Building a Unity RTS - GameDev LIVE / (based on Command & Conquer/Fortnite)

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all right hello everybody and welcome hopefully uh everything sounds good looks good and works fine uh we're gonna get started today going through the process of building out an rts and it should be a lot of fun i think we start i've started this a couple times gone through it a little bit but today is going to be a little bit different because after experimenting with building out an rts a few times i've got a whole bunch of ideas and i'm ready to actually start kind of putting together a full-on plan for how i want to build this thing what i want to do with it and start kind of tossing away some of my throwaway stuff that i'm gonna run you through and show you and start building out a an actual plan and an actual real project so that's kind of the plan for today we're gonna go through looking at some existing rts experiment stuff that i've been doing and playing with behind the scenes um we'll talk about the planning process going through and actually showing a plan i've put together a bit of a plan and we're gonna work on that a little bit live too and go through some of the development and setting up a fresh project i want to go through and show some of the cool new um train stuff too there's a lot of stuff that we'll go over today so it should be a lot of fun if you're into unity stuff and just want to hang out for the morning and have a good time and learn a little bit this this should be uh should be good stuff so i guess yeah let's get started i'm going to open up um unity i want to just quickly run you guys through my existing old project it's kind of a bit of a mess right now i've been playing around and experimenting with a lot of stuff but just to give you an idea of theming and uh some of the the stuff that are coming up within the ideas before we dive into going through a real new project and building that out so let me get that opened up real quick it's our unity is opening up in the background so anyway uh welcome everybody and i guess just i want to say hi to everybody in chat and i'll try to keep an eye on chad i've got it over here on the uh on the left so i'll i'll try to try to watch it but we'll see how this goes it's a little bit weird because i got the camera over here and some stuff over here so it feels a little strange to me but we'll see we'll see how it all goes anyway um what other stuff did i want to talk about while we get started oh i gotta mention this video or this stream was sponsored by millinoten mentioned that i'm going to be using their stuff throughout the stream and they were happy to sponsor it so that's awesome thanks to them and definitely check it out and if you're interested in mellow note i'm going to see if i can get a code for people too so make sure that you sign up for my email list let's see if i can find any kind of a discount or anything that you guys can get but even if not they have a free plan so just go sign up for the free plan check it out there's a link down below i use it all the time and you'll see i'm going to use it in this too it's one of my favorite tools especially just for planning out and designing game stuff i'm pointing at my screen here that you can't see yet while it's uh while it's loading in so let's switch to a screen share mode let me see if i can move this over here get it in and pop this up here desktop mode oh that's kind of close once it finishes uh importing i'll resize it and you can see it well we'll jump in and start seeing some things uh right now the camera is set to perspective what it'll find it'll probably be perspective in the final view because i want to be able to zoom in and out and do you know normal cool camera stuff with it um i don't i don't think i want to stick with iso so let's see we should be able to now resize this i don't remember which level this is and then kind of doing a lot of experimenting with the terrain tools so i can blew up my levels and messed them all up but i wasn't too worried about it because i knew i was going to toss this thing so let's see if i can find my level here which one is this oh this is the one where i was playing with the blending tools do i have the level still existing where i've got a couple characters set up so yeah here we go so this is closer to the um the actual theming kind of what you can see in the the last thumbnail that i put up and this one if i haven't broken it might still actually work where you can build out some units uh build out some harvesters build out construction things and then have them go harvest and let's see does this work still go select the construction vehicle tell it to build out another resource gatherer builds that starts putting down some terrain changes so it's doing a little bit of layer painting there and then it can have some units that i can control and i believe these would go over and attack although they're not doing a ranged attack right now i think they're just well oh this one's not even attacking anymore so some of them were working and attacking and then i know that some of them the harvesters were working where's the harvesters go to the mayans that's right so i could send them over to the mines they'll go collect resources come back and kind of load things up obviously there's no shadows in here you can see it looks really weird um but again just a kind of a placeholder and an idea for where i want this thing to kind of go so this is kind of the theme that i'm thinking more of that command and conquer and i'll dive into some of the docs in just a second that shows some of the theming um and then the world or the map something kind of like this but i've actually got a new layout that i'm going to show you so oh we'll dive through it and i'll show you how to really really quickly implement the the new map layout so this is going to be my my new map there and i'll show you how we can drop that in in just a couple minutes it's actually super super simple um so let's see what do i want to talk about next to get into next before we start opening up a new project so you can kind of see well first just mention what the stuff that's in here so the main thing that's in here outside of all of the cool sci-fi rts assets is the rts engine so if we look in i'm just going to go to my root in the root i've got the rts engine pack and this is an asset pack from the unity asset store that just covers building out an rts essentially all the bare bones or the bare bones but the bones are the framework for building an rts it's somewhat opinionated on how it's built but it works and it's just you can build an rts and have it up and running i wanted to use this as a starting point because i thought it'd be a great way to kind of proof a concept out my idea see if i like it and then if it's not functional for the final version or for a real version of it once i'm ready to do a real full slice of it i could always swap it out and rewrite a lot of that functionality but it gives me a lot of things i can just kind of slot in and make sure that i actually want to do and want to use before i even think about building things and let's actually focus on the game which is really the goal here is focusing on the game getting the game done not focusing on how many low-level building blocks i can put together that's one of the things i want to try to avoid and try to minimize distractions with getting into those low-level things at least as much as possible you know obviously some places it's going to be required there'll be things where you've got to get in and fix things up and optimize stuff and even with rts engine i've been in there making little changes here and there but there's something important to note that right now it's on version 1.5.8 and they have a version two beta that they're working on um that's i guess it's available now i signed up for it i haven't tried it out yet but my plan is to in the next version do do an update to their version two see how that is see if it's a little bit easier to work with what the differences are i assume that it's just going to be architecturally all around better so my guess is that unless there's some reason to not switch to it permanently i'll make the switch to that one permanently and then i'll go from there and decide whether or not i want to stick with rts engine you know maybe in a few months or if i want to build out my own stuff my guess is i'll probably stick with it unless i run into a reason i mean realistically i'll stick with it unless i run into a reason that i have to switch if something's like forcing me to switch because i can't get something done in it then then i'll make the change other than that i'll probably stick with it so we'll see how it is with version two though i'm not going to get into that one today but probably by next week is my guess i'll update to it i want to run through it a little bit offline make sure that i've got it all kind of loosely figured out and understand that it works and stuff before we dive into it live all right so this is the engine thing that i'm using what else is in here i think that was pretty much it that i wanted to talk about a couple little custom scripts and stuff but now i want to talk about um i guess just really quickly my plan and design and where i'm at with that because i've gone through a little bit of it and i haven't shared it with anybody yet so i built out a full plan for my game or not a full plan but the start of a plan for my game and i haven't really shared it and showed it to anybody but it's what i've been using to go through things so let's let's pull this up now so here's the board that i've got and this is the millinote that i was talking about this is the the tool that i use all the time so this is my board for keeping track of my basically my plan for my rts i've got a whole bunch of other boards up there for other things but the the one we're talking about now for this rts just covers all of the different kind of things that i've thought about and tried to figure out in my early planning stages i've got an idea of what the core things about the game are the stuff that i want to have it be like i want the game duration to be generally like under a minute or under another under an hour so that they're not too quick or not too long and people can get in there and at least like 20 minutes maybe 30. uh i got a set of players the goal right there is pretty obvious so be the last one standing setting up a storm like the fortnight storm so it 20 minutes enter halfway in it'll start to shrink and kind of kill everybody and push people in towards the center um and then obviously the theming you can see it says come command and conquer but you can see that i've got that right here too and i'll look at some of these inspiration boards in just a second to give you kind of a better idea and the last part i did mention that i might go with like cartoony assets instead of um instead of using realistic sci-fi assets i'm not completely sure but um i'm up in the air i think i'm going to go with realistic sci-fi stuff but probably um yeah i'll probably go with that but i just want to consider it's still a little bit undecided and then a couple notes about like what i thought was actually going to be fun about it which was mainly the option to kind of you got a couple choices one is fighting over the center of the map which you can again can't really see let's switch to a full desktop you can see there so this would be like the center of the map area that they're fighting over i don't know if what they're going off there and then you could you could fight over that and get into that early or go into one of these outer areas kind of build up and then rush in at the end right and then having it be a quick rts where you've got like a set goal and a set amount of time so that they can't you know it doesn't end up with four hour games or something like that for people that want it to be relatively quick or you could set an amount of time and that's basically the time limit with something somewhat realistic and then uh yeah i think the storm just kind of makes it neat so let's look at my i want to look real quickly at my steps show you where i am right now and then we'll look at the inspiration stuff and kind of go through a couple more things and start doing some development so for my next steps one that i've already done was adding different units and buildings so i kind of wanted to go through the process before building out all of the stuff of actually trying putting in different units into rts engines so i could put in a tank put in a building and just see what that process was like make sure that it was going to be something usable and like a viable workflow before i started doing any of the other stuff i didn't want to go through rts engine and set up an entire loop of a battle loop or a building drop point that's going to drop in one of these things or any of the other stuff until i and it was a little bit more sure that that's what i wanted to use and i went through that process you kind of saw that just a minute ago in my uh in my demos here i've got all of these buildings if you go down here and look at the the factions go look at my vehicle factory or something here let's zoom in ah oops switch to iso mode there we go so you can see i just pulled in a couple different packs um different sci-fi packs that i had and a couple that i just grabbed because they were really cool and some unit packs swapped all these in just to make sure that that was going to be again something i could easily do and use for make this something i could use for actually building out a game so next up i want to go through and um do these other tasks though so recreate a rough terrain for a four player map and i've got that again drawn up here we'll go through that process finish the simple battle loop with a bot with some of the existing units so instead of swapping in my units i want to go through using their existing example unit so they've got like a knight an archer a builder a barracks and a couple other things and i'll use those to start and then once i've got that loop kind of set up i'll start going back in and swapping out the units and stuff and then i want to figure out how we're going to add in the the starting point or the starting building point so maybe i'll begin with just a mobile construction thing and then do the drop down thing somewhat after that but anyway let's look at some of these uh the boards real quick and just get an idea of what we're thinking so if you haven't played command and conquer zero hour um it's kind of the the core inspiration and it's got a bunch of different armies with different sides that are not very well represented in the buildings one so there's the gla side which has a bunch of like cheaper mobile units that some of them self-destruct some of them a lot of them move really quickly they're really good at like kind of jumping in striking and jumping back out they got little tunnels that allow them to pop up anywhere and pop down below the ground and disappear um and there was the usa side that had um their one of their sides was air force so they had like a really strong air force option or a strong um what were there other ones i'm trying to remember now they had a super weapon one that was like a defense side and something else i don't remember and then china had uh tanks and infantry ones and yeah all different different armies and stuff so the big variety of them you can kind of see that let's see in some of the units here so in the units i just went through and just kind of showed some of the existing ones that i wanted to loosely copy i don't want to copy all of the things but i kind of want to loosely copy the rock paper scissors the idea of them so that some things can defeat other things easily and some people can come and defeat other people easily um and then just kind of using these as a reference and then i went through and also dropped in a couple of the just different things that i want to use as assets so with uh with mill note one of the things you do is like paste in a link and then it just drops in a link into there with a little preview and then i can go click on it and check it out and see go actually buy the thing when i'm ready for it if i decide that that's someone i want to use i think vehicle constructor is one that i actually did use um yeah it's one of the ones that's in there uh and then a couple of these other ones down here let's see um what else did i have in here that i wanted to talk about is there anything on the game flow oh yeah sure i was planning out the the actual game flow so this is kind of give you guys an idea of what i was thinking for how the game will will