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so I've made it to Denmark to Michael's family is running with Anderson Catrin Miko was one of my favorite flower managers we've ever had at Ridgedale and Anderson Katrina both highly skilled super amazing worth Catholic people and I knew when I first seen them together in the winter they would do something amazing together this year and I can't think of a better team to be honest so let's have a look around their place we are currently six six families living together here working together on different enterprises newest enterprise here is this farm enterprise that I started this year together with Anderson country 35 years ago when this place yes started it was based around an institution working with people with the needed like what do you call it care with the mental and like focus training is done and now there are a few allowing surprises there's a wine club here and like a rent up place with a commercial kitchen stuff so we are living together and working together here in this little community and you're one of the main children of the place I guess that's got a big interest in in sort of the future of the place and yeah so me and my sister we're both back yeah it's a beautiful place to be and you got about 30 hectares now 2020 hundred and whatever 25 okay and it wobbles itself and then so they've never sold any endeavour before so they give you a free tool and that's running off you well of two different sandbags for the workers and things this is more for coverage this was a larger plastic tubs but making weeds me and you like it efficient I mean it you saw that clip long yeah I like using just clips on there hoops like a metal clip or something in the ground just like you can get these heavy-duty plastic clips to hold on so together with when you do it fish yeah they just climb on and the vials weren't nice now they work very yeah I like this it's Emma when you got Hilton geraniums in the florists enemies yes and it all drains about the world forget it stands for drying greens we leave we're not rigorous and tackle table over here and and then walking foot this is one about curly be good now to me burn yeah I just can't I understand that yes cool do you had a Vulcan chiller that you just put that together and we have to have a so wet the malt and we bought the floor in the ceiling just wood an insulation and then well I mean the the room itself divided for twelve hundred years and Korea this people on class 16,000 BTU in the Cooper but that's not including the hours though the money we spend on get getting in an electrician is nearing that was very kind of it so cool box leveraging this and you're saying gets time of five degrees in nine 10 MW this and yeah it's got the thermometer thermometer here for the room and then here is the heating element overriding the thermostat in the air conditioner and [Music] if you use these for the chilling in them also they all fit into each other yeah always little are you happy with the bed size with 25 meters happy and it's the it's the size of the top well we got types in what was it 50 meters long I was 25 25 yeah you could either buy them in 25 no in six it just made it really perfect with the size of the of the tork yeah that 10 by 25 one of our interns Jasper's setting up in Germany next year and he's gonna really rock it I can tell but he he was thinking ago more shoulder beds like house but I was saying to him you should check out I would funny mean as a nice doctor and go for longer passage is a sufficiently efficient way but you're seeding everything in here and you didn't lost my question a little bit we had good luck with us money you mentioned someone 280 Shaquille oh yeah that's nice and it's not too expensive I think we sell out to 60 and there's people that sell like this guy a friend of ours no stuffing something for immunity I clocked at the restaurants and stuff um yeah but it's very nice to run through the window naked dispatches I always burned off it's really cool that oh yeah this is funny I would love to take it apart early not so it would completely grown together yeah and how's the Rihanna if has it been for you like like it's a lot to take on them in season they also good friends present yeah I mean unbelievable yeah and it's fun when you tell all your problems yeah like people keep calling and we try to look around and see if we can have it more here here here if we weren't selling it would be a very living success is definitely helping underneath on the loop absolutely have any of your time like you have it going according to your plan the bed gardens going really well yeah do you get time to rest and Sunday oh yeah I knew when do start the early mornings I'll see ya lion will do before breakfast so here's a seam of the moment question for you guys because a lot of people that will watch this will be very inspired by what you've achieved in your first season and something that we've been talking about a lot like would be an intense and a half arm when you as you know it's like planning but also like time and motion studies and efficiency planning and there's quite a lot of people come through this year that are going off things for example there's a lot of people going to start their own things right and and I got a feeling not everyone got the heads around that like why to push yourself to see how quick you can do each