bed storage for stuff and a bit of other storage I always show the ven V ation going up through here that shows how the the um ventilation comes up and I love the structure for that reason um these quanset Huts allow for a lot of movement of air and then underneath all the doors and you can see there all the doors I leave about an inch off the ground so that the air can easily flow through the bedroom floors and the air circulates and sucks up through the ventilation on the front side goes up and escapes out near the escape hatch at the top which I will show you in a minute I just showing the door this is like 7' 8 door or something like that and uh what else we got here we got uh that's a pipe that ventilates that fridge goes out through the into the hallway there and then I there's actually that real round window you see there oh yeah first let's talk about the ventilation here see that bag there I put that on there so you can see the the air flow it it shows it moving whenever the the convection of the hot air upstairs and what happens is it's warmer upstairs which creates a vacuum effect and it wants to escape out the top vent CU it opens up and pulls the air through the lower vent and it's continuous it's all the time it's always moving air through there and the plate there you can see that there we got um there's a ventilation again and it smells really fresh in there all the time and it's not cold even if it's cold outside the structure Still Remains about 60° inside and there's really no need to have it warmer than that um you could do more see here's a I put a pocket door where the bathroom goes uh it's got a little toilet and a shower in there and obvious for obvious reasons you can tell why I put that door there so it didn't incriminate uh uh on your paway through there the shower stall there everything's been holding up really good the doors hold up real good everything was operating totally the same way I did it back then um a lot of good decisions made back in those days in order for and this was the first one the very first um underground structure I built like this I built other ones a different style but it wasn't until this one where I did the first Quanza Hut and the reason I did that was I was trying to find a simpler quicker and less expensive way of building a concrete structure and then I came up with this and went through the process of planning and and connecting with the engineer and finding out how it could do this structure and uh this structure actually has rebar on it where all my other structures after this one is done with Helix steel and I think I drop a picture of the Helix steel cuz that's the way I would do all of them is um you put basically the quanset Hut together and then you spray foam it and then you shot cre the Helix steel mixed into the concrete on there there's some more ventilation coming up through the back wall in the bedroom and it makes for a very affordable structure and it can be done very quickly in fact we did one in a rush and it took a month only to do it by the time I was ready for burying but I usually wait 30 days before I bury because I want the concrete to cure for at least that long before I bury them this one had a skylight in it I'm going to show you the outside Skylight in a bit um how I made that and it's never leaked so some really good ideas in there on how to make that happen um we got uh what am I going to do here now I'm just I'm just watching these videos that I took today or the other day collaborated a bunch together and um so I might be repeating myself here and there but I'm just narrating this video right now there's that Skylight there it works great that Skylight man um really lightens the place up you get you know with living in there you want to have a feel that you can see the sun coming up and seeing the light of day come through the place which is a very big benefit of having a skylight in one of these structures obviously one that's super heavy duty non- penetrable stuff like that and of course doesn't leak this is looking out I think I'm going to walk outside here in a minute I look at that yeah I'm kind of showing that door again I mentioning that door was there is this uh vent pipe for the on demand water heater there you can see right on the inside all of the equipment is in the front entryway in this one so we got that there I got a vent above you can see the little white vent up there that I'm pointing at and then it has on the outside it has the same thing so you can crank that open a bit just to allow for some extra air to circulate in that front entry room and I also have a lower one there so I get the same convection thing it just just it rotates moves air through there all day long on a very slow nice gradual basis and keeps fresh air in that little structure the whole time and uh I think you can see the black pipe all along the bottom there there's there's the battery system there too as well um I'm going into that uh there there's the charging system the whole module for the uh solar panels on the on the roof outside and uh what do we got here we got there's that vent pipe that comes in it's 30 ft long it hits the structure takes a 90 comes into the entryway and then then it goes down the hallway of the entryway and and opens right into the actual structure area so that's all fresh air coming in there and um it works out really nice [Music] there's that pipe going right there I mentioned again what the look with the trajectory of that pipe is comes inside here and uh you can see it along the bottom there it comes in all the way goes through that wall and it I'm going to walk in here right now and to show you where it comes in um I jumped around a bit there dropped a few