actually work and play your startup by just joining a game it'd be some number of players 4 to 16 is you know what i'm initially targeting you pick an army uh you won't pick a starting point so you instead drop in just like a battle bus kind of thing so probably not not exactly a battle bus but something where you're dropping in your initial starting building unit and then you're building unit of land you'll run around and actually start your building and these are just some of the example buildings this was the gla builder i think this was one of the command and conquer building mobile construction units that i was able to find a picture of so it turns into a base so you drop something down that can build your first base and start building and you build collect resources and stuff and then fight as the storm comes in and locks you down right towards the middle of the map so that's kind of the uh the plan somebody asked if i was gonna share this board um let's see can i share a there's a way to share a public one um hold on give me one second let me see if i can share this so people can actually just kind of follow along and take a look so i make sure that i i share it the right way and i don't don't mess things up okay all right i'm gonna drop the link for the board right down here there you go it's in chat so if anybody wants to hop in and just kind of click around look at the board um you should be able to now oh whoops i think i just shared the game flow board hold on let me let me share the um the rts board instead so that way you can see a little bit more than just the game flow get that link in there too publish and share share with the link copy the link and paste all right of course somebody else is working with rts engine 2 beta for their project how do you uh how do you like it i i assume it's pretty good and that you're enjoying it i mean you're working with it so if you got any uh thoughts or feedback on it i'd love to hear it um so let's see what else did i have in here i had the game flow my assets so it's just some of the stuff that i looked at i looked at rts framework as well um just decided that this one had a little bit more to it the rts engine had a bit more in there already built so it was less stuff that i needed to do so i wanted to go with that and then some of the packs that i was using and then some oh interesting problems so one of the side effects of building this game or one of the extra benefits of building out a game like this is that i get to come across just uh random problems that uh pop up so just random things that i want to discover or fix or just do that i think would be interesting as a youtube video or interesting to other people and one of those was just the idea of terrain painting so real time terrain painting being able to change it so that like like you saw in the uh preview one let me show you real quick let me hit play again so when you drop down a building like making the grass go away and concrete appear underneath actually really really easy but there's not a lot of stuff out there there weren't a lot of videos out there or even just document there were a couple blog posts and a little bit of documentation out there was able to go through and figure it out but i thought that something like that could be an interesting bit here so let me just drop one down and see it you see how it drops it down and it's definitely not perfect in this example in a real video go around and kind of figure it out perfect and go through that whole process but it's one of the many different types of problems and things that i think are going to come out of this that'll make for great youtube videos and just great content of stuff that people want to solve and hopefully have some interest in solving you know it may end up just solving a bunch of stupid problems that nobody cares about and then i wrote down a couple other problems that people might be interested in so talking about using lockstep game development or a lockstep model for this versus what we're going to be using different rts options so like the asset packs that are out there i'll probably once i go through rts engine 2 and take a deeper look at some of the other options maybe do a video about that and then i actually did a video about that already so i can kind of shut up about that one and networking stuff and the the whole setup for networking and how to go through that so i think that would be interesting too oh they're using decal projectors for under building textures that is an interesting way to do it too it makes a lot of sense okay so let's see sorry i'm reading reading chat and talking it's a little bit weird but uh it's just fun stuff all right let's jump back in so i think that that's all there was in here was there anything in my detailed task set oh yes yes the stuff that i wanted to do so on my quick to-do list of my updated tasks in progress is i'm redesigning my map for four players so that's kind of the the current thing and i guess that's probably where we'll start well i guess that's actually kind of already done i'll go through and show you the map and then we'll go on to my um my to-do list i think i'm going to change this up a bit though because i do want to go through the map process i i don't necessarily want to go through designing an entire army right now but we'll see anyway so redesign of the map let's just briefly talk about it i've got an image of it that i'm going to pull up so here i'll i'll flash it on the camera real quick you can see the map that's it but let me pull up an actual um a screenshot of it because i think that's a little bit more useful and a lot easier to see than a picture i'm holding up on the camera so let's see where's that image um it's in my videos folder i'll find it eventually it's in the files where are you i've got a big giant folder full of uh full of stuff that occasionally gets set as the default and things get dumped into there so it may take me just a second oh no actually it should be in here where are you picture i sent it to myself oh i know where it is it's in my project let's go grab it out of there so i dropped it right into [Music] okay what did i do with this thing i've got it here somewhere i promise i promise i i have a picture of my picture okay i know where i've got it we're gonna get this thing up here and you'll be able to see it and it's gonna be really really really exciting you know you're going to love this this picture let's see where are you scroll scroll there we go and download it oh it is in the videos folder see i knew it all right let's just pull it up all right here it is let's see if this shows up on screen and if i can make it nice and big all right you can kind of see the picture there um i'm going to pull it into unity it'll make a lot more sense once it's in there but i just briefly want to run through it so i drew it up on paper because it's a tip that quite a few friends just generally recommend and i try to follow their recommendations and it helps a lot make it easy to really quickly iterate so just draw it up kind of sketch it out get a quick outline of the plan for what i want it to be and then show you how to quickly pull it into unity so the goal is for raised up bases these gray areas or shaded in areas are kind of raised up with little ramps to come down from each side walls here this is somewhat defensible and then the dollar signs are just resources those are places where the players would fight over for money there's a lot of them around the edge so lots of money on the edge on the outside you can fight over for cash early on and then a storm come in and kind of push you towards the middle as those things get absorbed or taken over and they're no longer available and then just the middle area to fight over as like the final spot and this is where people could either go in early to the middle and after in the show yesterday we're talking to salim in them and one of us i think of salim's ideas was to put in some defenses here in the middle by by default so that like there'd be npcs maybe just some guys standing there with a rocket launcher in a little fortification or something like if you ever played a commander conqueror there are all these passive buildings that guys could just go into and just put some npc units in there that are not on a team they just defended or something so that you can't get in there right away but you could build maybe right up here quickly with a quick barracks and then try to rush into there and take it but then you'd have you'd be competing against people that have a lot more resources available so that's kind of the idea for the map and i'm going to show you now how we could pull that in and build it out real quick and then set it up as an actual rts so let's uh minimize this and i'm actually going to begin by just kicking off a brand new project so this one like i said has been my experimentation area and i'm going to keep using it to experiment so trying different things out but i want to have an actual real clean project now that's got what i want in it and show the process kind of step by step from from the beginning without all of the skipped stuff that you normally miss so let's see if my unity hub will open up come on unity hub and see why my phone keeps vibrating see no idea all right well it looks like uh it's gonna open up let's see new project we'll call this um rts and leave it in 3d for now i think that's good and hit create we'll open this thing up yeah so this is going to be more like a an rts with a stolen fortnite mechanic basically right with a a forced goal of pushing people to the center of the storm um but essentially in our rts or with that as the kind of core or the little twist there that and the fact that it'll be kind of generals or command and conquer style at least that's that's the goal let's see so uh lots of people in chattanooga just want to say thanks and hello to everybody in chat i see lots of people just talking and saying nice things uh people ask how far to push on planning put plan on pushing quality in this game um it depends i mean if if it keeps going well and i like it then as far as possible if it comes together and i'm like yeah this was actually not a good idea and it's boring then probably not very so it just depends on whether or not it ends up being fun the goal really is to get the core part done um make sure that the concept and the idea is actually fun and worth building out and worthwhile to do and then if so um keep pushing it and make it really cool my thought is that it will be very cool and it'll be awesome and i'll keep pushing on it for a long time but you know i want to verify that first i don't want to say say that i'm going to do it and find out that oh yeah this this game idea was kind of boring inside so hopefully though it's as fun as i'm expecting it will be all right so i want to start with um pulling in that image that i've got so let's grab it real quick i'm going to go into my folder in here let's go to that videos folder that i just mentioned i had and i'll pull in oops wrong folder okay i missed the s there i'll pull in that jpeg where are you jpeg scrolling up through this giant list anybody that's organized would lose their mind if they saw that i'm just going to drop it into the root real quick all right then i'm going to create a plane so go to game object 3d object and we'll actually not a plane a quad sorry go create a quad i think i'll scale it to be i want my map i think to be 300 by 300 maybe 400 by 400 i'm gonna go 400 by 400 and then i'm going to rotate it 90 degrees so i've got this 400 by 400 quad rotated 90 degrees and i'm just going to take the image and drop it right on there so slap it on there i've got like a top down view i can drag and pan of my map obviously this is not a perfect view of my map and my map isn't square and i want it to be kind of square so i think i'm going to just do a little bit of resizing i'll hit t resize it shape it out there look at that now it's a square that looks pretty good now i want to set up the terrain so for the terrain um we're gonna use the terrain toolkit setup so there's actually some more advanced terrain tools available in the package manager let's see oops wrong package manager window window and we'll go to package manager and let's see if i can find these ones again the terrain ones i think they were in github weren't they let me let me take a peek real quick where's my package manager window not not my assets okay sorry let me pull this up i'm getting distracted with that other window there okay package manager why is the package manager window is this way is this the right one ah okay that's why so that's the package manager window for it and we need to grab the terrain um tool kit what's it called train tool kit i can never remember the name of it unity 3d i'm gonna pull up the actual page that shows it and shows you how to how to grab it and pull it in so if anybody wants to follow along you can do that um is it right on this one no where was the correct one they've got a couple different links here getting start is this one sorry i'm just trying to find this and looking at chat at the same time so first let me go in and go to the advanced project settings and enable the pre-release packages so this is in the package manager settings uh it'll make it so that we can see the pre-release packages and i think does it just show up in here now i can't remember now let's see or if i had to add it with a link it's been a little while um yeah it's not in there where was that one if anybody happens to remember where it is um send me the link there's a there's a link to um pull in the package though i just got to figure out where that thing was again getting started it says it's in the package manager why don't i see it here maybe i need to restart let me let me double check that is that what it said there advanced project settings no why does it not show up there i'm trying to remember why it's not showing up so it's not in the unity packages i i can't remember if i added it as a package now or if i did it somewhere else if anybody happens hey jason do you happen to remember where the um the install was for the terrain tool kit this is terribly difficult to uh to get started with window package manager search for terrain tools did that it's not there uh let me restart the unity editor i think it might just need a quick restart after actually here let me look at the package manager in this one again too so and this one in project yeah i've got my terrain you see in this one you can see i've got the the terrain tools right there um where was the link does it have i can't remember if it doesn't show the link here no okay let's check it in the other unity instance we'll get it opened up so there the terrain tools oh com that's it i remember that i actually had to paste this in as a thank you i remember now so this was a giant pain getting this set up to actually find the installer for it and or the uh the package for it so here it is thank you um for sharing that nightmare and uh tear some right after that so go into the package manager hit plus and go to add package um by name and then paste in hit add and that's how i imported it i totally forgot been been a little while and it's such a weird uh it's a weird weird setup i i did turn on preview packages but i don't know why it still wasn't showing up all right with that i want to also grab the um the sample assets so i click the button here to grab the sample assets just gives me some train assets giving me a bunch of brushes and some grass and other stuff so this is the asset pack i already have it so i don't know why it's asking me to add it to my assets wait that's not the one is that the package that i was grabbing no yeah i don't know why it didn't um yeah terrain tools sample pack i did not add it and download open in unity there we go tried it again the second time that that time it worked all right so import in the terrain tool sample assets and this has a bunch of brushes textures and other stuff for painting out the terrain building out the train in different ways um it's pretty handy definitely worth pulling in all right so now i've got both of those and i want to create my actual terrain and we're gonna do it instead of going to game object and 3d object and terrain we're gonna go to window terrain and terrain toolbox just pops up this fancy little uh terrain creation window let me make sure i can see myself on here everything's looking good okay um and then i just gotta give it a size for my terrain in the starting position and stuff i think i'm going to kick this off at like a 400 by 400 and do i want to be 500 meters tall probably not i'll probably like i don't know two or three hundred it's it doesn't