job like what's your reflections on that kind of and this has been working that never sinks oh he really knows about time and motion studies and you've all heard my spiel on it from midst of some kind of always the farm is not running on how many hours you deliver but how much work we deliver in oh please like we can have short weeks like every farmer was amazed that we only did 45 hours never think and did so much work but when he was we met we were in at 8 o'clock every morning and I think throughout this season I was maybe eighty seconds late throughout the year and two years past eight hours harvesting measures since the thing you're getting Tyler just work being super efficient at a time when you're there again just rested yeah and then we had times read it was pretty important oh yeah and I think it like you imagine you've had a lot of fun in this season but the it's a reality check for people normally they really need to know the importance of getting an efficient finding the most efficient way to do whatever is you don't you can usually find yourself like I have days where the science of walking a lot back and forth and using time unlike you having a lot of small things but it's just the most efficient days I think is when we make a plan and we have it like from one to three process and then we're just like we all know what to do is go from one job to another and so I think yeah claiming and I'm also taking time my job second like complete with myself yeah this is very nice and very important yeah I find that the most fun album is when people are stepping into that spirit to himself it's like it that's fun too means it's not work anymore it's fun how do you organize yourselves like you made a lot of planning before you start to season though so three weeks that like first thing making spreadsheets and yes or no earlier world man decide to work together you set down mail quality context and then secondly in three weeks ahead we were just sitting in front of the computer making expressions and plans this is your Copenhagen right well Cristiano make it and you use that for cutting awesome Lockton in super nice you can screw down around to the guns over the back then he wrote very nice in my turn so this is missus chicken Caravan from Australia so this is like a Royals Royce super automated chicken my bill what's the things you love about it misses it's got skip feeders so you can how much speed you get in them 1515 kilo success and that's week ten or ten days I think a huge benefit is good big open sides and the adjustment adjustability of the wings so that gives you some weather show me whether Sheldon it gives me a big area for from aerial pretty but also more shave as well love to shake but if you think that the bigger wing allows the birds to get in and out really easy yeah there's no competition like apparently getting in and out of there yeah so that opens just on a simple gastro yeah yeah it's nicely made now it's very nicely cooked together so these nest boxes are not like what you see in the commercial in this video automated you can see videos chicken Caravan online but this is table multi-platforms in europe well and these are automated so on a timer that's powered by solar on the roof it will open and close which takes you home Latino first thing in the morning and then similar to an estimate to what meals and they will into this central conveyor belt in here so you're typically they what time the net box is open by when you come down and what time do you come and open up and so the feed is you just leave them open all the time and that's what whether the bird doing air every yeah okay and I only have to go and fill the market you can drag over the tractor right now it's not I haven't done that yet because I'm a little afraid of it being super super long to get around them I mean yeah it feels pretty wide unquestioning energy because I sort of a single wheel axles that's been made a conquest we needed to make double will not be the problem with thinking about because I have okay so little business and this morning I it was just for curiosity I went out here well I was out anyway like half past eight and I took the eggs that were fair just so get a feeling about in what time they're laying the most eggs yeah because right now the nesting boxes are closing four o'clock but I believe they are done collectively way way earlier some about as high-tech as you can get before you burn meeting sanely automated but if simple hand roller goes all the way along unless Watson and allows you to retrieve the eggs without the serve in the hands in any way and without doing a lot and then you can immediately sort any 30 eggs outs and the rest of them Frank Tony and will like large eggs yeah you get some business yeah I have quite some big eggs every day am i selling another very proud of the market table people love them they sell are these about true to our and you've got this the whole nest box can have a little spirit bubble yet the Anakin levels according to the typography and then the Nicholas have got these lovely egg cane crates which they still along with the chicken Caravan so you've got these side holes and you can easily put in prey irelia produced and not cheap but they definitely look at their eggs if you're taking them in the back of the vehicle or on a bumper vine and how did you find it when you first get the bird laying and the