Building an AI Salesman in Under 10 Minutes (Outbound & Inbound Sales)

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hey is that Liam hey Liam it's Liam yes it's me how can I help you today how are you my friend I'm doing great thanks for asking how about you let's get started every single week the AI space gets crazier and crazier and just when I thought the AI space couldn't get any crazier it has we've all heard of AI chat Bots and how they work what about an AI that can pick up the phone to someone or even call someone for you now when I first got into AI this was the exact thing that I was so so excited about because cool centers to me just made no sense working with a bunch of s team that had to be constant trained told to follow a script and would sit there all day long dialing the phone and the same goes for a reception desk someone's sitting there constantly picking up the phone answering the same questions over and over and over again there had to be another way and in this video I'm super excited to show you that there is and the best thing is it's at our fingertips and we can build these agents right here sat at our desk so with that said in this video I'm going to be jumping in and building live with you a complete AI voice agent that can take inbound calls qualify leads for you as as well as even make bookings and the best part we can integrate this AI agent into a ton of different platforms now the AI tool that I've chosen to build with today is a tool that I am very very fond of they're doing an amazing job they've raised a lot of money and they are backed by a solid team this tool is called simp flow I've been speaking with the team and they're happy to jump inside of the network and give you guys a private masterclass on this platform so if you did want further access and you wanted more information of how you could be using these voice agents and how the platform actually works then those of you you who are in the network will have access to sflow very very soon but without further Ado let's jump into the platform let's start building this today there's so many features I want to run you through and I'm very very excited to show you what we can build so let's kick off this tutorial now like I said we are going to be building using simp flow and you'll see exactly why I'm using sylow very very soon so we can see that they've just raised over 1.8 million in seed funding which means they're going to be here for a while which is good definitely come on over to sylow and check out their demo I will leave a link to these guys down below in the description we've S Voice flow Bots we've SE these chat Bots but now we have the opportunity to build these voice Bots now with sflow is super simple to set these Bots up and I'll be showing you exactly how we do that very shortly but in essence we now get a humanlike voice assistant that can speak to prospects inside of our CRM as part of a sales process it can act as a real estate agent that can give advice and take bookings for new home viewings they've even got an example here for recruitment showing how you can screen potential prospects when they're apply for jobs the list really is endless here and if you are looking to build this into your business I'm sure you can find a way of how this Tech applies to you and if you are running an agency selling this into businesses then even better because you now have a brand new tool that you can add to your Arsenal and it's just going to blow your clients away so look let's get into the fun part let's get into the build so I'm going to hit log in here I obviously already have an account so we can see there's an assistance tab here right so you can come down you can click open this is just one that I threw together for the example this video we will be starting from scratch don't worry but we have these different options we have dashboard we have configure we have prompt we have deployment and we have logs so prompt is essentially how are we're going to set this chatbot up how are we going to train it what is it how do we want it to respond to people what is its main job what is its main goal do we want to set it up so it sends SMS after it's had a call do we want to be able to take real time booking and connect it in with our CRM do we want to be able to transfer it to a human if the AI agent can't help the person on the phone and and of course do we want to extract the data that is coming from this call maybe even moving these leads into a CRM as well so tons of different options big fan of this one as well it actually ties into go high level zapier and it also does have an API that you can connect into you can see they have example zaps already so create a conversational agent interfaces in sylow from new form responses in Google forms so when someone submits a Google form sylow will now call them up and speak to them and qualify them as a lead send slack Channel message INF flow AI responses for new messages posted to channels in slack again we can tie this bot into so much more than just being EXT Standalone bot it really can become part of someone's sales process customer care process or just lead management process overall so this is so exciting for me where is this Tech going to be in 2 to 3 months time so look let's go through let's now build this bot so first things first what you're going to need to do is come down to your Integrations and you're going to want to set up a twio account now to set up twio account is pretty simple you go to twio you create the account there is a guide here on their website walking you through exactly what you need to do um and telling you how you need to set it up it was very simple I went and I bought a number a UK number and I took it back to simflow connected it with my account S ID authentication token and I click save now one really cool thing as well is if you've used the Lev Labs before we will dive into into this tutorial you can connect your 11 Labs voices so for me I can clone my voice and use it as the person who picks up and dials the phone so even better we can hyper customize these voice agents so we're not just using generic voices and we're actually customizing it to our specific client or to your specific business needs now obviously I have my workspace