Building a DIY Wide Body Kit for my Mid Engine 67 Ford Mustang Fastback

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hey what's up everybody welcome to another episode of B is for build we're here working on the 1967 Mustang Fastback to give you a little history on this car it used to be a Bugatti there's a Bugatti movie car so a fake Bugatti got crashed in a movie It's actually an SLC chassis underneath so we bought this thing we cut it in half once cut it in half twice fit a dynacorn reproduction Mustang Fastback body onto this thing and we took it racing once we figured out that it runs and drives now it is time to transform it for SEMA as the time I'm saying this right now we have 28 days until SEMA so this car has to be SEMA ready in 28 days we're gonna be doing a very very the most fun part of this entire project which is building a body kit from scratch we're starting with a render that is this right here and we're building that body kit out in real life on this car here we're going to go through show you how to do it at home it's also a cheap kind of inexpensive way to build a body kit if you're interested in doing it at home and we're going to finish the front end conversion we have 1967 front end stuff and we're converting over to 1970. this is going to be one of the most fun episodes on this whole build series stay tuned soon [Music] all right guys when we last left off we were talking about this front end we want to start working on this and getting it kind of wrapped up there is a we'll call it a decorative trim piece well we need to make one that's shaped like this without that big cut in the middle and we're going to make it out of steel so Oscar is going to start working on that with a press brake and some sheet metal and we're going to bend that into there and that covers up this piece and then this bolts into a lower piece that we'll talk about after we finish this piece one thing at a time guys don't get ahead of ourselves foreign [Music] Oscar just wrapped up building uh two of the front end pieces so we didn't have the material to start this early in the morning so we started this guy now this is our bar that runs across here makes this initial step it eventually flows into this over here this nice flat over here so this is going to be fiberglassed in and then it'll flow into that nice radius right there and that is a finished piece that you'll see right there on the front of the car then the next piece is this piece so it's kind of hard to see because it's all in the shadows here but that's the second step up piece that runs into our Grille so this is just you know continuing the work to follow the renders building stuff out of raw steel rather than trying to make the other stuff work so imagine you have the headlight rest of the headlight bucket headlight Grille flowing all the way through here with the hexagonal honeycomb pattern and then the other headlight bucket and underneath sits our own custom bumper so very far in the process of the front end in the last episode we talked about how we didn't have an oem Fender and we thought it would be a really good idea too and you guys were very kind sent me emails for a bunch of different resources I'm sorry I didn't get to respond to all of of you guys somebody very very early on shot me a resource and we found one within about 30 or 40 minutes from us so we went and picked up this baby this morning 125 bucks not too bad we don't know if it's good or not but I really love how they uh cut off the must on the thing and just wrote staying that's pretty cool so um that's gonna have a good amount of body work that needs to be done with it if we keep it but obviously so with this one but Oscar did get all the gaps perfect on this one but we want to test it out right Oscar we'll give it a shot so um Oscar's gonna test fit it on and we'll see if it fits as good as the other side [Music] alrighty well we cut up and tested another Fender sorry 67 Mustang fans we cut up another Fender this one we actually found out is covered in body filler all these like little pink looking spots there's a lot of body fillers gone on to that so the Bodywork would have been immense but uh it doesn't really matter because even when we snugged it up it was it's basically too wide so it's what it's got us thinking is that actually it's not really so much the fault of the fenders albeit the reproduction fenders are garbage it's that I think our reproduction cowl is a little too wide I think it's a little bit wider than it needs to be and that led us down a road of kind of a lot of problems but we've got a modified Fender now and uh it's probably going to require less Bodywork than this one would to fix up so we're gonna go with the modified one final answer next up Oscar is going to build a bash bar that goes in this lower section right here basically kind of towards the bottom of our frame rails that have been built and that's job is going to be really to do a lot of supporting of our upcoming front bumper that we're going to make out of thin air and fiberglass [Applause] foreign [Music] looking mean Oscar's got the new trim piece the front end piece and the new bash bar built in right behind that to support it all can't even really see it that's the idea now we mentioned this a little bit in the last episode but we got to go this car's got to go down a lot more it's raised up as high as it can go it needs to go closer to as low as it can go or around there before we start building our wide body kit and start designing those over fenders so we're going to hit the coilovers and crank them back down foreign [Music] now comes the exciting part we've got the car lowered down to the right height that we want to have it at we got that Fender clearance out so the wheel can fully turn back and forth and now it's time to start creating our body kit so the way we do this I'm not saying this is