need to be tall at all i'm only going to go up maybe 10 meters so but yeah we'll go to like 200 that seems good um let's see train settings do you want to change any of these texture resolutions i think i want to crank this up a little bit to 2048 and um that was it was it the control i always get these ones mixed up and there's no tool tip on it here whatever i'll i'll leave this at 10 24 for now and i'm just gonna hit create and create i can adjust that later when i need it so there's my actual terrain object let's take the pl my quad here now and just line this up over my terrain and again thanks jason story for this uh great tip on laying out my terrain so i've got it kind of lined up over the terrain now and i'm gonna switch to let's go to top down only mode zoom out hit t i'm gonna grab this and hold shift until i get a square that loosely matches with my uh my terrain there we go so that's pretty close to what i want there now obviously it's not perfect but give me a good idea of where i want my things to be now i'm going to just drop this quad down a little bit whoosh and then i'm going to start painting on my actual terrain um or actually know what i should do is probably just pull this up a little and then make it transparent that would be good um just drop in some alpha here set that to a transparent there we go so we can actually see through it and see the terrain but still see the uh the outline all right so let's make it not selectable go to the terrain and go to painting mode in the painting mode when you add in the terrain tools all of this stuff changes so the brush changes here you see that it's got different setting here it's not just a size and a strength it's got these little jitter options it's got a slightly different slider and it looks different it's got rotation here and spacing and the way that this works the jitter just does some variation so if you have strength in here set at 1 or 0.5 i don't know how it works exactly but it'll vary some percentage based on how much you slide that up same with the size if you have it set to this um you know like let's just take a quick peek um let me hide that quad and just zoom in real quick and show the painting so if you're in here and you paint uh paint the height let's do set height and we've got it set to a height of 15 and i've got it painting and i just click it's just going to lock it like that right keep clicking and it's going to keep painting the spot underneath my mouse to 15. if i set the um the jitter here up you'll see that whoa that's a lot every time i do it see how it changes the sizes it's a different size just so i i don't know exactly how you would use it to paint like a perfect terrain but that's kind of how it works and the rotation does the same it just rotates it every time so you get a variation of the rotation every time based on those i'm going to reset those all down to zero though because i don't need any of that i'm gonna set the height of the world to i think ten and then hit flatten all so just flattens the entire world out to ten meters so that way i've got a little bit of area to drop down if i want but i start off not too high up in the air and then i'm going to turn on my quad again i'm going to move that quad up a bit so let's go select it and move it up so it's above the world maybe put it at like 15 actually i'm gonna put it like 50. and then go up to straight top down zoom in zoom in zoom in and then i'm gonna select uh the or check the non-select option that's already on go to my terrain and back into painting mode so now i'm just going to paint up these these corners raise them up real quick and paint the general layout of the map and then i'll texture it actually yeah no let me texture it first let's add in a texture i light i want to make it brown so that it's not this white on white and it's a little bit easier for me to tell what's going on so i'm in the paint texture mode so in paint now you have a whole bunch of options with the terrain tool kit i'll go to paint texture though and then down here in the bottom section it's kind of hidden there's material and layers layers has the actual paint layers this was a lot easier to find before and now it's kind of like hidden down at the bottom so if you're missing it can't find it that's where it is i'm just gonna hit add layer and use one of the uh pre-built layers so i'll just use a dirt there we go all right now that i've got dirt i'm gonna go into painting height so i'll switch back to set height oh you guys might not have seen me pick the dirt option there huh let me just show it real quick i drag my head over here and let's go just to take a look at that paint texture so paint texture here you go hit add layer and then you get a pop-up pick the one that you want here let's add some moss too now i've got dirt and moss dirt was my default so that's one that's down there all right let's go into paint height or set height so set height and first thing i want to do is raise these up like 10 meters so i'll set the height here to 20 got my paint brush set to a one brush size is relatively big i think i want to just go with a round brush and start painting all right got one corner up let's do this next one and it's a little hard to see i can see it easily on my screen but there you probably see the shadows on that one let's try this one here and then we got one more corner up here to do all right let's go take a quick peek at that i'll go into uh ah let's see just double click on it go see what this looks like yeah that's that's pretty close to what i was thinking i think that's good for the space all right let's go back to that top down mode and let me show you the way that we're gonna make the ramps because the ramps are actually really simple to create too and this is one of the things that's in that cool terrain kit so if i go to sculpt and choose bridge what i can do is hold control actually i want to crank up the size of this brush let's zoom in a bit here and go down here so i want to go from here down to here and make kind of a ramp so if you hold s while you're in here you can actually scroll and adjust the size and then what is it a adjusts the strength too and then d for a rotation doesn't make a difference on a circle though so let's scale up the size of that just a little bit and we're going to do is hold control click right here not hold control and click here and now i've got a ramp pretty cool let's see well i'm gonna make a couple of them then we'll go take a look so here i'll hold ctrl release control click hold ctrl release it click hold ctrl release it click hold control yep you know release it click hold ctrl same thing and let's do it for these other ramps whoops undo control z i didn't hold ctrl hold ctrl click hold control click hold control click hold control click hold control click i don't like that one hold ctrl click and hold ctrl and click oh i don't like that one either it's too short so hold ctrl and click all right let's go take a look at these see how they look and there we go i've got some basic ramps so i've got my four bases now with uh very simple ramps set up starting to come together let's see just start with this but okay uh there i definitely was thinking yeah civilian buildings for sure and probably in this center area in fact let's build out the center area as well so we've got on the map here this is going to be where people will fight over here right there in the middle and i can kind of see it now i probably don't need my my quad outline right now so i can just take that away go to the top and just draw it right here in the center i think i'll go with that uh this hexagon size so just make it bigger scale it up a bit and put it maybe right about whoops ctrl z i don't want to be sculpting a bridge i want to be setting height we'll set some height here and just build out an area i don't know right around there around that size and then let's do some ramps out of that thing too so do a sculpt do a bridge uh i shrink this way way down and i think i want to go with the round again control click and control and click there we go two entrances one from each side to go into that base and maybe i would do some from the other sides too i don't know yeah why not i'll just do do a couple do lots of entrances to get into there make it really contested all right i really don't like the way that this texture looks though so i want to do a little bit of a change to it let's do a quick uh update here let's add in some more layers let's add in a rock add in a sand and uh let's do a little bit of painting here fix this up okay so i think i want actually the base layer to be i don't i don't want to be that moss now i don't really want it to be this dirt either though because this dirt looks so rocky and yeah just not i don't know i don't know which what i want to use here for the train let's try this what's the rock oh no okay i think i might pull in some terrain textures that i can use which is uh probably not the most optimal thing but it's one of those things that i just get this urge to to clean them up a little bit and just make it look a little bit more like what i actually want for a map so i don't know maybe i'll grab some textures real quick and then we'll do a a quick blending you know yeah let me show how to do the uh the little blending strip let's let's pull in the blending script example from um unity's terrain tool section because or their terrain setup because i think that's an interesting one and maybe at the very least people will learn something real quick if you get nothing else from this you'll learn how to write to terrain at runtime it's actually really really easily really easy to do so train data and we want to use the set alpha maps all right so here we go let's pull this up and let me move my big old head out of the way and get that kind of over here so when you access the terrain object what you can do in a script and what i'll show you real quick in their example script is you can go through and modify the terrain data part of that terrain object and when you modify that terrain data and call the or swap out the the maps for the layers you can actually switch out the blending you can do the same for the tree details the or the trees the details um the height and everything else so you can go through and modify the actual data of the terrain and have it actually adjust that run time and you can do it at run time and edit time there are um kind of two different things and i'll talk probably more about that if i do a full terrain video because by default it's going to actually modify and save the terrain data so you make these train change modifications um well if you make the terrain change modifications that we're going to do and you want to do them at runtime you just need to make a copy of the terrain data and use that so that you're not modifying the existing terrain data and you just swap in the train data there's a method to copy a train data you'll see i'll talk about that later i'm going to copy this example though the way that this one works is it's set up to blend two textures based on the steepness so if you look at it we'll just let's just take a real quick look at the code it creates a three-dimensional array of floats which is the x and y coordinates of the point on the map so if you look at your let's jump into unity real quick if you look at your terrain from the the top down when we paint terrain like i paint a little spot here it's actually painting a weight at the vertexes around this so it's painting in a different way for the for this sand layer um into those vertices and then um that's based on the strength so if i put it at 0.5 it's actually just putting in a whatever 0.38 in there for the value of the third part of the array that you're about to see so let's jump back over to that array so it's got the x and y coordinates of where i clicked or where all of the points that are covered by my brush are and then it's got the third part right here which is the layer so it's got the x y coordinate and then every layer that exists there right now this thing this script is only meant to handle two layers and if you run it with more than two it'll actually give you an error so i'm going to delete down to two layers or we could change it later and then what it does is it'll get the steepness here into an angle and then it puts in the value here this a map is just that three-dimensional array so for the first layer it's putting in the fraction here and for the second layer it's putting in one minus the fraction so you're getting one or half of it or some percentage of it um with the first on the first layer and the other percentage on the other layer based on the steepness of the angle and then it calls set alpha map so when you do this you build out the map and you can build it out for the entire map like this thing's doing or just a portion of it give it the coordinates since this one's doing the entire map it does zero zero because it's going to cover from there all the way across and then you pass in the map and that sets the data if you just want to set it in a small amount of data you could just set it at that small section and you don't have to actually update the entire map which i assume is dramatically faster but i haven't actually profiled it but i can can't imagine that it wouldn't be all right let's jump in and make it so that we can um run that code real quick let's go actually here i'm going to delete out my moss layer let's remove remove that layer and let's remove the um maybe i want to go with sand and rock let me see sand it doesn't look very sandy and maybe it's just the uh the resolution of i think i'll just go dirt and rock okay let's just do that for now i'll remove that i'm definitely going to change these textures out but i want to show the script first because i think that that's the entertaining or the more useful part the educational part where everybody will at least learn something so let's go add in a new script i'll name it example because that's just the name of their script we'll drop it on and then we'll just run it and you'll see what it does to just paint up these slopes let's see uh trust and open it's gonna open up in ryder i'm gonna take a drink getting thirsty sorry just watching uh looking through chat and say hello out there everybody somebody asked if an rtx 3060 will handle game dev definitely without a doubt you can game dev on almost any video card um as long as it supports the features that your game needs which most of them do you'll be pretty much fine it's generally better not to develop on something that's too much fast or too fast because then you end up not optimizing and not realizing their performance issues so yeah i wouldn't worry about developing on system like that it should work totally fine all right so i've set up my example script here i just pasted it in i realized i wasn't talking about what i was doing at all there i pasted in the example script into example.cs and i'm going to go add it to the terrain object so select the terrain let's just minimize the terrain oh i've got it on here already i just assigned the train i can't run does this do a git component nope it doesn't do it so i need to actually assign that we'll hit play in the start method it's going to well see what it does let's watch go to scene view and it should have well i guess it kind of painted them guys this just does not look right at all let me try swapping the um the material order here bam there we go that's a little bit better okay i had i had them backwards so it's a little bit better it's got the rocks there i still don't really like the rock i don't know i'm gonna go in and find a different uh a different set of textures here let's run that again the sand and dirt on see if it's actually doing the blending right it should be it wasn't my other one no it's doing something weird oh it's all offset interesting i'm not sure what happened there well anyway that's how it's suppose it's supposed to work and it was working before it looks like something is offset by a little bit and i'm not sure what it is i wonder if something to do with my texture or or not my texture but my terrain settings but they're just the default hmm i don't know okay let's go find um let's pull an rts engine i think i don't want to play with uh terrain too much i don't want to spend too much time just painting terrain and making it look goofy here let me i do want to paint the edges of this thing around a little bit though it's so weird that's called sand it doesn't look like sand to me i don't know maybe i'm just weird on my on my sand add in some add in some edges here and i think may i'll do i'll show the erosion tool a little bit and then we'll dive into rts engine i think that'll be a