shell the crack not so good did you have problems with the napkin gummed up and are you trying to shape the missing mats once a week I remember I watched them once just to see if that would make good I hated Islita I mean they're really clean but when they are the nail wet coming out of the cloak before you I was thinking that the maybe the dust on top of the mat would stick to the egg nail with maybe the big baby but actually I find that what's probably making the most of it is because the hen can just get their beach in through the gap where the edges going through so especially the white and much more and reminisce but they also have a much stronger instinct for getting a mess now they're trying to get in there and pull eggs back but they consider that third in the community amazing black stripes on the right egg because they are just trying to make white it there might be a little hat to a little bar and yeah maybe if they still carotid and this solution and coming off the roof and set the time for closing and what's nice about this is a pretty standard commercial and nest is that the doors will open and close really slowly we can sperm it's all organic certified the property has been for long time so it had to add these nest boxes on to meet organic certifications you need a certain amount of nest boxes per hen it's a bit of a silly thing you know in the sense of these nest boxes the super good for the birds and it yeah it's the thing you have to do to meet regulation sometimes there's regulations about everything till now I like on the bike is annoying some of the cows down here yeah so you have a bull illness sorry lovely spice very windy spot some shelter for the field here but gardening up organic so my thought for this is the fashion we prefer see [Music] aren't you happy with him yes it's not the deepest timeline but it's nice for your heavy souls now so you've got a heavy clay here but 700 litres that's a similar rate to we've been putting on I guess because you're better yeah 25 a little bit less but good amount Oh like what you've done with the place 55 in your thinking then maybe drop that down yeah through 2025 yeah what do you think of like are you going to scale up the guns are you gonna wrinkle to this just in them I mean now I would like to do elected like to prepare that last bit of sections up there there's like one strip mall to do we've got all this compost over here they've been using American justice no no with real males but I'm probably boring a rototiller very shallow rototilling and see like a very dense cover like a divers cover crop they will die off in the winter and then like late autumn ologist late what Eagle flame mode then we'd know mode of flail flail know it and put tabs on and have that as the last bit of the garden coming into production laughs next year nice new grass for the cows right now it's this year next year's ten actors and in two years I will I'll leave the other tenants and right now having like so I came here in February and this is all bus and you had the cows and you just importing the eggman Berlin yeah yeah and service a lot for these guys to set up in this and how long have you been on the ground like five months five months so pretty amazing what these kinds of a G you know we've been putting down 90 beds the pre art no with 700 liters of compost on each building it 29 meter long you didn't have a backhoe at that point now then I don't aim in much later of this part yeah putting up the big polytunnel billing washing station chiller assembling the chicken Caravan getting hens starting holistic motor grazing with cows yeah I'm getting ready for market getting ready serving up a homer said young market branding and business and setting our egg peccary that I've been lots of regulations still going on we've been taking over the organic certification so we have had a control and and just general stuff that you always have when you're starting your business I mean that's a lot of administration and things you need to do and right now this far into the first season here what's your vision for five years where will you be then well I will have a micro dairy on the phone doing this new cool stuff I'm super excited about called cold pasteurization so it's a completely new technology that is yeah really very revered what do you call it revolution airing pasteurization of milk so I'm super keen on milking my cows I mean we had I had a crazy moment thinking about this year when I I thought I would stop milking this year I'm pretty happy I didn't yeah some love tomorrow but do you feel like you've being able to keep a handle on everything yeah I think but I think this is that have been maximum really but I think we've been doing really really good at and I'm you're doing really good so it's been fun but I'm happy I'm not I didn't start melting this year yeah I mean I wouldn't be expanding it but longer term when you have more people here and I get uncomplimentary can enterprises that sort of thing yeah so I am adding the market that like the gardens here being three sections so if it were not there and probably am sommore tunnel for nursery and winter production and theory and then one or two more equal bills and then that so going back to the institution basically so some of your market is going for the institution who have always prioritized buying goods organic food yeah so you're able to immediately