the best way but it's the best way that I know how is we use solid steel rod in a few different thicknesses this one right here is quarter inch this one right here is 3 16. and we bend it into the shape that we want creating the exterior structure if you will well it's actually the interior structure interior structure of the shape that we want expecting to lay a fabric over top of it the way we get perfect bends is by using a roller and then obviously just matching it up with like circular things so as you feed that Rod through here you can crank this thing down roll it through and it will shape it into a circle so some of the base points for like a body kit is you need that flat section that follows your wheel and your tire Arch and at this point I'm just going to walk over to another car that already exists so I can kind of show you so this Lamborghini is a perfect example if we were trying to recreate this quarter panel out of thin air we need a piece of metal for the inner structure that's going to run this Bend and this Bend and then as we we're going to tuck the fabric on the back side of it stretch it over the front side of it and it'll give us this flat spot right here and then say well we want this Bend right here now Lambo is like the easiest version because it's almost all designed designed with Peaks and stuff so it's like really easy anyways if you wanted this you run a rod from inside underneath there to there one rod goes that way one rod goes that way you guys get the idea we're building this inner structure and then we're like throwing fabric over it tightening that fabric down and then we can fiberglass right over that and we're basically using that as an interior mold so on this car we're not building a body kit that bolts on and bolts off this body kit is one piece this Fender and headlight bucket and the wide body part of the fender is all one piece comes on and off the car as one piece on our last one that we did for the jumpicon no sorry the burnt a con it's uh it's removable hence you can see it's it's not there so you're gonna probably see us welding this metal rod straight to the body and then fiberglass over all of this stuff and then fiberglass it right to the body to have a nice secure connection with everything foreign [Music] foreign [Music] check that out how cool does that look so you can start to see what we're doing here is we're basically building the the outer scaffolding for that body line right there the the ring around here and the body line going back all this stuff although it would be a decently cool body kit if it just started here and goes down that won't be this is just structure that won't actually be a part of the design because the design that we have it flows from this Edge right here so that's the next step that we're working on is cutting out sheet metal and the different things that we're going to put in place to have the sustenite tucked behind and then stretch to our end point right here so Oscar's got a great example over here this front end is like really shaping up and looking really really cool I'm super happy about it so you can see how this is going through here then Oscar's templating out now with painters tape where are um our sheet metal that holds the cessnite down is going to roll through here and kind of come through here and down to here and that will this night is going to tuck under that and then run from that point out to our outer existing point so it's a little that might be a little complicated or hard to imagine but when we show you guys it at all it probably fall into place but I'm super happy with How uh I don't know just aggressive and good looking this thing is as wide as it is and it's really really coming together so this is like I said this is gonna be this is an exciting episode because this when we get to see this thing all together it's gonna be super cool [Music] foreign [Music] foreign big news guys our wheel spacer came in for the other side so now they're matching again these are just from mock-up our wheels are in production the structures and the let's call it fabric holder Downer brackets have all been built front and back so the fabric that we're using is an aircraft Wing fabric it's called sesanite that a viewer told us about last time we were building a custom wide body kit we tuck it under the back side of this we run it all the way over our edge here hot glue it down in the back and then you can hit it with a heat gun and in spots where it has a little bit of it's where it's not taut and it's not tight you can hit with a heat gun and it actually will shrink back for you so it's pretty cool it's a very malleable fabric honorable mention for this strategy too is you can you can run tape you can just take a lot of masking tape and start running lines some people do that too but I had really really good results with the sesanite so that is the next step we're going to start to get the cessnite in on all of these panels if we get it in and we get it in how we like it and where where it goes and everything then we can actually move on to fiberglass which is huge so we'll get this test and I dialed in hopefully and then we can move on to glassing it [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's take a quick second out to thank our sponsor today's episode is sponsored by ship station ship station is a leading web-based order management and shipping software the second I started listing my own merch on my website knew that I had to be able to manage shipping and that's when I got ship station you want to set yourself up before you have a ton of orders already racked up you don't want to wait till you're drowning in orders to find the right shipping solution you want to upgrade to ship station today and shipstation integrates into a ton of different platforms whether you're selling on Etsy or Amazon or Ebay or your own website and