good way to go so if you go into the erosion section under here you can go to paint there's uh a couple options there's always the smooth height so you could always do smooth height and then you could adjust again hold s to adjust size and hold a to adjust the strength and you could use this to kind of do some blending and some smoothing which is usually the way that i would go about doing it but they added in a couple other ones here there's a hydraulic one which does a slightly you can see the let me just show the differences here let's let's go over here control z so if i do it with the hydraulic one i guess supposed to be more like water kind of running over it which makes sense it's relatively smooth and then there's a erosion that was thermal which i guess like it melting um looks somewhat similar but it seems like it dips down a little bit more i'm not sure exactly how they work differently and then the final one was wind which is actually um pretty different so the wind one the rotation matters a lot so it actually looks like like if you look at it it looks like things got blown in a direction which is fine for some stuff like i could do a ramp going up that way or if i wanted to actually look like wind by doing it like coming down and stuff it it looked really weird when i was playing with it but that was kind of an interesting one too because you can rotate it and change it and just do a little bit of smoothing probably makes a lot of sense for sand i don't know anyway um let's smooth this thing out just a little bit i think i'll use the uh the hydraulic one a little bit on here and then i'm gonna pull in rts engine and start getting it set up as an actual rts level and go go through a bit of that process so save and then let's go into window and package manager we'll find that rts and look for rts engine so i'm going to import this one in and then just jump back into uh i'm going to jump into my miller noteboard again real quick i can find it there we go and this one and um i guess that's kind of loosely done i mean i still want to set up my resources and stuff for it but i've kind of got that figured out and i've kind of got my oops my import and building the map done so i think now i i want to change this up a little bit i want to re-import rts engine um setup map on playable level and test versus npc this is the the next things i want to do so oh actually these are my in progress those should be moved over to completed a lot of time i'll just delete things out of here but since i'm sharing these i figured i'd make a completed board most the time i'll just hit yes and delete my completed tasks because nobody else cares about him and wants to see him but since i've got this board shared and there's a link in chat and then i think in the description so you can go check out the board if you want to follow along all right so uh let's reimport rts engine so this is again going to be the current version not the beta one i'm gonna pull that in we'll go through it again just kind of get this process down before switching over to the uh the beta one in the next probably in the next stream or something all right let's minimize jump back into unity oh there we go and let it import it once this is going to overwrite my project settings it's i think primarily getting rid of layers and tag settings and stuff that it's pulling in i don't know what else is in there but i made a new project so it wouldn't matter all right let's see i had a bunch of messages popping up do i have lunch plans no let's reply to that one and see what else was popping up here didn't look like any emergencies good star wars rug is on its way i feel the little star wars area over there that doesn't have a rug and here let's change up that uh that mode there let's get that on green there we go a little bit better so it looks like jay said he keeps his completed tasks until the end of the week and then clears him out on monday that makes sense get an idea of of what you've done and what you've knocked out i just i feel like i always have such a big list of tasks to do i just gotta just let them go there there's always something else all right let's see so that's imported in and then let's see was there anything else in here i don't think there was i needed to grab nope all right with that i should be able to now let's save my scene let's do save as to save my level i'm gonna go into the scenes folder and because four player map and then i'm gonna hit rts engine configure new map so i think that when i do that it's actually going to yeah i deleted my terrain that's what i was afraid of all right so let's um what do i want to do i guess i could probably just add i could re-add the terrain so i could take in my terrain rts engine here let me um let's see what's a real oh wait did that write over my nope didn't okay so i've got my map here let's do it this way i'm gonna open up my sample scene oh i have it in the sample scene too what have my terrain right here okay cool all right let's go back into the four player map rts engine configure new map i'm going to take the sample scene grab that terrain group and just drop it in there as a child of the train and then unload the sample scene trying to think of the fastest and easiest way to get that done all right so now i've got my terrain there the layer for this definitely needs to be set to terrain so i'll hit change and change children all right i don't think i needed to have anything else in there let me see let's save let's go take a look at the example scenes again it's been a little while since i jumped in here and i want to make sure that we uh go through this right so we've got the menu scenes i'm going to open up the main menu scene hit play and just try it out again be nice if i had baby yoda sitting next to me during this he's um he's right here he's hanging out right right by the mug chilling that's funny okay so let's see let's hit single player game um i don't need to pick anything we'll just hit add faction start game and make sure this thing actually launches again and works all right so this is the demo map setup got a dude here you can run around you can build capitals or build uh whatever those are a library and i can zoom in and out okay cool so now we just need to make sure that the real map works like that demo map so let's go into the demo map let's go let's see where is that at single player single player not single player menu what's this one this is the probably the character selection bot selection stuff okay cool actually let's see let's see how does this one work the single player menu how does it pick what level to load into maybe i just want this to load into my level so that i can actually go through a little bit of a flow too and follow their flow to get get a little bit more used to it and see what that's like so okay demo maps right here bam we'll just add in my own map all right so this is called four player map i'll copy the name and i'll call this my custom four player map minimum factions two i'll leave the default values even though it's called four um just because i i'm not 100 sure what this requires and i want to make sure that it starts up first before um before i go in and change it so let's hit play on single player map and we'll okay there we go we've got four player map as the default hit start game starting game couldn't be loaded because it's not oh not added to the build settings that makes a lot of sense file build settings and we just need to add in our new map so that's under our scenes section four player map drop that in i don't know what this deleted one is um probably just delete that out close that hit file and save project and then play let's try this one all right so i've got my four player map selected here got my factions i'll hit start game okay well it got a little bit closer uh we got a couple errors though so okay we've got to set up some slots for the faction so there's a little bit more actual rts engine setup that we need to go through let's go through that now let's open up the demo scene real quick actually let's open up our real map and go to rts engine and we've got let's see configure the new map we need to set up the starting points and stuff and i'm trying to remember all of the stuff that we need to do for for the initial setup let's actually just open up the docs real quick pop in and take another quick peek at it because it's been just a little while so setting up set up a new map scene set up a new scene general structure let's see configure a new map we did that and then at the top we have okay now explorer structure got the manager so the manager section if you didn't see the past streams it's got all of the different managers that have a lot of kind of the the core code for the game and a lot of the settings in there so if you're looking at stuff and you just kind of want to experiment look around most of the things you need are under the manager or if something's going wrong and you need to debug it and most of the things that i found were in one of these managers or you could at least find out where to look from one of them all right so we've got the game manager for setting up faction slots which is probably where i need to set things up uh resources terrain and then cameras factions in the campus okay so where's the part it said this was the setup construction so starting with the game manager look at the field it's not a setup okay let's see we need to add faction slots okay let's go through that let's go take a look and see if the um if those slots are set up already and set this up once before kind of went through it and i want to go through this once again so we've got our airtrain terrain set up okay let's go to game manager and then we've got faction slots this is the faction sauce and yeah we've got one so add one two three all right let's hit play and oh actually i need to go back to the other menu to make to play and see if it worked oh more than one faction label as player controlled that's right because there's a check box for whether or not it's the player controlled one i only want one of them to be the player controlled let's see go back oh i'm on the first one first one i want player controlled second one not so well look at the element id right there it's changing it's a little bit hard to see and the third one not so i'll call this bot two i'll just name them bot one and we'll call this player um they need a capital building so i think that i need to set those all up for the players let's just play real quick and double check oh no it looks like it actually um started with no errors i thought it was going to give a problem because it didn't have a starting building let's do a save and go into that scene real quick so rts single player menu play that's a nice little shortcut by the way and we'll hit oh i don't want to load the demo map no uh did i break my menu i probably didn't save it let's go in here demo map yeah i didn't save my other map um let's add in the other one four player map copy paste my custom four player map be two to three factions faction types yeah we'll leave those all the same and we'll make that the default and this time i'll save and play by the way if you're still watching uh make sure that you hit the the like button and share and all that stuff i don't think i've asked people to do that yet so i gotta remember to do it every now and then okay let's hit start oh was it interesting it's not sure what it did four player map is loading huh it's like it never finished loading interesting no errors no warnings very interesting i'm not sure what happened there all right let's go into that map this goes actually set the map up so i'm going to put in some buildings and see if that just fixes it again i'm going to switch to the newer version of rts engine so i don't want to spend too much wait what happened to my oh no what have i done i broke my level so i saved my map somehow my map is now my menu and i don't know how that happened let's see if i can this is why source control is good i would have been able to undo that all right let's fix that up i don't know what i did luckily i got this other sample scene here so i'm going to go back in here we'll just recreate a new map i'll take my sample scene i'll copy that terrain and move it in here this is an easy one to fix luckily we're early on i am going to add things to source control right after this oh actually hold on why is that okay let's do it this way move it over there and then why is this terrain scaled all freaking weird why is this scaled at 12 that's probably why my i know that's that wasn't painted though i don't know why this air train is weird let's just fix this i don't like having that scaled up strange unless there's some weird reason for it and then i'm breaking everything but let's fix it fix it anyway all right so i've got my terrain dropped in i'm going to unload this scene let's just hit remove don't save i'll save this scene we'll go into the managers go to the game manager we'll go add in two more entries that are for the npc's first one will be named player leave player controlled checked second one will be bought one and i'm going to give them a different color they'll be yellow and not player controlled and then we'll do bot2 and this one will be maybe red and not player controlled there we go we'll save that and then i'm going to try going back into oh you know what happened i bet when i hit single player menu it converted my level to a single player menu what was i doing that was a mistake i thought it was opening the menu all right let's hit play and try this out make sure that worked and then there we go now i loaded into it so there's some errors but everything's okay a little bit better i still need to fix the textures that's i'm not too worried about that i'm just going to go in to collaborate now and actually do a commit so let's just log in real quick get our organization create a project id let's see and then go to collaborate and hit on there be able to actually commit the sense that way when i when i break things again in a few minutes or in the next hour or so i can just go back and revert it and it won't be such a pain all right so there's a oh new unity collaborate package available let's install it minimize our issues did it not um install okay i guess we want to install it and i'll just say this is our um initial map oh there it is installing this would be like our our initial uh commit for for the map oh can i turn off slow mode i can turn off slow mode yeah sorry the only reason i leave it on is because occasionally people decide to start spamming for no reason if they just get bored let me turn that back on or off let's see where's the setting for that sucker all right okay let's publish our changes so this would be our initial commit a map and rts engine and publish and checking out the chat over there too i'd have to grab a snack while we work on this if somebody asks if i prefer writer or visual studio i definitely write her now i used to i've used visual studio for i don't know 15 years or something and it's great and all but ryder is just generally better for unity development from every every aspect of it seems to be better for unity development so generally just stick with it other than the fact that it's not free that's the one aspect that's not better all right let's see we're almost done submitting changes is a big update i guess there's a lot of art in here and uh what do i want to do next so oh we need to go through and actually make our level work so as soon as this finishes we'll go in and set up some starting buildings some capitol buildings get the units running around and see if we can fight some npcs over that center area kind of get get that part up and running and working that's kind of the let's see let's go into our goal so in progress oops re-import rts engine that's what we're working on and then uh set up map on play actually this is kind of done move that over and i'm setting up the map on the actual as a playable level so not on let's replace that word as as because that's what we want it to be so our map is going to become a actual level where we can see it and then fight against an npc let's see if it's done looks like it almost finished 75 where can i improve coding um that's a good question i'd say just about anywhere that you can find co i mean really you improve your coding skills by doing a lot of coding either watching people code watching people helps a little bit seeing how people do things and what they put together but actually writing code yourself is probably the best way to to improve it now for good websites um i don't know i prefer video and youtube and stuff now because it tends to be easier to consume and i can i can kind of get a little bit