Buildify - FREE Building Creator for Blender!

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so when geometry notes for blender first came out it was easy to see the potential but maybe not to visualize exactly what it could do however there's a new geometry node setup that's just come out that can really give us an idea of what the future of 3d modeling and blender is so let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so buildify is a brand new geometry node setup from pavel aleva um and i apologize if i said that wrong so this geometry node library is basically designed to make creation of buildings easy using geometry nodes and so it's got a fairly simplified geometry node setup that's designed to help us quickly generate buildings so i want to get into it and talk a little bit about how to use it and then we may talk about this more in the future because this one is just going to be massive one big thing about this is you can download this for free by typing in a value of zero dollars or you can make a donation to the developer by putting in a value of what you think is a fair price so i always do encourage you to do that to support developers where you can when they're creating cool tools like this but basically the way that this works is um this is a geometry node setup that you bring into blender and so when you open it up it's going to look something like this and so when you first open it up it's just going to have this example file in here i'm going to tap the z key and go into material preview mode and so there's a couple cool things about this so the first is you can edit things like the height of your buildings by adjusting your geometry node setup over here and it's really simplified it's not designed to be super complicated it's really driven by the shape of the faces that are generated in here so if i toggle this off right and then tab into edit mode notice what it's doing is it's basically using the faces um of this uh base right here in order to generate our building so let's say that we were to take this edge right and extrude it out like this and we could probably toggle this on and do like the wireframe modifier so you can see what it's doing but if i extrude this out notice how it's generating additional pieces of the building whenever i do this so if i extrude it this way it's extruding more of the building along the shape so if i go back into material preview mode notice how it's a really fast way to generate a building right here and all of those uh all of those floors are going to adjust modularly whenever i do this so we can use this in order to really quickly generate buildings and then it does really interesting things if you edit the shape as well so if we go back into wireframe mode and let's say that we were to maybe like scale this down or something like that notice how it's adjusting to actually fit the pieces in here like this so if we go back to material preview mode scale it up or down notice how this is definitely adjusting to follow along with that and so note that you can come in here and adjust things like your wall props so you can adjust the seed and other things like that inside of the geometry node setup right here so notice how i can adjust the scene you can also adjust the seed of the pieces that are placed on like the base or something like that so it's really simple to use and then let's say we wanted to create another shape right so i'm just going to add my 3d cursor over here i'm going to do a shift a i'm just going to add a plane just at the moment right here what we could do is we just add that same geometry nodes modifier so we're just going to go into geometry nodes add a geometry node setup and in this case we're going to select the option for our building right and there you are it's generated a building based on that new shape so um adding this to new shapes is really easy and then let's take a look at the way that the buildings are kind of set up and we may do a separate video on this but you can see how basically it's just uh putting together different parts and pieces um on kind of a grid wherever your shape is based on the height of the building but let's say we were to toggle this off for a second and look at the assets that come with this so right now it only comes with these assets right but it comes with like a wall a couple different walls as well as some base pieces and then it's got your sign and your other things that are going to go along with that so it's basically just got all of these modules and if you look at the modules they're actually placed inside of different collections right so if you look at this over here on the right hand side you've got your different modules in here for your different floors and walls so let's say for example that i wanted to duplicate this move it over like this and we want to make sure that this duplicated piece there we go it's right here but let's say we were to adjust the color of this one somehow so let's just take a couple of these faces just for the sake of what we're doing here and adjust them so i'm just going to add a new material and we'll just make it kind of a red so something like this nothing complicated and we'll just assign that to these surfaces just so you can see that it's different right so remember that this new piece is inside of my ground floor walls right here well now if i toggle my building back on since that's actually inside of the collection that this is using like this notice how that's randomly being placed in here as well so it's really as simple as just adding the modular parts and pieces in here in order to generate your building and then if you don't like the way that this looks you can just jump into um you can just jump into that node setup and for the ground floor you can adjust the seed right and so that's going to adjust your randomization so it really is as simple as taking those parts and pieces and plugging them in so one thing that the one thing that the author notes is you can take the modular parts from like mega scans or something like that and put those in as well so if you guys are interested in that let me know we can talk about how to do that there are some licensing things you need to be aware of with mega scans which i don't want to get into right now but you can take these modular pieces or really any modular pieces and plug them in so and so that right there is plenty but now i want to get into one of the major features that comes along with this that could really be a game changer alright so the massive feature for this add-on is that it actually integrates with the open street map add-on so we've talked about the openstreetmap add-on in the past um so basically it's an add-on that allows you to import map data and generate buildings inside of blender and the one limitation of this is it hasn't really always given you the ability to create very good looking buildings right if you look at these buildings like they're fine if you're just trying to fill in the background but i mean there's no trim on them the windows just kind of get cut off um even with the premium version um other things like that but yeah i mean it's still a great tool to bring in geographical data and set up cities right well what this does is this will actually take that geographical data and it'll build buildings based on that all right so this is ridiculously cool so what you can do is um you have to install the openstreetmap add-on which i can link to a video where we talked about how to do that when you install the openstreetmap add-on basically what you want to do is you want to select your location which you can use with the select tool and then when you import this what you want to do is you want to set your import to be 2d right here that's just going to bring in your two-dimensional information right buildings and water and other things like that and then though you want to find that buildify blender file that comes along with this so you just want to find the buildify file that comes along with this you want to click on accept and what you want to do is you want to click the drop down and notice how now it finds different things in here that are contained in that file well specifically we want to bring in the building setup like this so what that's going to do i'm going to click on import and let this work a little bit that's going to import your openstreetmap data into your blender file but then it's going to apply the buildings from the geometry node setup specifically to the buildings that are brought in from openstreetmap so basically what it's going to do is it's going to automatically generate geometry nodes buildings on top of the building data that gets brought in and so now you've got like a complete geometry node building set up in here that's setting up these buildings automatically and then you could jump into like the geometry node settings right here if you wanted to do that do some randomization so if we were to select this and let's say we don't like the way the ground floor on these looks right um you could definitely randomize these as well so if i go to material preview mode right here then i adjust the seed notice how the bottoms of these buildings are all adjusting in here so you can do the same thing with your other walls as well so set our seed to like 500 and it's going to adjust all of these different walls so obviously these all look kind of uniform because they've all got kind of the same um they've all got the same like four pieces that this is using in order to build these but if you were to build this out this could be a massively cool tool for generating cities inside a blender so i'm actually already seeing people using this in order to generate cities for like game engines and other things like that so this is just another example of how exciting geometry nodes is i'm going to link to some other geometry nodes setup videos on this page as well love to hear from you in the comments down below do you see yourself using this do you want to see more tutorials just love having that conversation with you guys as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and i'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 143,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender 2.9, blender 2.91, blender geometry nodes buildings, blender buildify, blender buildify add-on, buildify add-on, blender buildings
Id: gKZ074ISG_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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