others line but to be honest it's I mean it's a very good customer because it's taking what we have you know there's not a it's not a big thing people demand oh yeah but it's not one of our biggest customers at all I mean so why are you selling who's what's the main market place you've got a nice little Marcus then we have a result cheap at the market have a yeah we have a I mean now after just two 1/2 months we have a really really nice market at the town the Roskilde at the square in Roskilde and and I mean that install we had that just been doubling I mean in the beginning we came with a three by three tent now we have three by six five tables bringing a little less than half a ton of produce every weekend and selling it and we have 170 customers traveling through the market each week I must be new approach for advertising just working with Facebook on your website it's endless I've been doing a really amazing job on working on these local newspapers and I think we have had two or three like mentioning mentions or articles in the local newspapers located in the area of Roskilde which is like half an hour away from a and and then that's oh that's one set of selling or customs and then the other part is schools commercial kitchens canteens restaurant stuff like that and that was just yeah in the beginning of the year I mean again and as he picked up the phone and it is called them and this is an awesome engineer did he made our own yeah goodness we only have to fall roll pen pine cedar yeah I like the first one yeah yeah so you're doing everything with that see this yeah board fold the roller you got a nice break and clearly a horse yeah nice and the copra so you had your last after there yes it just popped out easy as it should so it was standing down here trying to drink from the bull when I came back from lunch it looked really funny and the bull is in news no no I borrowed him from a farm not far away he's the three from north and north Italy he's a debris called P Montes and [Music] so he's a part of our our breeding program so right now I have actually the three of the four breeds I want to mix together it's represented on this field oh it's really cool I'm mostly bridges mixing so it's a breed that was already here which is that mix of ethically then it's the stain is red Erica the human face and an African cow called truly so the aim is to breathe double muscle genes to Danish milk there we go you're on Danish tasting milk there's a lot better for be for the intimate yeah I'm just going to move the egg mobile and five o'clock in the morning that's the hair that enchants Firefox in Sevilla to extend and Foxy's managed to get the front end off before he's probably got a shot to himself and disappear we've got love hairs you know yes lots of them and do they eventual since no but the other day we saw three hair babies hiding underneath Akhil so the counselor here two days ago and they've left quite a nice densely menu so the egg mobile is moving just to this touch here so these are kid feeders and up to two weeks of food get it around the film beautiful [Applause] so 15 minutes to move for 9:40 beds for the ideal and they've got some nice leftovers from cows happy birds happy eggs beautiful morning [Music] so very nicely may Munich one thing we're talking about yes payments how you could automate the opening because very nice to have automated miss Botz is considers opened at five this is the slack that opens out to allow them at code and these just waited a bit data for the birds in the safe space because with any mobile Eggman billets the consistency of the space in the nest boxes that give them security now because pins like to lay in a safe and known space so that's the only constant thing in their changing environment but it would be quite easy to you can buy electronic grams compare $150 each of the power needed to lift this door but then you could have automated opening today but you're not moving I think missus moving every couple of days for then you can you can also buy these pieces and these egg conveyor belts are not cheap when a conveyor belt this long 400 mu if I thank you and this matter industry standards you can buy them so you could fabricate this so the unit yourself I calculated it would cost about 600 euros from what an egg 'mobile outside so if we have for next year and I found that still 2004 no viewers and next buttons which is quite a big investment and it's for us it wouldn't be necessary but I do like the fact that you can collect a without the 7 above in fact we set up only using this basic wrong very nicely design and nice to be able to store it comes up here Nicola came flat packed on pallets right one pallet and how long did it take you to put together yeah six there's one person and now when I know how it's done I can do it's beautiful sunrise and just move the chickens it's their harvest day today so I'm going to catch some footage and help out a bit in the meantime really excited to be here it's amazing to see these guys working together they've just done an amazing job and I think you know inspiration to anyone starting out they put in the bad sixty thousand euros to get everything established this season but these are mostly long-term investments they got their new cow breeds going on 400 eggs a day and a lot of edge and they're able to sell it all and they could do more it's just enough to manage right now