more from it and understand more but there's some blog posts too and some good blog sites um cat like coding is a really good blog site for more advanced coding features and functionality if you're looking at that kind of stuff um yeah i don't know there's lots of stuff you can check out my my stuff down below too if you're curious but what board software is that i'm not sure a question that is what that's about say thanks for helping me out to no parenting characters to a platform oh yeah that's definitely a cool trick so if you move something um all of its children move along with it and comes in really handy when you're making like a platform or moving things around or you want to have something move with like a moving ground a lot of times so just parent the object to that one it's cool cool little trick uh oh somebody oh the board software sorry miller note uh you go to there's a link in the page down there there's a link in the description now i get it the board the the boards that i'm creating that makes sense i was thinking of electronic boards for some reason all right so let's see we'll minimize that i want to minimize writer for now and minimize millinote and jump back into unity because i think that it is done yep it's done committing let's go into our scenes now and let's open up a scene so go into our four player map and i want to actually set up some of the buildings so the way that the buildings were set up oh here you can see there's a couple of them already down below let's move those two up take the test building in the test unit and just move them up so just holding control and and dragging to move them right up here to what is this a height of 39 looks like that gets us right up here on top of one of these ledges so on top of part of part of the map and i think i'll put player building what let's call this player building and player unit then what we could do is go into our managers and we can actually assign those so in our game manager it's got a spot to assign the capitol building which would be our first building i don't really want to use these little empty test buildings though because they're kind of useless i think that it's well they're not useless but they're a starting point but not what i want to go for i want to go for the actual buildings they have made so i can test it out so i'm going to go into their prefabs which i believe are in buildings so go to buildings and then resources prefabs and then take a capital and i'm just going to drop that out here and this will be the player capital and then i'll do a couple more of those so i'm going to take this capital make it a child of factions and then let's zoom out i'm going to put the other ones right next to it for now and then i'll move them away later on actually you know let's maybe i'll put them down here in the center i'm going to put them up here on the on this cliff area so this will be the player capital i'll duplicate it this will be bot one capital and i'll duplicate it and we'll make about two capital now let's put this one kind of over here start them off nice and close i don't want to be scrolling around a lot all right then if we look at the buildings i believe they've got quite a few options including like their starting faction number yep faction id so faction id for this will be two faction id for bot one capital will be one and then if we go to the managers and go find our game manager we can set those as the capitol building so injury one the player building will be our player capital would be player capital and the lookout position is actually going to be that player capital two i don't want it to look at the old building order to look at the new one all right bought one their capital building and their look at building and then bought two a sign and a sign all right i think i can get rid of these two player buildings delete those out save and let's just hit play and see see where this goes okay so my camera is way too close that's something i can deal with though and adjust and this building looks like it's under construction oh okay a couple things going on here my camera is the wrong way not a problem my player building is only half built probably because of this error here and um actually i guess that's pretty much it so let's see let's what was the error here let's go take a look at this one so it looks to spawn faction entities oh you know what it's trying to spawn the building but the building is probably not in the um in the entities because it set it up for the um let's see oh this bug again so it's got the the faction entities are missing here there's an issue with the inspector it's just this version of unity i think i just need to switch to unity versions and it'll fix it we need to take the capital building there and then uh faction entities what was the other one um [Music] the unit where's that guy at under units resources prefabs and i believe it's the villager yeah so let's go take the villager and make him a default faction unit i think i'm gonna have to do that for all three of them though i have to go through this yeah default faction entities instances oh wait the in oh actually no sorry that's wrong i'm not supposed to do the prefabs there i remember if for this one i've got to do the actual instances so let's remove that instance and this is bot one it'll take the bot one capital i'm getting myself mixed up here and giving you guys some bad advice there so i got to remove that one take bot two capital drag that there and then go back to the first one default faction entities and it's got two spots because it had a unit there i'm just going to start with it just a building without a unit i think that should work just setting one in each of those saving and playing all right no error i see my bases are looking [Music] like they exist do they exist hold on nope they're not finished um there must be an option for that i'm missing let's find it let's go to the main camera manager first though and let's adjust this because the angle here is definitely not what i want the the direction of the map and then the uh the size and the height too so i think i want this to be because right now we're coming in at i guess this angle which is totally fine i just need to get the height up higher and then move them and make it kind of match with my view of the scene okay so initial height i think i want to maybe crank that up to like a 60 put the max height to a oh 80 and i don't know what the the minimum i think part of it is that i bumped up that terrain there so you get the actual camera up high enough let's see what this looks like okay there we go now i can see my base and i can see the two uh the two enemy bases all right now why are these things not getting set all the way up is it just because i don't have a villager there let's make a villager for each one and see if that magically fixes it let's take in a villager player villager and i'm going to go inspector do i need to change anything i don't think so i think just duplicate them twice duplicate them once bought one villager and duplicate and make a bot to one set their faction ids where's that at faction idea two faction id to one and then i'm gonna go into the game manager and add them as default faction entities as well so bot2 will have two entities but one will get two entities and the player will get two entities where's the player go back to the player we'll add in that villager there all right save and play see if my buildings actually finish up so somebody's asking about territory regions that expand and collapse or as buildings are there this uh the system already kind of does that it has a radius area that allows it expands out your base basically in your area of control and i think that's one of the settings just directly on the buildings here if you go through their code you can kind of see how it works yeah radius right here and this one it's a little bit complicated from what i remember on how it was actually set up and working but it's just calculating out if you're within the right radius of any of the buildings i'm pretty sure it was this one that was the the value that it was using now why are these i think there's an option to be pre-completed on the buildings let me see what am i missing here there was something here um not free free means that it's not owned by anything [Music] uh max health damage destroyed all right what am i missing here if anybody happens to know in chat let me know too if you can see what it is that i've uh i've missed here for some reason these buildings are not auto completed and i'm not sure why positive that's not the option there's some some setting in here that makes them auto complete or something else that i've missed wait what's this one interesting so we got one bought one bot two and the player lower i'm not sure what that means so yeah i i'm not sure what the option is what did i miss here not in the construction states the building states are like the visuals for when the things are coming up and down oh place by default there it is thank you thank you thank you capital building placed by default there we go and placed by default ah perfect thing it's in the building placer that makes sense i i think that is the correct option yep there we go now my building is done and built and i've got two enemy bots let's see let's see if i can build my unit i got an error here i'm guessing something related to one of the bots ah the villagers oh it's okay a couple things here so first let's put these villagers in the correct position i left them down here at the bottom of the world so uh bought one villager i'm going to move it to the bot one capital reset the position and then move him just outside of it and then i'll do the same for bought two i'm gonna move mouse he's not a child of it anymore the same for bot two reset the position just being lazy here on the uh the dragging of things and then i'll move him out and then we'll take him and be not a child anymore now they're real oops drag that out like that another reason that they're not able to move i didn't set up my uh train to be navigatable so or navigable so we'll go to the navigation window which is under window and then ai and navigation and then just hit bake i should bake out and nav mesh from my terrain and my unit should be able to move oh i need to move my player villager too put that next to the player capital inspector i'm kind of losing my scale there so it's going to be a little bit bigger whatever i got larger villagers i'll deal with it later we'll move that guy over to there and actually let's move kind of over here save and play let's see why my phone's vibrating oh it's turning out to be a good day oh all right wife sent me a picture of some gummy skittles all right so let's see where are we at we've got our unit that disappeared i don't know why and we've got some npc units that are throwing in there oh okay so an item has been created okay great villager okay that's an error i remember dealing with before from having the same building assigned multiple times so that issue came last time i remember seeing this issue where it said an item had been created it was because i had accidentally assigned the same thing in multiple spots i don't see that here let's see maybe under the starting factions bot 2 capital bought one capital no okay so what is a create villager that's on this these capitals let me try to i'm going to disable the two bot capitals for a moment let's go uncheck and play all right so we can build a unit just to make sure this unit actually builds okay got a unit here that built and i i think the issue i'm not sure if the issue is with my my units in the navigation now why is he not able to move what's that nav mesh look like now where's this dude right over here oh if there's something in my navigation mesh that's wrong okay let's let's let's take a little shortcut here let's do a save i'm gonna shortcut this so we can get it up and running and actually have it functional because something weird going on there i'm i've definitely missed something and i don't want to debug it live because to be honest i think debug and stuff live can be relatively boring for most people to watch so let's jump in and let's go into our scenes here show you the the quick way to cheat through this so we'll go into our demo scene not that demo not scenes that's campaigns um where's our map here maps there we go maps go into the demo map we'll go find the actual demo map i think it's this one right here this is the multiplayer map i'm going to duplicate this map take the copy of it and drag it into my my own scenes folder and we're just going to use that as the kind of the basis here and i'll just take my terrain drag it in and we'll use those starting the already set up units in there so oh wait you don't have to watch me stumble through finding out which one is missing or which random setting is missing there so we've got our demo map one open i'll pull up my four player map i'm going to take my terrain object and just drag that one in and then we'll unload and remove this oh hey thanks mark thanks yeah it makes we all yeah it's it's never super smooth when you're going through this process uh i think a lot of the time you watch a a video or an edited thing and it looks like it is but stuff goes wrong all the time when you're trying to figure this stuff out and get it get it right especially going through new systems and stuff when you're not doing something you've done dozens of times expect this to happen relatively regularly all right so we've got our terrain here let's see let's go find the terrain it is way way over here wait why is that that's strange why is the terrain object on this thing so far off all right um zero this out reset and then we'll make it a child and then we'll go down here let's see i just want to swap out this this terrain down below completely um oh i guess i'll take this one drag it down i'm just going to kind of move it in place so that some of the things show up there at first so it's easier to deal with all right we'll move this one over here and this stuff should be mostly on screen i think i think the existing units will be there let's see what's in here walkable tiles what are all of these hold on i want to i need to take another quick peek at these real quick let me hide my terrain groups visibility what did i miss here with these oh okay i see the way that this terrain is built it's built out of tiles okay nevermind i i thought i was missing something that there was some extra bit of stuff there but it's actually just a terrain that's built out of uh pieces interesting so all of these are a map of borders okay i'll turn those off and then these are just props that are in the environment i guess i can leave those on for now i don't really care about those too much i just want to see my actual terrain so let's turn on my terrain okay we've got some random props here i need to move the terrain up a little bit so take this and just get it right here with like negative 55 and the positioning not a huge deal i'm going to adjust and redo all this stuff later on but now i've got a terrain with uh some of their stuff on it let's save this off as demo map one and then let's go take a look actually i'm gonna hit play let's see if it works that oh it's not going to work i need to bake my navigation mesh i'm going to stop playing i'm going to bake my navigation mesh and then i'm going to try it let's hit bake and then we'll we'll play and see if it works all right where is my oh my starting building might be down here let's let's do a little bit of a movement here so my initial building let's see go to factions and go to i think capital zero is the player one yeah that's that's it right there it's underneath the terrain so i'm just gonna take i'm gonna cheat and just move my terrain instead take the terrain group and we'll just hit w or go into the inspector here and just drag it uh this away a little bit so that my buildings are good there we go now my building's not underground oh i need to move this train down a tiny bit too so take this and just go down a little a little bit that looks better okay i guess some of it's better some of it's not right because that present is like maybe the presents are supposed to float i don't know or maybe that train was supposed to just go up see what if this goes up a little like that yeah i'm gonna go to the negative 56.5 let's let's stick with that we'll save and play all right we got a unit or a building we can make some units let's see if that works all right this dude's out there got some audio just chopping down some trees okay i can look at him okay so a couple weird things going on there with that uh oh i didn't rebake the nav mesh let's go back in navigation bake it's