Building Buildings in Blender | Buildify 1.0

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select the type of wall from this list like so you can change the building height this way welcome and stay till the end I have a little gift for you all of this is with geometry loads we don't even have to learn geometry notes thanks to Pavel Oliva we have this buildify 1.0 load setup where all of these thoughts are already there you don't have to donate anything but I highly encourage you to donate more because this is not setup is invaluable what you would get is a blend file it looks different somehow but it's okay so I'm gonna select all and copy it to a new blend file so this is one building you might want to change it and customize the code into your desires first off let me switch to look there mode it looks pretty detailed switch to Geometry nodes to see the behind scenes of this this is it the point of this video is not to teach you geometry nodes so I'm not going to explain each of these nodes we are going to change some of the parameters in these nodes especially on the side of the node setup so this is the roof these are model collections you can change the density of the model seal offset of the roof you can even randomize the distribution of these details on the roof we can change the rest of the details as well the top trim middle floors and ground flows and even these props go to the layout tab we are going to create our own building and a plane move it over here scale it make sure it has dimensions in the multiples of 3 because these nodes that are piss made for modules with 3 meters height and 3 meters length I try to change it but it's kind of messy so we'll not try that I'll make some extrusions but everything in the multiples of 3 here I am using 15 meters this agile extrude by 6 meters next go to modifier properties and add the geometry nodes modifier click this button and select this first node setup building which converts our plane into a weird thing so this should remind you the importance of applying the scale in blend let me disable the modifier for a moment and apply this scale now it's working like it should we can change the height of the building here I want to change these original modules let me go to the initial building and disable the modifier so these are the modules that I was talking about I am going to model one of these modules on my own it's pretty simple at the tube go to the edit mode and lift it up change the dimensions like this I am keeping the dimensions of my module similar to the dimensions of the original one add the few Loop Cuts scale them select these faces and extrude a couple of times now we should add materials to this module I'm using one of my favorite add-ons the easy baby are at all we'll go with this brick texture unwrap the object choose Cube projection we need to scale this properly so we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen bricks one brick is about 65 millimeters so 3 meters divide by 65 millimeters it is 46 point something we have 14 bricks only so we should scale this by 3.3 now we need glass material also I am too lazy to make a new glass material let me add the window used in the archimes shadow which already has a glass material let's add a new material to our module click this button and select glass material we can delete this window now select these two phases and assign the glass material this class material is transparent we don't want that because we don't have anything inside this building and we don't want to show that so we'll make the inside of this building not visible from the outside therefore decrease the value of color in refraction bsdf we can delete these faces in the back if we want I modeled some other modules of the camera including these wall modules for the ground flow and these columns one important thing to note is this point of origin make sure your model and the model you are replacing has a similar point of origin related to the model in other words if the original model has its point of origin towards the middle of this Edge make sure your model also has the point of origin towards the middle of this Edge otherwise the position of your new model would be misplaced in the building one other thing make sure the rotation of fewer columns and the columns that you are replacing has a similar rotation and you need to apply the rotation too the next step is creating module collections select these columns and move them into a new collection I'll name it P P4 plus the other important thing is renaming the modules even though you don't rename these modules the node setup is going to identify which is which however it is easy for you to keep track of these new modules so you can easily identify them later if you want to make any changes therefore I am going to copy the original names do the same for the walls as well move them into new collections mf4 middle Frost GA foreground flow but not for anything else right let's go geometry nodes select this middle Frost node and select your collection of the modules like so do the same for the ground floor also I want this building look model so I am going to remove these props alright then we are almost at the end isn't it better if we can change this without coming to Geometry node step Beaver yeah we could totally do that at the group input node like this and connect these inputs to the group input node now you can see them in the modifiers tab and press n to see this group tab now we can rename these inputs like this do the same for the middle Floor Walls as well so that's it for this video guys hit the like button if you enjoyed my content and subscribe this videos what do you want to see next let me know in the comments for now click one of these videos in the screen so I have included the link in the description where you can find the modules that I used in this video and bunch of other ones so that's your gift and go check it out
Channel: dyks_archviz
Views: 2,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, how to make buildings in blender, how to use buildify node setup, buildify addon, buildify addon for blender, how to make cities in blender, how to change the modules in buildify, why buildify addon not working, best addons for blender, blender archviz, making a city in blender, make buildings easily in blender, blender building generator, how to setup buildify blender, how to download buildify for blender free, how to use buildify addon for blender
Id: uqf0Euqk56o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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