and plan for expanding next year beautiful calves you it's really sweet for me to see these guys working the I came here to do a short two day training in the winter and there was nothing here at all like everything's literally been built this spring but I went to with Mikkel on the way out of the country I went to Copenhagen to meet Anderson Catrin for dinner and I just knew in that instant they would do something together now Anderson Katrina looking stood up their own project and I think rightly so they've got such a driving capacity to do that for themselves but I think it's been invaluable experience for them all this year and you know a lot has been learned which is fantastic so they have been using tarps much but a little bit to establish new beds a lot of couch grass here as well as buttercups and all the other standard pasture weeds and they say they're not putting too much time into weed intence it's always bitter we didn't like new pathways here but then they use the wheel hoe just to rip that up and it's looking beautiful I mean it's a really nice achievement for five months of work this was literally lawn when I came here so this is the tunnel that they put up it's a fun first tunnel I should start asking for Commission because that helped sell a lot of these tunnels sunny UK I really like this service not sure I like their end wall construction to be honest but it's you know it works but this is the size of tunnel we're getting at the end of the week at which does four overwintering 1,500 chickens have a look in here it's just full - - and tomatoes that are soon ready to go they're harvesting 50 kilos a week at the moment but they will soon have a ridiculous amount using tarps to prevent weeds and keep the ground warm with some drip tape underneath and they've got a really nice clip system so they use a Dutch system metal wires that come down half the length and these really nice clips let's back on for the wives Buster's wonder and so then I said kept the really tidy space in here but just doodles of tomorrow slam to be harvested there's a lot of money in here so we're going to be using our tunnels and puts up to 1,500 layers in mixture will be scaling up lens but then in a summer it will look a bit like this and we've learnt that our tomorrow's a month early now because it's the last two seasons but we've got restaurant orders already for dozens of kilos a week this is the way to do it running in there darling what are you doing Harmison cucumbers you come in very nice yeah every model this row it's getting better the good-looking Sloane you you how you doing on your wedding at the moment just try to keep track of when we have it for each market and between how many units were making how many kilos is if we're going to sell out at the market and then a good time and how many units we take back so when we get back we can just easily calculate we had this many kilos back and forth and how many results because we started out with a cash away we registered every sold unit side with one second you for that person to kill but it was too time demanding for mikkel to tap everything in so we changed it a bit and now and try to keep track of what's selling on the table it's going to work and it's a lot quicker so it works you guys it's hard this morning you put quite little into tools now you've got very simple tools but how's that working there you happy with little bigger you're talking about a paper pot transplanter need up at this of bed length where that would be efficiently yeah any other tools that you think we must have one of them it would be fun to try the self and see how it works yes like just when the foot out come first and see if we can get a really nice yeah I might show you my till focus I don't think I'm ever going to use it yeah so who's the tents made by these that when they got seven year warranty yeah yeah very nice what do they custody yeah and you have two of these with five tables to make up you sound beautiful sound these guys make have you got any footage of you on the market I can put in it so breakfast down there how much you have them today this is the first ever funny young thing how do you have it do you have a score to order or you just know what you're going to sell and move it so you got a good idea what you need them you just come out and get a weight base killing many to the day absolutely get y'all over butter this is how and they do Father loves his brother that feels a farm now absolutely own it then there's no cheese they make it up the mother harvest there they harvest on Thursdays for the Saturday market and then they harvest Catrin stays home and harvests on Saturday for the Monday deliveries to restaurant a lot of good veg they're doing an amazing job severe the cell and they're not going to I think they're going to expand some new beds later this season but then put in a whole new block like the one here for next year very impressed with the way they've managed to organized and that efficiency comes but not hang so many people they've had a few of our old team actually turn up and just help for a few days which they really appreciate but having just three people really coordinates things and allows for efficient operations that's what I'm really looking forward to next year is to send less people on the ground so what's on the list there so we are piloting washing packing all like routes carrots