like floating up above the ground that's strange all right we'll play again all right let's get one of these guys out here so we've got this unit he's going to go let's make this dude go collect food okay and then where are the enemies there's a lot of resources and stuff here let's go through let's let's try this out real quick so make a healer or a converter i'm gonna make one more villager what's the rest of the map this feels really really big okay so a couple things here i need to adjust i don't like the um the angle of the map right now it's got that it's rotated did not match with what i'm actually the way i've kind of designed it let me go back out to a zoomed out view i'm still playing i'm gonna pause real quick so if i go to pause mode and i go find my camera i'll just go search for the camera up here find our main camera hit f and take a look at it there we go you can see it's kind of coming in at this at the 45 degree angle so it's showing this this view and i think the view that i want to see let's go to the inspector so i don't see all this nonsense and hide out um there's the ui here main canvas let's hide that okay so what i think what i want to see is a view that's more like where is my base actually i think i just want to pull everything down right into right here so i'm going to grab all of the units and everything and just pull them into that area and then move the camera so that it matches there and adjust the angle too so first um first let's go to the let's move all the buildings so take the capitals let's see capital zero what is this is this a minimap canvas let's hide that go away what am i selecting now what's this one oh main canvas let's hide that too okay and selection box canvas i want to get rid of all these uh selecting things i don't want to accidentally click the main canvas okay all right let's find these capitals i got my capital one and put it right over here cap or capital zero capital one but here that's bad guy number one and bad guy number two can go right over here closer to the ledge all right the villagers same get them nice and close okay and then let's fix that camera so the camera is under my managers and then the main camera manager so in here i can adjust the initial angle and i think i want this to be just zero on the y that seems right and then i want to crank up this initial height again to maybe like a 40 and put that max to an 80. save my scene hit play uh somebody's asking if i use any part of dots um not in this not in anything lately but um on occasion when it's needed it hasn't been something i've needed to use lately though okay cool so now we've got the three teams we've got the bases um i want to get rid of a lot of all this stuff here because there's just a whole lot of noise and extra extra stuff here i think these are harvestable resources maybe yeah they are so let's see can i can i just move those or is that a is that one group okay it is so i'm just going to move a lot of this stuff kind of out of the way for a moment hopefully that was the only thing there because it felt like there's way too many things just stacked up it makes it very difficult to see and then i'm going to put some grass in here i think okay some rocks lots and lots of resources here what is this one a portal oh one of the free buildings see that's kind of thing that go up there let's hold uh let's do a vertex move v drag it up there let's hit f oh here let's get it up like that all right there we go we use the oh that's not the right spot let's drop it right here ctrl shift f and i'm going to reset those and then just drop it down okay so we got a portal and i use the portals as like the uh the placeholder for the thing that can kick off the storm and start that off so let's get the rest of these little resources moved out of the way what's this one okay and then i'm gonna turn this to grass next all right let's switch this terrain up now to be more of a grass texture so that the things i think will show better it'll just look look a little bit cleaner and nicer all right let's see that's under paint texture so i've got to go up here to terrain options choose paint texture and then we'll go choose a material or a uh layer not a material worse where's my setting what am i missing paint texture i'm right here where's the uh where are my layers super confused there should be an option for my layers here and it's just missing materials here but the layers one is uh disappeared i didn't i'm not crazy am i really yeah you guys don't see the layers either right interesting so let's go back into paint yeah there's no uh no layers so strange okay i'm gonna restart unity real quick i don't know what's going on there actually let's do a commit so uh we started setting up a demo map so setup demo map with terrain and two bots get getting that set up let's hit publish are you using a good animator um no not right now i'm not using any animator i'm not you're just using the the animation stuff that was built in and came with it and eventually um i figured something out for the actual characters and the objects and stuff okay let's reload this one just restarting my my unity project since that one bugged out and again for anybody that didn't see it at the beginning this is kind of a closer version of the the target goal for what the rts will kind of loosely look like not necessarily like exactly like this but um more of a sci-fi theme they're just using the initial stuff as a kind of a a building point i want to get it functional and stuff with their existing units before going through the process of swapping out the art form i just wanted to go through this process here to make sure that everything was going to work and that it wasn't going to be too difficult to do the swap now that that's kind of verified we're going through the process of pulling in their stuff in here in another project so let's see if we have access there we go layers all right so we'll just change this layer i think i want to swap this out not have it be sand but i'd really like a grass so i think what we're going to do is just go we're going to go to the asset store let's go window asset store or actually you know what i have some packages we'll just go to the package manager and let's just search for um terrain so go to my assets and i'll look for some train all right and then for terrain textures um i kind of feel like just going with a cartoony one for now i think it'll it'll match the the art style that i've got in here um when it's done you'll be able to go back through and rewind and pause and rewatch the stuff somebody was asking about that that functionality in there in the chat so yeah you'll be able to do that afterwards so um once it's done and published and cleaned up a second all right so we've got our cartoon textures it should be i think i hit import maybe i just hit download did i hit import nope okay let's hit import cartoon terrain textures we'll use these suckers import them in all right and then let's go back to that terrain and do a quick layer change so i'm going to add a new layer or no not add a new layer we're going to create a new layer i'm going to call this grass i'll hit the create button and then i'm going to go find a good grass that i want to use i'm thinking something pretty green maybe like a grass five drag that up and uh not there drag that up right there and make that kind of the the texture that i want to use okay so the the example script here this thing is not working i wonder what's going on with this one why this is not painting correctly or why it was offset let's make this a context menu item let's just rename this method to paint instead of start so that way i can just call it automatically and say t equals get component terrain there we go make it so i don't have to find that terrain anymore or var t equals that we'll do a build um right now it's still only set for two textures i think that'll work i wanted to see really quickly what's going on there if there's if it's just something with the uh position of the terrain or the offset of the train or something going on it's easy to adjust or not let's see spectra not active and train inspector okay so click on that one uh i'll go down i'm going to remove that third layer right click and just hit paint yeah it's still definitely wrong i mean you could tell that that's supposed to be right there on the edge it's just offset so what are the what are the inspector settings on this this thing scaled weird or offset weird i mean it's definitely positioned weird but that shouldn't be an issue huh it's literally just offset i wonder why it's offset does they get steepness wrong like it's getting the wrong value there or something with the alpha hmm let's see let me try taking a look at the terrain settings real quick see if there's actually let me double check that page first make sure they didn't say anything nope looks pretty straightforward and again this worked before so i'm not sure why it's changed um maybe it has something to do with my width and height i really don't know hmm height map yeah like there's there's nothing that stands out to me i can keep painting it and it just yeah for some reason it is not right it's doing it it's so sad too because i can see like how perfect it would be and how it would be blending in there oh it's even rotated weird okay that's strange hold on there's something going on with the rotation of the thing if i just move this terrain out and make it not be a child of stuff um move that out and then try it nope okay then make sure that it didn't have something to do with the uh the parenting hmm i'm not sure what's wrong there anyway i'll just save and go through and clean this up a little bit manually i guess if anybody happens to know by the way please uh please let me know i'm really curious if uh if anybody happens to know why that's offset and what i'm missing i feel like that it's got to be something stupid and simple it feels almost like it's rotated like it's not going in the right order but i don't understand how that would make sense or why that would be the case and there's nothing weird going on with the rotation of the terrain or anything there's nothing that stands out that i can think of um yeah if it's obvious to you please let me know in in the chat i'm kind of curious all right let's do i guess we'll just go in and do a little bit of manual style painting then so to manually paint it it's actually really easy now go to this grass layer and now you can just hold s and drag that size of the brush up drag it up and i can make sure the strength is at 100. actually maybe i'll yeah i'm just going to paint it over whatever i was thinking i'd just paint the whole thing really hard once but i think i'll just do a quick brush job and let's find the the actual bases because that's the part i care about i don't care about the rest of the level yet all right we've got our three right here so paint this area up just a little bit give you kind of a rough idea of what we're looking for so it'd be something like that within for this one we'll change to a new layer let's call this uh rock that we'll create with an uppercase r capital r and let's go find a good cartoon rock let's see where's a good one that i'll work for like a cliff edge or something stone maybe so many cool ones there i feel like a real stone is probably maybe one like that something like that let's go check that out so here i'll drop this on i'm gonna hit s shrink the size down quite a bit and hit a to shrink the strength down a little bit let's shrink that size a little bit more start adding yeah that that's okay painting in just a little bit of rock let's drop that strength down more and the size even more get kind of a rough idea of what i was thinking so it would be something kind of like that for the theme and then let's add in a dirt layer too let's create some more let's call this a path create another one and use like some sort of a a ground like a dirt path type thing um i made that one do some paths up to the the big areas so oh wrong one path i think that's a little too small let's make that bigger something like that let's get our get our rough our rough paths in there um again the goal here just get them fighting i'm gonna i'm gonna draw some lines here so i can see where the where the different bases connect and just get them fighting over the over the center kind of get this figured out let's save i'm to go back into my millinote board for a second just make sure that i am not getting myself too distracted it's very easy to kind of kind of get in there so goal here set up the map as a playable level that's what we're working on i'm going to get back to making sure that it actually becomes playable now so we've got our characters there or we've got our base there we've got somewhat of a visible level let's hit play and then see if we can um build some units okay so there's our three bases got our three units i want to hit let me maximize one plate make this a little bit bigger so everybody can see it better like i can alright so these are those not my units right which ones are mine i'm blue okay so these are my units they are standing around oh that's an orc a free orc hello oh they're just attacking us okay hello there's my villager run villager [Music] i think i might need to fix my nav mesh real quick so i'm being attacked by an ore and then i can build a barracks hello what happened to my hello build a round object or building center for the warehouse hasn't been okay let's stop playing um okay couple things they need to fix one is the grid thing so if i hit play and i start to scroll around i notice that like you'll see that you can't get around all the way across the map let me show you why that is and what's going on there so go over here and i think eventually yeah i kind of kind of get limited there's a limit now i can't go all the way to the bottom here i'm holding the arrows by the way so holding it until it stops you see i go past this part of the level there goes one of the dudes and this is as far over as i can go the reason if i stop playing and go to the scene view and go into the managers there's actually a what's it called a grid manager one of these it's got a gizmo there it is movement manager so the movement manager's got this grid for dealing with movement i assume for unit logic and a couple other things grid searching for finding things that are in range and stuff but this size doesn't match right this doesn't match with um where we need it to where we need it to go so i just need to adjust these corners here so i can adjust the left corner the right corner um like that drag those out and make it cover the whole map but i need to do that while it's not playing so i'm going to stop playing drag the x over here and the y over here so it covers to the edge of the map and then for the other ones i just got to do the same and just going to drag the other two sides so take the upper corners drag it out there till it covers and the other one right here until it covers the edge there all right save that off that should allow me to move the guys i need to make sure that my nav mesh is baked still i'm gonna go back into that go to navigation and just hit the bake button one more time make sure that it's updated with the latest stuff the latest movements and things of of objects um and then look at these orcs just floating here above the ground huh where are these orcs i think i want to disable them temporarily so i'm guessing that if i look under factions nope let's just go click on one there we go free units let's uncheck them bam they're disabled all right we'll play oh the object for the building center or the warehouse i need to fix that too so let's see if i create a unit let's just make sure that that's still an issue so i go in here i can't move my guy okay is that because of this error here that popped up let's get the console log back in i'm gonna stop uncheck maximize on play play again get the console logged down locked in place and let's go take a look at the error so what's the problem here building center or build around on building requests is null let's see where this was called from again so this gets called by okay this is an npc trying to make a building okay so it's just the npc's not being able to build their buildings why can't they build their buildings oh wait why can't i build my building as a better question like i i don't even care so much about these npcs i want to know why my villager let me play again and take a look at it how long have been working on this project um well this one we started we just created a new project earlier at the beginning of the stream we were able to see it from the beginning um using a bunch of of assets and stuff and then pulling in a a map that