handling shipping for all of your different products all in one place means you can free up your time to be spent otherwear like business growth or research and development you don't have to waste any extra time on shipping and fulfillment shipstation 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strategy for what we're doing uh it we started heat gunning it and we saw it shrink back and it looks really cool and then and then I kind of saw this Edge right here lots of curvature here lots of curvature here that's not how it's supposed to look if you wanted to build most body kits actually do have that curve right on it's a really good good use for that our design actually calls for a straight edge from this point to this point as you're going as you're going across the radius it needs to be straight can't curve down so we figured out hang on phone call phone call big success we are nowhere near to getting our shop built on the new property cities and permits and rules and stuff are so uncool let's just let us build as big of a car shop as we need like this was America yeah this is America back to The cesa Blasters all right so here's the deal guys we heated it and we think that we shrunk it a little bit too much in here which uh gave it this drawback or We Shrunk it too much through here or maybe just the middle it doesn't really matter it's it's producing the wrong shape I believe that we could shrink it less and this wouldn't happen but we need to have a mirror image from side to side and it can't just be up to the fate of the heat gun and how much you shrink it and stuff like that the cool side of it is this Bend is something that we really needed and it's really hard to do to flow perfectly into the body line it just we needed to go straight edge up until here so this good this bad this bad so um we're gonna try the tape method next um which is just like it sounds you just run tape straight and you just have to make sure you're not running a piece of tape like crazy angle but just run it straight like this work your way through all you need here is to have a structure something that will hold the weight of the fiberglass and hold it in place so you can get some resin on that fiberglass and once you get your first layer of fiberglass to dry you're good enough to keep working so we're going to go ahead and try and work through this with tape we still haven't gotten to the very very complex angle that is that so tape I think is going to be our friend here I hope foreign [Music] [Applause] tape was the method for this shape tape really worked out we were able to get a lot of the Contours that we needed in here and everything one small mistake that was made was when pulling the tape originally from here to here we actually pulled this bar a little bit over so you can see it's not it's supposed to be dead straight with the high point it's really close but it just jogs over a little bit we can fix that in fiberglass we just have to sand this this edge of the peak down and then build this edge of the peak up and it'll it'll fix out but that is looking really really cool with the color change it does look a little strange but once we get it all glassed in here guys it's going to flow really nicely this is looking awesome so I'm really excited to see how it goes on the back we're expecting the back to be more sesanite than tape but who knows at this point we're surprising ourselves every day [Music] well again if you want that negative concave that negative Bend sesanite is killing it we were able to get somewhat of a straight edge like through here but other than that it's got a lot of concave to it which is just not the design so building the body kit out of tape boys we ran down to Harbor Freight we got 10 rolls of tape hopefully we won't run out tape strategy it's kind of hilarious our body kit the base layer will be Harbor Freight tape it'll always be living underneath this mustang [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] I probably already mentioned a few times that we're on a very very tight deadline with days today we have 22 days to finish this build um so there's there's always this mental this internal balance of nitpicking small things it adds time if you say oh that's not good enough or oh we don't like the way that that turned out we got to change it it obviously adds a lot of time but I do think it's really apparent when you show up to SEMA who does that and who fixes the little things that they don't like so they have the exact perfect image of what they wanted to build versus the people that don't they just say Ah that's good enough so we've always went back and fixed it and I think that's part of the reason we sometimes run so far behind deadline and behind schedule but um anyways now's one of those times let's talk about it so we're taping off our rear over Fender it looks super cool um and but it started to look a little plain it's like it just looks like we just kind of came straight out and the rendering didn't seem as plain and we were thinking like why why is that like what's going on so I emulated putting a vent here and yeah we don't have our side skirt car up in the air does not help the looks of it at all but we wanted a little bit more a little bit more drama a little bit a little bit more something and what we thought was is this body line is getting kind of muted this body line was kind of Disappearing a little bit and that's such a important part of a 67 Fastback I did a little bit of research and I found out that that while I already knew that the rendering is based off of a 1970 Mustang we have a 67 and those bodies are pretty different and one of the really different defining things is the hips from the rear window line out here the hips on that that 70 Mustang go like way out to here and it just has more hips on it already and then when you extend it it looks really good and on this