radish beets we are picking some of the chart lasting beans and then we got a small delivery this afternoon I'm going to come ping anyway so I asked one of our customers and you just religions we so you reckon this has been about 15,000 euros invested in polytunnel irrigation markets down stores promotion cheer attention simmer watching station and the aim in the ground 35 1000 euros and tools and that the harvest the exception and so aiming to double the money at least and just in the first season and extend it by half again next year so it looks good it looks really good I think what would your advice be to people thinking about start enough to need that kick up the bum the really get gone I think it'd have been really useful for us to start out with quite a diverse amount of vegetables and then getting to know your market very well and then find a few bigger customers and get a really close relationship but just as Ryan and I just try and meet the needs from day one and just really go out the way to make a super nice job with them yeah and you did consider that you are maybe your friends for years yeah for sure I knew considered the CSA but yeah it's working really well at the market yeah I thought this year there would be a good thing but in our context and in the Danish customers context I think the market and how we're doing the market is much more flexible and it's use to the customer much more yeah so I'm now considering not doing sticking with that yeah we've been doing that with Rico and people really value that choice to be able to choose what they want to actually back yeah and it fits the sort of modern convenience and these guys have been doing we saw their little sign Isis organic standard is like the header board's header which is there the only organic people on the market but everything's punished a value so one bunch for 20 pounds 3 4 50 10 450 so that's the biggest discount you can get very nice yeah so people will have the choice and flexibility but you can still plan for the like it a lot but you've got endemic you've got some serious home delivery service now big company that delivers nationwide and can deliver anything basically organic they are serving 42,000 families and weekly basis yeah with like she is a type vegetable thing but they also doing meal boxes where you get all the ingredients for recipes that's in the box so they're doing like different things and it's very very flexible their website and its issues distribution show me which but you got customers canceling from them and coming to you because you're offering a flexible fresh lemon we have had customers coming to the like asking if we would be there every Saturday and of course we'll be there every Saturday and then they say cool then I'm going to cancel my subscription then I rather come here by super local super fresh produce every Saturday morning yeah and you're dropping my two thousand euros with products on the other Saturday market that's awesome and you're saying you had ten grand of sales last month yeah yeah something I always say the Mittal is like two people like once you get going a that's when you're learning really starts but also people start getting attracted to the place because something's happening but you had the famous restaurant Noma here yeah what were they do they they are just on the most amazing trouble I can think of so they are basically going around for half a year on a inspirational travel all around the north yeah Europe so it's all it's getting a via Greenland Iceland fare Island and just yeah getting amazing experience and its million farmers and being farmers and producers and fishes and wildlife experts and they're just going around getting inspired for when they start Nomad 2.0 in December check these beauties out so Katrine does quality control yeah and this is on washing you'll harvest an investor's washing and then and Katrina's making sure bones turned online who's the boss yeah so this is part of the institution's a really nice property on the edge of the lake here and I want to just go show you the willow cleaning system that's over here so toilets cleaning system living biological one we also have these really nice root cellars built into the ground here for storing a lot of Hodges it's great for me to see these guys so proud and working well together and I knew they would smash it this year and it's really nice to see that their markets been a great success they've done it really smart and yeah I just feel like it's you know this idea of succession where miko really is the driving force along this list of this place having a new generation with new ideas smart agriculture amiko was saying when no McCain they reflected back that of all the farms they've visited and Scandinavia so far they really talk about agriculture in a very different way here they can tell that something different that's going on that's really testing me to the you know the entrepreneurial startups that they're happening now that you know there's a few of us representing here in Europe you know using some of the great models from around the world that they're profitable and rapid to implement and making money in the first year there's a nice big solar array here at power this place and behind is a willow system there's five beds of willow that are coppiced alternately so all the sewage from up to 50 adults which is processed here on-site very