set up on Orthodox we have these different plans so it starts from $29 per month that gives you access to one active assistant connection into twilio all the API access you can do everything that I just mentioned and then it goes all the way up to agency where you can actually wh label this create your own platform and then resell it so again if you're running an agency this is another good option for you to package this up and start offering it as a core service to different clients that you're working with so let's get to the fun stuff let's go to create our assistant so we can either choose an outbound assistant or we can choose an inbound assistant obviously outbound we're going to automate calls we're going to reach out to people that have come through a form maybe into our CRM or submitted something on our website we are then going to be able to connect it with an API where this bot then makes an outbound call or we can set it to inbound meaning we just have to set the number up and if someone calls that number it can then pick up the call do what it needs to do follow its prompts follow its guides and then be able to deliver on that call as well again we can tie it into different crms just like we've spoken about we also can add it to our website so we can create a widget that essentially sits on our site maybe it's great for mobile users where you can hit a widget directly on the website that you put it on and it can make the call and ring this assistant because we work with a lot of clients with reception desks I'm going to build an inbound bot now when it comes to creating your assistant we can upload an image it's optional we can change its name so this is going to be called Port more Dental voice so this is actually one of our clients that we work with at the moment and I can now choose the voice so I can come here I can select Alice I can change it hey there how can I assist you cool that's fine for now we can always change this whenever we want this is just temporary whilst we're setting this bot up I can then go into 11 Labs so I'll show you how you can customize that and connect that all up so in terms of the model we're going to be using sflow have really really helpful guides in terms of their tutorials and their support right so the way that I learned how to do this was I came over to this page which is assistant configuration and they give you a really simple breakdown of their AI model selection so instead of just diving in guessing what one to take it actually gives you a really easy breakdown here giving you the context understanding paired against the speed depending on the different language model that you're using so GPT 4 the quality and the context understanding is very very high but the speed is is slower GPT 3.5 turbo again the context isn't that great but the speed's much faster there is also a fine-tuned outbound s cool model which it would need to be faster right because it's doing outbound sou cools you can't have it sitting there where there's a 5sec 10 second gap between conversations um so it really is important that you get this model choice right because that is the difference between a good voice agent and a bad one and I know that's a common problem that a lot of people are facing when they're coming into these types of models there is GPT for Turbo here available now so we're going to use that we've got balance voice quality and response speed we leave that on turbo stream language USA we are in the UK that just means the type of words and pronunciations custom greeting the opening line hey there this is Alice at Portmore Dental how may I assist you patience level low for Rapid exchanges high for more focused turns with less cross talk so I'm going to leave that as it is right now so I'm going to hit next here so we can see the prompt is wrong already we've already changed our name um so we're going to want to change this and it says you work as a personal assistant your persona profile is practical and down to earth very friendly and very helpful you keep things simple our mission at sflow is democratize AI technology to make it accessible and user friendly now this is irrelevant to Portmore Dental so what do we now need to do well we need to change this prompt so that is custom for our business or for the client that we're working with now sflow has actually built a GPT for us to create these high quality prompts based on our needs and our requirements so down below in the description I'm going to leave a link to the AI voice prompt script Builder that they've kindly put together for us so that we can build these prompts and actually get the highest quality prompt for our chatbot so for us I want to create an inbound reception desk chatbot that helps make bookings for our Dental prep I also want it to answer questions about the services that we offer our clients here is our website cool so I'm now going to punch that in see how it spits out a new prompt for me cool so the script GPT has now built for me this entire prompt so it makes it super super simple what you have to realize is the thing that AI is good for is most people will start from zero and build something good just with their own knowledge but the way that I like to use gpts and chat GPT in general is to start from somewhere good and create something great with my own input so that's some secret source that you can take away for yourself but that is how you need to treat um anything that comes out of open AI in my opinion when it comes to you know building prompts and that kind of thing so look I'm now going to copy all of this and I'm going to go back on over to our sylow account and I'm going to paste this into our prompt so reception Des chat Port Dental bot name the person is going to be called Alice the port Dental bot great Port Dental offers comprehensive range of services yeah that's all right for questions about specific Dental Services again Alice so this is our prompt right this is our structure um and now this is our actual script that we're going to use for when this bot actually has a conversation on the phone take your time with this you know spend time actually building out a solid prompt and you can play around with it you can always change it so addressing pricing queries let's add that feature