pictures in here to get a better view of it where I pointed at it and then here's the guillotine vent you can move up and down to get the proper air flow if you find you're getting too much air FL I just put that on there in case it was really cold out one day and you find it getting too cold inside but it it turns out it never really did that uh it still stays at temperature all the time inside about 60° and uh and they just I just make advise that they always leave that open all the time to make sure they don't uh have an air flow problem you know here's another shot of me walking up around the back side of the structure okay so realistically um it the structure actually sits about 2 feet in the ground on the front side but the back has it's it's butt up against the back of the hill so there's only like about a 6t uh hump on the back and then it gets bigger on the front of the structure so that that's the only way I mentioned it's the only way I would do this structure because you don't want to have a water problem it's going to be a big issue I know a lot of people have built undergrounds and had nothing but water problems and they're very hard to solve once the things uh backfilled so if you plant it right and you make sure your water tables are workable and with a lot of leeway I I tend to go like I said on the highest part of the of the of the land and I i' love to have about a 30t drop in the land so I can really clear all that water out you know so here is the top this is the actual uh escape hatch and ventilation that I built on my next ones I dropped this picture and to show you how I would do it this is the old way the one I did this is the first structure I ever did and it had the escape hatch on top of the structure whereas now I put it on the back of the structure and I hang it off the back wall so that it has no interaction at all with the structure itself if anything leaks if that escape hatch leaks at all it has its own self-contained area with a vent hole in the bottom of it so if any condensation gets in it drains it out where this one did have a little leak on the escape hatch so we um did it different on all the other ones I fixed the leak but there's the Skylight um structure I built built it out of a couple pipes I had a guy W it together put a little cap on it put some half in thick plexiglass in there with some uh rubber ring there all tightened in from the bottom and then that whole that whole system sits over top of of a one of those 12in plastic vents that goes right into the structure and it gets foam spray foamed all on it heavily to make sure there's no way that anything can um get in there and then before I cover like this is at the very end before I cover I I've laid a big giant um pond liner on top of the whole thing I put a little bit of dirt on it to get the form down and then I laid the pond liner over the whole thing and cut a hole where the where the Skylight was and dropped everything and then that whole giant metal Skylight cover drops right over that whole sleeve now that little little pipe there that's for plumbing ventilation so you can get your uh toilet working properly your sinks and all that you always need to have that like any any house you know and then here I do a quick shot of the solar panel system that was put in the in the perfect Direction it turned out that that's where the sun is crossing uh from rising East setting in the west and it's shining on the hillside so it was a perfect place to put the solar panels and we got there's some batteries and the solar panel system charging station it's got eight very heavy batteries in there and it and it totally accommodates them 100% there's a shot from the solar panels looking at the roof cover entry and um let's see we got [Music] here okay so we got uh another shot of from the top they have a couple storage containers at the top of their place I think I shoot a little bit over here they got a they got the underground propane storage on the far left um and and actually I I really refined this whole process in the next few structures that I built where I recommend at least I love having that 40ft tunnel that I had on the on the next ones cuz we use that whole 40ft tunnel for all the food storage and nothing has to go inside the building at all the actual building so in this one I put that covered area on there because they were going to utilize this structure as basically a house really it's kind of a house really it just doesn't have any windows um and I have built them on the sides of Hills so you have Windows uh in the front you know little peephole on that door lock down mechanisms I was pointing out the the beginning the power system generator got a hand pump well there I might I might repeat a bit of this stuff on this video cuz I had a a collab a bunch of just mumbo jumbo videos all stuck together and then I just kind of walking through it right now and talking about it but it gives you a a second look you know [Music] anyway yeah it turns out to be a really quite a nice comfortable place and the the ladies that live there see there hasn't been really a problem there's there's the construction of it actually that is from this one and we are under construction and this next shot is going to be the guy spray foaming okay and you can see the spray foam on there is quite thick that green part on there that's the primer that you use to put on there first and then you spray foam this is the Helix steel I was talking about that I put in all the other structures you mix it right in the in the concrete you put like 30 lb per yard and it makes the not need the no need for uh for rebar it's not fiber mesh it's here's a here's the um support system I use inside that you have to