i'd kind of drawn up right here um but overall like for the project idea in general like two weeks or so just kind of in a little bit of spare time just trying to figure out how i want to do things and uh what what i actually want to build so why is this guy not able to move what's wrong with my terrain oh i know i'm i'm blind my terrain's not on the train later probably fix all of my issues let's save the scene let's go back to collaborate let's just check that we added cartoon textures and fixed terrain and publish and make sure that i've got that in there uh somebody asked how i feel about unreal engine for a beginner um i i haven't used it as a beginner in a very long time it was pretty difficult a long time ago when i used it the first time around but it's a powerful and great engine it's relative i assume it's much much easier to to get started when from nothing in there than it used to be when i was you know getting started so i said check it out dive into it and try it out it's a good engine definitely very popular okay there we go building a barracks all right i think things might actually work let's maximize on play um interesting i'm not sure what they're getting an error for all right let's build another villager hello actually i can send that villager over to work on it that's right multiple villagers can work on a thing and make it faster so send over every new villager so right there you can just right click and add a waypoint for a new dude so you get a guy created and it'll auto go to whatever the waypoint is which is perfect all right we got five villagers building up this barracks my population is capped out so right after that they'll build up a house actually should probably start that right now start building a house as soon as that finishes they can all jump over to it and start building units and see if i can take out the enemy real quick hello all right run run run all right and you guys build a knight it's got the max builders on there okay let's go take some treasure as soon as this is done got pop slots okay and then these guys can go forage some resource actually they should probably go forward food because i probably need food there we go and now i've got i'm getting attacked [Music] oh by that tower ah okay i didn't know you could build towers let's build a tower all right tower tower tower small tower go small tower all right we're going to build out small towers to battle the enemy uh tower go work on the tower guys go make another tower uh small tower ah my building's getting destroyed hello you can repair you go attack take out that tower [Music] hello repair okay this is getting stressful now getting beat by the bots all right spearman go uh what do i need archer come on tower attack all right i'm definitely getting stomped here i'm not very good at this game even though i'm building it okay i got an archer archer can attack that knight and not kill him apparently oh run archer they shall all fall hello all right i think i might be able to win just by building up a bunch of towers let's see oh see here's that radius by the way it's got that the radius around the other buildings you can see it turning red let's put that tower up there go build go build go build hello you are a villager you are making nights and uh oh i'm out of resources oh i didn't think that was gonna happen hello so somebody was asking if uh if you can use this with determinism and lockstep from multiplayer not from what i understand with uh our rts engine in general i mean i've looked at it it's definitely not um and i'm not a hundred percent sure that that's something that i want to shoot for either it's on my list of considerations if you look at the millinoteboard um one of the things i was thinking about was where did i put that interesting problems yeah just the idea of whether or not is gonna be able to actually build an rts that's not lockstep and have it perform well and and work and i've read enough from people arguing that they're able to do it and and it's viable and works that i'm willing to give it a shot so i guess we're going to see um but yeah i'm a little bit curious about it myself but it'll definitely make the uh the development process i think quite a bit quicker if if it works out that way let's see anything else i can harvest over here nothing i guess he could go attack that he's just running away from a night now or an archer run villager run there we go i'll train him into here get him trapped there you go you fell for it stupid spear guy i just make them chase me around i go chase my villager while you get shot at by my towers this is probably not the best strategy okay i think i'm gonna stop playing now because uh it's somewhat working um and i'm definitely just gonna lose there all right um yes we are really live i think i want to just take a drink now and answer a couple questions for a few this is a oh getting a little bit worn out from all the uh all the running around in here and looking at stuff so somebody asked what's an rts rts is just a real-time strategy game it's just a game where you control a bunch of usually a bunch of units and move them around battle and try to take out the enemy and the goal here is to build an rts that's kind of like command and conquer generals zero hour where you've got a bunch of different teams and units doing somewhat realistic sci-fi destruction and battles and then somewhat of a mix of fortnite style stuff where you've got some time limiting aspects of a storm that's shrinking in bringing everybody together and making them kind of fight in the center of the map and i already kind of pulled up the map let me just bring it up again for people who haven't seen or weren't here when we were putting in and pulling in the map and this is essentially kind of the uh that's not a very visible way to see the map um this is essentially what the map is supposed to look like if i can get it to show up do i have that quad shown in front of it what's what's going on here is my map looking all all grayed out but something's shown in front of it uh oh i bet it's like the the airtrain object or something no uh it says well this is basically the map though so four sides with a center area and then people fighting over the middle that's kind of the goal with a storm that shrinks in over the middle and then you've got paces here right now i'm using the the built-in kind of pre-given units for rts engine and then we're going to swap over to the other ones that i've got in this project later on once they get the core functionality done this is more of a test to make sure that the functionality was going to work to be able to swap them once that's done though i'm gonna um once they get the main gameplay loop going then we'll swap it back to these actual units so i want to get kind of a a really simple gameplay loop going and i've kind of got that already started in there um where we can see some units going in battle and then i want to do the i guess now that the loop kind of works already i want to do the replacing of units and i guess that's kind of where we're at right because let's go into the detailed tasks so it's playable and i mean it's not great but it definitely works so and then i even tested it versus an npc and got my butt kicked so i think that the next part will be verifying a game loss i probably should have done that i'll move that over to in progress or one of the things i need to do really soon or next and then going through and actually doing one army and creating a tank and i kind of want to do a little bit of design work here on what what the armies will look like what they're going to be or at least what one of them is going to look like and what a couple of the units are going to be so i think the first i'm really kind of up in the air but i think that the first thing that i want to make is a simple like a medium level tech unit where i've got a or a set of units we've got construction unit um and then a single like infantry style unit that goes around collecting resources and another one that shoots in either an infantry unit or a vehicle that does it i'm kind of not sure may i do a vehicle like a tank and a harvester or a tank and a builder think i'll do a tank and a builder will be kind of the the next step so let's go add that into the detailed tasks so we'll go um choose tank or choose initial tank first tank we're going to pick out the first tank implement first tank unit because this is going to be one that shoots um and i've got to figure out the shooting the projectiles and all that which i assume will kind of come nearly from the archer and stuff that takes some of the stuff from there from the siege engine example that they've got but i don't want to do this until i switch to rts engine 2. so i also want to put upgrade to rts engine 2.0 and experime i probably want to do a little experimenting with that too so really my implement part is probably going to go later on that'll be one of the things i'll do after i go through this upgrade and experiment choosing the tank though i could definitely do and then choose construction unit and i think that's it so i'll give them each a construction unit oh wait do i need not a construction i think i want a harvesting unit so i want to choose a harvester choose a tank and then i'll get those implemented once i switch the rts engine and then have them battle i think that that seems like a good solid plan how does fog make the players lose oh is their main build okay so somebody's asking about how the storm would kill the units or how that would actually work in in the idea so if we go back up part of it is the core idea was that you'd pull things down or kill people with the storm so if we're going to i think it's in my not not that one which one was it in buildings one of these boards i'd actually put in um i think this one just my mixed board oh yeah and this one so essentially the thought was with the storm like you build up around those edges of the map like let's go into unity right so you build up around the this is the the wrong instance of unity sorry you build up around those edges or when you come in you could build up on these little platforms and there will be lots of resources kind of scattered around the edge right and then maybe halfway through the timers what i was thinking the storm will come in and start to kill everything that's in those areas slowly creep in and i'm thinking it'll just be like a a slow creep over time not so much a timed and then move and timed and move but just a very slow creeping in overtime that will destroy anything or do damage to anything in that area so basically like let's shrink down the size of the map until the map eventually gets to here and all of the stuff outside of that map would get destroyed now i was thinking a couple options one is making things so that you can move some of the buildings so maybe some teams just can move all their buildings some can move some um make it so you can sell buildings a really common thing in rts is you could sell them for half price get your money back and and recoup it you still have some loss there but it's the the cost of building right outside on the edge next to the resources and then the other option having like some special units that could maybe pick up and move buildings but overall the goal is like you know build out there quickly and then you know very soon get into the middle and take over the middle or fight for the middle and be the last one standing there again it could be terrible i mean i don't know maybe it's just yeah a boring concept and it's not fun when it's done but it seems like it'll be interesting all right um i'll take a couple more questions see i got a question for you what's the opt-out age for someone trying to get into the industry um i have no idea i've i've never seen what i mean i've seen people get into the industry at all different ages from super young to super old and pretty much everywhere in between just have to really want to do it and be into it and yeah be passionate i think uh someone's asking what the tool was i was using that's miller note highly highly recommended they sponsored this stream by the way and another video that i did is there the tool is amazing i literally like i use it every day for not just this stuff but i use it for my video planning and um some other day-to-day stuff other outside of development project planning things but i primarily use it a lot for just game design stuff and game planning and project planning for my games but i use it for a couple other things i i really like it so so when you lose you have no soldiers and buildings essentially yeah that's kind of the goal is once you've run out of units and buildings you're dead so then you lose if you still have a research or a builder they can go out and make another building then hey you can be the last one alive i guess but get the idea all right um oh make an idea getting only getting game ideas from my room yes that would be fun i have a lot of fun just decorating the room so i do when i get uh overwhelmed or sick or something else to start decorating and and relax and and put in all the stuff i like all right will you try streaming on twitch i've considered it but i haven't seen from what i understand there's not a whole lot of game dev stuff going on there on twitch so it didn't seem like a great spot for it but it's something i would probably do sometime soon maybe at least stream to multiple sources did you ever do any modeling in blender no because i am a terrible terrible artist and terrible at modeling i know people who are great artists that work in blender but i am definitely not one see any other questions that pop up if not i think i'm going to go grab some food i'm getting really hungry and we'll resume this sometime later on this week put those units in actually i think maybe i'll check out rts engine 2.0 um in the next day or two and then we'll dive in maybe do an update to that version and then start putting in some custom units and then have them going around and one of the things i'd like to do relatively soon too is jump into the multiplayer aspect get the network part up and just do some builds really early on i don't want to wait until everything's all up and running i want to get get the process of doing a multiplayer build and maybe have a couple people just hop on and join into a battle and just see that things are working before diving too deep into it i don't want to like go down the route and then find out oh yeah i can't actually get anything to work or or that you're doing something totally stupid and making it more difficult for yourself so i try to do some testing of that maybe and then probably not this week maybe next week or the week after that though i think it would be fun all right um sounds like a cool concept you planning on releasing it definitely if i'm gonna use it i mean if i'm gonna finish it or continue on with it i will definitely release it i mean the plan right now is to do that so we'll see how it goes and if things change but assuming the game is fun and interesting yeah i definitely want to release it get it out there and see it uh assuming i'm not the only person that thinks it's fun right and why not use restream to stream on all the platforms i might do that the problem i end up with restream is that it kind of lowers the quality of the shared stuff so if i can do that without it losing some quality on there so you can see the desktop and see the code well then i might just go that route um any tips for making time outside of work for game dev when programming and for work exhaust you that is a tough one it gets difficult when you're like exhausted and want to get into coding you've been coding all day long um do it early so in my opinion like for me i get the best stuff done at the beginning of the day and i would bet that probably in that same case and that most of the time that stuff is uh work work related what i would try to do and see if it's possible is see if you can adjust your schedule to get up earlier and do a bit of the game dev work before going to actual work so you're having fun with it entertaining and stuff and then going to work it might make going into work kind of stuck more because you go from doing something fun to something that might not be as fun depending on on the day at work but um try something like that try to just rearrange and reorganize the schedule so that you're doing it at your peak times that you're doing the the fun thing that you love or that you want to do and get better at when you're kind of freshest and then save the the more mundane stuff i assume most of the time work stuff becomes relatively mundane throughout not always but when you're doing development stuff it becomes pretty standard