in as well just going to come down and paste that in to be honest I'm probably going to add all of this so I'm just going to come down and add everything in here just going to delete these and that is essentially it if I click next and I select our twio number it should show up here yep that's all good that's set up for voice and SMS um I can now set my daily budget for the amount that it should spend when it's on the phone there are obviously credits that go towards your agent so our bot's been set up Port Dental voice bot called Alice let's see how it performs I'm going to put my number in here don't try to call me so to test my bot because it's an inbound bot all I need to do is give it a call on my phone so let's give it a ring now hey there this is Alice at Port Dental how can I assist you hi Alice I'd like to make a booking please sure I can help with that would you prefer a particular day or time for your dental appointment the problem is Alice I'm British so my teeth are so yellow because we don't ever brush our teeth is that something you can fix don't know that yellow we understand your concerns and at Portmore dental practice we're committed to helping improve the oral health and Aesthetics of all our patients teeth discoloration can be caused by various factors including diet oral Hy habit Alice cut to the chase can I make a booking absolutely let's get your booking arranged could you please tell me which day and time would work best for you to come in for a teeth whitening consultation Monday the 21st of March please great let me check our availability for Monday the 21st of March one moment please checking schedule I'm sorry for the confusion but as an AI I don't have access to the live schedule however I can guide just quickly on this section you hear the voice agent say I'm sorry I'm just a voice agent I can't make this booking but what you can do is you can make sure inside of those actions you can turn on the action of booking and then I could have just used to actually allow that voice agent to make that booking but again like I said if you want a more advanced video let me know Down Below in the comments and I can show you how we can set that up cool so that is what I wanted to hear and as you can see how simple was it to create that voice agent also just wanted to add that a lot of building a very good voice agent is heavily reliant on the prompt that you use and the prompt that you give it right so as you can see in this video I've done a very basic job but if you actually spend the time and you really put the effort into build a solid prompt your voice agent will be 10 times better than mine is now I also know that depending on the different plans that you pick inside of sflow the team will actually work with you oneon-one to custom build your prompt for your specific use case it just blows my mind how easy we just set up something that can now sit there in our business and actually act as a human now obviously it is very quite clearly AI but with the speed the AI moves a couple of months from now that will look very very different okay so the next step now that we have our voice agent working we want to connect this up with go high level so this is an inbound chatbot let's say for argument sake our business is using go high level which is a really good CRM platform and just about everything in between when it comes to managing leads inside of a pipeline how are we now going to set it up so that we can save transcripts from this call and we can also take bookings for this call from our inbound agent well first things first we need to set it up with go high level so what we're going to do is we're going to come on over to Integrations and we are going to come down to where it says go high level now I'm going to disconnect and show you and walk you through it so click connect and then I have a sflow sub account that I have just set up just for the example of this tutorial so you're going to hit that and it will do all the connections for you so in this case this is a brand new sub account that I just created um we can see it's got voice AI which is sylow so that's because I've gone through the app Marketplace I've got it all installed you can do with that through simflow just follow the guides and you can see here I can actually work on my simflow agent in inside of go high level which is really really good okay so let's say all of your go high level is connected now you've got everything tied in you followed all of the steps in integration you've got that green light it says it's all ticked and ready to go what we're now going to want to do is because we buil an inbound bot we're now going to want to create a new workflow now this workflow is an automation the reason why we're creating this automation is when we get an inbound call what we want to happen is the automation needs to now track that number that's called in it needs to save the details and it needs to give us a list and a transcription of the call that it's had so we can go through all of the contacts that bring in to this number and we can see exactly what happened in those chats so let's do that together it's really really simple all we're going to do create a new Automation and our trigger is going to be an inbound web hook okay so you will have to have a premium account for this the inbound web hook will then give you a URL that you just have to copy you go back on over to sylow you go to your Bot click quick setup go to web hook hit save and then we just hit initialize there and what you're going to want to do is hit fetch sample request so once you've done that you should receive a payload and then we can use that as our example data when it comes to setting up the rest of this automation so we're going to save that trigger down that's now our inbound trigger we're now going to click create contact add fi and we are going to save the phone number and we're going to set that as our inbound web hook trigger which is phone number and then of course what we want to do after that is we want to create a note we want to add that to the contact so unfortunately we can't save the name which is annoying for the inbound stuff but we can use variables in the outbound that we're doing inside of these voice bots so for the note what we're