Building a Table Saw Sled, Live Episode 18: Conclusion

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hi folks the topic of our last live workshop was making a table saw slid and we didn't get it completely finished so rather than wait I thought we would do this video and finish it off so we glued on this front fence and that's had plenty of time to set now I'm gonna I'm going to reinforce it with some screws I'm gonna use number eight spy I think there instance recorder tell you for sure actually they're twos so that'll give me inch and a quarter into the hardwood which is plenty she want to avoid where the saw blade is gonna be which is right about here my dull pencil right about here so I'll go right here here here this one over here keep this one over here and about every three and a half four inches it's probably overkill but make sure you countersink those heads we don't end up scratching here table saw top [Music] [Applause] okay let me finish this off and then we'll just come back when putting this group okay now remember this is gonna get cut in half as soon as we use it so this piece on the backside I made out of pine but it'll give us lots of support not critical that it be lined up in any particular way but I do want lots of glue on both surfaces Mohsen of that tape 9 so right there now put a couple of clamps on that okay zip that over [Music] and the blade is right there so get your side I'm not bothering to put any in this way cause it's almost inevitable it'll split the MDF okay take the clamps off you know neatness counts left saw marks on that bottom edge accidentally so we'll just take my shoulder plane one more there for what it took I'm just gonna cut a Christian fur on that bottom edge just in case you have to pick it up that way it's you not grab them that sharp edge now actually I'm gonna do this over on the I'm gonna put this in place now we'll put our piece of plywood on there that's going to should run that over there's our blade with that same spot and I'll bring that just up off the bottom a little bit I'm just gonna what should we do [Applause] just if it's not resting on the bottom and creating any drag there's my blade just put a mark right there so I'll route this edge this edge this edge this edge this edge down here and that edge and down to there on that edge that that same little quarter round I'm not quarter round chamfer bit just enough to take that sharp art sharpness off [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay blue can we handle 2-inch not on that go with inch and a half I didn't want this too big because then it gets in the way when you're trying to hold small pieces but it has to be tall enough and stable that's why plywood not a piece of solid wood to hold everything together so you'll end up having just this piece and that strip up above the height of the blade over back there that's tying the whole thing together you grab a couple clamps best loose predator is measure that and get it centered 11 so 5 1/2 sighs all that you know if we stay sure actually better not I don't end up blowing through all right give me a minute I'm just going to go in adjust this so it not so deep and then we'll put one two three four five six seven eight screws on there to hold it [Applause] [Applause] this one okay now I'm going to give that a little bit of time to dry and then the next thing we need to do is go in and adjust with a scraper I'll show you how to do that those runners so that there's no drag we don't want any slop but we don't want any drag I'll show you what I mean just a couple of places where it catches but they'll actually show marks on the runners and we can go in there with a scraper and just fine-tune that so that slides nicely don't want any resistance at all it just makes it too awkward when you're having to push against that resistance and then it finally you push hard enough that lets go and you're zipping through your piece and you may cause a little bit of tear out all right give that we'll give that 20 minutes to set up and then we'll go ahead and finish this off all right I'm just gonna use a chisel as a scraper now I've got some glue to get rid of if you're wondering what those big burn marks and you didn't see the SD episode I hadn't given the glue enough time to dry and these rails came off or came loose so we had to screw them in from the other side and I wanted to make sure I had lots of screw in the wood so I came all the way through with a longer than needed screw and we just used the angle grinder to flush it off not pretty but if I can think of something to do with him I will okay so I'm gonna take the handle off of this one of the advantages of these IBC chisels this is back that in place and just run it back and forth it's not bad just sticks in a few spots so we flipped that over probably good that I use that Osage orange because it stands out really good you can see marks like that and that's actually a somber n-- [Applause] it's some more glue over here get rid of now every time you take a little bit off it's going to affect or may affect how tight it is on the other one so before I do that one I'm gonna put it back in place so when I push that through just get sticky right there don't see oh yeah a little bit right there you see I'm talking about that little dark mark just because this one is fairly big I'm gonna come in here and take a little bit of it off still sticky right there at the end tight no no side to side slop a little bit right there [Applause] you're glue a little bit right there I see red there and I just wondering if that throat plate is a little bit high obviously it has to be in order for it to be picking up paint [Music] now I'm gonna grab my plane and just knock those sharp corners off and then we'll also wax the bottom and that that may solve it [Applause] [Applause] she's gonna use a paste wax you know I'm just rub this all over the bottom just happened to come out of the can like this it normally is more of a pace but it's maybe a bit dried out another thing I'm gonna do too is I'm gonna cut that little chamfer all the way around too just so you don't know those sharp corners they get beat up real easy and to make it easier to handle I kind of had just a finger hole in the last one and it made it a lot easier to carry now once I get this on I've got to buff it off or else it'll get sticky but I want to get right in nice side of these rails those black marks really bother me but suppose I could take a belt sander to them I don't want to risk taking a plane hitting the end of that screw alright let me buff this off and they'll pick it up there okay that's clean enough when the rag starts to slide easy then you know you've got the excess material off okay no more need to be done no slop slides easy doesn't that's good perfect okay now let's go in and just do the finishing touches on this I want a grab hole right about there I'll set that up let's we're going to cut through it first I hope I knew what those fries were [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so if you take the time and build that accurately you to pay you back every time you use like I said this is just to protect those otherwise sharp corners I need some power [Music] [Applause] you go do the top side as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay now I need about a two inch okay you get the balance point we're gonna moved here now that's heavy enough I will clamp that in place that line up Jake there this makes such a mess I got another clamp there you may as well use it [Music] comfort [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Andy okay there you have it crosscut sled serve you for a long time and when it does get beat up you know that a lot of materials to go make another one hope you enjoyed this see in the shop soon
Views: 6,564
Rating: 4.8969955 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, handtools, dovetail, rob cosman, handplanes, hand saw, sharpening, table saw sled, power tools, wood, crosscut, php
Id: P_cYoiP7KOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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