Building a Spring Fed Pond - Day 1

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a few days ago i was uh down here repairing a washout and um in the dam on this detention pond it's down in one of the lower parts of our land and while i was digging i found a a wet spot um a little bit of water seeping up so i waited a few days and came back and uh i had this so um the spring's obviously flowing pretty well um so i'm gonna go ahead and actually turn this into a real pond um in order to do that though the first thing i'm gonna have to do is uh i'm gonna have to haul a bunch of dirt out of here um as you can see there's not really anywhere around here to stack it up uh it's gonna take a bunch of dirt out of there to turn this into anything so um i'm gonna have to cut a railroad down here and uh make a turn around for the dump truck so we can get the dump truck in and haul stuff out of here i'm gonna go ahead along that ridge line there um we'll probably go to the the edge of that green there and dig dig out that far maybe a little bit further we'll see what the soil is like um and then on that ridge there we'll make a make a road over on the other side up here where it gets a little bit narrower just past that pile of pile of trees i'm going to make a uh a road for the dump truck to cross back over and then be able to head back up the hill um so i guess today i'm going to work on is uh is getting getting that crossover bridge built and uh making a road down along that ridge line or along that ridge so the dump truck will be able to turn around and then the next thing i'll have to do is cut a road up the hill okay so i made myself a little bridge here it's a little wider than i'm going to need for the dump truck i figured the excavator excavator will fit the dump truck will definitely fit excavated 11 foot dump trucks eight um when i was digging out to uh build this little bridge i found some more water this is at a higher level than than the other spot is and uh this was flowing a whole lot faster than it was down there so um this is pretty promising i think we're gonna end up at the pond at a much higher level than than what we have over there so uh have myself a nice little road here got myself a nice little road here to circle around with the dump truck gonna have to come down here with this good steering clean this up a little bit and grade it some excavators really not the best tool for that and um we've obviously got a lot more trees in here now there and there's a big pile of them right here that we're going to have to deal with i think i'll probably end up trucking those up and burning them um but at any rate i'm going to be able to circle the dump truck all the way around here now and that'll make it much much easier so i'll probably end up taking some trees out along that edge over there um take that back a little bit definitely get the cedars out just leave the oaks i'll probably just mulch that though i don't pull them up with the excavator and um that'll give us some more room to work with in here when we're running the equipment got a little bit of wind in here kind of cleaning that water up nice and it's nice and clear looks really good i think it's gonna like i said this can end up being a really nice little pond when it's when it's all done
Channel: The Nunya Ranch
Views: 4,154
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: TpQdhekE4DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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