going to do set our transcription so again we'll come to custom values inbound web hook trigger and then the transcripts there uh we can have how long the call went on for so again duration and we can hit save we publish that one thing you do need to make sure you turn on is you need to make sure you can allow re-entry so that means if someone does call multiple times it will update their contact details cool so let's hit save and let's call our bot and see if it works hey there this is Alice at Portmore Dental may I ask who's calling it's Liam hello Liam how can I assist you today at Portmore dental practice hi could you tell me about your teeth whitening Services certainly Liam our teeth whitening services are designed to safely and effectively brighten your smile we offer both in office treatments and home whitening kits the in office procedure provides immediate results while the ATT home kit allows you to whiten your teeth at your convenience over a period of time the best option for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences thank a consultation I really appreciate your time thanks for that you've given me everything I've needed I'm going to go now thank you goodbye good cool she hung off of me but let's see if our contact and that transcript has now been saved inside of go high level so if we go to contacts we can see my contact here and then if we come on over to notes we can see the transcript so the name didn't work unfortunately but transcript does so hey there it's Alice from Port Dental it's Liam hello Liam so that's kind of a cheat code if you ask the name in the actual script of the bot itself then we can always come in and update that there so pretty much got the transcript spot on so perfect told me what time it is all of that good stuff so now in that case if you now have that information someone in the team can actually click through and they can call that number so I can literally come to go high level I can hit this I don't have a phone number clicked and I can call Liam back up with sylow there are configurations where we can actually set actions right so we can actually have it take realtime bookings we can do that with even inside of go high level so if you did want a more advanced tutorial on simp flat where you want me to go over all of the features let me know down below are you liking this tutorial so far have you learned a lot and if you are great because we're now about to get into our outbound agent and I want to quickly show you how you can connect that up inside of go high level as well so instead of you taking inbound calls maybe you want to plug this into a Sal team maybe you want to create an appointment set up for your business in which case we're going to want to call numbers as they come into our CRM now before I do go on you can connect other crms we do have the opportunity to connect HubSpot to this as well so it's not just for go high level users a lot of our clients use both go high level and HubSpot so we do have options now what you also can do before I move on you can actually toggle recordings and simflow will actually save your transcripts inside of the actual platform itself so you can see here we can click through we can see the transcript even has a recording where we can then play that we can download the recording download the transcript so again this is super valuable for you and you can see what sort of questions this bot is getting asked so you can then update the bot with different prompts and different information as and when you see uh more and more questions coming in around a particular topic so look I want to create an outbound bot for you guys as well because I feel like this is crazy powerful too especially if you have a Sal team or you need appointment Setters this is a great opportunity now I'm not going to go into crazy detail of actually setting this bot up and setting up all the prompts again you can follow the same procedure that I did last time using sylow's GPT but what I am going to do is show you the connection inside a go high level so you can set it up inside of your CRM for any new contacts that you make and one thing I'm also going to do is show you how we can connect this with 11 Labs now 11 Labs allows you to create custom voices now alongside that they also have a voice library with a ton of different voices we've got Andrea Monica you can listen to samples here another way of saying another way of saying I love you is taking you home basically you have all these different options but one of the ones that I like is you can come into voice lab and you can just record yourself so you can basically click in some voice cloning you record yourself speaking you can upload like 25 different samples and I did that just now let's listen to this hey guys welcome to the synth flow tutorial there we go so I've cloned my voice now what can I do with this voice well I can now take this voice and plug it into my voice agent so how do I do that well I'm going to come back on over to sflow I'm going to come on over to Integrations and you'll see here there's an API key so all you need to do so you come on down to your settings you look at your profile you connect your API you copy it from here you paste it into simflow hit save I should be able to come on over to my assistant hit open and then change my voice you can see that this voice that I generated here let's play it hey guys welcome to the syn flow tutorial we can now come on over and we can select that voice so right here we have my voice final now like I said I'm not going to set up the prompts but what I am going to do is configure the first message that is said to me when I am called right so hey there is that first name now this is a variable right so you can choose the variable you can have your variable as an email a name a phone number whatever details you've saved on the side of the CRM that is what we're going to use now we're going to use first name because obviously if we are an appointment setter trying to call someone who's just submit their details we are going to want to ask that it is definitely them that we are calling so again we're going to we're going to hit enable on recordings we're going to leave this for now change that to GPT for Turbo prompt is great for this