and you can kind of do that without all the energy and motivation so you do that as the second part um what else he had a couple more questions uh is player hosted multiplayer too large for a goal in developing my first game yes i would not start with a multiplayer game let's start with single-player game without a doubt yeah i mean i've built a bunch of multiplayer games worked on a bunch of mmos and i still get very hesitant at the idea of making something multiplayer i mean even if you get it working and you get it right and get it all figured out it's going to take you maybe five times longer than than a single player game if i was just building this rts as a single player thing didn't need to worry about it at all it would probably take me as well about maybe a quarter of the time um you know it it takes a lot more time and energy to make something multiplayer i would not start there start with single player and then build up once it's fun and you've got a couple things that you know are fun then go for the multiplayer experience um what networking solution do you plan to use i'm going to use mirror in here they've got a mirror integration example already set up so i'm going to use that unless that's changed for rts engine 2 then that's my plan just stick with that see how it works and again unless it doesn't work and i run into problems i'll just use that and stick with it if i run into problems and i have to change it then i'll deal with that later let's see what else we got here do you recommend a game development course on the internet um i mean i recommend my own that are linked down below there are probably quite a few there's also lots of free youtube videos and youtube courses out there and if you go to my link down below and you go to the beginner section there's actually a free course there that goes through game development stuff too with a bunch of quizzes and tests and stuff to make sure that you're kind of following along and and a bunch of free art assets too that my buddy frank made let's see what else we got um do you need testers i not yet but definitely will so as soon as you get into the multiplayer stuff or actually having a little bit of content and a little bit of good implemented design then without a doubt and i'll be talking about that in here i'm sure and sending out emails and stuff uh what's your game dev diet for productivity it's right here rockstar and protein bars that's pretty much it which reminds me i should probably get into one of those pretty soon uh yeah that's pretty much the diet i love that little desk or that table thing it's a little mini fridge too so it keeps these things cool i've been trying to figure out where to put it forever to make it fit into the shot and glad that it finally works all right um so let's see please tips for game ideas i don't have any great tips for game ideas i think i'm not not the best designer this is the best one i've got so far what other rts games have you been into over the years um a lot of them i played through the total war ones the warhammer stuff was a lot of fun supreme commander was a blast when that came out didn't really stay into it too much the age of empire series all of them and commander conquer for sure i mean commander conqueror was by far my favorite and then um civilization ones they're not rts but semi similar are another one of the ones that have played semi recently uh outside of that i try to look at all of the different rts's and just kind of like loosely play them for a minute or watch a video on them and then if they look interesting play them but i struggle to find one that's perfect so it's a good question there's there's a lot of method if anybody has a good suggestion too i'd love to hear it too if you got an idea for an rts that's worth looking at or worth diving into and taking a look at i'd love to check that out um let's see what else we got here planning to get a gamedev computer any recommendations the primary ones get a reliable solid-state drive so good ssd that's not going to die don't get um i look at the the reviews of it and make sure that it's not going to be uh likely to fail right because that's the problem you want to make sure one that that's going to keep around oh stellaris got mentioned in chat yeah that's when i played oh and uh stellar warfare just came out on steam another cool one made by another dude in unity really cool check it out um i'll probably do a stream talking about that one pretty soon too i mean to do it for a while um oh i lost my train of thought there what was i going to say oh for a computer so ssd for sure um cpu kind of matters i mean i'd go for like an i5 or maybe not an i5 but a an amd would have been on amd cpus for quite a while i'd probably go with one of the amd newer newer series but i mean it doesn't make a huge difference um it's going to be more for just a little bit on compilation time the ssd will matter more 16 gigs of ram if you can get more cool if not then 16 i would say is probably a good minimum and i don't know outside of that some sort of an nvidia or uh amd gpu one maybe not the latest gen because they're ridiculously overpriced right now and everything but whatever you can find that's that's reasonable um one of their gaming video cards so that things actually are rendering like they would render for somebody on it on a gaming system but yeah i wouldn't go with the highest end system on that or anything and you can do this from a desktop for sure it's way cheaper if you go desktop route but i mean you can also do some dev stuff on a laptop it's just it's just going to end up a bit slower just remember like when you're clicking on things and hitting play and doing builds and things that would be a little bit slower but um i mean and somebody mentioned in chat don't buy a computer right now it's expensive they are definitely higher priced now than normally i have no idea if that's going to change though and go back down or what's going on there but yeah it's a ssd is my main thing and 16 gigs of ram all right let's see what else did we have for questions uh what books do you recommend for game development i've got um right there the uh can you see it there the art of game oh you can't see it the art of game design one i really like that book and with the uh the little cards too the cards are fun i think i might pull those out during the uh the next one when i actually get into some design stuff because they're pretty handy for just going through the the process um oh yeah and somebody else on the dev system big monitor or multiple monitors get two screens or right now what i'm using is one big giant screen that goes from here to here the 49 inch i love this thing if you can get it go with a 49 inch ultra wide but other than that just two reasonable size screens so you can see your code and see your game side by side uh without having any issue i've been a big fan of using two monitors for decades now and i mean i used three monitors for at least a decade and then eventually was able to switch to this one that replaces three which is a great option as well so if you can get an ultra wide 49 inch one and it'll fit go with that otherwise get just get at least two monitors um obviously this one's a bit extreme but it made sense for the youtube stuff it works great as a thing in a youtube thumbnail too all right so let's see anything else where to learn coding shaders i'm not sure what it what's a good place and what are we talking about right now i just going over q a and questions from chat so if anybody's got a couple more questions i'll take those and then i think i'm gonna wrap it up and go grab some food real quick and um see what my wife was just sending me check these lights for some reason the light right there you can see um where is it at right there that one is not syncing up and i can't change the uh can't change the color on it it's not working i don't know what's going on all the other lights are working but that one doesn't show up nothing at all no no ceiling light there's controls for all the other ones so anyway take a look you should have a couple more questions and then we'll be good uh what's the screen model it's uh i don't know but it's the lg 49-inch ultra wide one i think they only have one of it and it was a white and it matched with the office perfect oh freya has a good series on shaders that doesn't surprise me at all she's got good series on just about everything jason story just mentioned that thanks jason um rules of play is a great book i haven't seen that one let me check that out rules of play game design fundamentals okay so that's um just switch and pull it up real quick this looks like it's this one right here rules of play we got a paperback and a hard cover interesting yeah i'll check this out add this one to the list i've not read it yet let's see do you how do you plan a development of a game oh i generally like like i was showing earlier i plant them with uh a lot of loose notes in boards that i slowly kind of put together and and build into a plan and then eventually create a game design dock and put that in there as well and i kind of went through that a little bit you see on the replay of the stream you go through and see some of the stuff that i've already put together for the planning there um how do i get an internship i would say you need to apply for it first and have something that you can show that first show that you're really interested in the project and the product that you're applying on because interns are generally like if they're not super into the project they're less likely to be useful on it and less likely to get into it so you want to be interested and into it and be able to show that but also show the value that you're going to be able to bring to it and a lot of companies to be fair only do internships through organizations so they do it like through a college or some other organization that they've got it set up with where they they do the internship so it just depends on on where the what the company is and how they've got their stuff going so look at the company look at what their process is for the internship and then that'll get you in although i would um i mean if you can just go in for a junior position instead of an internship and skip the entire intern position and idea it's great if you're in college and they're able to get it for you but it's not something that i would go actively looking for outside of there to try to just find a junior position instead it would be more permanent probably easier to find and there's less of the legal and technical issues that come up with internships when you're doing it that way so the internships tend to be yeah i think harder probably harder to get than a junior game dev job unless you've got and somebody that's setting up the internships for you to get into them again been a long time since i looked into this stuff and tried to do it so it could be way off but it's just my experience so let's see what advice would you give to somebody who likes making games but hates marketing slash advertising them ah two well one learn to love marketing and advertising the game as much as it um as much as you might not want to do it uh it's important and it's possible that you can go from hating it to maybe not loving it but not hating it completely and it doesn't take that long it just takes a bit of researching and kind of learning about the process and seeing what that's like and how you can do it without seeming or being like a used car sales mix i think a lot of times people think of marketing and selling their game as being like a used car salesman saying hey buy my game buy my game buy my game it's the best game ever you need to buy my game and it doesn't have to be that way you can definitely go completely different routes that are generally a lot better and i say if you do a little bit of research into it you might find that you hate it a little bit less do a little bit of reading on a couple different marketing books you'll see like at least in my experience it's made it quite a bit better and also just consider maybe working with somebody else who is into the design side or into some other part of the game development and likes the marketing not necessarily that only likes the marketing because they're probably not going to contribute too much to your game unless you know your game is at that point where it's at the scale where you just need somebody fully on marketing but maybe somebody who likes to do that and does other things um and bringing them into but i would say try reading a couple books on it um try reading like uh influence the good book on on marketing stuff um what was another one there's a there are a couple good but if anybody's got good marketing books just on how to get into it and doing it without it being a stressful nightmare link them in the chat please i'd be kind of curious or in the comments if it's uh if you watch this later also if you're still watching live please hit the thumbs up button we're going to wrap things up in just a second so i want to um yeah beg for those real quick is there anything else here guys any idea on how to make a shield system which allows three hits then the shield is disabled oh yeah so i mean in that case the simplest thing would be like a a script that has a collider on it that's a trigger they just on trigger enters three times and then disables and prevents the thing from hitting i it depends a little bit on what your system looks like but essentially i just intercept the part where you take damage and instead of taking damage or in before taking damage check to see if there's an invulnerability shield and then either decrement that shield or call tell that shield to like take a hit and reduce itself and then when that gets down to zero go back through your your normal flow so if that shield hit then you basically bail out of the damage flow be one easy way to do it all right uh mathematics very important in game development what do you think jason not so much math is come here poodle wild dog that's gonna lose her mind here um it's somewhat important when it it's very important when it comes to the rendering stuff and a lot of the lower level development stuff that you'll do a lot of the engine work that you'll do and rendering stuff that you'll do can can be pretty math heavy but in general most of the game development work that you'll do is very light on math you see that maybe you use complex math once every other week now it's not something too complicated and most of the time you can just search for the answer and kind of figure it out i'm definitely not a math wizard myself and i've never really had too much of a problem it doesn't hurt there's definitely benefit being good at math it can help but it's not something that's um extremely important her name is bella and she's losing her mind because my wife got back and she can see her out there and she can't handle the fact that she's locked in here with me all right let's see what other question that was the answer to the name of my dog sorry i didn't read the question there um let's go through a couple more any book recommendations for how to design a puzzle game no but i'll ask selim in our next call i think that that that's a good question for him he probably has some suggestions for that or jason story might have one all right i think that's the end of the questions there so i'm just going to wrap this up by saying thanks again i hope this was helpful and you guys learned a little bit about terrain stuff and rts stuff and we'll be back to do some more with the latest rts engine put in the units and you know kind of follow through with the rest of my uh my millinote plan that i've got there so if you're interested in that make sure that you like subscribe or just leave a comment and say hello and something i don't know i'm gonna take a breath go get some food and then we'll be back into streaming um either maybe probably not today probably sometime later on this week so just keep an eye out make sure that you're subscribed and you'll see it when it pops up all right thanks again everybody and i will um see you soon again don't forget to hit up i hit all the buttons follow the um the advice of the thumbs up where are you the thumbs up button right there can i line that up all right thanks again you
Channel: Jason Weimann
Views: 16,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity3d, unity, gamedev, game dev, rts, real time strategy, unity game dev, unity 3d, programming, c#, asset store, brackeys, dani, unity3d college, learn to code
Id: tpJ1_EG_J3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 45sec (9525 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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