put in before you before you shot cre it cuz that sucker is heavy here's a shot of this one you can see that front area around the front there on the right side that's where all the dirt is a retaining wall kind of built into the front of it now I think I'm going to jump in here a little a little bit inside the front of the entryway here uh here we go see you got inside of the structure again uh what do we got here kitchen showing the kitchen again I mean there's obviously a lot of things I would have done different on this structure but we were under a very tight budget they literally did not I told them that you couldn't build a structure for their budget and that's when I came up with the Quan it design was it was probably half it cost half of what a a concrete one would where you just form up the walls and you form up the seeding and all that kind of stuff you can imagine there's like 4 months of just forming and rebar and all this stuff whereas with the quanset Hut you pour the found Foundation you you put up the quanite you can do all that probably if you had three or four guys you could do all that in a week and then you're ready for a spray foam and shot Creet so literally you can do this whole structure start to finish in a month and then do the inside in another another month two months you could have it done if you coordinated it right and you had the right land you had the right contractors involved um here we got the doors going into the bedrooms and uh let's see what else we got here guys mention I always mention I love having the archt toop doors they're so nice and uh a simple way to do that I was using TX decking uh the fascia boards which are a/ inch thick and you just rip them to the size you like and you wrap it around the opening and uh there's your opening and then you just match your door you hold the door up there and you scribe the door in you're ready to go I don't know what that flashing light was all about but and then I got the same material atal I use on the on the doors I use that up above on the on the Loft area it's 2x6 tongue of Grove Spruce and um that's how I do a lot of construction a lot of guys use that cuz it makes it finished it's finished you know other guys will build joist and floor joist and Plywood And then they put you know something on the ceiling like sheetrock but this is way more finished and uh it's it's a beautiful look and it doesn't hold moisture it's really nice so we got um see what else we got here like I was mentioning earlier up in the Loft area is about 4 and 1/2 ft up there in the Loft and there's just walking into that first bedroom on the far right it goes through a little Pantry area way here and uh I know I'm going to be pointing out the airflow again cuz I I always make a point of that almost in every video to show how nice that air flow just moves around that building no no bedroom is left with any stagnant air anytime it's always moving and then I'm going to walk up the staircase here I think I go up here and look into the Loft area and you can see the escape hatch ladder there you know you want to have two entries and exits basically on this on a structure like this and then I walk up there and I think you'll be able to see the ventilation in the back area um I should be pointing this out uh there's a behind that fan they had a fan in there see there there it is there's that the ventilation there and right there so what I did on the next structures is I put two vents on the bottom and one and two on the top and that's what you seen on that lid I showed you the escape hatch lid what I did there to get even more ventilation so I had a total of four Guillotine vents that you could manipulate and I figured more is better I mean it's a little bit more money to add it but at least you have the option to turn all four open or have only two open you know and you can watch your air flow coming in and um there is mechanical ways to advance that and make it even more so like you can put a uh pipe fan in one of those and have it come on if you really want to suck air out of there even quicker you know if you feel like you want to have that as an option I don't think you need it I I've never seen it needed but um there's some people that just do massive amounts of stuff to these undergrounds anyway that's that's a very short version of this underground I'll have a couple random pictures in here cuz I ran out of the movie here and I'm going to add some pictures just of a few things and uh thank you for watching and keep in touch with us and you'll see more coming up and I'll even have Michael put in a couple uh videos on the construction of the structure we got a couple videos of uh how we did it now I'm just dropping a bunch of pictures from some other uh Yugi's including this one's on there a couple pictures they got a couple quanset Huts put together before they got shock created see the ventilation out the lid there I got the inside of a dome one little little kitchen thing and then I got this other one at the very end here of one in a hillside which was just a square one anyway that's about all for now folks thank you for watching
Channel: Viking Shelters
Views: 616,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Underground, Quonset, Concrete Underground, Viking Shelters, Shotcrete, Spray Foam, Helix Steel, Rebar, Underground home, Survival Home, Survival Undergrounds, Underground Survival, Preppers, bunkers underground, bunker, Bunkers, Concrete, Concrete Home, Shelter, Shelters, Tornado, Hurricane, Hurricane proof building, Nature, Nature proof building, Israel, Gaza, War, Protection
Id: G4p9K0K9v1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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