one it's like our extension is too much we're going too much more than what the car already gave you kind of is is the feeling that we have so we're gonna try something we're gonna try taking this body line right here and raising it up a little bit more and then moving it out a little bit more essentially kind of giving we're double wide bodying the car we're going to make it look like the factory car before we attach to it was wider and a little bit taller and then we're going to attach to it and then build out again kind of a nitpicky thing but if we don't have this big hip right here on this rear quarter panel it will not look as good as it should and that's that's really what we're here to do is like to take something that looked awesome and build it on real life and our differences in cars are leading us to this challenge that we have to overcome so we're going to do that by mimicking this angle with a bent piece of Rod then welding the rod here bringing it out here and up as far as we kind of naturally can while also tying it straight back into our rear Point here and then we'll go ahead and tape over it and see how it looks [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay test over Fender is completed so the the arch kind of comes out this way a little bit more to widen out this Gap here and then follows the the already kind of established body Arc where it gets it's a lot more slanted here and it's a lot more flat here and really just helps fatten up this section right here it looks really really good I think that's like the big change that we needed to really help accentuate this area too like diving down it's hard to see with it all being blue tape but it definitely gives it more of that curve that we wanted so that is good and now Oscar's got to uh so this whole side's like wrapped up now Oscar's got to work onto this side and and change it you can see now when we look back at this side how much kind of like less dramatic this site is and how much we really need that that extra Bend in there and then uh we'll get that in there and we'll be able to move on to fiberglass oh also the other front is done so we got front number one and front number two is wrapped up so yeah we're close to being able to move on the fiberglass stage which is really exciting [Music] okay it's time to move on to the next step which is fiberglassing this stuff in so we're gonna use some oh I just realized I had image stabilization turned off on the camera for a while I'm really sorry about that I'll try and fix it as much as I can in software my bad now that we've got the shape it's time to cut some of the tape back so we can have a mechanical bond to the actual car itself and start making this thing out of fiberglass so we've got some 1.5 ounce chopped strand fiberglass mat this is heavy duty hardcore stuff that is really really strong so it won't take a ton of layers of this to have a very very strong body kit and then like I said bring that tape back so that you're actually fiberglassing and resonating onto the primed metal and it will bond onto your car really nicely the game plan is is that there still will be some blue tape underneath in the very bottom layer of this and we don't care guys over at fiberglass got us set up with this stuff they're a really good resource for fiberglass carbon fiber all this stuff they they hooked us up with a bunch of these uh products when we were building the wide body kit and the carbon fiber doors on the burnt con which by the way is actually going back to SEMA but we will unveil that at SEMA we're going to do some changes to it and send it back anyways shout outs fiberglass thank you for hooking us up with these products to let us make crazy stuff and now it goes on the Mustang [Music] thank you foreign [Music] there we go we got three very very thick layers of fiberglass on over our tape so you can see how we cut the tape back on the edges where it's fiberglassing to the car because that's like our mechanical Bond and the bottom side is just now masking tape and metal skeleton got the rear quarter done and now this is the wider version and you can see how much wider we went there on that quarter panel and I think it looks really really good um Oscar just finished taping off the other side as well these have a little bit of concave to them that we don't want and we're going to work that out after we have glass in here by using a lot more fiberglass that's it guys we built the body kit out of wire and tape and a little bit of sustenite here and there and we're getting it glassed in that's another week of progress on our SEMA build we've got 22 days from today to be done with this project so we were just talking it's like we got to really try and pick up a little bit of ground but everything that we're doing so far is turning out very very good and it's at the level that we wanted to so that's the good part make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any of these videos on our road to SEMA we've got four cars going to be on display at SEMA now absolutely incredible and we've got five cars going to SEMA because I just want one to drive around do you think it's my R35 GTR it is yes so make sure you subscribe and make sure you follow us B is for build on Instagram if you want to check out our new merch thank you so much for watching we'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: B is for Build
Views: 447,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acura, aston martin, audi, bentley, bmw, Buick, cadillac, chevrolet, dodge, ferrari, fiat, ford, gm, gmc, honda, hyundai, infinity, jaguar, jeep, kia, lamborghini, land rover, lexus, maserati, mazda, mclaren, mercedes, mini, mitsubishi, nissan, porsche, ram, rolls royce, subaru, tesla, toyota, volkswagen, volvo
Id: EEfjdBUIP8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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