nice it's been a sheer pleasure to see these guys in action and what an amazing job they've done in five months now I've got really high hopes for the future of these guys all of them whatever they end up doing longer turn some of my you know highest hopes in these guys but it's been a real pleasure and I'm off to Luxembourg now I'll be there tonight and I'm off to see my sister in marker and Peter's another pasta sort of venture like that in [Music] we're watching the sea eagles lived in the woods fishing it looks like it's caught something and it's flattened to try and honor gasps beautiful that's a big bird to me Newington yeah it is amazing so I know there's the other one [Music] beautiful they're more carrots walk out yeah let's look at the onion the Sun team is eroding in what another set of temple a night but they're good hello [Music] beautiful someone spring onions and the bunching in the field but just a loose band trim the roots and then take off to the wash station and its really nice to see how efficiently they're running and it's really you know four people are wanting to start up really look at these guys because they've just started with a big bang in their first year and that availability of information now is just you know it means people can start up based on many people's lifetimes work to get rolling efficiently and profitably in the first year you've got to make money in the first year it's not worth doing you know and it's it's super smart in the way they're doing everything they worked out for optimal efficiency veges going straight from ear to the pakery in the van boom out of here and it's really great to see i mean whitter was an amazing firm manager but really mostly interested in animals he went to farm in Chile after he left grids there and grew vegimals in the window when she wasn't expecting to do be fell in love with him and then and this got really was a really amazing in terms and in between he stayed on as a farm and in between came as an intern that year too and then they he went off on a trip to Rodell and then to never seen come and gained a lot of experience and working super hard betweens been an Ag school here as well as Anderson working at their farming normally but just to say that like hit the ground with you know relatively low mammoth experience you could say and hit the ground running like this is very impersonal opportunity to - happy to turn off your nylon fairness crosses down as possible the 40 kilos of character seven meters Abed yes so right now absolutely 24 are they this dancer two degrees now swinging of it's going it quickly goes up with its personnel middle-mouse come up today but I'd said very sweet now for the electricity what about your session has been going in this with the market and the response of those people I've been amazing like everybody is coming in super happy about it and surprised that we do all this ourselves yeah the response has been absolutely great you're quite unique in that you do everything yourself you're not selling other people's veg to know you've just only doing your own stuff and yeah we have to tell you as one season but it didn't really matter like we have so much abundance yeah yeah what have you learned about crops that don't work like meat I was talking about shaving off some crops next year like what thing do you thing that you just see aren't the main things you want to be doing I think we have really good crops and I think we are almost as their right amount but it's just tweaks to do and you learn that ok succession of radishes should be big and should have too many and Cartagena like a small tweak I'm not [Music] maybe I think I would do a very very very similar setup we have a few crops like pepper eggplant which we are aware that mainly for fun to have it outside but it's a good crop to have by yourself alone be happy with the almost nation aster love it very nice to build a work on both sides now yeah anyway surprising setup it's working ever plan so you just have spray-down seeing Audrina and then a chill tank full yet thousand off the heat yeah it goes in the tulip yeah and it's very stable I can say yeah and they call them all just there just turn around and then when you load that van you just wheeling out straight out the back door here are you bringing van right in yeah okay yeah all trucks without yes make the ramp so that you can use to launch a little yes Holly let's take out the set yeah yeah prepare the car the day before how long is it live your market like five six six hours yes and the drivers of maybe half an hour forty minutes yeah so it's not that it's super long days I was used to America like it was the longest day of the week and you did 12 13 hours and that's very common to try around you have long market but here it's easy if we plan to get home from the market and get some Thomas done for the next delivery on Monday it's a double steak it's really good you have to send me your getting 170 people come to market yes what them what direction the capacity is a u3 an awesome team but what square me your bed dressing you three could run if you want focused on any other things if you're just doing the veg garden no chickens no matter what sort of size direction you can handle oh it's really hard we did like we set up ten fiction and just to set up our take a lot of energy shown but the random bit once you go to go yeah what