example we've already got our go high level set up but we are going to need to enter in that web hook so this is where it gets interested and this is where I want to walk you through now what I will do is I'm going to change this contact that we already previously made to my actual name so I'm going to save that because this is the number that we're going to use to call inside of go high level so we're then going to come back down to Automation and we're going to create a new workflow we're going to start from scratch and I want to do it when a contact has a certain tag so I'm going to set contact tag workow trigger name and the tag is going to be tag added let's add a new tag cool great so that's all set up that is now our trigger and then the next step is going to be make a phone call so we now got these this list of variables right so number one the model is going to be inside of simflow our model ID is right here we can click copy and we can copy that over the phone number we're going to be calling is going to be inside of our contact so it'll be our phone raw format we want to keep it like that the name is going to be again in contact which is going to be first name and then we need an API key which again is on simflow we can come on over here and we can copy that API key right there so what's super important is when we're doing this if we're setting up our variables we need to make sure that our variables match so the variable for me is going to be first name and we're going to change that so that the input is always going to be contact first name so we can now hit save action and now if we hit save we should be able to receive a phone call so if we come to test workflow select my name run test moment of truth let's see if it works it's ringing it's working let's give it a go hey there is that Liam yes it is Liam who's this hi Liam I'm Jordan from cloud innovate I saw that you've been exploring options to enhance your project management processes have you considered implementing a comprehensive solution like Cloud innovate to streamline your workflow you know Jordan Cloud innovate sounds great but unfortunately I'm already working with an orthodox the best damn AI agency in the world and guys there you have it okay it's still talking to me but guys there actually I better turn it off it's going to burn my credits but guys there you have it we now have a working voice agent that is trained with my voice that handles our inbound and our outbound now when it comes to the use cases for the outbound type of work if you look at a Sal company these guys collect a lot of leads online and they work heavily trying to manage these leads and qualify these leads so why don't you build an outbound agent so that they can then go and qualify these leads it's all about working that prompt trying to understand exactly what its use case is what sort of objections happen what is the real customer Journey you're trying to take people on you know I wouldn't try to complicate this if you're building an outbound bot just make it simple make it so it goes out and it confirms a budget or it goes out and tries to book them in for a meeting again if you want a more advanced tutorial on this let me know Down Below in the description I told you it was crazy the possibilities really are endless when it comes to voice agents chatbots were level one voice agents are level five so look go and get started use the link down below to trial sflow for yourself see what voice agents you can build really start to put your head together to understand how you could be using these for your clients or inside of your own business this kind of service is going to look very different in 3 months time the way that Tech moves and how quickly things change we are going to see this level up so so fast so the fact that you're here watching this video right now means that you are extremely early and you are going to be ready to capitalize on any opportunities that do come from this kind of AI agent but guys look if you did like this video and you did enjoy this type of content please let me know Down Below in the comments what are you going to be using an AI voice agent for and also remember if you want more information on these amazing tools learning how to make money with them how to use them inside of your business or just being able to see what's coming out into the market then make sure you subscribe to the channel the button is literally GL right now click subscribe go go go but guys that is it for me today I will catch you in the next one bye-bye okay so this time we are calling my brother and asking him how the weather is and what he's up to hello hey Dad how's it going Bossman how's it going boss man oh man I can't really hear your signature is pretty bad this bit's good oh is it a bit patchy let me try moving to a better spot how about now any better uh yeah bit better great so what's the weather like over there in the UK today and what have you been up to it's like a you're testing if you can make AI do phone calls what is this oh got it well I apologize for any confusion it seems there was a misunder understanding let's get back on track what's the weather like in the UK today and what have you been up to my okay yeah you're almost definitely testing an AI right yes this is an AI simulation of a conversation how can I assist you further this it's both are very real possibilities it's just a simulate both are real possibilities in the realm of AI but let's focus on you for a moment what did you have for breakfast today I want to hang up okay bro I'll call later take care Dad byebye hey Dad how's it going like guys watch the oh my God the [ __ ] is this ha
Channel: Liam Evans
Views: 95,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synthflow, ai voice agent, ai voice assistant, ai automation agency, ai chatbots, make money with ai, how to use ai in my business, automations with ai, liam evans, ai tutorial, synthflow tutorial, automated voice ai, automated voicemail greeting, automated reception desk, automated sales bot, ai automation agency course, aiaa, ai automation agency services, how to use synthflow, connect ai voice to ghl
Id: ICnDb6kWsnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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