direction you could double it yeah yeah absolutely with a favor put up with you are you good to Olivia what question is how much do you want inside and how much outside and how do you want to plan your business yeah but I think 10 section is a good start of you as you need to establish everything yeah and then we had 18 section and everything and he was closing some down was the opening he was planning to take it a bit down and put more into houses and do much better props and so it depends what you like yeah and how you wanna grow but it's surely manageable so you're going to really bring in some other stuff to them up to the first time now when I was here in the window we were talking to the Eco village big organic grower and we worked out that their production is 40 times less productive than what we're doing and they're not definitely what you're going to do yet it takes them 40 times more space to produce the same value yeah yeah so this is like you know this model is very familiar to perhaps some of the viewers but it it's noon in them yeah absolutely people are so surprised to see us having such a wide range of products and vegetables and I remember people people making fun of our shopping basket than the first market they're like oh you're really into it how you applying basket and I'm like yeah if you want to if you want people to buy a lot of produce you need baskets of course now doing the market we all the baskets are out we had five people filling baskets what's never once posted to you are they in the car not moving around yeah yeah let's just a regular shopping basket so you really you guys have been efficient just identifying the key tools and key efficient things that make it all run smooth and efficient and it's not the big investment stuff is it how is it smart investment yes I think they've been trying to write it with and paid off for a longer period that's why so excited to have tables for 10 years once like it needs to that the new ten seven-year warranty and you get free square part of everything right like that's what we need paid off our raw materials and get it right the first time and it's a easy setup is it to take down and you're happy every time you put that tent on top of your bank how because you have the best ten in the world yeah it's good cheaper to spend money yeah again the right gear yeah and it's really beneficial to something retailer in terms of go and see the best places that is doing whatever they want to do and then see which tools and things I'm working yeah I've been Japan which had more than twenty kinds of toast for produce and we were looking for lips all the time list everywhere what size would fit and I was in everything they only had to find October all the things in the list don't month and then it can come up never ever that kind of problem anymore it's amazingly good those little bits of other two days often yes evening them yeah absolutely and the frustrations are because you know you got the right equipment you don't need to bother about thing we are if we had investment differently it is the right investment and you happy every day everything new really loving this tellers not yes mister favorite one yeah this is one we use that nervous thing as you lift up and you lift it up and you cut on that end yeah you're not trying to get around just underneath yes back step and what do you use this little packet on oh it's fun tomatoes start pruning I like it for burning Tomatoes because if I need my fingers my fingers are here and I'm going to need a sister I don't need to move it around yeah and you know if you really need to be careful you can spin it it's out of your way you don't puncture any tomato I love it so little beans to clear really like this apple picking baskets and these crepes are deafening in an investment some of these really nice to have a lid in the grade and it is high-quality the last level so now we're building up our freezer room so we're going to put a cool bug room and that's a lot bigger there's some good investments to make you so I'm off to luckily it's been a real pleasure to see you guys working for 50 together in the fishing and I'm not be watching this if you find this inspiring what these guys have achieved in their first five months and why can they go to point out more you've got a website in the Facebook page absolutely so our website is gay all I you BIU gee as you say that in your yoga Brooke I'm going to link that below because I'm saying damn it and you've got a Facebook page and Instagram page and I really recommend for those of you about to start up your things to really follow these guys and you can show your appreciation going like me on Facebook etcetera but they'll be making a lot of decisions and refinements with all the knowledge again this year so it's a great space to follow a project that it's where most of the learning takes place in the refinement absolutely thanks for watching our videos then I hope you enjoyed this one and looking forward to see the next episode on local dough thank you so much for coming with any real picture yeah you
Channel: Richard Perkins
Views: 265,582
Rating: 4.9132705 out of 5
Keywords: ridgedale, ridgedale permaculture, soetoftes jordbrug
Id: oOY-az6bxY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 17sec (3797 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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